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1、初中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji八年级上册英语第单元检测题班级姓名学号等级、单项选择。()1. Sep 1dh isDay.A. Teacher sB. Teachers'C. TeacherD. the Teachers'()2. Anny likes fruits,she doesn' t like vegetables.A. butB. andC. orD. also()3.grandmother often cooks delicious food for.A. She, herB. Her, sheC. Her, herD. She, she(

2、)4. Doing morning exercises is good our health.A. toB. withC. forD. at()5. Wego out to eat dinner, but not very often.A. sometimesB. alwaysC. usuallyD. never()6. Do you think he hashealthy style?A. anB. aC. theD. /()7. Ed' s pents want himlots of healthy food every day.A. eatB. eatingC. eatsD. t

3、o eat()8. do you read English?-Every evening.A. How longB. How oftenC. How manyD. How much()9. 一does Marie do on weekends? She usually plays basketball.A. letsB.makesC. hasD. wants()14. His father was ill, so he had tohim at home.A. look afterB. look atC. look forD. look like A. Where B.What C. WhyD

4、. How()10. How often does your brother go to the movies?.A. Six daysB. Once a week C. For two days D. Three times()11. What can Bill and Cindy do?-Bill can playsoccer and Cindy can playpiano.A. the, theB. /, /C. the, /D. /, the()12. What do you think of the girl?-She isfriendly.A. goodB. niceC. pret

5、tyD. many()13.My teacherus to clean the classroom before class.A. wantB.wantsC. to wantD.wanted()14.They are going to have a picnicnext week.A.sometimeB. some timeC.sometimesD.some times()15.My little sister is tryingan elephant there.A. drawB. to drawC. to drawingD. draws二、完形填空1_is a result of the

6、student activity survey at our school. Most students exercise three orfourtimes2week. Some students exercise once3twice a week. Somestudents exercise every day. 4 homework, most students 5 homework every day. Some students dohomework three or four times a week. Most students do homework every day. 6

7、 students do homework once or twice a week.The result for“ watch TV7 ”is Some students watch TV once or twice a week. Somewatch TV three or four8 a week. But most students watch TV every day.9 think it,shelpful for them10_ TV. They can be relaxed and learn much knowledge( 知识)by watchingTV.()1. A. He

8、reB. ThereC. Here ' sD. There ' s()2. A. aB. anC. theD. /()3. A. andB. butC. orD. so()4. A. WithB. ByC. ToD. As for()5. A. didB. doC. doesD. doing()6. A. NotB. NoC. No ofD. No one()7. A. interestingB. interestsC. interestedD. interest()8. A. timeB. timesC. a timeD. some time()9. A. TheyB. Th

9、eirC. ThemD. Theirs()10. A. watchB. to watchC. watchesD. watching三、阅读理解AThe best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible(尽可能的多).Sometimes you get your words mixed up(混合)and people don't understand you. Sometimes people sa

10、y things too quickly and you can 't understand them . But if you keep your sense of humor( 幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes (错误)you make. Don't be unhappy if people laugh at your mistakes. It s better for people to laugh at your mistake than to be angry with you, because

11、 they don't understand whatyou are saying. The most important thing for learning English is Don't be afraid of making mistakes/,()1. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is.A. writing B. using it C. listening it D. learning grammar ()2. What should you do in learni

12、ng English?A. Be careful not to make any mistakes B. Write as quickly as you canC. Speak English as much as you can D. Laugh more often ()3. When people laugh at your mistakes ,you should.A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy ()4. When you make a mistake ,you should.A. keep quiet B.

13、get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor ()5. The story tells us ”.A. only foolish(愚蠢)people make mistakes B. few people make mistakes C. people never make any mistakesD. there is no one who doesn't make any mistakesBJim is a very busy 8-year-old boy. He is good at many kinds of sports.

14、It is (A)to see that Jim is very active after school. In contrast( 相比之下),while most American children are in school, they have a PE class just (B)每周一次 for 45 minutes. Boys and girls from Grade 1 to Grade 12 do not have to exercise.Not all American children are (C) as active in sports after school as

15、 Jim is.Therefore, these boys and girls need to exercise in school. Many people believe that (D) 美国孩子们的健康 is in trouble.In fact, 40% of children aged 5 to 8 may be unhealthy already. For example, many are overweight. Doctors believe that these are the results of physical inactivity and poor diet ( 饮

16、食).In many countries in the world , all schoolchildren have to do one hour of exercise every day. These exercises do not have to be team sports.(E) They may not be difficult , such as running or jumping. Doctors believe that habits learned early are more probable to stay with us all our lives. Schoo

17、l is the good place to learn these habits , or practices. Active , healthy children who exercise often can become active, healthy adults( 成年人) 6.在(A)空白处填入一个适当的单词:7 .将划线(B)译成英语.8 .将划线(C)译成汉语.9 .将划线(D)译成英语.10 .将划线(E)改写成 they difficult, such as running or jumping.四、词汇考查 A.根据句意和首字母提示,完成句中所缺单词。 1. The ol

18、d grandpa is in poor h. 2. He is so tired that he can h walk any farther.3. Smoking is a bad h. 4. Is his lifestyle the same as yours or d? 5. His favorite p is Lucky 52.6. Mr Green was late for work as a r of the rain. 7. I m p healthy.8 .Most children like to go to the I Bars(网吧).9 .Healthy lifest

19、yle helps us get good g. 10.How many hours does your father e every day?B.选词填空。 maybe meansinteresting loves has leaves grow ones any wereEverybody 11 oranges. They are sweet , so it is12 to eat them. Some oranges do nothave 13 seeds (种子).The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of green14_. The s

20、mallwhite flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree 15 flowers and fruit at the same time. There 16 orange trees twenty million years ago. The oranges were very small not like the 17 today. The orange tree18 came from China. Many different kinds of wild oranges 19in China today. The Chinese started t

21、o raise(栽培)orange trees about 4,400 years ago. In English, orange 20 a fruit and a color. We use the name of the fruit for the color. C.用动词的适当形式填空 21. Are the people(shop)? 22. Why you(call) him Sam?23. Would you like(drink) coffee? Yes , I d love to. 24. Sunday(be) the first day of a week. 25. He t

22、ries( find) his lost dog. 五、句型转换 1 .Eating a lot of vegetables help us to keep in good health.( 同义句转换 ) Eating a lot of vegetables help us to.2 .She often does her homework in the evening.She often her homework in the evening.3. My brother exercises three or four times a week.(对划线部分提问) does your bro

23、ther exercise?4. We usually go to school by bike.(改为一般疑问,并作否定回答)you usually to school by bike ? No ,.5. I think reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.( 改为否定句 )I reading in the sun bad for your eyes.六、补全对话(Mike and John finished swimming ) M=Mike , J=JohnM: How nice the water is ! But I m feeling a

24、 little hungry now. J: Sounds good .M: (2).J: Yes , there is .A.Shall we have something to eat?B.I agree with you.C.Where is the supermarket?D.Is there a supermarket near here?E.How long does it take?F.How far is it?G.What kind of music do you like?M: (3)J: Its only five minutes ' walk. Let'

25、s go .M: OK. Oh, I nearly forgot my MP3.J: (4)M: Pop music. How about you?J: Light music. I think it can make me relax.M: (5)七、书面表达。(根据以下问题,写一篇短文,告诉大家怎样保持健康)1. Is it important to keep healthy?2. What can we do to keep healthy?3. What is your favorite sport?4. How often do you exercise?八年级上册英语第二单元检测题

26、班级 姓名 学号单项选择()1. All the cars stop when the traffic light is red.A. can B. need C. may D. should()2. In of China, spring is usually very short.A. many B. much C. few D. a little()3.-What' s with you?-1 have a cold.A. matter B. a matter C. the trouble D. the wrong ( )4.That meat is dear. Don'

27、 t buy it.A. too much ; much too B. much too ; much tooC. too much; too much D. much too ; too much ()5.be late again.A. Try not to B. Don;t try toC. Try dont to D. Try not to()6.Do you think it s going to rain over the weekend ?A. I don't think it. B. I don;t thinkC.I think not so D.I don;t thi

28、nk so.()7.It S good hello to your teachers when you meet them.A. saying B. to say C. speaking D. to speak ()8.I was ill yesterday. I hope you are better now.A. Best wishes B. Bad luckC. Nice to meet you D. Im sorry to hear that ()9. I feel tired, I don't have time for a rest.You should take, I t

29、hink.A. healthB. exercise C. lessonD. time()10.What your sister have just now?Some noodles.A. wasB. does C. did D. is()11. The weather in Beijing is that in Hainan.A. different B. different to C. different from D.difference()12. There is milk in the fridge. Let 's go shopping.A. a fewB. fewC. a

30、littleD. little()13. People who are and angry must eat too much yang food.A. stressedB. stressed ofC. stressed out D. stressed in()14.My baby is ill. Please give some.A. advice B. advicesC, problem D. problems()15.is here. Class begins!A. Anyone B. SomeoneC. Everyone D. No one二、完形填空Tom's father

31、1. It was Saturday. Tom was on the way to the hospital 2 his father. The hospital was very far, so he 3 take a bus.When he got to the bus stop, there were already 4 people there. They were standing in line and 5 a bus. The bus was late. Tom 6 want to wait in his queue( 对; 列).He went to the front and

32、 stood there.One of 7 people said to him, You mustn't _8_the queue ,boy.”With a red face Tom said _9_ and went to the end of the line. Soon the bus came .All people10_the bus.()1. A. i lledB. is ill C. was ill D. was illed()2. A. seeB. look C. watch D. have a look()3.A. hadB. had to C. has to D.

33、 don't need()4.A. muchB. a lotC. many D. lots()5.A.waited B. waiting C. wait for D. waiting for()6A.does not B. did not C. can not D. was not()7.A.aB. anC. theD./()8.Ajump B. jump off C. take D. take to()9.A.good B. happy C. surprised D. sorry(三、)10.A.got up B. got off C. got on D. got in阅读理解AOn

34、e day a man went to see a doctor. After the doctor looked him over carefully , he said tothe man, “Well , there is nothing much wrong with you , but I'm afraid you have a problem .Youworry too much. A few days ago I had a man with the same trouble as you .He was worried because he didn't pay

35、 his tailor s bill (裁缝工钱 ).I told him not to worry about that any longer . He followed me , and when he came to see me again , he told me he felt well again.”'Yes , I know all about this :' answered the man sadly . You see , fm that man s tailor.”()1. The story took place(发生).A. at a shop B.

36、 in a hospital C. at a factory D. at the tailor's()2.The doctor told the tailor that.A. there was something wrong with his head B. something was wrong with his eyesC. he worried too muchD.he was eating too much()3.The earlier patient(病人)told the doctor that he was worried because.A. he had a bad

37、 coldB. he hurt himselfC. he didn't pay his tailor's billD. his tailor didn't make him a coat.()4.The doctor told earlier patient not .A. to worry about the bill any longerB. to take a restC. to pay the bill at onceD. not to listen to him()5.The tailor was worried because.A. he couldn

38、9;t sleep wellB. he had a coldC. the earl ier patient didn 't pay him D. his head hurtBDave married(结婚),and when his new wife saw the clothes in his cupboard (衣柜),she said , “Dave , you have only one good shirt. The others are very old ,and they have holes in them. I mgoing to buy you a new one

39、this afternoon.”Dave liked his old shirts ,but he loved his wife too, so he said“All right ,Mary ,but please don 'tthrow any of the old ones away.”Dave went to work ,and when he came back in the evening ,Mary said to him ,“ LoqkDave ,Ibought you a nice shirt. Here it is ,put it on.”ave put the s

40、hirt on , and then he said “Look at the sleeves(袖子),Mary. They are too long.”"That ' s all right ,answeretbry“They will get shorter after I wash them.”Then Dave said “ Yeyou are clever. ”6 . Why did Mary want to buy Dave a new shirt? 7 .Why didn t Dave like the sleeves of his new shirt?8 .W

41、hy didn t Dave let his wife throw his old shirt away?9 .What did Mary say about the sleeves?10 . Do you think Mary is clever?四、词汇考查A.根据句意和首字母提示,完成句中所缺单词1.If you have a toothache, you should see a d.2. Bees make h.3. It s important to keep a b diet.4. The Spring Festival is Chinese t festival.5. My G

42、ranny can t stand straight, she has a sore b.6. She felt very t. So she drank lots of water.7. It s i for us to learn a foreign language well.8. The tree leaves t yellow in autumn.9. I m going to Beijing on vacation. Really , I h you will have a good time.10. Such a wonderful concert is really beaut

43、iful for our e.B.用所给词的适当形式填空11 .Could you tell me the(different) between eastern and western festivals?12 .You should brush your(tooth) twice a day.13.I hope you feel(well) soon.14.Some children aren t at school because of(ill).15. “ Go out,“ he said(angry).C.用适当的情态动词填空。need should may can must16.I

44、come in, Miss Zhang?17 . An apple a day keep the doctor away.18 .You play football in the street.1.1 It's raining heavily. You stay here.20. The doctor isn't here. You wait.D.用所给动词的适当形式填空21. My father enjoys(read) newspapers before breakfast.22. Listen! Can you hear someone(sing) in the next

45、 room?23. I often help my mother(clean) the house.24.It's easy to stay(health)25.He started(learn)to ride a bike 5years ago,五、句型转换1. He may be a scientist.(同义句转换 ) he a scientist.2. Kate should eat something.(改为否定句)Kate eat.3. Who will take care of the sick children?(同义句转换) Who will the sick chi

46、ldren?4. I have a sore throat.(对划线部分提问)What s with you?5. Our class meeting started at 4 : 30.(对划线部分提问) your class meeting start?六、补全对话A: Hi , Tina. You were not at school yesterday . B: Oh ,I had a headache and I had to ask for a sick leave .A: Sorry to hear that . (2)B: Yes , my mother took me to

47、the hospital . The doctor looked me over and said I had a cold .A. Was it serious?B. Take more exercise and keephealthy.C. Did you see the doctor?D. What was the matter?Are you feeling better now?A: (3)B:Yes , a little. The doctor told me to take the medicine three times a day and drink more water.A

48、: (4)B: Yes , much better .A: (5)B: I will .Thanks a lot.七、书面表达。假如你是医生,请你为生病的 Mike提供几条合理的建议。以下单词可以帮你: feel tired, stay at home, have a good rest, more vegetables and fruits, less meat and candies 八年级上册英语第三单元检测题班级 姓名 学号、单项选择。()1. What is he doing for vacation? He s her brother.A.babysit B.babysatC.ba

49、bysittedD.babysitting()2. John is going to Hong Kong. He is leaving on first week in June.A. aB.theC./D.an()3. Are you with your parents? No, I ' m time with my friends.A. spendB.spendsC.spendingD.spent()4. Show me your photos you get back to school.A. whatB.beforeC.whenD.until()5. I forgot my E

50、nglish book.A. bringB.broughtC.to bringD.bringing()6. I hear is very beautiful and many people there speakA. Canada, FrenchB. Canada, FranceC. Canadian, FrenchD. Canadian, French()7.Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata?Yes, it beautiful.A. feelsB.soundsC.listensD.hears()8.Do you have to tell u

51、s now?A. something newB.new somethingC.new anythingD. anything new()9. 一 are you staying in Shanghai?About three weeks.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far()10. Huangzhou is the West lake.A. on B.famousC. famous for D. has()11. I'm going to a birthday party next Sunday. 一A. Have a goo

52、d time!B. EnjoyC. See you later.D. That s boring.()12. When did you finish these pictures? Yesterday afternoon.A. to drawB. drawingC. drawD. drew()13. Would you like to go for a picnic?Yes,.A. I wouldB. I d loveC. I d likeD. I d love to()14. He is going fishing.金戈铁骑A. What s alex doing?B. Where is A

53、lex leaving?C. Who is Alex going with?D. When is Alex going?()15.Anna, could you please the dishes? I m busy with the laundry.A. makeB. doC. takeD.fold、完形填空Two Americans from England were 1 in Spain.One morning they came 2 a littlerestaurant for lunch. They did not know the native( 当地的) 3and their w

54、aiter did not know4,either. They wanted their waiter to 5 that they asked 6 some milk and bread.At last they read the word millk " many times.Then spelled it. But the waiter could not understand them.At last one of them took a piece of paper and began 7a cow. When he was justfinishing 8 it,the

55、waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. Do you 9?”said the American, " 10 clever I ami“ Afte some time ,the waiter returned to the restaurant.He brought no milk or bread with him,instead ,he brought a bull-fighting( 斗牛)in front of him.()1. A. travelB. to travelC. travellingD. travels

56、()2.A.outB.intoC.upD.around().A.peopleB.cultureC.languageD.habit()4.A.theirsB.theirC.themD.they()5. AseeB.knowingC.knowsD.understand()6 A. .toB.asC.forD.at()7.A.drawB.drawsC.drawingD.to draw()8.A.to drawB.drawingC.drawD.draws()9A.watchB.seeC.know D.find()10.A.WhatB.WhereC.HowD. Who三、阅读理解Most people like bikes. Perhaps you ride a bike to school. Riding a bike can be great of fun.Do you know how to ride a bike safely?Careful boys and girls learn to ride their bikes well before they go out on the road.How can you tell whet


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