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1、 李奕萱 魏悦Omen As he fell out of the dance his eyes lighted on Tess Durbeyfield, whose own large orbs wore, to tell the truth, the faintest aspect of reproach that he had not chosen her. He, too, was sorry then that, owning to her backwardness, he had not observed her; and with that in his mind he left

2、 the pasture. Omen The pointed shaft of the cart had entered the breast of the unhappy Price like a sword, and from the wound his lifes blood was spouting in a stream, and falling with a hiss into the road. In her despair Tess sprang forward and put her hand upon the hole, with the only result that

3、she became splashed from the face to skirt with the crimson drops. Omen Omen Then she fell to reflecting again, and in looking downwards a thorn of the rose remaining in her breast accidentally pricked her chin. Like all the cottagers in Blackmoor Vale, Tess was stepped in fancies and prefigurative

4、superstitions; she thought this an ill omenthe first she had notice that day. Omen Omen VI THY, DAMNATION, SLUMBERETH, NOT 2 Peter 2,3THOU, SHALT, NOT COMMITOmen VII The death of her baby. The name of her baby.Omen VIII“A comely maid that ,” said the other.“True, comely enough. But unless I make a g

5、reat mistake-“ And he negative the remainder of the definition forthwith.Omen IX“And there must be three times of asking. And now there be only two Sundays left between.”Tess felt her check paling; Izz was right; of course there must be three. Perhaps he had forgotten! If so, there must be a weeks p

6、ostponement, and that was unlucky. How could she remind her lover? She who had been so backward was suddenly fired with inpatience and alarm lest she should lose her dear prize.Omen XOmen XIThat never would become that wife做过错事的妻子That had once done amiss永远穿不了这衣裳 Omen XIIIt was interrupted by the cro

7、wing of a cock. The white one with the rose comb had come and settled on the palings in front of the house, within a few yards of them, and his notes thrilled their ears through, dwindling away like echoes down a valley of rocks. “Thats bad,” one murmured to the other,.“Hoosh! Just you be of, sir, o

8、r Ill twist your neck!” said the dairyman with some irritation, turning to the bird and driving him away. And to his wife as they went indoors: “Now, to think o that just to-day! I ve not heard his crow of an afternoon all the year afore.” Omen XIII“WellI would rather not tell it in detail just now.

9、 A certain dUrberville of the 16 or 17 century committed a dreadful crime in his family coach; and since that time members of the family see or hear the old coach whenever-but I ll tell you another day-it is rather gloomy. Evidently some dim knowledge of it has been brought back to your mind by the

10、sight of this venerable caravan.”“is it when we are going to die, Angel, that members of my family see it, or is it when we have committed a crime?”Omen XIVHe looked up, and perceived two life-size portraits on panels built into the masonry. As all visitors to the mansion are aware, there paintings

11、represent women if middle age, of a date some two hundred years ago, whose lineaments once seen can never be forgotten. The long pointed features, narrow eye, and smirk of the one, so suggestive of merciless treachery; the bill-hook nose, large teeth, and bold eye of the other, suggesting arrogance

12、to the point of ferocity, haunt the beholder afterwards in his dreams. Omen XV Retty Marian AngelTessOmen XVIUnder the trees several pheasants lay about, their rich plumage dabbled with blood; some were dead, some feebly twitching a wing, some staring up at the sky, some stretched out-all of them wr

13、ithing in agony, except the fortunate ones whose tortures had ended during the night by the inability of nature to bear more.With the impulse of a soul who could feel for kindred suffers as much as for herself, Tesss first thought was to put the still living birds out of their torture, and to this end with her won hands she broke the necks of as many as she could find, leaving them to lie where she had found them till the game-keepers should come-as they probably would come-to look for them a second time.Omen XVII“Cross-no; twer not a cross! Tis a thing of ill-omen, Miss. It was put up i


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