1、1 General Enquiry and Reply 一般询价和回复(Enquiry)Gentlemen:We learnfrom ABC& Co.Ltd,New Yorkthat you area leadingexporter inyour country.We are,at present, verymuchinterested inimportingyour goods and wouldappreciate your sending us catalogues, sample books or even samples if possible.Please give us
2、detailed information of CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts, and term s of payment.We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable bussiness relation s.Truly yours,(Reply)Gentlemen:We welcome youfor your enquiryofMarch 21and thank you for your interest in our export commodities.We are enclos
3、ing some copies ofourillustrated catalogues anda price listgiving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you som e samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust t hat when you see them you will agree that our products appeal to the most sel e
4、ctive buyer.We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. As to the term s of payment we usually require L/C payable by sight draft.Thank you again for your interestin our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured that it willreceive our prompt and careful
5、 attention.Truly yours,Notes1 .CIF 价格术语“ Cost,Insurance and Freight ”,成本、 保险加运费的缩写。通常称作“到岸价”2 .discount n. 折扣,折价,贴现allow (or:give,make, grant).%discountoff (on) the prices of goods 按货价给予 . 的折扣If you order for 5,000 sets, we would grant you 10% discount. 如果你方能定购5000 台,我们将给予10的折扣。We give 10% discount
6、for cash payment. 现金付款,我们予以九折优待。at a discount 低于正常价格;打折扣;(货物无销路)The goods are selling at a discount. 该货正以低价销售。3 .terms of payment 支付条件,也可以说payment terms4 .profitable adj. 有益的,有利的,可获利的profitablefieldsof investment 有利的投资场所profitn. (常用复数)利润net profits 净利润,纯利润totalprofits总利润profitratio(rate) 利润率grosspro
7、fits总利润,毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利5 .craftsmanship n. (工匠的)技术,技艺6 .appeal (to)vi.有吸引力,有感染力appeal tothemostselective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主7 .L/C payable by sight draft 即期信用证,也可以说L/C available by sight draft8 .assure v. 向 . 保证,使确信,主要用于以下四种结构:(1) assure sb. of sth. 可靠性。We assure you of the reliabilityof t
8、he information.我们可以向你方保证这信息的(2) assure sb. thatWe assureyouthat weshall do ourbest toexpedite shipment. 请确信我们将迅速装运。(3) be (or:rest) assuredof sth (rest是系动词)Please (or: You may) be (or: rest) assured of our continued cooperation. 请 确信我方仍将继续合作。(4) be (or:rest) assuredthatYou may (Please) be (rest) ass
9、ured that we will contact you as soon as ou r freshsupplycomes in.请确信一俟我方新供货到来,我方即与你方联系。.Specific Enquiry and Reply具体询价和回复Enquiry forChinese Cotton Piece Goods对中国棉织品的询价Dear Sirs,We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chines e Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of ent
10、ering into direct business relation s with us. This happens to coincide with our desire.At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to recei ve from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regardin g thesegoods soas toacquaintus with thequality and
11、workmanshipof yoursupplies.Meanwhilepleasequote us your lowestprice,C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend t o place a large order with you.We trust you will give us an ear
12、ly reply.Yours faithfully,Notes 1.be desirous of 渴望,想要We are desirous of entering into (to enter into) direct business relations w ith you. 我们热切盼望与你方建立直接的贸易关系。wish 强烈)desire n. v. 期望,渴望,要求,请求(比What do you desire tobuy at present? 你方目前想要买些什么?It is desired that thecatalogues shall be airmailed to us w
13、ithin one week. 深盼在一周内给我们航邮目录本。2.coincide v. (意见等)一致;(时间上)相同(时间上)相同We are gladthat our ideas coincide.很高兴我们双方意见一致。Yourenquirycoincided withour offer.你方询盘正好与我方报盘同时发出。3.regardingprep.关于,与withregard to,in regard to,as regards 同义,一般可以换用。Wehave already writtentoyou regarding this matter. 关于此事我们已给你方写过信。Re
14、garding the balance, wewilladvise you of the position in a few days. 关于剩余数量的情况,将于日内告知。4.quote v. 报价作“报价”解,这个动词的基本结构是:quote sb. a price for sth.price for walnots. 请向我方报核桃最低价。Please quote us your lowest有时可用:quote sb. for sth.Pleasequoteus for walnuts.请向我方报核桃价。也可用:quotesb. a pricePleasequoteus your low
15、estprice. 请报你方最低价。5.inclusiveof our 5% commission包括我方5%佣金This offer (or:price)is inclusive ofyour 2% commission.2% commission.=This offer (or: price) includes your此报盘(或:价格)包括你方2的佣金。of ou本课原句Please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusiver 5% commission.Please quote us your lowest pric
16、e, C.I.F. Vancouver, including our 5% commission.请报你方CIF温哥华最低价,包括我方5%佣金。(2)Enquiry for Dyeing Machines对印染机的询价Gentlemen:We learn from your letterof July2that youare manufacturingand exporting a variety of textilemachines.Asthere isa demand here forhigh-qualitydyeing machines, we willappreciateyoursen
17、dingus a copy of yourillustratedcatalogue, with details ofyour pricesand termsof payment.Kindest regards.Yours truly,(Reply)Gentlemen:We warmly welcome your enquiry of July 15 and thank you for your interest i n our dyeing machines.We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and pricelist giving the
18、details yo u askfor. Asfor thepayment termsweusually require confirmed, irrevocable Letterof Credit payableby draft atsight.Wehave already sole some ofthosemachinestoChinaandare now represented there by The EngineeringExportLtd,Beijing.Maywesuggestthatyoucontact thecompany directly?Wethinkthe firm m
19、aysupplyyouwithmoredetailsof ourmachines. We feel confidentthatyou willfindthegoodsarebothexcellentin quality and veryreasonable inprice.With best regards.Yours sincerely,NotesConfirmed,irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证2 .be representedby. 由. 代理representati
20、ven.代理人a legal representative法定代理人3 .reasonable adj. 合理的Our price is quite reasonable.我方价格是相当合理的。类似的表达法还有:realistic adj. 符合实际的,现实的; workable adj.可行的;in the line with the present market与现行价格相符,etc(3) Enquiry for Textiles 对纺织品的询价Dear Sir,Itis apleasure forus to introduce ourselves toyouasa commission
21、forChinese Commodities.We've been engaged withthispostfor over 5 yearsnow.We would be so much grateful if you send us catalogues and samples for th e following items.(1)Towels,bed-sheetsand blanketsBabynapkinsanddiapersGarments formen,womenandchildrenUnderwear formen,women andchildrenCottonpiece
22、goodsandcottonfabrics(6)SewingthreadCottonKnitwear(8) Synthetic fabric(9) Any other item that you wish to offerWe are awaiting your earliest reply.Yours faithfully,Notescommissionn.委任,委托,代办(权),代理(权);委员会;佣金commission house委托商行;证券经济公司commission sale委托销售commission agent佣金商;代理商commission broker据客,经纪人com
23、mission of authority授权书commission foracceptance 承兑佣金commission ticket佣金票证2.cotton fabrics 棉织品3.synthetic fabrics 合成纤对化妆品的询价Dear Sirs,Re: COSMETICSinthiscity and shcorporation.as perourEnquiryour lowest quotatioand delivery datWe are one of the leading importers of Daily Chemicals all be please to es
24、tablish business relations with yourAt present we are interested in your cosmetics, detailsy Note No. 1345 attached, and shall be glad to receiven as soon as possible.We would like to mention that if your price is attractivee acceptable, we shall place our order with you immediately.We look forward
25、to your early reply.Faithfully yours,Encl. As statedNotes1 .cosmetics n. 化妆品2 .as per 按照,根据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据3 .Enquiry Note No. 1345 1345 号询价单4 .attach v.t. 附加orderwithconditionsattached 带有附加条件的订单aidwithno conditions attached 无附加条件的援助5 .quotation n.报价(单),行情(表)l
26、owest quotation最低报价discount quotatuon贴现行情exchange rate quotation 外汇行情quotation table 价目表quote v.t. 报价,开价quote favourableprice 报优惠价格6 .delivery date 交货期也可以用下列方式表示:timdate of delivery; time of delivery; delivery time; date of shipment;e of shipment; shipment time (date) etc(5) Enquiry for Personal Com
27、puter 对计算机的询价Dear Sirs,We arepleasedto learnfrom your letter of1st August that, as a manufacturer ofcomputers,you aredesirous of enteringinto direct business relationswith us.This isjust ourdesire, too. We havestudied your catalogue and are interested in your IBM CPU 80586 personal computer. Please quote us your lowest p rice, CIF Guangzhou, inclusive of our 2% commission, stating the earliest date o f shipment.Should your price be found competitve and d
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