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1、压铸缺陷(中英文)(1) SHoRT FILL 欠铸MAIN CAUSE : Metal is frozen before the CaVity is filled Or by insufficient metal being ladled.主要原因:金属液在填充型腔前凝固或木勺舀取料不足。1、Metal Can COOI down too much in the Shot sleeve,金属在料管中冷却太快。FIRST STAGEVELOCITY Too LoW ;POOR GATING&RUNNERDESIGN2 ' Some Palt of the die may be

2、too cold.模具局部温度过低。SHoRTFILLMAIN CAUSES:Metal AfrOZen before IhecaVlty f /filled or by insufficient meTal being ladled.(2)COLD SHUT 冷隔MAIN CAUSE : Metal is frozen When two metal fronts join.主要原因:当两股金属液对接熔合时金属液被冻结。1、 Metal may be losing too much heat in the runner and cavity.金属液的热量主要是在浇道和型腔中散失的。(3)SCA

3、LING 起皮COLD SHUTMAIN CAUSEtMetal is frozen When two metal fronts join.MAIN CAUSE : LayerS of metal and OXideS Can be Created by poor shot end Control and /or bad gate andrunner desig n.主要原因:压铸后期增压不足或浇口和流道的设计不当都会使铸件起皮。1、SCALINGMAIN CAUSESLayerS cf metal and Oxid&s CAn be CreaCed by PdOiOir shot e

4、nd CCInitrOII and/or bad gate and runner deiign.4) BLISTER 气泡MAIN CAUSE : TraPPed gases are inthe Casting When the die is OPened When the Casting is still weak. ThiS allows the COmPreSSed gas to expe nd and CaUSe a blister.主要原因:当铸件还没完全凝固,强度不足时就打开模具使得铸件中的气体留在铸件中。这样铸件 中的受压气体膨胀从而导致铸件产生气泡。BLISTERMAIN CA

5、USE:ITaPPed gues are In Ihe Casting When the die i$ OPened When ths CalXtirlg %s still I !4%eak.Thl | s allom Che CamPreSSed gu to expand and CaUSe a blister.5) FLASH 飞料MAIN CAUSE : Metal PreSSUre is too high UPon the PrOjeCted SUrfaCe area (faci ng the plate ns ) of theCasting at the end of CaVity

6、fill. ThiS Creates a force across the Parting line WhiCh is too great for the ClamPing force of the mach ine. The die is the n forced apart WhiCh allows metal escape.主要原因:金属液充满型腔而压铸压力仍高于预计压力范围(压力表显示)压力超过模具的合模力,金属液就从模具被迫分开的缝隙中逃逸出去。,传递到模具分型面上的FLASHMAIN CAUSE Metal PreSSUre is too high UPOn thapPPCtad

7、KUrfaCe >,raa. (facing th« Pllrtens) Df Che CAtting at Ihe Cnd Of CIViCX fi IIThlf CrS IfoFCe acroiE the Partin 官 lina WhiCh it too grfrat for CheelamPinig force Of Che machine .The dbe then forced %part WhiCh allows rfleti | escape.6)CoLD FLAKES 夹渣(铸点)MAIN CAUSE : Metal is allowed to cool t

8、oo much in the shot sleeve. The solid PartiCleS are then injected into the cavity. TheSe flakes are often clearly Visible on the SUrfaCe of the Casting With the naked eye.主要原因:在射管中的金属液受冷却过多,从而使冷却下来的固体金属粒子被注射进入型腔。这些小点就经常能明显地由目视看到出现在铸件的表面上。COLD FLAKES7) SHoT LUBE STAIN 油痕MAIN CAUSEXM%tal is a I loWed

9、to CaOI too much iq the Shot JleeVerTh% SOlid particles are then injected Into Che CaVify.These flakes are 0(Cen Cl%a | iy vJsib | % Cn the SUrfaCe Of the CUIUne With chh naked eye.MAIN CAUSE : ThiS defect OCCUrS When too much shot (tip) lUbe is used.主要原因:这个情况的出现是由于使用了过多的润滑油的缘故。SHOTLUBESTAINMAIN CAI

10、LJSEIThlS defect OCCUrS When CoO much Shait(tip)lub% is used.8) ) AIR POROSITY 气孔MAIN CAUSE : ThiS defect is CaUSed by trapped air in the Casting WhiCh Can come from SeVeral sources.It Can be CaUSed by poor shot end Con trol, poor Ven ti ng and OVerflOW fun Cti On Or bad gat ing and runner desig n.主

11、要原因:这情况是由残留在铸件中的气体造成的,它可能是压铸后期增压不足,排气不良和运行不当或者浇口和流道的设计不当所引起的。AIR POROSITYMAtlN CALJSESiThiS defect % caused by trapped ifi Che C-Atting WhiCh Cln Come from severalSQUrCCan be CaUSed by ShOt end ControLpoor Yentingdlldl overflow functionOr badFUInnerdeSdgiT.9) DRAG MARKS 拉伤MAIN CAUSE : Insufficient d

12、raft or an Undercut CaUSing a Casting to be damaged On the SUrfaCe When it is ejected. ThiS effect may be reduced by Cha nging the temperature at WhiCh the CaSt ing is ejected. Poor SUrfaCe finish of the die Can be ano ther cause.主要原因:设计不足或者下陷部分引起铸件顶出时损坏。这情况可以通过调整铸件顶出部位温度来减少出现。模具表面粗糙度低可能是另外一个原因。DRAG

13、 MARKSMAiN CAUSE:ln SUffkjedrah Or an UrlderCUt causmg J ealtlnf to be damaged On Che surface Wheni % is CjeCted-ThlS effect may be reduced by Chanjllng thn CelnnlPerltUrel At Whkh the c%sti'rig is Cjected-Poor SUrfaCe fin Hh Qf the die Can b« another fausee10) HoTTEARING/CRACKING 热裂MAIN CA

14、USE : ThiS defect is CaUSed by metal Shrinking during SolidifiCatiOn while Under tension. At the laSt place to solidify a tear or CraCk develops WhiCh Can be See n at the surface.主要原因:这缺陷是由于在压力下金属液凝固时产生收缩引起的,在末端凝固成一条肉眼看到的缝HOT TEAHING/CRACKINGSUrfaCe (NDtHOT SHORTNESS)或裂纹。MAiN CAUSE:ThJt defect ii Ca

15、uifrd by menl shrinking during SOIIdiRCatiOn WhLIe Under lenliDn At the laSE PlaCt to SCIidify a tear Or CrICk d%vehps Whkh Cln be Seen Kth«11) HOT SHORTNESS 热脆性MAIN CAUSE : The Composition Of the alloy CaUSeS the metal to be too Weak at high temperatures (afterSolidification ). ThiS then Can C

16、aUSe CraCkS in the SUrfaCe of the Casting to appear in regiOnS of high StreSS When the CaSti ng is cooli ng (and con tract ing ). NOTE: ThiS defect Can occur in Conjunction With hot CraCk ing.主要原因:合金成分在凝固后仍保持在高温之下会使金属变得脆弱。当铸件冷却(收缩)后受高压的部位表面会产生裂缝。注意: 这缺陷能连同热裂一起出现。HOT SHORTNESSMAIN LI AUSE:TICOrrlPOCI

17、dOn Cf rhe IllOf CaUSeS the mt cal to be too Weak at high Itm PfrrMUrel(after IOhdACaAOn,Thh then Cln ClUSe CraCkS in the lUrfaCe af the CaSCIng Ta appear In regions Cf high stress When the c»ting is CQolingfand CantraelVsTrgJ.NOTEzThis defect Call %CCUr IrtCOnjUnCtion With hot cracklirg-12)SIN

18、K 凹陷SUrfaCe of the Casting to collapse into the CaVity as Solidification occurs. SinkS are CaUSed be the Same things asShrinkage porosity as well as Very poor thermal Control of the die because hot spots are required for SinkS to form.主要原因:凹陷是由铸件表面附近的收缩洞造成的,是在凝固时表面向收缩洞坍塌的。凹陷跟收缩孔一样是由于模具热量控制上的不足引起的,因为

19、模具局部过热导致凹陷形成。SINKMAIN CAUSES-A Sink il caused by a shrtnk%gf CiVity beinf Tre*rsurfice Of the CISdng.Th CaLLISe% Ehe %urfact pf the EU<tiAg to collapse into Lhe CaVity as solldlfiCaltiOn OC*eUr%j S inks are CaUSfid by the Same things U Shrinkage POrOSity U Well as Very po>QtherrTlJLI CQntrQI Q

20、f the die because hot SPOtS are required for SinkS to form.(13) EXPLODED METAL 胀裂MAIN CAUSE : A comb in ati On Of porosity and the CaSti ng being ejected before it has solidified completely. ThiS allows the trapped gases to burst out of the Casting along With any unsolidified metal.主要原因:一个多孔性的组合物和铸件

21、在未完全凝固之前被顶出会使残留受压气体沿着不牢固的铸 件部位胀裂。EXPLODED METAL14) WARPAGE 变形MIAIN CAUSE;A COmbinatmrl Of PQr-Qifkty and lhe CaSCinlg being 新电 Cted before It has Solidified COmpI etely-Thls al low& th% IraPPed gus%s to bunt OUC Of the e* | ting HOnj with Iriy Ulnwlidifted mecalMAIN CAUSE : A Casting Can deform

22、after ejection during the time it is cooling down to room temperature.The root CaUSe Can SOmetimeS be the Casting geometry or the alloy SPeCifiCation. WarPing Can be minimized by ejecting at a lower temperature. UneVen die temperature is a major CaUSe of this type of defect.主要原因:铸件顶出后在冷却到室温的那段时间会产生变

23、形。根本原因有时可能是铸件的形状又或者是合金不符合规格。在一个较低的温度下顶出可以减小变形。模具温度不均匀是一个造成这种缺陷的主要原因之一。WARPAGEMAIN CAUSE ACUtkCls Cari deform a<xer ejection during thetime % | / cooling down to room ternPeratUrC.The rwt CaUSe can lomfltJrnai ba th% isllr>g Aaomatry ortha alloy &p« ckflcit I an. Warptng Can be mlTrirr

24、iispd by15)Soldering 粘模ejecting at a IOW«r c« mp% ITftU re.Uneve"|d% term Pe rat Ure 何 a n>ijor cius% Cf Ch)S typ« Df d«fect,MAIN CAUSE: ChemiCai attack and bonding Of aluminium to die steel. ThiS CaUSeS aluminium to be tornaway from the Casting during ejection soldering

25、Can be reduced by a Change in alloy and/or a reduction in die/metal temperature./或降低模具/金属温主要原因:铝合金粘在模具上。这样会导致顶出时铝料的飞溅。改变合金成分和度可以减少出现粘铝的情况。SOLDERINGMAIN CAUSE Chemical and bondingOf aluminium to die StfieLThiS causes alumiiTiymW be torn away fraim the casting during : ejectionb SOIderilng ott b«

26、 reduced by a ChaJIge in AtlOy 1口加a r%ducUGn in die/metal temperaturer16) SHRINKAGE POROSITY 缩孔MAIN CAUSES: ThiS defect is CaUSed by metal reduc ing its volume duri ng Solidificati on and an in ability to feed Shrinkage With more metal before Solidification. Hot spots Can also CaUSe Shrinkage porosi

27、ty to beConcentrated in a SPeCifiC zone. See Ink1主要原因:这缺陷是由于铸件在凝固过程中因收缩并且得不到金属补偿液而造成的。模具局部高温同样会引起一个特定的区域产生收缩孔,称“凹陷”SHRINKAGE PoROSITYMAIN CAUSES:ThlidefeCt U CaUSed by m%taE reducing ItS Vallirne during JCIIdliAcatJon and an kHAbility to feed Shrinkage With more mctaJ bH6rp lolidifkatlon.Hot ipati C

28、An IkO ClUle Shrlnklge PCroilty to b« concentrated in specific zona. Sa« *SINK17) HEAT CHECKING 龟裂duri ng use. EXCeSSiVely cold dies & die flex ing accelerate this effect.MAIN CAUSES: ThiS defect is CaUSed by the SUrfaCe of the tool steel Con ti nu ally expa nding &con tract ing主要原

29、因:这个缺陷是由于模具在使用过程中表面频繁的热胀冷缩造成的。过分地冷模和模具疲劳会加速龟裂的产生。HEATCHECKINGMAIN CALISESzThlt defect iicaucad by Chfl lUrfaCe Of Che COOI Iteet COHCinUany W(Pandlng & Contracting during use.EKc%tiYp%CGFd di«s & die flexing accelerate ChlS effect.18) LEAKER 泄漏MAIN CAUSES: CallSeS Of leaks in CaSt ings

30、Where PreSSUre tight ness is required Can be oxide folds an d/or inclusions and/or porosity in conjunction With a SUrfaCe defect WhiCh completes the Path for a leak. A close an alysis of the leak ing area may reveal WhiCh of the many CaUSeS is Calls ing the leak.主要原因:铸件产生泄漏的原因是要求紧密的地方可能出现了氧化物或有杂质或有孔

31、导致表面缺点 连成了一条可以泄漏的路径。给泄漏区做检漏分析可以展示出引起泄漏的原因。LEAKERMAIN CAUSESXau IB s Gf Jeakt In CUtingSWhere pressure Tightness is required can be CXide folds /VAOf hTTcfusions ATTdzbr PorOliCy ff COnjUnCtiOn WiCh * JUrfaCC de%ct which COmPleteS rhe Path (Or a 4%ak.A close analysts Of Che leaktnK area miy* r%vea |

32、WhiCh Of the many CauEefis CJIUSingthe leak.*19) DISCOLOURED SURFACE 变色MAIN CAUSES: OXide films (dross) an d/or residues in the CaVity an d/or PartiCleS in the metal an d/or excess die lube Can CaUSe the SUrfaCe to be discoloured. Also it Can be CaUSed by a Part of the die being too cold CaUS ing th

33、e Casting to have darker regions or Smears1 On the surface.主要原因:型腔的氧化膜和渣滓或金属液中的粒子或过量的模具润滑油会导致表面变色。同样它能导致模具部分过冷从而使铸件表面有黑斑或“油污”DISCOLOURED SURFACEMAIN CAUSES: Oxide film* (dro 玷)ind/or railduei In the cavity and4r pTtiC | H In the rnpt>l and/or CXCeSf die lUbeCan caus% the SUrfaee tp be d | tCalCUr

34、ediAJSn k caA b« CaUHd by a p%rt Cf th® di« being too 0°td CalJtinf cutICI% to hav« darker Or VimtarS1 an%hp surface.MAIN CAUSES: Erosi On is CaUSed by direct molte n metal imp in gme nt On die steel. CaVitati On type erosi On(20)BREAK OUT浇口崩入(夹层)MAIN CAUSE: Metal flakes(col

35、d flakes) WhiCh get CaUght in the gate during CaVity fill Can break OUt UneVenly Whe n the CaSt ing is trimmed.主要原因:型腔充填时在料口产生的金属夹杂C令隔),当铸件在除浇口时会不均衡的崩入。BREAK OUTMAJN CAUSELMetal flikei(cold Fllkes)Whkh get CaUght in the 驴 te durin% CaVity fill Can break QUt linevenlx When th- casting It trimmed*21)I

36、NCLUSIONS 杂质MAIN CAUSES: The main CaUSeS of this type of defect are dirty/cOntaminated metal and/or poor melt banding practice.主要原因:这缺陷最主要的原因是实际操作时使用了脏的/被污染的材料或熔化不足。INCLUSIONSMAIN CAUSESITbe main CaUSflJ Of ChlS type Of deface ire dirty/cOHCAmkniced InabrPOor Inelt handing pracike.(22)EJECTOR DAMAGE

37、 顶针印凹入MAIN CAUSE: In broad terms, it Can be defi ned as excessive PreSSUre On the CaSt ing SUrfaCe by the ejectorPin(S) duri ng ejecti on.主要原因:在广泛的术语中,它被定义为在顶出时被顶针过多地压进铸件表面。EJECTOR DAMAGEM AIN CAUSEilri broad lennSiiit Can be defined>s excessive PreSSiJre an the casting surface by the ejectorPlrl

38、i(S.) during ejection)23)EROSION/CA VITATION is CaUSed by turbulence WhiCh CaUSeS loW PreSSUre regiOnS in the flowing metal. TheSe loW PreSSUre regiOnSCaUSe voids to form WhiCh Can collapse at the die SUrfaCe &cause erosi on.主要原因:腐蚀是熔化金属在模具钢表面分支,气穴类腐蚀是流动金属在低压区域产生紊流。低压 区域形成空洞,在模具表面产生凹陷和导致腐蚀。EROSI

39、ON/CAVITATIONMAIN CAUSES* Erosion H Aau%edby direct molten mMal iTTTrpiTT%mer%c On die SCeelr CaVitation type erosion IS CaUSedi by CUrbUJanCe Whkh CiUSAS hW pressure FGgionK In the flowing metaLThese IQW pressure regi%3n% CaUSe VOidS CC form WhiCh can COIIaPSe at the die surface& cause erosion

40、24)CRACKED CASTING 铸件裂纹MAIN CAUSES: A CraCk in the CaSt ing Can be CaUSed by mecha nical damage Whe nthe die is ope ned orWhen the Casting is ejected. ThiS ClaSSifiCatiOn excludes HoT CRACKING &cracking at the SUrfaCe due toSHRINKAGE POROSITY. Also, this defi niti On excludes HOT SHORTNESS.主要原因:

41、铸件中的裂纹可能是由于模具开起时或铸件顶出时机械损伤造成的。这类情形包括热裂 和由于缩孔造成的表面裂纹。而且这也包括热脆性。CRACKED CASTINGMAIN (ZAUSESIACraCkJn the CaStinf csn be CaULed by mpchaiTKaJ damage when th« dlt | 5 OPened Or when. Lhe CUtirris ejpcted.ThkT ClaSSLfAAtkCn eKcudps HOT CRACKING & CraCking at the surface due CO SHRINKAGE POROSITY

42、. AuCithlf dsfinldon AXCkUdeS HOTSHORTNESS.(27) Die expansion at CaVity fill Can CaUSe a SeCOnd layer to form OVer the casting.在型腔填充时模具的受热胀型会使铸件表面分层。(28) OXide layers could be forming during prefill.在预先填充过程中可能会形成氧化层。(29) InCOrreCt first Stage velocity Can CaUSe air to be entrained in the metal.不正确的第

43、一阶段的速度会造成气体存在于金属中。2(30) CheCk Operating WindOW of PQ diagram to determine if PreSSUre and Projected SUrfaCe area is nottoo high.通过检查PQ2图表的操作窗口确定压力和投影表面区域是否太高。(31) Too much metal When prefill is USed may CaUSe the Change over point to be too late and therefore themetal may COOI down too much before S

44、eCOnd stage.当慢速压射时间太长,(32) DieS being forced apart With COntinUed feeding after CaVity fill.型腔充填后连续地进料使模具被迫开裂。(33) Sticking PlUnger Can CaUSe entrained air during first Stage or Variable velocity during CaVity fill.在型腔填充过程中,粘附压射冲头会导致第一阶段产生气泡或者是变化的填充速度。(34) Interrupted or UneVen CaVity fill.被阻止或不稳定的型

45、腔充填。(35) Steam PrOdUCed from Water in the CaVity Can CaUSe SeVere flash.型腔中从水中产生的蒸气会造成严重的飞边。(36) Some Parts of the die may be too cold.钢模的某些部分可能太冷了。(37) May affect fill pattern.可能影响填充形式。(38) Source of oxide layers.氧化层的来源。(39) Damaged shot SleeVe Can be a SOUrCe of entrained air.损坏的料管会成为气泡的来源。(40) Po

46、or runner design Can CaUSe layering ' during CaVity fill.横浇道设计不良会导致型腔填充过程中的分层现象。(41) If the die is poorly COnStrUCted and finished then it may not Shut off.如果钢模的结构不良,就可能合模合不上。(42) Die is more likely to flash if metal is Very hot.如果金属液太热,钢模中很可能会产生飞边。(43) Normally SeCOnd Stage velocity Change affe

47、cts metal PreSSUre.通常第二阶段速度的变化会影响金属的压力。(44) Broken tie bar(s) or CraCked Platen(S) may CaUSe flash to occur suddenly.损坏的连杆或有裂纹的滚筒可能会立即造成飞边的出现。(45) Sources of metal flakes.金属夹杂的来源。(46) PerCentage of solids too high at CaVity fill. SeCOnd Stage velocity may be the CaUSe of this.型腔充填时固化金属的百分比太高,第二阶段的速度

48、可能是造成这种情况的原因。(47) It is possible to reduce some porosity under intensification.在高压卜减少孔隙率是很有可能的°(48) The casting shrinks as it cools. This causes the casting to grip die components more as it is left longer in the die.压铸件冷却时会产生收缩。这会导致压铸件粘模如果留模时间过长。(49) Changing volume affects wave celebration an

49、d change over point.(50) Varying change over point when prefill is used can cause variation in heat load on different parts of the die.(51) Can cause uneven die temperature造成钢模温度不稳定(52) Shrinkage not fed. Sometimes it is not possible to feed shrinkage due to the location of the gate.没有补 缩。有时没有可能补缩是由

50、于料口的位置问题。(53) Sources of entrained air.铸件中气体的来源(54) This cause is very likely if flash occurs suddenly.如果飞边立即出现,这个因素是很有可能的。(55) Metal composition may cause some metal to solidify at too high a temperature in the shot sleeve.金属的 成分可能会导致一部分金属液在料管中固化太快。(56) Too cold.太冷(57) Die and shot sleeve may be to

51、o cold.钢模和料管可能太冷了。(58) Air trapped in cavity.型腔中含有气体。(59) A lip on the shot sleeve & low ejector pins, for example, can cause air to be entrained in the metal.料管与低速推杆,举例来说,可导致金属液中含有气体。(60) If the die is too cold then air may be trapped during cavity fill as two metal fronts meet (similar to cold

52、 shut).如果钢模太冷,当两股金属液流相遇时气体就有可能被阻塞在型腔中(与冷隔相似)。(61) Cavitation and erosion can cause rapid break down of die steel which can then cause drag marks.(62) Areas opposite the gate can be a source of hot spots.(63) Metal too weak when ejecting and SOLDERING can occur here also.(64) Adjusting these paramete

53、rs may fix the problem without dealing with the root cause.调整这些参数就可以 这个问题而不用涉及到其根源。(65) Metal adhesion is a sign that the die is too hot in that area and may cause other problems such as drag marks and soldering.金属粘着是模具的那个区域太热的迹象,可能会造成其它的问题,像流痕和粘模。(66) Damage from ejection.压射毁坏(67) Excessive Fe, Cu

54、and Zn can cause hot shortness.过量的Fe, Cu and Zn会造成热脆性。(68) May cause some parts of the die to over hear and allow the casting to become too hot some areas.可能会造成模具的某些部位过热以及铸件的某些区域过热。(69) Possible source of explode.爆炸的可能因素(70) Oversize biscuits can explode.尺寸过大的毛坯会破裂。(71) Prefill can sometimes help re

55、duce soldering in some areas.预先充填有时可以减少某些区域的粘模现象。(72) Variation in volume changes the affective change over point. This can change heat distribution in the die.(73) Changed metal velocity can increase heat transfer to a problem area in some cases.在某些情况下,改变 金属液的充填速度可以(74) Shrinkage can occur when bis

56、cuit is too short for intensification.(75) Metal freezing off in runners, gate(s) and the cavity during prefill can disrupt the fill pattern and any resulting cold flakes can cause leaks as well.在预先填充时,金属在浇道、料口和型腔中的激冷会破坏其充填形式,而且任何冷料都回造成泄露。(76) Affects the change over point with respect to the metal in the runner and die. This may be cause of entrained air since the shot sleeve may not be full at the change over point.(77)The machine may have low accumulator pressure or the intensification circuit may not be workingeffectively.(78) If this defect occurs suddenly then these are the most


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