1、 精选公文范文30篇英文名著读书 笔记篇一:30篇世界名著读后感1 .读童年有感高尔基的童年 举世闻名。在一个很平凡的星期天下午, 我翻开了它。情绪也随着书上一行行黑 色的宋体字忽起忽落主人公阿廖沙痛苦的童年生活打动 着我:四岁丧父,跟随悲痛欲绝的母亲 和慈祥的外祖母到专横的、濒临破产的 小染坊主外祖父家,却经常挨暴戾的外 祖父的毒打。但善良的外祖母处处护着 他。在外祖父家,他认识了很多 安安静 静”的亲戚,其中包括两个自私、贪得无 厌的、为了分家不顾一切的米哈伊洛舅 舅和雅科夫舅舅,还有两个都叫萨拉的 表哥。朴实、深爱着阿廖沙的 小茨冈' (伊凡)每次都用胳膊挡外祖父打在阿 廖沙身上
2、的鞭子,尽管会被抽得红肿。 但强壮的他,后来却在帮二舅雅科夫抬 精选公文范文十字架时给活活的压死了阿廖沙的童年是在一个典型的俄罗 斯小市民的家庭里度过的:贪婪、残忍、 愚昧;父子、兄弟、夫妻之间勾心斗角; 为争夺财产常常为一些小事争吵、斗 殴但在这个黑暗的家庭里,有一个 勤劳、坚强、善良的外祖母。她常常给 阿廖沙讲好听的神话故事,也潜移默化 地教他做一个不想丑恶现象屈膝的人。阿廖沙的童年是黑暗的,就像他的 家庭一样。周围残酷的事情太多了,有 时甚至连他自己都不敢相信竟会发生那 样的事情。但好在有外祖母 一一全家人 的精神支柱。阿廖沙也还认识很多其他 的人:搬进新房子后的几个房客、隔壁 的三少爷
3、,等等。阿廖沙从家人的一些 奇怪”的举动中懵懂的明白了一些道理。和阿廖沙相比,我们的童年是灿烂 的,是彩色的;是没有烦恼痛苦的,更是无忧无虑的。有那么多的孩子 甚至不懂什么叫做 打”,因为我们从没 精选公文范文 精选公文范文有经历过被人打、被人拿鞭子抽的滋味。 那也许是一种无法想象的痛苦吧。 当然, 除此之外,我们的生活中也很少有家人 之间的勾心斗角,为争夺财产而打架斗 殴之类贪婪、凶狠的事情。更不会发生 残忍的把某个无辜的人无端地折磨致死 这类想都没想过的恐怖事件”。天哪,如此比较,我们的童年和阿 廖沙的有着天壤之别。我们每天生活在 蜜罐儿里,被甜水泡着,被金灿灿的钱 堆着我们是多么幸福呀!
4、我们从来 不用考虑衣食住行,这让大人么操心就 足够了,还轮不到我们呢。 Z但拥有着这些,我们并不知足。我 们总是奢求更多。因为,在我们眼里, 大人们挣钱是那样的容易,似乎都不费 吹灰之力。我们多天真啊。的确,我们 不用像阿廖沙那样只十一岁就到 人间; 独自闯荡。但读过童年之后,我们 应该悔过自己曾经的奢侈,我们应该不 再浪费,我们应该学会珍惜。那么,就从现在开始吧。我们不再精选公文范文7奢侈,不再浪费;我们开始为长辈着想, 体谅他们;我们更应该开始满足自己的 幸福生活。为了以后,为了将来,为了 我们到人间”的那一天。2 .读悲惨世界有感在某天午夜,我读了悲惨世界, 这本书是法国作家维克多 ?雨
5、果的又一 佳作。这本书叙述了这样一个故事:冉阿 让由于饥饿过度偷了一个面包,使他在 监牢里度过了黑暗的19年。出狱后,他 受到人们的歧视,没有人理会他,就这 样,冉阿让已经绝望了,但是奇迹出现 了,一位善良的主教用他仁慈的心改变 了冉阿让的后半生。看完书后,我感受到雨果先生通过 作品揭示贫苦人民的悲惨命运和揭露资 本主义的黑暗。在维克多?雨果的笔下, 他一直期盼着用 博爱”、仁慈”、善良; 和饶恕”来改变这个悲惨世界”。冉阿让虽然后来尽全力去帮助别 人,想用多做一些好事来弥补自己从前 精选公文范文 精选公文范文所犯下的罪,但是人们知道他从前是个 苦役犯后,都不接受他的好意,在人们 眼里它还是个
6、十恶不赦的坏人。可是冉 阿让并不介意,仍然怀着那的善良的心 去帮助别人。最终他还是凄惨的死去了, 这充分体现出当时的社会是多么不公 平,难道一个人犯了错,永远都不会改 了吗?要以一颗真诚的心去对待所有人, 要相信他人,这样你才能得到别人的信 任。如果你心怀叵测,那你永远都得不 到别人的信任,只会受到猜疑、冷落。 要勇于奉献,要以帮助人为乐趣,要热 情待人,这样,你才会受欢迎。英国的史美尔斯说过: 好书是生活 最宝贵的财富之一 ”我们要把读书当作 生活中必不可少的一件事情。悲惨世界是一本多么伟大的书 籍呀!它使我了解了雨果对社会下层人 士的同情,对善良与邪恶的了解 。一部 闻名遐迩的世界名著,它
7、把惨淡荒芜世界中人性的种13精选公文范文 精选公文范文 种改变尽收眼底,让我不禁感叹人性的 微妙。我相信人性是可以改变的,但是当 我刚接触这本著作是我对主角冉阿让我 首先是对他同情。为了因受饥饿而哭泣 的幼小侄女和外甥女,去偷了一片面包, 而被判徒刑的冉阿让,被关了十九年, 到四十六岁才被释放出来,这不仅让我 的心情沉了下去,似乎不可能在浮出水 面。当他被释放出来时接受的却是人们 对他的歧视。最后只有仁慈的主教米里 哀,把他当人招待。环境改变人的本质。 在服刑期间他早就养成了那种恶习。一 开始他并没有被主教的那种仁慈所改 变,并且他偷了主教德银器。令人震撼 的是主教他原谅了冉阿让,并且把他偷
8、得银器作为礼物送给了冉阿让。终于冉 阿让醒悟过来了,他带着主教给他的一 点点温暖和光明改了名,定居在法国的 北部。他对于自己居住的城市尽心尽力, 人们都被他感动了,他做了这个城市的 市长。命运是折磨人的。冉阿让并没有以 这样的结局结束他的一生。他的命运就 这样的折磨他,让他再次踏上了逃亡的 路途。冉阿让的一生是让人感慨的,也是 让人深思的。一个人从一块面包彻底的 变坏,在从一幅银器和人们对他的改变 变为一个彻底的好人,作为市长。这是 多么让人吃惊的变化啊!人性的两种都 在他身上体现出来了。面对着穷困潦倒,世态炎凉,将会 产生两种人:第一种是卑微的人。他们 丑陋、自私、贪婪的本性再也无法隐藏。
9、就如书中的德纳第,他为了钱财不惜一 切进行诈骗,一会声称是演员,一会儿 又变成了画家,但他再高明也掩盖不住他丑陋 的本性。其实在当今社会也不乏有一些 为了眼前利益而不择手段的卑鄙小人。 如一些凭借职权贪污受贿者;在重大赛 事中为得到好成绩而服用兴奋剂者;还 有小到考试作弊者 任何刻意的伪装 精选公文范文都将被识破,虚伪不可能永久。另一种 则无论什么情况都能永保光明、善良、 宽容的高尚情操的人。洗新革面后的冉 阿让变得宽大、善良因而感化了冷酷、 固执,曾一味追捕他的警长沙威。我再 一次被人性的巨大力量震憾。愿我们身 边多一些主教般光明的使者,有更多人 能加入到助人为乐、见义勇为的队伍中 来。社会
10、需要这样的人,世界需要这样 的人,只有这样我们才能创造我们的生 活,创造出一个善良、和睦、光明的世 界!3 .呼啸山庄读后感呼啸山庄,唯一一部没有被时间 的尘土湮没的杰出作品,呼啸山庄, 唯一一部有着永久艺术魅力的光辉作 品。我用了一个星期多的时间看完了呼啸山庄。我合上书,不禁惊叹,这 个久居深山,几乎从不和外界接触的未 婚女子怎么能写出爱的如此深刻,恨的 如此入骨的小说呢?这个一生都活在不 精选公文范文 精选公文范文 幸的世界中,孤独凄凉,没有笑声,没 有朋友的女子,怎么能写成这样一部富 有独创性和超前性的伟大作品呢?其实 不管怎么样,不管是因为什么这部极其 富有内涵的奇书,已经可以让我们领
11、悟 到很多很多人生的真篇二:英文名著读后感FaustBy爱普These days I have read this renowned book, I was amazed at this renowned masterpiece without any exception. It' s really worth reading, but I think it can be too hard for average people. To be honest, I just hardly understand it, and I determined to read it in my wh
12、ole life to really taste this wonderful book.When reading this book, I have a strong feeling on the theme. I always have a feel that I have two extremeopposite aspects within my body. One is always try to challenge the any tasks in 精选公文范文9 精选公文范文the world, it seems to not fear anything. Nothing can
13、defeat it, just like Hemingway's famous saying, man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated. I continuously pursuit every significant things .However I cannot deny the other opposite respect in my mind. I deny my efforts and people ' efforts. I even suspect anything i
14、n the world. Just like Faust and Mephistopheles. But, why shall we accompany the devil ? Perhaps, we are born with evil. Only study and modify ourselves can we stay away from this evil. Faust can help us get away the devil, while I dislike Faust as well. He can choose to not let the the devil with h
15、im, he sign the agreement for his pursuit. As for myself, no matter what reasons we should depend on ourselves instead of others even the mighty God.In other consideration of this great piece, you will find how learned Goethe is.一.、10精选公又范又17精选公文范文This book involves music, history, mystery and relig
16、ion. Of course may be even more, but I only find these. I never think that I can learn all these like Goethe, but I just want to grasp them entirely one day.篇三:英语名著读后感!英语名著读后感!Review of “Is Arrogant and Prejudice ”Austin “Is arrogant And Prejudice ”,Juse she said,Is on two inches ivory the thin carv
17、ing,It is Austin representative reflection marriage question novel which in the author workmost receives welcome,has been at conservative and under the unenlightened conditionEnglish villages and towns life and the ways of the world ,the work vivid reflection 18 century ' ends to the beginningof
18、 19th social local customs and practices resembles the novel not only was attracting thegeneral readers at thattime,Really to today,Still gave the reader to enjoy by the unique is the first reality describes in the daily ordinary life theordinary graciousness writer of fiction,Played the role in the
19、 English novel history which links the precedingwith the following.The entire work does not have the flood the imposing manner,Not winding unconstrained plot,But is this kind of simplicity,Fine deeply is attracting us,Austin ' s short life nearly aplaissed in England ' vslage, Perhapsis peri
20、phery is simple,The tranquil atmosphere has bred her indifferent because does not have the rich experience,On has the suspicion to her regarding the thing analysis ability, Has read “Arrogant And Prejudice huManthe certainly can be exquisitefor her,the keen emotion writes “ Isarrogant And Prejudice
21、” ,Sise only several year-old girls, Isn' t this one kind of talent? She 一.、12精选公又范又 精选公文范文 indeed very little contacts “outside But, thought existence, Imagination existence, this all existences are enough.老人与海英语读后感The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway' smost enduring works and may ve
22、ry well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Se
23、a, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it
24、yesterday.19精选公文范文 精选公文范文Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre. My first impression of this story was from screen.It ' s long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don' tremember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by themusic, the scenery and the costume. I was v
25、ery favor of a section of music in its balls. It ' pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the heroine,though I didn ' think she' beautiful. But's so longsmart. However, I didn ' pay much attention to the plot. I thought it
26、that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven ' read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice.In fact, I didn ' understand the story at that time. I didn ' know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone#精选公文范文 精选公文范文was pride,
27、but I didn ' find where's the prejudice. I thought it ' normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I a prejudiced perso
28、n so I can ' t find where wrong. I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记读后感:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is American famous literary
29、 giant Mark Twain take his youth as the main subject to wrote.Tom Sawyer and his best friend, Huck Finn, tell stories, fish, and pretend to be pirates along the banks of the 精选公文范文15Mississippi River. Then they become real-life witnesses to a terrible crime! Whether Tom is running away from villains
30、, treasure hunting, or showing off for Becky Thatcher, it ' one thrilling escapade after another. Story leading Toni snaive character, is lively and the also mischievous model US youths. He and the urchin summer gram, respectively made the wonderful matter which one burst out laughing. Is punish
31、ed like Tom whitewashes the fence, unexpectedly executes the clever trick, not only causes other child to be willing to replace him to work, but also automatically offers the thank-you gift. Afterwards went with Xia Ketao to the desert island, the people thought they were drown to death, the church have been holding the mourning ritual for them, but they actually hid in the church bell tower listen secretly. These mischievous actions, 精选公文范文16 although cannot make
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