



1、U1Topic11. 主语+have/has been to + 地点 “去过某地” (已返回)主语+have/has gone to +地点 “去了某地” (未回来)主语+have/has been in +地点+for +段时间 (待在某地,动作可以延长一定时间,后面常接段的时间)She has been in Japan for 2 year.She has been to Japan. She has gone to Japan. 地点是名词须接to ,如果地点是副词则不接to。 Tom has been there. 对地点提问用:where 2.频度副词already,yet ,j

2、ust,ever,never,在现在完成时中的作用(1)already 用在肯定句,用与句中,句尾均可,“已经” Ive finished my homework already. Ive already finished my homework . (2)yet 用于否定句或疑问句,“还” ,用于句末。在现在完成时的用法中,肯定句常用already,改用否定句和一般疑问句时常把already改为 yet(放句末)。 I have already found him. Have you found him yet ?(3)Just位于谓语动词前。 “刚刚” (也可以用于一般现在时,过去时态)

3、He has just come back from France.(4) ever 多用与一般疑问句,否定句和条件状语从句中,“曾经” Have you ever been to France? No, I havent. /Yes,I have. If you ever happen to come here ,be sure to visit us.(5)never 多用于否定的陈述句中,“从不” (反义词是ever) I have never travelled on a plane.(变成一般疑问句) Have you ever travelled on a plane? He is

4、 never late for school. (它还可以用于其他时态中)(6)before 做副词时,”从前“ ,句中谓语常用现在完成时和过去时。 I have never been to the place before. I saw her before.三.词组。1.考虑做某事 consider doing sth2.多亏了 thanks to +名词/doing sth3.亲眼看见 see sth.oneself4.真的么? Is that so? /Really ?5.过上艰苦的生活 have / live a hard life6.有一个好机会做某事 have a good ch

5、ance to do sth7.与某人联系 keep in touch with8.远方亲戚 relatives far away9.在某方面取的进步 make (great) progress in +名词10.成功做成某事 succeed in doing sth./ be successful in doing sth.11.现在北京的路发生了什么变化?What has happened to Beijings roads nowadays?12. With my parents help = with the help of my parents With the developmen

6、t of China. China has developed rapidly.13. There goes the bell.14.More sorts of leisure activities.更多种类的业余活动15. improve(动) educate (动) communicate (动) improvement (名词) education (名) communication(名)16.support (动词)support a family 养家 (名词)give sb. support =give support to sb.给.支持17. Thanks to the gov

7、ernments efforts, my hometown is becoming better and better. Topic2一、So do I . (前面提到的肯定情况同样适合另外一个主语。“我也是这样”) Neither/Nor do I.(前面提到的否定情况同样适合于另外一个主语。“我也不这样”)-Tom is a kind man. -So_am_I. -The children should come earlier. -So_should_they. -Kangkang plays football well. -So_do_we. -They visited the fa

8、rm. -So_did_he. -I have been to Beijing. -So_has_he. -Mike will leave here. -So_will_Maria.-She isnt a good worker. -Neither /Nor_am_I. -He wont go swimming. -Neither _will_we. -They have never been to Fuzhou. -Neither_has_he. -We cant go to the cinema. -Neither _can_they.二,So it is. “的确如此“(表达两者对同一事

9、物看法一致) so + 主语(代词)+ be/助动词/情态动词 -The girl was at home. -So_she was_. -Lucy came to the school. -So_she did_. -Kangkang has been to Beijing. -So_he has_.三,分数,百分数分数,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母用复数形式。例如: one third 1/3, two thirds 2/3, a quarter1/4, three quarters3/4 , a half/one half ½(2)分数+ of +复数名词:Th

10、ree fifths of students are girls. Three fifths of the population is Chinese.(3)百分数。”基数词+percent” thirty percent 30%(4)百分数+of +复数名词: China has 20 percent of the worlds population.四,unless的用法(=ifnot.)”除非.“(引导条件状语从句.) You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.五,词组。(1)population “人口”,用 large/small 形容,做主

11、语时,谓语动词用单数,疑问词用what提问。What is the population of the U.S.A.? It is 296 million.对某事严格 be strict in/about sth. 对某人严格be strict with sb短缺 be short of 增加了. increase by 发展中国家 the developing country发达国家 the developed country 到目前为止 so far 采取许多措施做某事 take many measures to do sth.在做某事方面有奏效 work well in doing st

12、h属于 belong to 一对,一些 a couple of 发展迅速 develop quickly快速提高 improve rapidly执行独生子女政策 carry out the one-child policy在农场动物的帮助下种庄稼 plant crops with the help of farm animalsTopic3 一、一般过去时常用的时间是:last+时间, 段的时间+ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday 例如:He visited his parents yesterday.二,现在完成时的“未完成”用法。本用法表示动作

13、或状态从过去某时开始,延续至今,可能结束,也可能继续下去。常与for短语,since 短语或since从句连用,可以用how long提问。谓语动词用延续性动词。1,一般过去时的句子改为现在完成时的句子。 短暂性动词延续性动词 borrow keep become be die be dead open be open buy have close be closed join be a member of/be in marry be married begin/start be on fall ill be ill come to be in/at get up be up leave /

14、go be away (from) end be overput on wear fall asleepbe asleepcatch a cold have a cold2,一般过去时的时间现在完成时的时间 at 8:00 since 8:00 last yearfor one year /since last year yesterday for one day /since yesterday two days agofor two days /since two days ago3,一般时的句子变成现在完成时的句子。(1)He bought the VCD yesterday. He h

15、as had the VCD since yesterday./for one day.(2)She borrowed this book three days ago. She has kept this book for three days ./since three days ago.(3)He left the park at 8:00.He has been away from the park since 8 oclock三,词组。决定某事 decide on +名词决定做某事 decide to do sth.一旦就once吸毒 take drugs力求做某事 aim to do sth.把学校带进穷地区 bring schools into poor areas在国内外 at home and abroad来参观 at home and abroad提供某人某物provide sb.with sth. = provide sth.for sb.自我感觉良好feel good about oneself事实上 as a matter of fact = in fact如果你来了就将很快习惯它的 You will get used to it very soon if yo


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