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1、百度文库-好好学习,天天向上广州版六年级英语上册教案UNIT 12 Lets Go Further一、教学内容分析U12 Did You Know? & Additional Words二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1 .拓展学生的课外词汇或词组:receiver, dial tone, insert, dial the number, speak up, press, refund button, get through.2 . 了解电话的过去与现在:第一部电话的发明者,telephone的由来,及当今的 电话发展。(二)语言技能目标1 .能运用所学词汇到句子中去。2 .能用英语说出打ID电

2、话的过程。(三)学习策略目标通过网络资料,录像等向学生呈现电话发展历程,吸引学生的注意力,激发 其求学的欲望。(四)情感态度目标1 .培养学生从小爱科学的精神。2 .让学生了解更多的生活常识,从而培养学生热爱生活的态度。三、教学重、难点准确认读 Additional Wordso四、教学策略通过歌曲、谜语,激发学生学习的欲望,并运用多媒体向学生展示电话的发 展进程。五、教学过程(-)热身与复习小诗朗诵。(激情引趣。)听力训练。(通过练习,强化学生听的能力。) 听对话三次,根据听到的内容填写表格。A message3 .揭示本课学习目标。(二)呈现与操练方法一:1.谜语:老师读出谜语,让大家猜一

3、物品。(适当设疑,引发学生的好 奇心。)Ifs our good friend in our life. You can talk on it with each other. It cant talk. When someone wants to talk with you it can sing ring, ring, ring. What is it?谜底:Telephone2 .拼读单词 Telephone,呈现书本 P55 Did You Know? BoThe word “telephone” comes from the Greek works: tele and “phone”

4、. “Tele” means ufrom far. Phone” means sound”.老师边拆分单词,比用英文解释,让学 生理解当中的意思。为检测效果,可提问个别学生。(学生对此类知识有较浓厚 的兴趣,通过理解,运用策略记忆单词,收效较好。)3 .展示各种电话的图片(可从网上下教)呈现书本P55 Did You Know? C。 认读单词mobile,让学生从图片或实物(老师的电话)中理解其中文意思。并作文字介绍:About 58 million people in Britain use around 80 Million telephones and mobiles. Many pe

5、ople prefer the old-fashioned telephone boxes to the modern ones.(通过阅读及观看图片,有利于帮助学生理解这段话的含义。)-3百度文库好好学习,天天向上4,通过电脑,呈现第一部电话的图片,并向学生介绍:This is the first telephone. Do you want to know who invented it?接着老师可呈现 Alexander Graham Bell 的相片, 并询问同学们:Do you know this num?如果个别学生认识的话,可让其用中文先 介绍一下他,老师再作介绍。(这对于学生的

6、理解有一定的帮助。)帮助学生理 解以下单词或短语:a 28-year-old, black-haired Scotsman, invent方法二:L通过录像,向学生播放拨打ID电话的过程。(让学生先感知,为下 面的学习与理解做好铺垫。)2 .帮助学生理解和认读课外词汇或词组:receiver, dial tone, insert, dial the number, speak up, press, refund button, get through.(可让学生自主拼读,从而培养其自学能力。)全班齐读单词。3 .小组比赛:把单词放进对应的句子中,并帮句子排序。(提高学生理解、运用 语言的能力。

7、)读句子。(三)拓展与提高完成活动手册P51, P52,2.练习。读下面的句子,根据实际情况,判断句子的正误,如正确,在括号内写T,否则 写F。()(1) In 1997 I was 10 years old. In 2006 I was 12 years old.( )(2) There were twenty girls and twenty-two boys in my class last term.There were forty-two pupils in my class last term.( )(3) Yesterday I had two oranges in the mo

8、rning, three in the afternoon and one in the evening. I had four oranges yesterday.( )(4) Guangzhou has a history of more than 2000 years.( )(5) Last year the summer term began in September.(四)作业布置听 U12 Did You Know? & Additional Words 录音,B艮读。搜集更多的电话资料,制作手抄报。-3百度文库好好学习,天天向上完成拓展阅读P52,根据提示写出你是如何打电话的。六

9、、教学反思学生对科学的追求比较旺盛,课堂容易失控,但还是应该提供让学生充分展 示的平台,让其在锻炼中获取自信,从而提高各项能力。七、教学资源阅读材料选编:May I Make an Appointment to See the Doctor?Nurse: Hello, D匚 Hobbs clinic. May I help you?John: Hello, may I make an appointment to see the doctor, please?Nurse: Certainly, would you prefer a morning or an afternoon appoint

10、ment?John: Morning, please.Nurse: How about Tuesday morning at 10:30?John: No, sony Im working on Tuesday morning.Nurse: Okay. Is 11:30 Wednesday morning OK with you?John: Let me see . no, sorry I cant fit that one in either! Do you have any appointment on Thursday?Nurse: I have a nine oclock appoin

11、tment, or half past ten, which would you prefer?John: Oh, nine oclock please.Nurse: Okay, could I have your name please?John: Tm John Smith听力材料选编:Today is March 3rd. Its 10:00 a.m. Mike is calling Ben now.Mike: Hello. May I speak to Ben?Sally: Sorry. Ben isnt in. Whos that, please?Mike: Its Mike her

12、e. When will he come back?Sally: At lunch time. Can I take a message for him?Mike: Oh. thank you. Please ask him to bring the storybook to school.Sally: OK.Mike: Thank you. Goodbye!Sally: Bye!3.读句子,选出句子相应的答语,并把答语的编号写在相应句子前的括号内。()(1) May I speak to Miss Tang?()(2) Is that ?()(3) How do you do?()(4) H

13、ow are you?()(5) Whos that, please?()(6) Are you all right?()(7) Shall we play football?()(8) Were you tired at that time?()(9) Was he there?()(10) Did you call me this morning?A. Im very well, thank you. And you?B. How do you do?C. All right.D. Wrong number.E. Speaking.F. Ifs Ben here.G Yes, I am.H. Yes, I did.I. Yes, he was.J. No, I wasnt.4 .关于表示消遣的词汇:play ball games 打球play poker / cards 玩扑克play


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