1、模块:Module 2 单元:Unit 4 话题:Do you have any cousinS单元教学概述教学目标:知识目标:1.掌握本单元的核心词汇,能正确书写。2 .能正确书写句子 Do you have any cousins? Yes, I have one cousin.3 .能正确读出字母e在闭音节中的发音。语言技能:1.听懂询问别人家庭情况的对话。4 .能用句型Do you have any?询问别人的家庭成员情况。用I have介绍自己 的家庭成员情况。5 .阅读家谱,理解家庭成员之间的关系。情感态度目标:利用多种游戏或活动形式培养学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣。教学重难点:重点:
2、1.掌握词?匚 any, cousin, family, parents, grandfather grandmother, uncle, aunt, that2.能用Do you have any cousins? Yes, I do. /No, I don t.谈论家庭成员情况。3.了解字母e在闭 音节中的发音难点:any在否定句和一般疑问句中的用法,以及 some在肯定句中的用法。教法策略分析:通过以旧带新的方式学习新词。通过朗读课文,复述课文,和扩展阅读材料, 给学生提供更多接触英语、运用英语的机会。运用评价机制激发学生学习 兴趣,增强竞争意识。课时划分:三课时教学课时分配 第一课时:
3、Loo and learn, Culture corner第二课时: Listen and say, Do a survey第三课时: Say and act, Learn the sounds课题: Unit 4 Do you have any cousins教学课时:第一课时教学内容: Loo and learn, Culture corner教学目标知识目标:1.帮助学生学习掌握Loo and Learn中表示家庭成员的单词。2通过Culture Corner帮助学生意识到英语国家对亲属的称谓的特点。语言技能:通过家谱制作和介绍,帮助学生巩固词汇学习,结合句型 I haveThis is
4、 my 介绍家庭成员。情感态度:利用游戏等活动形式培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。教学重难点:教学重点:掌握词7匚 parents, grandfather; grandmother; grandparents, uncle aunt, cousin教学难点:理解家庭成员之间的关系。英文中对亲属的称谓与中文的区别,cousin 一词所指范围。教具准备:单词卡片,课件教学过程:Step1: Warm up1. Free talHow many people are there in your family? Who are they?2. Sing a song My family【设计意图】通过师生
5、之间的交流,营造轻松的学习氛围,歌曲内容的选择主要为自 然过渡到后面介绍家人做准备。Step2 Presentation1 .师出示自己家庭照片,介绍。This is my family. There are four people in my family. Loo! This is my father. He tall. This is my mother. She s thin. This is my sister. Shes beautiful. I have a happy family.2 .根据短文判断正误。There are there people in my family.
6、( )My father is short.()My mother is thin.()3 .圈出照片上 father, mother My father is tall. My mother is thin. They are my parents.教学 parents4 .出示 Jill 的 family treeThere are eight people in Jill s family. Who are theyThis is Jill s father s father. Whd s he?学习 grandfather同样学习 grandmother, uncle, aunt, c
7、ousin5 .出示Jill的话,学生练读。This is my cousin. His name is Dan. H e s Aunt Lily s son.6 .师:Jill has a cousin. I have cousinstoo.师出示自己表弟、表妹的照片。This is .He s my cousin.This is .She s my cousin.引导学生理解cousin可以指表兄弟,表姐妹,堂兄弟,堂姐妹。7 . Play a game低音互换,操练单词。【设计意图】 面向全体学生,多层次,多角度的操练单词在课堂教学中必不可少。我在操练过程中 设计了高低音互换游戏,目的是
8、让学生集中注意力听老师的单词。Step3: Practice1 . Loo and read.Hello, I m Jill. This is my family. There are eight people in my family. Loo, they are my grandparents.They are my parents. They are my uncle and aunt. And this is my cousin. His nam Dan. He sUncle John s son.2 .出示Dan s family tree学生试说:Hello, I m . This
9、 is my. There are people in my family. Loo, they are my . They are my They are my and. And this is my. Hername is. She s s daughter.【设计意图】通过创编文本的形式,提供给学生思维、巩固和运用新语言的机会,为学生 能力的递进提供平台,提高英语的口头表达能力。Step4: Consolidation1. Chant Father , father ,I love father.Mother , mother ,I love mother.Grandfather , g
10、randfather ,I love grandfather.Grandmother ,grandmother ,I love grandmother.Uncle , uncle ,I love uncle.Aunt , aunt ,I love aunt.Cousin , cousin ,I love cousin.Family ,family ,I love my family.2. Tal about your family in pairs.【设计意图】 用chant巩固新学单词,并且在此环节中也复习到了以前学习的家庭成员的单词, 避免了单词学习的单一和枯燥,做到了前后知识的联系和整合
11、。Homewor:1. Listen to and read Student s Boo page 19 Loo and learn.2. Complete your family tree and introduce your family.Blacboard designModule 2 Unit 5Do you have any cousins?grandparents f J 1grandfather1parentsfathermotherJill编撰 chant Father , father ,I love father.Mother , mother ,I love mother
12、.grandmother1T1 uncleaunt电DanGrandfather , grandfather ,I love grandfather.Grandmother ,grandmother ,I love grandmother.Uncle , uncle ,I love uncle.Aunt , aunt ,I love aunt.Cousin , cousin ,I love cousin.Family ,family ,I love my family.Teaching notes:教学课时:第二课时教学内容:Listen and say, Do a survey教学目标知识目
13、标:1通过Listen and say勺对话,帮助学生学习句型 Do you have any彼其回答。语言技能:1.能听懂询问别人家庭情况的对话。2.能用句型Do you have any ?询问别人的家庭成员情况。用I have介绍自己 的家庭成员情况。情感态度:热爱自己的爷爷奶奶和爸爸妈妈,热爱自家的小家和大家。教学重难点:教学重点:1,词汇 any, family3. 句型 Do you have any cousins ? Yes, I have one cousin.No, I don t have any cousins.教学难点:any 的用法教具准备:配套课件,单词图片,点读
14、机 教学过程:stepi: Pre-tas preparations1 .出示Jill的家谱图,让学生看图复习表示家庭成员的单词。然后提问,要求 学生根据家谱快速回答,学生回答后,教师出示相关单词,请学生拼读。T Her hair is long. Who is she?Si Shes Jills aunt.2 .和学生做快速问答游戏,帮助学生加深对家庭成员之间的关系的理解。T Hes your fathers brother. Who is he?Si Hes my uncle.T Shes your fathers sister. Who is she?S2 Shes my aunt.教师
15、示范后,请学生两人 组互相问答。Step2: While-tas procedures1 .出示Listen and say勺图片,接着教师根据图片提问并介绍图片。T. Who is the boy?播放 Listen and say勺录音。1、Whos this man/woman?(Hes/Shes Jillsgrandfather/grandmother.)2 ) How many aunts and uncles does Jill have?(She has one uncle and one aunt.)3、Whats Jills cousins name?(His names D
16、an.)再次播放Listen and say勺录音。学生跟读。接着在黑板上写下核心句型学生Do you have ?帮助学生理解句型,然后对个别学生提问。T Do you have any aunts and uncl?es然后把挂图贴在黑板上,请两个学生上根据图片进行对话.3学生两人一组,手拿各自的家庭照向同伴询问和介绍各自的家庭成员,然后请几对学生上前向全班作介绍。SI (point to his ph oto) This is a photo of my family. Theyre my parents. Theyre my grandparents. I have one uncle
17、. His names What about you? Do you have any uncles?S2:4.让学生看Do a survey栏目的表格和对话,告诉学生他们将要对同学的家庭成员进行调查。将学生分为四人一组,要求学生在小组内展开调查。最后请几个小组派代表向全班汇报。S1 Do you have a big family or a small family?S2 I have a big family.S3 Do you have any brothers, sisters or cousins?S2 I have no brothers, no sisters, but I ha
18、ve two cousins.S3 Do you have any uncles and aunts?S2 Yes, I have two uncles and three auntsPost-tas activitiesl,对子活动。发给学生两张家谱图(A, B)。两张家谱图中各有部分信息缺失(参见“参考资 料)。让学生两人一组玩游戏。一个学生拿图 A,另一个拿图B,两人通过询问获取信息, 完成家谱。SI (have Picture A) Do you have any aunts?S2 (have Picture B)Yes,I have one aunt.SI: Whats her na
19、me?S2 Her names _ Do you have any uncles?S1:S1 Hello, Im Im nine years old. Loo!This is a photo of my family. This is me and these are my parents:.What about you? Do you have any uncles and aunts?Homewor:1. Listen to and read StudeHt s Boo page 18 Listen and say .2. Copy and recite the sentences on
20、page 18.3. Complete Worboo pages 21,22 and 24.Blacboard designDo you have any cousins?any familyDo you have any cousins?Yes,I have one cousin.编撰chantTeaching notes教学课时:第三课时教学内容:Say and act, Learn the sounds教学目标知识目标:帮助学生学习字母e在闭音节中的发音。通过学习任务(Tas) ,帮助学生巩固和运用本单元所学的知识。语言技能:通过Say and ac的情景对话,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用句
21、型 Do you have any?情感态度:热爱自己的爷爷奶奶和爸爸妈妈,热爱自家的小家和大家。教学重难点:教学重点:语音:e (ten,pen)词汇:that句型: Do youhave any ?日常用语:How old is he? Hes 11 years old.教学难点:e (ten, pen)小组合作,情境表演教学方法与手段:小组合作,情境表演教具准备:配套课件,单词图片,点读机教学过程:Pre-tas preparations1快速提问。要求学生根据实际情况迅速作出应答。T. Do you have any uncles?S1 Yes,I do.T. How many unc
22、les do you have?SII have three uncles.2邀请个别学生走到讲台前做自我介绍,然后鼓励其他学生向他们提问。S1 Hi, everybody! Im” have a big family.S2 Do you have any cousins?S1 Yes,I do.I have three cousins.S3 Do you have any uncles?S1 Yes. I have two uncles.While-tas procedures1 .让学生看Say and ac的图片和对话,然后看图回答问题。(Picture l)Whos this girl
23、?(Picture 2)Whos the boy? Whats his name?(Picture 3)How old is the boy?(Picture 4)Whos the man? Is he Jills father?接着,播放录音,要求学生跟读。举例说明日常用语How old is he? Hes-years old的用法2 .出示图片,要求学生根据 Say and act的图片编对话,教师可以将一些关键的句型和单词写在黑板上。Whos that man?Do you have any uncles/aunts。?Yes,I have./No,I dont.I have uncl
24、e(s)/aunt(s).最后,将学生按三人一组分组,并根据对话中的角色进行表演。S1 Hello,(S20 narne).52 Hello_ Welcome to my home. (showsome photos) These are my family photos.53 (point to a photo) Are these your parents?S2 Yes, they are.S4 Who is he? Is he your brother?S2 No, he isnt. Hes my cousin. His names .Hes _ years old.3.出示Learn
25、the sounds勺语音单词卡片e(ten pen)播放录音或朗读字母和单词,让学生跟 读数遍,感知字母e在单词中的发音。Te,/e/, ten;e,/e/, pen.Sse,/e/, ten;e,/e/, pen.播放Learn the sounds勺录音,要求学生跟着录音朗读儿歌,教师可以请学生先跟读这些词组。T: Ten red pens.Ss Ten red pens.呈现含有字母a, e的单词,让学生读单词然后根据字母a, e的发音把单词归类,最后带领学生一起朗读。Ssa, eI ,table, face, cae, plate; a, ,hat, hand, cat, bad,
26、dad.e, i:, he, she, Peter; e ,/e/, egg, bed, ten, pen, cirled.Post-tas activities1 出 示不同家庭的图片,包括经典卡通人物的家庭图片,让学生根据图片画出人物的家谱然后两人一组根据各自的图片对话。Sl Im I have a big/small family.I have. Do you hav e ?S2 Yes,I do.I have What about you?Sl:2 .在学生完成活动l的基础上,请学生以I Family tree形式画一画自己的家庭。然后把学生 分为四人一组,请学生看着自己画“家庭树”在组内介绍自己的家庭。教师可以出示一些问题提示学生这样介绍
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