



1、1 2017 年上海中考英语阅读理解训练: Mr 2 and Mrs King Mr and Mrs King live in London.Mr King drives a car in a factory and Mrs Ki ng teaches in a school.They have a daughter and two son s.The daughter is five and the sons are only one year old.They were born on the same day and they look the same.Mrs King always

2、dress them in the same shirts and trousers , so its hard to tell who they are.Mr King can hardly(几乎不)differentiate(区 分)them.Mr and Mrs King have no time to look after their children.They have to hire a servant(雇佣一个佣人),Alice.The girl is kind and they all like her. Today Mrs King has to go to the hosp

3、ital.She says to Alice, “Bath(给??洗澡)Jim and Mike and dress them the clea n clothes. ” “ OK, Mrs Ki ng,” says Alice. “ But I cant differe ntiate them. 3 “ Dont worry ,” says Mrs King. “Ann can tell you about it. ” Soon Alice finishes bathing the two children.She puts them on the bed and wants to dres

4、s them.She asks , “ Which is Jim , Ann? ” “ rm sorry ,” answers Ann. “I cant differentiate them on ly know Mummy always puts Jim on the left and Mike on the right. ” 根据短文内容在下列各句中填入适当的单词 (有的首字母已给 出)。 1. Mr King is a and his wife is a . 2. Therere f people in Mr Kin gs family. 3. Mr Kin gs two sons are t and Mrs King always dresses them the same . 4. The Kings are too to their childre n.So they hire Alice. 5. From the story we know that only can differe ntiate the two babies. 参考答案:1.


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