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1、模拟联合国 Draft-Resolution范例作者:日期:Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Ki

2、ngdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council.Deeply convinced that children's rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to

3、the largest extent.Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999). and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor.Urgi

4、ng all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor.Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labo

5、r and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instalments based in such diversity.Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for

6、children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor.Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world.Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on t

7、he child labor problem,Fully aw are that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,The Adjustnienl of the

8、 Minimal Working AgeA. Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and cultural backgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in their own territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include a clause remind

9、ing the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respect for states sovereignty;B. Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of a universal one;C. Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizations should play a more

10、important role to supen-ise the child labor issue world wide; And the Minimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken as reference;D. Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor; For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned i

11、n the Convention No; 182, we should set the age standard as is the adult's age according to the nation's law; And then for the less severe forms such as manufacturing and farming. Fully believing that the specific ages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the

12、 numbers, however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; And combining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work, there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :fhe work is fi

13、t for the child of the age age4the work is do 痴7 for the children 3physical and menial health;Financial Help|F. proclaims that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entire world faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signat

14、ories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that draw attention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis' impact on the issue of child labor:|A. |express great preoccupation at the negative impacts that the restructuring of the world economy might have

15、on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worsening the child labor problem.F. recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment to international funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoid further deterioration on the conditions of chil

16、dren all over the world, especially on the least developed countries,G. further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against child labor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,H. calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradua

17、lly and effectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental and spiritual health, their education:7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can't be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan sect

18、ion called “CLEOL” (child labor elimination-oriented loan):A. The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries suffering child labor,B. The fund should be nin under the management of UNICEF and the supervision of UN supervising body; The money comes from developed countrie

19、s donated by a certain proportion of its GDP annually,C. The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directed connected with the country's child labor elimination; What s more, a certain proportion of the money one country borrow should be invested on education with the r

20、est of the money being used by the country s will,D. The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council annual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund ,Class of 2015: Education for All", in order t

21、o provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A. recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic laws prudently,B. recom

22、mend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on the labour using status on multi-national cooperations,C. recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations to restrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour.D. recommend to provide

23、 subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations which eradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A. emphasize countries gi

24、ving their donations should have promised on non-violations on states sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B. emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economy and lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of superv

25、isions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;The regulation of global trade and run of multinational corporations13. Regards the impact that globalization combined with economic rationalist policies have had on child labor's conditions, safety standa

26、rds and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A. set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organ

27、ization (WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B. prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse or even transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victims are forbidden and deserves strict punishme

28、nt,C. recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areas such as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors.D. suggest media be given more inspective and supervisor legitimacy to do its job in revealing situations on trafficking, sex

29、ual exploitation and other illicit use of child labor which also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure.E. require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe the registers or other documents which shall be kept and made available

30、by the employer; such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, duly certified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and who are less than 18 years of age,F. call on campaigns on specific industries,G. recommend accounting for the fact tha

31、t it*s hard to take on the whole global economy, so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to make their voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions or payments;Education14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as u

32、niversal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A. Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for

33、 the upbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towards gender;B. Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development of institutions, facilities and services f

34、or the care of children;C. Requests enhancement of parents' specific training that will provide the poor with some working skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation, deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization and enhancin

35、g management of work force of fixed number and therefore production efficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspe

36、ct factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, a

37、nd take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcin

38、g compulsory education there;19. Recommends carry ing out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on t

39、echnology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas:21. Decides to arm th

40、e children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the fonn of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, wher

41、e children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-governnient programmes that are

42、aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for ”good practice";24. Calls for special Education and training for femalesgirls and womenA. strongly recomme

43、nd the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexual exploitation, such as but not limited to:B. recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights; Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation.C. recommend setting up special school f

44、or training of females to help them become better educated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D. proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mental compensations as seen fit in national law,E. proclaim the right to pursue informati

45、on and justified approach to protect their own legal rights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A. raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of public supervision and report to help the media protect f

46、ighting for the rights of child labor,B. pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guarantee them,C. enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D. Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructural building by promoting initiati

47、ves in conflict resolutions, as well as to implement mechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve bot

48、h the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A. recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);The developed countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education in the Third World: The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging studen

49、ts and teachers, infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries will choose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They may stay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;Protection and post care27. Requests handle

50、of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A. create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitted diseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short

51、term emergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B. add training in judiciary; police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking and sale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C. develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,

52、D. demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and child labor.E. support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training and support empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order to create a safe environment for vic

53、tims to report and recover form sufferings;International oversighl and assessment mechanism28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A. recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to publ

54、ic to discourage them from abusing child laborB. call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that the funds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A. recomme

55、nd a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEE could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B. recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sent by UN to d

56、ifferent regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;gislatioi;30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation

57、is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) 一 provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings a

58、vailable to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling children's complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on: carry out assessment a

59、nd supenision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A. establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions, B. establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that the funds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international soc


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