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1、中考英语阅读理解专项训练1阅读下面5篇短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。ANanjing Museum Notice to Visitors(1) Opening Hours:9:00-17:00(Closed_day:Monday)(2)Ways to get tickets:Visitors may take tick .ets from the automatic ticket machines(自动售票机 );Visitors can also take tickets from the Service Center.(3)Rules:Ple

2、ase accept the security check (安全检查) before going to the hall.People with pets are not allowed to get in. Do not take photos with flashlight(闪光灯).Please visit in order and care about the environment of the hall.(4)Address:No. 321 Zhongshan Road(5)Price:20 yuan per personFor more information, call Mr

3、. Liang at 62868987 or Mrs. Li at 62868966.()1. How many ways can visitors get tickets?A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.()2. If you want to know more information about the museum, you can call _A. Mr. Liang at 62868686 B. Mr. Liang at 68868987C. Mrs. Li at 62868966 D. Mrs. Li at 62868987()3. J

4、ack and his parents are going to visit the museum. Howmuch should they pay?A. 40 yuan B. 60 yuan. C. 80 yuan D. 90 yuan.()4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. People can go to the museum with their pets.B. People can take photos in the museum with flashlight.C. Children need to pay 10 yuan for the t

5、ickets.D. People must accept the security check before walking into the hall.BWhen I am shopping or hanging out, I often see some people I know (nothing else but their names). I don t know if I should say “hello to them. If they don t know me, they may look at me in surprise ad I will feel a little

6、embarrassed. If you were me, what would you do?LindaI know how you feel I m shy, too, but I don t think it s strange to say “hello to pe rson. If I were you, I would smile at them.SweetieThat depends. If I m in a good mood (心、情),I will say “hello to them. If they don t answer, I ll think they re imp

7、olite and I ll never do that in future. If I m in a bad mood, I ll just pass by and say nothing.NiaI m outgoing, so this problem doesn t bother me at all. I think you should say hi to them. If they are surprised, just tell them who you are.MarcoI m from Ireland and we say ” . hi to strangers all the

8、 time. We often have short conversations bus stops, too.Peace()5. Who comes from Ireland?A. Nia. B. Peace. C. Marco. D. Sweetie.()6. What does Sweetie think of Linda is like?A. Shy. B. Impolite C. Kind. D. Outgoing.()7. How does Nia deal with the situation?A. It depends on who the person is.B. It de

9、pends on if the person greets her.C. It depends on whether her mood is good or not.D. It depends on how many times she meets the person.E. 8. and havedifferent characters(性格),but they havethe same idea about L inda s problem.A. Nia; Peace B. Nia, Sweetie C. Marco, Peace D. Marco; SweetieCOnce upon a

10、 time, a painter got into a dragon s (龙的) house by mistake. The dragon was very angry.The painter was very afraid and explained that he was lost. But the dragon still decided to kill him.“I can help you, “ the painter said.“How could you help me? I m surprised you even know how to breathe! Ha ha haa

11、a!” the dragon laughed.The painter answered, “I can see that your scales ( 鳞片 )have disappeared a bit, and I can help you paint some. Then you can look much scarier. The dragonagreed at last.The painter painted some scales for the dragon. The dragon liked these scales so much that he often asked the

12、 painter to make some new changes.One day, the painter and the dragon arrived at a mountain. They were making their way around it when they realized the mountain was a giant (巨人).He was very angry with the dragon s disturbance( 打扰 ).The dragon was very afraid and explained that he arrived there by m

13、istake. But the giant decided to kill the dragon.“Please, great giant. I can shoot fire from mymouth. I can heat your bed before bedtime, “ said the dragon.The giant, just as the drago n had done, agreed. He made the dragon his slave. The painter was so small that the giant could hardly see him. One

14、 night, when the giant was sleeping, the painter escaped(逃走).()9.What s the meaning of the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?A. The painter was so weak that the dragon laughed at him.B. The painter couldn t breathe in the dragon s house.C. The painter was too afraid to breathe.D. The drago

15、n wanted to teach the painter how to breathe.()10.What did the painter do for the dragon?A. He made some delicious food for the dragon.B. He helped the dragon find his fried.C. He painted some scales for the dragon.D. He killed the giant for the dragon.E. 11. What s the meaning of the underlined wor

16、d, “slave” , in Chinese?A.奴隶 B. 老师 C. 士兵 D. 客人F. 12. Why could the painter escapefrom the giant s house?A. He made a big fire in the giant s house.B. He helped the giant heat his bed.C. He made friends with the giant.D. He was too small for the giant to notice him.DWant to raise children who can spe

17、ak two languages well? It is a little bit difficult to teach children a second language, because there can be a lot of choices. Here s some information to help you find the right way for your children to learn another language.Bilingual immersion (沉浸式双语教学) is a very popular wayin the United States.I

18、n the class, all the teaching, as well as the usual conversation, is done in the language the children are learning. This teaches students a second language the way they learn their first lang uage. In some programs, some of the students are native English speakers while others are native speakers o

19、f the target( 目标)language. In this way, children can learn from one another.You can use your children s reading time to show them the other languages. Iria Nishimura, who comes from Finland, sent her children to a Finnish language class when the family lived in San Francisco. But their new hoe in Sa

20、cramento does nothave such programs. Nishimura decides to let her sons learn the language by providing Finnish books.Travel to a foreign country so children can experience other languages andcultures. Of cours, this is not always possible, so what about visiting neighborhoods where other languages a

21、re spoken? It is important to start the conversation withchildren about how interesting other languages are. When hearing other languages, you can point out, “Oh wow, they are saying hello, but they are saying it differently. ”E. 13. In the U.S. bilingual immersion is a way. A. traditional B. popula

22、r C. difficult D. boring()14.Iria Nishimura.A. comes from AmericaB. is living in Sacramento nowC. teachers Finnish in an American sc hoo lD. lets her sons learn Finnish with English booksE. )15. Children can when they travel to a foreign country.A. meet some old friends B. become more outgoingC. exp

23、erience dangerous things D. learn other languages and cultures()16. What does the writer try to tell us?A. What bilingual immersion is.B. The importance of traveling to foreign countries.C. Some good ways for the children to learn new languages.D. How Iria Nishimura teaches her sons a second languag

24、e.EOne day, I went to see my last patient, an old woman. Inthe doorway, I saw shewas trying to put socks on her feet. I stepped in and spoke quickly to the nurse.I was almost clear that she was not in serious condition.I asked, “Could I help put on your socks? How are you feeling? The nurseto seeing

25、 him.mentioned you re waiting to see your son. He s visiting you today. It s nice to have a family visit. I think you really look forward“Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours. She said in a serious voice.I was surprised as I helped her with the socks. She told me that her only sonlived arou

26、nd the corner from her, but she had not seen him for five years. She believed that was the main cause of her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook herhead and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.E

27、ach story is different. What matters to the storyteller is that the story isheard without interruption (打断)or judgement (评价)It was that woman who taught me the importance of stopping, sitting down andtruly listening. And, not long after, I became a patient. 20 years later, I sit all the time in a wheelchair.For as long as I could, I continued to see patients from my chair. I believein the power of listening.()17. What did the old woma


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