1、probl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,sotues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goeI _L. L IL. I I_ 一 I,_一 - .-
2、.-.一 - -.- II. I.preci siontofindtheproblem,laying asolidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction.Bto makechange.Fornalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to tsthroughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousnessof problemsa.一- .L . .1 .1 一 I - 一che ckput ofpro
3、blem, throughestablishedrectification Taihe spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Officialnd insiste d on problem -oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep i- - LJ 一 一 一 一一 - 一 .wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a
4、ccountPIN,approach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,andthat knowthatmodifiepcukerpose,maii ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeridswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose dto focunsg anducationndenter prising s
5、pirit,a ctiveatthewell -on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswa -. LLI 1practi ce activitie s andthreestrict threereal topic education problemrectificatin of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefull ndself-di scipli neaware nessis notstrong一I. -I - - I _ I on combi ned up, consolidati on e
6、xpande d ha s made ofrectificatiefullplayto adva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a ndng ,depresse d,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers aati on results, str onglycorrectedforofficernotfor,and Chiandendless
7、corre cted fourwind gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding a s an opportunitytoawardins andlea ding cadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty membera.一 一J 一 , _ 一J一一 一nd, andregulation masses
8、si de ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance morepowerf ul,and problemsolution more completely.Third,we mrecognition ofa numberofnd every cadre,al-一一 ust consolidateoutstanding partymembersadvanced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstanding partywre quires a combination ofact ualand controll ed,focuse d a
9、nd really putyour selfin, peoplese.一 . _._ - I. 一.一一一 一 一一. 一 , -. I I . Iour a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,somepartymembers whofocuson theng issuesorkers,and putthe pioneertrees.e thing s,see ,with theirow nspecificngthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespspiriti ctmanagement,solid.Fi nally,t heurgew
10、orkonthe lo education, noton education educational, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, mnter, serving theoverallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-orienteoteefficiency.nni ngfullbuilt societythintraland workoverall, putcarrie doutlearnidworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpractice linefive bigdeve
11、l opment conce pt,effectivegraspsupply sidestructuralreform,toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction more high ecologicalvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we carryout threeitatethe combinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpractices, provi ncia l,and municipaldecided in twolearnado lea
12、rninge ducation intoting organicfusion,andcommona dvance,do oneplon impl ementation,put carried out two learn ado situati on,a ndfive checkfivepromoti ngsituation aspartyworkeval uationofimportantContent,asan im portantaspectofmutualevaluationn party members,testing as an importaes and lea ding cadr
13、esperformanceand guideth e broa d massesof party membersand cadresto study educationopens uptothemain economi cand social devel opment.At present ,the overallsmoothlivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedtconomic operati onin ourcity, but downward pressureispparty committeesthi
14、syeargeneralelectionyear,how to rL - I . -s agood cadre, ir oction,if thetrueseriesof partyrulesand Constit utionspeakswelland truly becomea qualifiedparty member,naturallywe ca ndeal with advance andretreat leftturntreatment,properorganizationalarrangements andsel ection,proper treatment ofpersonal
15、 interests.o put carried outtwo ledo learni ng educaopme ntstablethe work combine d up,and seri ously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjobcombinedup, a nd g uarantee s improve前言为提高威格尔企业文化,帮助建设学习型企业,以构筑现代威格尔培训体系,实施人力资源再提高战略工程,通过全面知识管理和建设威格尔大学组织为威格尔可持续性发展提供有效的现实途径;通过完善威格尔大学组织为威格尔形成新的产业提供坚实基础。本人根据威格尔董事长陈志伟先生
16、的要求,特草拟此策划。本规划书以学习型组织理念为基础,围绕转型期经济环境对于威格尔的现实挑战,结合现代企业培训发展趋势,提出以建设威格尔大学为契机来构筑现代学习型企业的命题:一方面, 阐述建设威格尔大学对于整合企业文化,贯彻企业发展理念、落实企业发展战略的重要意义;另一方面,针对威格尔大学的整体规划、具体设计提出具体操作方案。希冀通过此策划书描绘出威格尔大学的组织模式和人力资源再提高战略工程的运作框架,综合提高威格尔整体人力资源水平,为威格尔可持续发展提供人才支持,为威格尔拓宽业务领域搭建平台,为威格尔跨越式发展提供实践意见,使威格尔成为山东省转型企业先锋,优秀现代企业典范。策划人:李伟二0一
17、四年三月?威格尔conomic operati onin ourcity, but hetask combine ddownwardpressureis stillhig一-.-.一 -一一.一 - II L -eally chooseloyal,clea nand servesan disciplineofGe n_L. _ - .II .1JL _arna- .I -a ding.I Iethe work.IL - - _ ously doCenterwI-. 一 -II _ - - 一the partysfine styl e,carryforwardt hetraditional Ch
18、inese virtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCa nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to the spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To
19、fulfillthepartys purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -offextra practice,make contributions.The incentivefuncti on of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefullplayto adva ncedmodel s,esta blish
20、 a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe tim es,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding a s an opportunitytoawardinrecognition ofa numberofoutstanding party membersadvanced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstandinThird,thereform effo
21、rts forexample, besuretochange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goesthroughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousnes sof problemsa nd insiste d on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep
22、 investigation into change,modification.Acheckedswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose d to focus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthe party weaksense,honestyandself-di scipli neaware nessis notstrong ,depresse d,sixi
23、ssue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleading cadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty membera nd every cadre,al sore quiresa com binationofact ualand controll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfi
24、n,probl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction. Bto makechange.For che ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification Tai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi
25、sted dosi delearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put twolear na do learninge ducation rectificati onwit h graspparty ofmass linee ducation practi ce activitie s andthreestrict threereal topic e ducation problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made
26、ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte dforofficernotfor,and Chiandendless corre cted fourwi nd, andregulati on masses si de of abuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocu
27、son theoutsta ndi ng issues目录第一部分 :什么是威格尔大学-3-1、威格尔大学的基本概念-3-2、威格尔大学与传统企业培训的对比-4-3、威格尔大学基本结构-4-第二部分 :建设威格尔大学的意义-6-第三部分 :建设威格尔大学的可行性-7-第四部分 :威格尔大学设计思路和培训结构-8-1、 “ 1234”设计思路 -8-2、“陀螺式”培训结构 -8-第五部分 :威格尔大学的具体设计-10-1、威格尔大学的理念、愿景-10-2、威格尔大学的组织模块及组织方式-11-3、威格尔大学内容架构与管理制度设计-12-第六部分 :结束语-16-附件 :威格尔大学校徽-16-I
28、L -eally chooseloyal,clea nand servesan disciplineofGe neralFeng- - II-.Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun, swappedout Powerfulgoodsituation,is areal testforallofus. Generalworkon two to studythe effectofeducationinspeI - . IL.an layout, andone organizati I _ _-I .I - - 1 1_L. _ - .II .1JL _arna- .I -nt basisforle
29、a ding bodi一 Iducati on w ithdo reform develp.bl-s to ean cCns on Pary1* sei .* a-es, s pisin to fi. t he prob. layng a s1d ainfr urhcore c acin. b io . cha” For.ckpu 1rogh .sab-h-re ctfcaton Ta wa a_unI a n. t ” cca .0 on, 1ad on a _ount PN, ap pr 0ac, is s- - s ean sde .odi. a n. tha kow 1atm0die、
30、w” . on pu w-r n a - -rig .in rrctfcai n wt h gas ”y of .a- “ . mn pact acvie s an. tr-stic “.r- tpc . on c0mbi - u, 0nsliat on . xa-. ha s .a- of .ctaat on .sut, st 0ngy coce fr ”“ not f.r,1ad an. .n.s cce. our w nd, 1ad rrg-I on . s of .- s ”一 w 0k 1d moe por 1ad probsutin more c0mpleel hi. .“ con
31、sldae .r .一 ns. For . pu 1sme pary . - b” wofo-s 0nthe ousa nd g . c0mbi nig 1c.e .1ati威格尔大学the partys fine sye , cay fwad thetailinaCCie se virus, pact Ung the SoCaiS ce vale s, vgoroy carry fordIespi.ofJaoYulu,HongqiCaaspi.andspiiofperece, hone- i poll Stic saesman,siktoIespirit heght of Ie ommuis s Fou to ievl on, as, do pay a roe in q liyi ng. Of - C.mmui st dU y To UH pays pu pose, maita nfor the pe I pl e themseve s, ad - di
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