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1、六级听力练习inSection AQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A. Neutral B. Cautious C. Favorable D. Negative2. A. It gives us sufficient information.B. It gives misleading information.C. It lets us know the best product.D. It fails to convince people.3. A. Advertisers B. Ma

2、nufacturers C. Customers D. Sellers4. A. Because they provide misleading informationB. Because they don't tell us which's the best productC. Because the cost of advertising is added to the priceD. Because they persuade people to do harmful things.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversatio

3、n you have just heard.B. At a travel agencyD. At a hotelB. It would take too longD. He's been there before.5. A. In a department storeC. At an airport ticket counter6 A. It's too expensiveC. Nothing's worth seeingA. A. They don't arrange accommodations.B. Everybody speaks English the

4、re.C. They arrange everything for you.D. The meals they provide are tasty.8. A. It's crowed with tourists. B. No flight goes there.C. The weather is warm. D. It costs much to go there. Section BPassage OneQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A. The weather will be fi

5、ne. B. There will be a fog.C. Rain will probably come. D. Fine weather will continue.10. A. When there is a heavy rain.B. When find weather continues.C. When a fog appears in the morning.D. When wet weather is coming.11. A. The following day will be rainy.B. Fine weather will continue.C. Rainy weath

6、er may approach.D. The rain will stop at once.Passage TwoQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A. Children B. Family C. Parents. D. ASPCA13. A. Because it is powerful and aggressive.B. Because it's a companion and protection breed.C. Because most people are afraid o

7、f it.D. Because it is very small and easy to train.14. A. It need to be walked daily. B. It can exercise at home.C. It is an ideal hunting dog. D. If s hard to handle for children.15. A. The importance of dogs in our daily.B. Ways to train various kinds of dogs.C. Methods to collect information abou

8、t dogs.D. How to choose an ideal dog for the family.Section CNow listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 18.16. A. It will affect our physical health.B. It will affect our psychosocial health.C. It will make our lives worse.D. It will make us lazier and weaker.17. A. It will mak

9、e the mistakes familiar to us.B. It will help us to fix past mistakes.C. It will help us to realize our resolutions.D. It will make us feel more energetic.18. A. Too many goals.B. Vague goals.C. Lack of timeD. Inadequate planningNow listen to the following recording and answer questions 19 to 22. 19

10、. A. New laws will be passed to increase new taxes.B. Taxes will be used to retain good teachers.C. School funding will be generated by new taxes.D. Income taxes should be used to build schools.20. A. New houses should be built in the downtown area.B. New sport fields should be built in the downtown

11、 area.C. More green areas should be developed in the suburbs.D. More business should be invested in the suburbs.21. A. More roads need to be built for future generations.B. More means of transportation will be built in the future.C. A train system will be built to improve transportation.D. A road sy

12、stem will be built as a long-term solution to traffic. 22. A. He understands the needs of the common man.B. He fights against big business interests.C. He is an experienced career politician.D. He protects educators and business owners.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.23. A. Drought may increase the risk of infectious diseases.B. Flood may increase the risk of poor nutrition among children.C. High temperature weather may cause mental health problems.D. Extreme weather may cause the death of people.24. A. Water polluti


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