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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan第一单元课题Unit1 The King ' s new clothes (Story time )课型New第1:课时主备人授课时间教学目标1 .学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组; clever, foolishj laughj point at, shouts2 .学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会诚、会运用句型:There was/wcre&qu

2、ot;"3 .学生能初步感知一徽过去时动词的变业规则及读音+4,学生能初步理解本篇童话故事并能复述*,重点难点1 .学生能理解掌握运用句型:There was/were2 .学生能初步感知一般过去时动词的变化规则及读音。3 .学生能初步理解本篇童话故事并能复述。教具准-备句子板书,单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学流程预设二次备课Step 1 Warm up1. Free talk(复习一般现在时的回答)2. Play a game: Listen and do”,T: Now, let ' s play a game - Listen and do walk shout eat

3、 run jump wash Wash your clothes (教授 shout) Show me your English book.(复习个别动词,为本课学习做好铺垫)3. 本课学习目标出示a You can read the new words.b You can read the story.c You can retell the story.4 .课文导入T: I like reading .Do you like reading ?5 : Yes, we do.6 : Do you like reading English stories?S: Yes, we do.T: G

4、ood. There ' s an English story about a king and his new clothes揭示课题:Today, we ll learn Unit 1 The king ' s new clothes . Step 2 Presentation1. Lead-in看图:This is the king. 教学单词 king .T: Do you know the story ?S: Yes, we do .T: What did the king like ?S: He liked the new clothes出示板书: The king

5、 liked the new clothes.3, Watch the cartoon and answered the question: How is the- king? C计学牛诜择! clever foolish Ss: He' g foolish.出示并教授单词: clever fooli.sh FPT出示之 (kin吕和尻了的图片)上 The kins is fxlish. The b>oy is 0小4. .出示喜羊羊和灰太狼,帮助学生理解单词Pleasant goat is clever .The big wolf is foolish .组词:clever p

6、e,ople foolish people 并教学 people、While reading1. Read the story and judge the sentences.2. Check and understand the story.(1) The king liked new clothes.(True )出示板书: Long long ago , there was a king.Long long ago, there was a.T: Two bad men knew the king ' s hobby. They thought they could get mo

7、ney from the king . So they visited the king.教学过去式 visited ,并出示句子: Two men visited the king.T: What did they say?Ss: My king , we can make new clothes for you.T: Was the king happy?育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰Ss: Yes.来源:Zxxk.Com出小板书:The king hap段.*判断: (2) Two men shcwe<l the king some cloihcs. (False/T: Wer

8、e there any magic clothes?-*-1Sm; No.中T: They cheated on the king. What did they sayS: Clever people can see them. Foolish people can ' t see them. 判断(3) The king was foolish. (True)T: The king believed the two men. He didn ' t put on his clothes.So he was foolish. 板书: The king was foolish.

9、What did he do thenS: The king walked through the city in his new clothes.出示这句话的板书:The king walked through the city in his newclothes. 教学 walked , through , 读好 walked through . 接着一边说一边出示:There were a lot of people in the street.,读攵f: There were 练习:There were some There were a lot of (4) People could

10、 see the king ' s new clothes. (False)T: Why did they say 'What beautiful clothes !' ?S: Because they didn ' t want to be foolish people.出示 板书一 They looked at the king and shouted. 读好 looked ,shouted(5) The boy was foolish because he could not see the king ' s new clothes. (False)What do you think of the boy?让学生先试着说一说。出示板书: The boy pointed at the king and laughed 教学 pointed , laughed ,'、3. Read by themselves圈一圈故事中的be动词及其他动词。让学生说说它们有什么特别之处。观察发现:大多数动词的过去式都是在动词后面加d或者ed.再读一读。(初步感知一般过去时,为课文学习扫清语法障碍)也许有的同学还圈了 wearing .问一问wearing是不是过去式?它是什 么词?(present parti


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