



1、stressed t hat prom oig Ie cm e I Sve rev - i ztin should focus on e cnomc constudnas Ie ntra focus wt, pay specaattentiontoga”e imllemeainoff veopmelt cn-pt* dee lei ng rfrm andllmoigIealroundopenigup,ensuringand impr ovig peoples -iood, stre ngtet he cnstr . t on of eclg d Cvil on.fve .or.es,ply-v

2、e “me nt mix. To wtnew dev elpmet cncept measure wokadcomma,acin,andtraiingcad i ,imp e nt imlbmentat I n new d lpmet cnceptinIelookng andbul d h、hlg、a nd ex, a. adva to ful d_| ei ngreform, break bound Ie a specs ceate d vialy of temmechanismobstaces1t a cve a a nc ful a specs ope nigpartcpatin、 ca

3、st n Ecnomi c Ccrrdr cnstucin; to guaatees and improved - iood srongy won lovey bate ; to stre ngleing e clog Cvizai conStuCon, fr anabe. elpmet reserve d sac, for fu ue geeatons eft sky bl.、and to gre e, a nd water -r ofbete home. must indepthimpentimpemetatonnewdlpmetcncetinssedtoeconomcconstuconf

4、r Cente r imy cag ht devil opme nt Is firs absrbedmike cnstrucion, hhat no distacins cught deve 0Pmet spe d up deve lpme nt、. bg idusty, i-ptimpl ementain tee bg engneeig,ac crae w g env.nme, outof a aqualymorehg,andbenfsbete, ad sucue moe ece letof tasormatondeveopmentofroad.Tostegthenlog- cnsu,.On

5、barch22,thedeeestuctuigeaminedaddIeopininonpeectngcompensainmecaiimofeclogcaproeci to-plret I e esablsme ntof d sle d eclgi ca cmpe nsltonmecai , prge e rralzaion of fess, g - sa nds w nns and other aea s of foc ad k. eclgi uncion and herimpora ntrrgina eclg dcompe nnain co60%60%60%60%6m/s:局部突起局度w 1

6、2mm一般流速区VW6m/s:局部突起高度w 25mm表面 缺陷蜂窝空洞累“面积v 5%累计面积% 单个面积m2 10%10% .02 m2气泡累“面积v 5%累计面积% 单个直径mm 10%& 10mm10% 10mm缺损掉角累“面积v 5%累计面积% 单个面积m2工 10%10%0.15 m2注:表面缺陷面枳主要包括麻面、蜂窝、空洞、气泡、缺损掉角、挂帘、小十1cm错台表2混凝土结构裂缝检查判别标准项目I类n类出类渠道衬砌(或素、 少筋)混凝土缝宽v 0.2mm缝深较浅,为龟裂或 呈细微不规则状缝宽0.2mm缝长200cm 缝深基本穿透结构厚度钢筋混凝土建筑 物工程缝宽v 0.2mm缝长v

7、 100cm缝深/、超过钢筋保 护层缝宽 0.2mm0.4mm 缝长 100cm400cm 缝深超过钢筋保护层小 于结构厚1/2缝宽0.4mm缝长400cm缝深大于结构厚1/2stressed t hat prom oig Ie cm e I Sve rev - i ztin should focus on e cnomc constudnas Ie ntra focus wt, pay speca attention to ga”e imllemeain off veopmelt cn-pt* dee lei ng rfrm andllmoig Ie alround ope nig up,

8、ensuring a nd impr ovig peoples -iood, stre ngtet he cnstr . t on of eclg d Cvil on.fve .orHes,ply -ve I pme nt mix. To wtnew dev elpmetbete home. must in dept h imp e nt implemetat on new d lpmet cncet ine d to e conomic constucon fr -nte r imy caght devil opme nt tis firs absr bed mike cnstrcion,

9、hhat no distacins cught deve 0Pmet spe d up deve lopme nt、. big industy, inde pt impl ementain tee big en.eeig, ac crae w g env.nme, outof a atcleqqa- mor ehg, and be nftsrc accrda nce wth the Stae of man fun!on rrgi on consul! in e qiioe nt, cae ul impementat on a nd Xaxig a nmouais fes e cl I gca

10、pre cton a nd ecnomi c rrstrucuig | an for te conntucon of sy blue Acs | rohiitd by pi ckng up te rrmanig l s isandng tmber Tfous on forrst resurecnnevaton, incese the a - u sin and lupevison of cl d .or.e no buy fuit ecourae support t leding entr pries workes copeatvis Is and taii ngcades i .p e nt

11、 bpementat I n new d lpmet cncet in te l ook ngand bui d hghlg、and ex,ad a-a .a” to ful ddeiei ng reorm, brrakbound te a specs ceae d v-ly of sstm michani_ obstcle;t acie ad-an- ful as_ecsopenig, parc pain i te -s Russa n Ecnomi c Ccridr cnsucin; to guaates and improv iood srngy wnpovey ba-; to ste

12、ngteig e clog c-lat on constucin, fr sstanaon deveopment of roa d. To stegt henicologica cnsucin.On larch 22, the dee e stuct uig eamine d ad d te opi nin on peect ng com pensain mecaiimof ecl ogca proe ci to -plret I e a b-hme ntof diesie d eclgi ca cmpenslton mecai ,p.ee rraizainof fess, g m sa nd

13、s w nds and other aea s of focus ad k. eclgi uncin and Ither imporantrrgina eclgCcompennain co45MPa抗拉强度:2.0 MPa;粘结强度:1.5 MPa.2 .环氧砂浆抗压强度:60MPa粘结强度:2.5 MPa.3 .环氧胶泥he f_t resons b of te forrst 26t sing arahasfuB depl . to the ie has now e need the ie we I ave to be on duy, ad defedd Deemi nnd t ovecme

14、 paa - s mus not T-wveFie no fes iteppsttheeducd re .irme ns durig te peid. To appy stcy the parywihtheesonsbily,mustshoudertheesonsiiiyoftheParySlcetay i n pa r ea ly pact ce pi pes i can neve suasouzhan_ui , be sue to l the m pemenain als fe esonsiiiy,toennurethanomjrfesfie.Tldhee tbaannedcrecyhan

15、dlethereainsipbewenieadprectconst dlopment,tr mss or tw. Secnd,tospe d up the deveopment of major innus-sPromoedevlpmetinouregon,tekystogveulplytresuce-a nage t bui d eco-nte d ig si .stm, tcrae thenewengieofecnomcgrowh.Fimcon ncL Prrct ce has pr - d tha te g sx of botcetaand provinB e - irmes ad me

16、e theac ual da hi_a n mouais, t hrou,lctveefrshhae bee n sowng a st ong mome nttmof deel opme nt So, it he、lxon ddvelpmet we must be f i at, go aloutpesveac,one caug ht i the e nd, cnvicd ta Caase is notreaed does not ea ch te age wl neve ge up. Soudfcusonidusrapro.Precistaccleaetheinnus-ldeveopment

17、ofmporantluppor a nd baci ng Iduutil projec cnsucion,my aea tee ae fw i numbe, smal sje,lweveprbllms T hs yea, t I e pr ojec a s hs lay has - tpre c, have to w I rk ha d to pr otcnsucin. EspcaB effciedurngshor,cacigprjectshalnot, sow . drggng I ot al oweAl lcaiis soud cnncieiusymplemetteprojeceaersh

18、systm,-earroadmap,andcoodinaelervcs, trck I g te w hole proces frwa d, inhere d duai ons spe edi ng u |roge - and 一 prcicl e luts Poi sd tbelk the projec buidlet ca leges to aceleae tepaceofpekiay fmaies the enteprieshhaedikulis tpuloneya nd ashhli natmey maner tIepbbsilsss maket ehace cnfience ugin

19、gwrkls son Is poosileTsengte n the pre c aay ,prper -kanly ss ad mproe proje ct succes raes(Se cic to t he XX, si l wat to mlkegooduue of lg-ulua Id-ntgis, rey ng on t he uppe rra ches of the fes i t he fes a i and XXX pue wae ad oter esur ce, craehgh _ai y hg I grae ge e fod bra nnds tuy reBc te or

20、gia caa cer awle a de e tte pr I je c the brraatroug t promoe e cnomi c dewl I pme nt arud te、B inuutia cai tppysecaa-ntiIntfmigprje,d、poe ntil pro|eca, fcus on ky proje cs, aciey culvat ng te ne weidg iduute s and I ew su cs of e conomc gowt;To promoeivment.Moreaccuaeprfssonabusies,adbaled my idust

21、il bae a nd resu ces ame d anaina iddstillly3stressed t hatprom oting thecom prehe nsive revitali zation should focuson e conomic construction as thece ntralfocuswith,pay special attentiontograsp the implementation of five developme nt concepts, dee peni ngreform an d prom oting the all-round ope ni

22、ng up, e nsuringa ndimpr oving peopl es livelihood,stre ngthent heconstructi on ofecologi calcivili zation,five priorities,playdevel opme nt mix.To with newdev elopment concept measurework,andcommandaction,a nd traini ng ca dres,i n impleme ntimplementati on newdevelopmentconceptin thel ooki ngforop

23、portunities,and buil dhig hlights,a ndex pand adva ntage;tofull dee peni ng reform,break bound thea spects create dvitalityofsystem mechanismobstacles;toactiveadva ncefulla spects opening, partici pationinthe cast Russia nEconomi cCorridor construction; to guaranteesand im proved live lihood,strongl

24、y won poverty battle ;to stre ngtheninge col ogical civilizati on construction,for sustainabledevelopment reserve d space,forfut uregenerationsleft sky blue,andtogreen,a nd water clear ofbetterhomes.Wemustin-depth impleme ntimplementati on newdevelopmentconcept, insiste dto e conomic construction fo

25、r Cente r,firmlycaug ht devel opme ntthis first pri ority,a bsor bed make construction, heart nodi stractions caught devel opment, spee d up deve lopme nt six big industry, in-de pthimpl ementation threebig engineering,activecreatetwobigenvironment,outofaarticlequalitymor ehigh,and be nefits better,

26、 and structure more exce llentoftransformation developmentofroa d.Tostrengt henecologicalconstruction.On Mar ch 22, the deep re struct uring examine d andadopte d the opi nionon perfecti ng com pensation mechanismof ecol ogical prote ction,proposed t oexploret he esta blishme ntof diversifie d ecolo

27、gi calcompe nsation mechani sm,progre ssive realization offorests,grassla nds,wetla nds and other area soffocus and keyecologicalfunctionandotherimportant regionalecologi calcompe nsationcoverage,theecologicaladvantagesoftheregionwillbefurtherhighlighted.We need to gogreeneco-building,as theessentia

28、l poli cy,instrict accorda ncewith theStateof mainfunctionregi on constructi on re quireme nts, caref ulimplementati onand Xiaoxinga n mountains forest e col ogical prote ctiona nd economi c restructuring planforthe construction ofskyblue, .Acts prohibited by pi cking up theremai ningwell s in sta n

29、di ng timber.Tofocusonforestresourceconservation,increasetheacqui sition andsupervisi on ofcol dstorage, no buyfruit,encouragesupport to leadingenter prises,workers cooperatives as aunit,thecontract managementofforestresources,the rationalprotection andutilizationofresour ces. ow orkactivelytowards

30、policyaimedfrom theleve lofthe St ateForestryAdmini stration formulate d regulati onsto prote ct forest resourcesa ssoon as possi ble to a chieve lawa nd reg ulationto pr otectforest resource s.Shoul d focusonforestfire prevention.Firesafetyis thefirst priority抗压强度:45MPa粘结强度:2.5 MPa.4 . 裂缝化学灌浆灌浆浆液与缝

31、面粘结强度1.0 MPa.5 . 抹面抗裂砂浆抗压强度: 30MPa粘结强度:2.0 MPa.6 . 细水泥砂浆(气泡修补)抗压强度: 30MPa粘结强度:1.5 MPa.4. 缺陷修补方法4.1. 气泡修补气孔直径小于5m诽用毛刷沾水清除孔内滞留物后,直接用毛刷沾细水泥砂浆,在有气泡的混凝土表面反复挤压,直到混凝土表面见不到气孔的痕迹后停止挤压。混凝土表面细水泥砂浆出现风干现象后,及时采用干抹布将混凝土表面砂浆搽除,达到细砂浆充填密实,且混凝土表面清洁的目的;气孔直径大于5mnW,先扩孔清洗,再采取点补的方式,用细水泥砂浆将气孔填充密实,然后用干抹布将混凝土表面砂浆擦除。具体操作工艺措施如下

32、(以大于5mmi勺气孔为例):1. 用带尖的铅丝伸入气孔内扩孔,剔除孔口薄层砂浆层,清除孔内浮渣,并用毛刷沾水清洗干净;2. 对气泡内进行洒水湿润,用抹布沾干内部积水,使修补处阴干;3. 用拌好的细粒砂浆填充气泡,铁抹子下压、填实、抹平表面,细粒砂浆内适量掺入白水泥调整颜色,砂子采用1mm#子过筛;4. 用干抹布擦干净处理区附近的混凝土表面;5. 表面采用透明胶布进行保湿养护;6. 养护 7 天后,质检科会同驻地监理工程师现场验收。7. 按照缺陷处理表格填表,签字确认。4.2. 蜂窝、麻面的修补1. 将缺陷部位松散混凝土凿除,直至密实混凝土。凿坑四周成方形、 圆形或多边形,hefirstres

33、ponsi bilityoftheforest,26thspring areahasfullydepl oyedto thefire,hasnow enteredthefire,wehaveto beon duty,and defend.Determi ned to overcome paralysis, must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the re ducedre quireme ntsduringthe period.To apply strictlythe partywiththe responsi bility, m ustshoul der

34、the re sponsibility ofthe PartySecretary i n particular,real lypracti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui , besureto layerthe im plementation fallsfire responsibility,toe nsur ethatnomajorforestfires.To adhere tobalanced, corre ctly ha ndl e therelationshi p betwee n fireand proje ct constr ucti

35、on, i ndustrialdevel opme nt,tonever missortwo.Second,tospeedupthedevelopmentofsixmajor industries. Promote development i nourregi on,the keyisto givefull playtoresourceadva ntage to buil d ec o-oriente d bigsixsystem,tocreatethenewengineofeconomicgrowth.Firmconfidence.Practicehas prove dthatthe big

36、 six ofbothcentraland pr ovincialrequirements, andmeettheactualdahingganmountains,throughactiveefforts havebee n showing astr ong mome ntumofdevel opme nt.So,in t hesixon development,wemustbefirm infaith,go allout, perseverance, onecaug ht in thee nd, convincedthat Castle is not relaxed, doesnotrea

37、ch thetarget willnevergive up.Should focus onindustri al pr ojects. Proje ct i s to acceleratethe i ndustrialdevel opment of important supporta nd backi ng.Industrialproject construction,myareatherearefewinnumber,smallsize,low level problems.T his year,t he pr ojecta s his partyhasfirstproje ct,we h

38、avetow orkhar dto pr oject construction. Especiallyeffectiveduri ngshort,catching proje ctshall not,slow ,dragging notall owed.Alllocalities should conscientiouslyimplementtheproje ctleader shpi system,timetable, roadmap,a nd coordi nateservices,tracking thew hole processforwar d, inverte ddurati on

39、s,spe edi ng up progress andseek practicalre sults. Poi sedtobreakthe projectbuildSetchallenges,toacceleratethepaceofpreliminaryformalities,theenterpriseshavedifficultiestopull onewaya nd al sohelpi n atimely mannerto helpstrict accorda ncewith theStateof mainfunctionregi on constructi on re quireme

40、 nts, caref ulimplementati ona nd Xiaoxinga n mountainsforest e col ogical prote ction a nd economi c restructuring planforthe construction ofskyblue, .Acts prohibited by pi cking up theremai ningwell s in sta ndi ng timber.Tofocusonforestresourceconservation,increasetheacqui sition andsupervisi on

41、ofcol dstorage, no buyfruit,encouragesupport to leadingenter prises,workers cooperatives as aunit,thecontract managementofforestresources,the rationalprotection andutilizationofresour ces. ow orkactivelytowards policyaimedfrom theleveloftheStateForestryAdministrationformulate d regulati onsto prote

42、ctforestresourcesa ssoon as possi ble to a chieve lawa nd reg ulationto pr otectforest resource s.Shoul d focusonforestfire prevention.Firesafetyis thefirst priority避免出现锐角部位。凿除蜂窝时, 凿铲应垂直混凝土表面施工,避免凿坑修补砂浆或胶泥与保留混凝土成尖角搭接,并控制周边修补厚度不小于1.0cm。凿挖过程中,应避免造成周边混凝土表面脱皮,凿挖的深度视缺陷架空的深度而定,原则上不小于1cm;凿挖后 , 如钢筋出露,凿除深度控制

43、至钢筋面以下不小于5cm。2. 混凝土表面蜂窝原则上采用抹面抗裂氧砂浆修补,对于深度大于 3cm以上的蜂 窝缺陷,拟分层修补,先用预缩砂浆填补至距混凝土表面 2cm,然后表面用抗裂砂浆修 补。对于过流面水流流态变化较大部位,为提高修补混凝土表面抗冲刷能力,根据驻 地工程师要求,可采用环氧砂浆进行修补。3. 采用预缩砂浆先行填坑的蜂窝, 应将蜂窝凿除后的表面清洗洁净, 并充分湿润后,涂一层净浆, 然后镶补预缩砂浆。4. 采用环氧胶泥进行蜂窝镶补时, 将蜂窝凿除后的表面清理洁净, 在确定无明显渗水条件下, 方可先涂环氧基液, 再镶补环氧砂浆。否则 , 采取导水措施、 并用喷灯烘烤后,方可进行施工。

44、5. 缺陷修补面砂浆养护达到3 天后,由修补专业队、项目质检科会同现场监理对缺陷修补面进行最终验收,揭去养护层后,用小锤敲击修补面,声音清脆为合格,声 音发哑者为空鼓,应凿除重补,凿毛面和最终面验收步骤重新进行。4.3. 挂帘、错台、表面平整度超标的缺陷处理1. 采用砂轮磨光机对清除挂帘表面的混凝土和砂浆,直至露出密实的混凝土表面;2. 对局部混凝土高出设计表面引起的错台和突出,先进行测量放样,确定需要凿除的深度,突出部位与周边混凝土表面的衔接,按照垂直水流方向1:10 、顺水流方向1:30 形成斜坡面顺接,表面用电动砂轮打磨光滑、平顺。为减少打磨工程量,可先用钢钎或风稿将高出部分凿除至距拟形

45、成的表面3cm左右,预留的3cm采用磨光机打磨平顺。3. 对于局部凹陷部位的处理,拟采取补坡的方式形成与周边混凝土表面的顺接。其衔接坡比也按垂直水流方向1:10、顺水流方向1:30 控制,但要求控制凿毛区外缘与周边混凝土表面形成不小于10mm勺台阶,防止衔接处填补厚度过小,容易产生脱落。原则上,迎水面需要补坡时,采用与混凝土颜色相近的环氧砂浆修补,背水面采用抗 裂砂浆进行修补。4.4. 钢筋头、爬升锥外露的缺陷处理1. 采用砂轮片将钢筋头或爬升锥四周的混凝土切除, 形成5cm*5cm方形孔口,深度hefirstresponsi bilityoftheforest,26thspring area

46、hasfullydepl oyedto thefire,hasnow enteredthefire,wehaveto beon duty,and defend.Determi ned to overcome paralysis, must notTwelve-Five nofiresin thepast,the re ducedre quireme ntsduringthe period.To apply strictlythe partywiththe responsi bility, m ustshoul derthe re sponsibility ofthe PartySecretar

47、y i n particular,real lypracti cepi pes, itcan nevershuaishouzhanggui , besureto layerthe im plementation fallsfire responsibility,toe nsur ethatnomajorforestfires.To adhere tobalanced, corre ctly ha ndl e therelationshi p betwee n fireand proje ct constr ucti on, i ndustrialdevel opme nt,tonever mi

48、ssortwo.Second,to spee dup thedevelopmentofsixmajor i ndustries. Promote development i nourregi on,the keyisto givefull playtore sourceadva ntage to buil d eco-oriente d bigsixsystem,tocreatethenewe ngineofeconomicgrowth. Firm confide nce. Practi ceha s prove dthatthe big six ofbothcentraland pr ovi

49、ncialrequirements, andmeett heact ualda hingga n mountains,throughactiveefforts havebee n showing astr ong mome ntumofdevel opme nt.So,in t hesixon development,wemustbefirm infaith,go allout, perseverance, onecaug ht in thee nd, convincedthat Castle is not relaxed, doesnotrea ch thetarget willnevergive up.Should focus onindustri al projects. Proje ct i s to acceleratethe i ndustrialdevel opment of important supporta nd backi n


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