



1、第8周六年级英语堂清题(一)2016 年 10 月 20 日班级:姓名:得分:一、把下列动词变成“ ing 形式。 (10)hidedrivetakewatchplaycollectseecarryputswim五、把下列动词变成第三人称单数形式。(10)teach _read _play_wash _do_10knife _potato _hero _boy_people _七、在下列句子中填入“ a ” or“ an。”(8)1. He _doctor .2. He is_ engineer .3. He is_ nurse .4. He is_ artist .5. She s_ dri

2、ver .6. Is she _ student7. Sarah is _ university student .& Are you _ pupil?live _go _catch_say _go _六写出下列名词的复数形式leaf_Japanese _tomato_butterfly _tooth_第8周六年级英语堂清题(二)2016 年 10 月 21 日班级姓名:得分:一填空。201. A: Where is the_(图书馆)It s next to the_.(电影院)2. Go_and you can see the(博物馆)3. I want to go to the_

3、 museum. Shall I turn_here 右)4. There is a pet_ (商店)on the_ side of the road.另一边)5. Our principal is very_ .严格)He is_ , too.(和蔼)二、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对 话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(30 分)A . thereisntB. Go straight C. How can I get there?D: there is. E. You can take the No. 202 bus. F. turn

4、leftJohn: Hello.Chen Jie: Hello! It s Chen Jie.John: Hi, Chen Jie. I am new here. I want to go to the science museum. It there ascience museum near my home?Chen Jie: Yes,_ 1_ . The science museum is not far from your home.Joh n: _2_?Chen Jie: You can go on foot._ 3_ from your home and turn rightat t

5、he crossing.John: And then?Chen Jie: Then _4_ . You can see the science museum on the left.John: Can I go by bus?Chen Jie: Sure, if you like._ 5_ .John: Thank you very much!Chen Jie: You are welcome.第8周六年级英语堂清题(三)2016 年 10 月 22 日班级姓名:得分一、阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只准用一次。(20 分) )(restaurant

6、hospital eatleft next deliciousturn park pizza get)Wu Yifan and Mike are hungry. They want to eat_ in a great Italianrestaurant. But where is the_ ? Its_ to the park on DongfangSteet. How can they_ there? Turn_at the bookstore.Then_right at the_ . They can find the restaurant near the_. The food in

7、the restaurant is_ .Theycannt wait to_ thepizza!二、 阅读下面的短文,按要求答题。(30 分) )(一) 根据短文内容,判断句子对错,对的写 T,错误的写 F。An old lady has a cat. The cat is very old. She cant run fast, and she cant bite.When the old cat sees a mouse, she jumps to it and catches it, but the mouse stillgets out of her mouth and runs aw

8、ay. Then the old lady is very angry. She begins tobeat the cat. The cat says to her, “Don t beat me. Please be kind to me. When I wasyoung, I gave you a lot of help.()1. An old man has an old cat. () 2. The cat can t run fast.()3. The old lady beats the cat because it can bite the fish.()4. The cat

9、asks the lady to be kind to her.()5. The cat can t jump onto the mouse.(二) 根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。Look at the picture of my family. We are all at home. My father is sitting on a chairnear the window and reading a book. I am in my room. I am listening to the radio.Xiao Hua, my sisiter is not playing. She is

10、cleaningthe windows. Where s mymother? She s in the kitchen. She s cooking.That s Xiao Lei, Xiao Dong, my twobrothers. They re helping my mother.1. () My family are all_ home.A. in B. at2. () There are_people in my family. A. four B. six3. () Xiao Hua is my_ .A. brother B. sister4. ()_ is cooking A

11、My father B. My mother5. () Xiao Lei and Xiao Dong are_ A. boys B. girls第8周六年级英语堂清题(四)2016 年 10 月 23 日班级姓名:得分一认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,让对话合理、通顺。(20 分)1. Mike:_ ?John: Yes, there is a bookstore near our school.2. Sarah:?Lily: The cinema is next to the library.3. Tom:?Amy: Turn right at the school, then go straight. You can see the museum4. Jim:?Zhang: My favourite food is fish.5. Sarah?Tom: Yes, the park is far


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