已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、音 标 测 试 卷姓名把下列单词与对应的英标连线。sheep nine game picture roomru:m ge?m'p?kt?na?n?i:pvery doctor class watch chair'ver?kla:s t?e? w ?t? 'd?kt?根据划线部分的读音,选择正确的音标()1. pleasure A. s B. z()2. thank A. s B.()3.year _ A.jB.()4.cards AdsB. dz()5. cat_A. ?()6. home _ A. u B.()7.book _A.uB. u:()8.China_ A.

2、kB. t()9. bee -A. i: B.()10. bird A ?C.?0C.e?C.?C. tsB. e?C.?uC. auC.?u?C. h?C. eB.?:C.?写出下列每组单词中划线部分的共同音标1. no _ post _home grow/ _/2. bird_ her workgirl_/ /_3. what when_ watch _ win _/ /4. cry _ tie eye like _/ / _5. oil_ boy noise enjoy / / 2. threeA. /0 ri:/B. /eri:/()3. bagA. /b?g /B. /be?g/()

3、4. shortA. /?:t /B. /?t/()5、 penA /pen/B. /p?n/()五、划分音节。1. / ' ta ?g?/2. /,ta ?d?/2. /d ?,semb?/ 4. /p四、选择所给单词的正确音标,将其序号写入题前括号内1. toilet A./t?l ?t / B. /? l?sm?n/ p?kt ?/5. /,be?b?/6 Z六、写出下列划线字母组合的读音。talk / /chair / /photo / /this / / television / / father / /七、根据所给元音音标补全单词。eg. ?u home1. ?P .2.

4、e gg 3. L?: w l4. e ? c ke 5. u? s6.? hwindow / / house / /_ today / /八、口才训练,根据音标正确拼读下列单词。1. wish w ?2. heavy 'hev?|3. kitchen k4. yet jet5. clever 'klev ?6. friend frend7. weather 'wee?8. map m ?p9. catch k10. stood stud 11. spring spr?12. hundred 'h?ndr?d13. jump d?mq14. country k?

5、ntr ?15. through 0 ru:国际音标测试卷姓名基础知识一、根据音标知识填空。1 .英语中共有个音素,分元音和辅音两种。2 .元音有个,分 元音和元音。辅音有个,分辅音和辅音。3 .前元音有个,分别是:【i:【 】【1 1 .4 .中元音有个,分别是:【 】【】5 .后元音有个,分别是:【a:】【 】【】【 】【u:】【)6 .双元音的特点有三个。(1)由个单元音组成;(2)前 后轻;(3)前长后。他们分别是:ai 1 1 au 1 1 1 1 1 17 .爆破音有个,根据发音时声带是否振动可以分为 清辅音和辅音。六个爆破音可以归纳为清、浊 对应的三对:【p 1 -】,【t 1

6、-】,k 1 - 18 .摩擦音有个,八个摩擦音可以成对的分为四组:【f】-【】,【】-【】,【s】-【】,【】-【】其余两个分别为【h】【r 19 .鼻音有一个,分别为【】【】【】听力部分二、听一听,选出你所听到的音标。()1.A【e?】Be Cil()2.A【?】BailCei()3.A【P】B【t 1Ckl()4.AaulB【?】C【?】()5.A【? 1Bu:lCe二、听水首()1 three_()2 name()3 apple()4 ear _()5 no 四、听,选出划线部分字母或字母组合的发音A 6 Be AeiB【ai】A【?】Be _A【?】Be?l_A【??Bau选出听到的

7、选项。()1.A【bi: 1Bbe C【bi】()2.A【egBpai 1Cdei ()3.Alet Bred Cbed()4.Ahau BnauCi? 1()5.A【zu 1Bzu: 1Cmu:n五、听一听, 圈出下列单词中发双元音的单词。1. ear 2. go 3. banana 4.bird5. boy 6. I 7. apple 8.goat六、根据单词,圈出正确的音标。()1. name A【 ne?m】()2. bikeA【 ba?k】()3. cakeA【 se?k】()4. earA【 e?】()5.apple A 【' ?pl 七、将单词与对应的音标连线。B【 me

8、?m】C【 ne?n 】B【 be?k 】C【 pa ?k】B【 ke?k 】C【 ca ?k】B【u? 】C【 ? 】B【 'e?pl 】C【'a?pl 】school【d?i:p 】baby【sku:l 】goat【 be?b?】face【g?ut 】jeep【 fe ?s 】笔试部分】go【】bag【】zoo【】book【boy【 pig 】pig【 k?t 】cat【 d?k 】duck【'ta ?g?tiger【 b? 】八、写出下列单词的音标big【】 shebed【】 see九、字母、音标对对碰。i:ke?】【 e?】【 eks 】vi: 】kju: 】【

9、 em】V X?】 D lifet ?】 A E K M Q十、按发音规则将下列单词分类。【 f 】 【 v 】 A face B move C shoeE love F ship G choose H teacher国际音标测试卷姓名英语国际音标表 元音(20个)长元音/短元音 /双廿 /e(48 个)a/?/a/?:/?/ /?/ /?:/ ?/?7 /轴音(28个)轻轴曰/ p/t/k/浊辅i- / b/d/g/轻辅音/ ?/h/ts/浊车fft / ?/r/dz/鼻音 /m/n/?/j/ w/边音/7一、判断卜列单词的首标,打,或X。/i:/U:/?/?/?/e/?/ /e ?/ ?/

10、 /?/a?/f/ 9 /s/v/e/z/t ?/tr/d?/dr/()1.listing读成'1 ?st?n.()2.yes读成jes.()3.wash读成w ?: / .()4.mind读成ma ?d.()5.change读成t ? e?n d()6.tests读成tests.?.p t k f二、找出清浊成对的辅音,连线。9 s / t / tr ts三、找出下列划线部分发音不问的单词,并写出划线部分的音标。()1.A.cake _B. takeC. napD.wave()2. A. bread _B. eat_C. tea_D.seat()3. A. never _B. leg

11、C. redD.he_()4. A. good _B. too_C. bookD.neighborhood()5. A. father _B. crabC.sharkD.caj()6. A. soda _B. hotC. boxD.not()7. A. bike _B. fiveC. myD.his()8. A. order _B. doctor_C. boringD.corner()9. A. what _B. waterC. walkD.talk()10. A. go _B. no_C. to _D.nose()11. A. day B. play_C. theyD. Sunday?g z

12、 dr b v dz de d ?()12. A. lot _B. notC. to _D. follow()13. A. each _B. idea_C. theatreD.dear()14. A. flower _B. follow _C. how_D. brown()15. A. slide _B. hi _C. toiletD. bike()16. A. you _B. houseC. blouseD. trousers()17. A. study _B. puzzleC. busD. busy()18. A. find _B. dining-roomC. behindD. pumpk

13、in()19. A. kitchen _ B. sandwich_C. ChinaD. peach_()20. A. street _B. coffee_C. meet D. see()21. A. toilet_B. apple _C. bottle _D. table _()22. A. back _B. lampC. parentD. have()23. A. pig _B. togetherC. gardenD. swing_()24. A. music _B. telescopeC. newspaperD. maths_()25. A. sofa _B. offC. potD. lo

14、()26. A. room _B. fo叱C. too_D. food()27. A. teacher_B. driver_C. termD. waiter_()28. A. behind_B. bedroomC. jacket_D. eleven()29. A. family _B. campingC.danceD. blanket()30. A. over _B. otherC. clothesD. home()31. A. morning_B. horseC.doorD. tomorrow()32. A. diamondB. around _C. elephantD. change()3

15、3. A. house _B. blouseC. laughD. mouth()34. A. building_B. childC. childrenD. biscuit _()35. A. tennis_B. findC. whiteD. kite()36. A. street _B. theatre_C. tria_ngleD. tree()37. A. wash _B. wantC. parentD. what()38. A. large _B. laughC. sofa _D. vase()39. A. name _B. lampC. campingD. am()40. A. food

16、 _B. cookC. footD. look()41. A. cry _B. circleC. classD. picture()42. A. thing _B. theatreC. bathroomD. there()43. A. wash. _B. sureC.shapeD. square()44. A. on _B. diamondC. crayonD. o,clock()45. A. near B. heartC. tearD. hear暑期三年级综合能力强化与提高训练姓名、找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,填序号。( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ()1 .A. watch)2.

17、 A. sister)3 .A .plane)4. A. woman)5. A. zebra)6. A. zoo)7. A. brother)8. A. door)9. A. fatB. computer C. uncleB radioB. bikeB. friendB. tigerB. crayonB. staplerB. tapB. EnglishC. sonC. carC. tallC. eggD. penD. daughterD. windowD. girlD. pandaC. storybook D. tapeC. knifeC. lightC. bigD. copybookD. t

18、apeD. small)10. A. telephone B. sofa、词组翻译。C. bookcase D. T-shirt1. his uncle2.excusemeehere4. elevenplus one5.myfamilyphoto6.how many7. in the car8.inEnglish9. That'right. 、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。( ( ()1)2)3)4)5、Can I use your pen?、Do you like bananas?、Wh6 s that woman?、How many cats can you

19、see?、Where is the ball?A. Yes, I do .B. She ' s my motherC. I can see 11.D. It s under the chair.E. Sure.四、根据下面情景,选择恰当的选项。)1.当别人问你来自哪里后,应回答说:A. You ' re welcome. B. I'm from America. C. My name is Li Mei.)2.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时,应说:.A. What a big goose!B. How beautiful!C. What a big fish!)3.A. I

20、t当你把物品给别人时,应说:s here.B. Here you are.C. Here it is.)4.当你正在找玩具汽车时,应说:A. Where is my taxi?B. Where is my car?C. This is my car.)5.当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:A. Watch TV.B. Watch out.C. Look at me.)6. Nancy isA. aB. anEnglish girl.C. theD. /)7. ExcuseA. I,is this a camera?)8. my grandfather.A. He)9. Shall we A. look

21、B.youC. myD. meB. watchB. She' sC. HisD. He' sTV?OK.C. look atD. watch theknow.)10. Sorry, IA. am notB.don ' tC. isn ' tD. can ' t五、把下列单词归类,将序号填在横线上。1. sofa2. green3. pencil sharpener 4.skirtblack6. yellow7blouse8 storybookwhite10.coat11. telephone12.pen15.bookcasedress13. pen颜色5

22、.9.14. ball服装家用物 品TK、完成对话。A: Can you?B: I'd some oranges, please?A: OK. How many kilos?B: Three , please. How much they?A: Three yuan, please.B: Here you A: you. Bye.B: .1.a. It ' s seven forty.c. Let' s have supper.b.What'd. All right.s the time?()()()2.a. Look an the gloves. b.c. W

23、hose are they?They' d. They 're my mother ' s.re nice.()()()3.a. Are you ill?c. What' s the matter,b.Why don' t you go to bed now?Li Hong? d.No,I m tired.()()()()()()()七、将下列各组句子重新排列成对话。4. a. Perhaps it ' s over there. b. Excuse me. Is this my cat? c. NO, it isn ' t. It &#

24、39; s my cat d. Where is my cat?()eye ear leg armfoot八、把下面人物的各个身体部位和表示该部位的单词用线连起来。hand nosemouthbody九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(My name is Billy . I m a boy . I am eleven . I m in China now . My father is a doctorand my mother is a teacher . I like Chinesefood , but my parents ( 父母亲 ) don t . They likebread . I

25、have a nice room . There s a bed , a desk and a chair in it .There re many bookson the desk .I like books .I often (经常 )read books in the evening .)1. Billy is .A. a boy B. eleven C. in China D. A,B and C)2. Billy s father is .A. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D. a worker)3. Billy likes .A. Chines

26、e B. Chinese food C. bread D. English )4. Billy has a room .A. nice B. big C. small D. good )5. Billy often reads books .A. at home B. after class C. in the evening D. at school暑期三年级综合能力强化与提高训练姓名、写出下列词句的中文或英文。1.family members 2.family photo3.your friend4.I think5.我的妈妈 6.你的儿子7.Is he your father?8.Is

27、she your sister?9.She's my daughter. 10.Who's the man?二、按要求写单词。1.sandwiches( 单数)2.pear (复数) 3.knife( 复数形式)4.mango(复数形式)5.glass( 复数)6.can' t ( 完整形式)7.is not(缩写形式)8.where' s(完整形式)9.whose(同音词)10. policeman(对应词)三、选择填空。()1. Who' s that girl? - my sister.A. He ' sB. She ' sC. I

28、t ' sD .They ' re()2 Are these apples? Yes,A. they are B. these areC. they ' re D.these're()3 books are those?Sorry I don ' t know.A Whose B Where C WhichD Wh6 s()4 Shall we go to school by?A. the bus B. a bike C. an airplane D. car ()5 What colour are the jackets?A .They ' r

29、e oranges. B. They ' re orange. C. I t' s orange. D. It is red. ()6 Mike, write on the wall.A. can ' tB. don ' tC. aren ' t.D. isn ' t()7 Can you see a cat the tree?A. inB .onC. between D. ofD. They are five yuans.()8. How much is it?A. It ' s five yuan. B. It ' s fiv

30、e yuans. C.They are five yuan.()9. What would you like? - ()10.do we go there?A. I d like a pie. B. I d a pie.C. I;d like a pies. D.like an pie.A. How B. What C. IsD. Are四、从B栏中找出A栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号中。AB()1. What' s this in English?A. It' s eleven o '()2. May I come in?B. No, he isn' t.(

31、)3. What' s the time now?C. No, I don' t.()4. What' s seven plus eight?D. It' s a knife.()5. How much is it?E. It' s nice.()6. Is that your uncle?F. Come in, please.()7. Who' s that girl?G. Ten yuan, please.()8. What about this red one?H. It' s fifteen.()9. Can I have a l

32、ook?I. Sure, here you are.()10. Do you play volleyball?J. She' s my friend.clock.五、连词成句。六、A(七、排序。BI' d like a cup of coffee.I ' m thirsty, Mr Brown .That' s a good idea.)Here you are.)Thank you.) That' s all r ight .句型转换。1.I can have an ice cream.()Hello, Gao Shan.()()I like base

33、ball.)What do you like, Wang Bing?()Hello, Wang Bing.否定句)2 .There are three people in my family.(划线部分提问)3 .This duck is very naughty.(变复数)4 .I ' m going to be a doctor.(变一般疑问问句)5.There are two men.(变单数)Let' s go and play baseball now. That' s a good idea.( how old,who's ,whose ,where

34、' s ,let's,shallwe,whats ,)1.theman withbig eyes?He's mygrandfather2.goto thethestationbytaxi.OK .3.myEnglishteacher ?She's in thecomputer .4.blouseisthis?It's Nancy's5._goto thesupermarketbycar?All right.7.arethese?Theyare grapes.8.areyou ?Im ten .九、阅读理解。八、选择适当的词填空。A.朗读对话,根据

35、对话内容选择正确的答案。room.what1.yoursheIsmother?2.timeIt ' shave tolunch.3.basketthatWhat' sinyour?4.plusnineteenfifteenWhat' s?5.pencilIt ' ssharpeneraG=Girl)G: Yes?(M= ManM: Excuse me.M: Is this train for Wuxi?G: Yes, you are right. This way ,please.M: Thank you very much.G: You ' re we

36、lcome.()1. The man and the girl are at the.A: stationB: theatre C: libraryD: school()2. The man wants to go to .A: Xi ' anB: Shanghai C: WuxiD: Nanjing()3. Perhaps the girl works in the.A: planeB: trainC: bus D: minibus姓名一、英汉互译。1.多少钱3 .一块巧克力5 .进来7 . in English9 . sound good二、在横线上写出相应的一个字母组成单词。1.

37、 j_gging2. thtys_ndw_ch2. 什么颜色4.上学6. excuse me8. have lunch10. have a look3. w_tck4.5. basketb_ll6. app_e7. sk_ting8. fot9. b_d三、找出不是同类的词。10. r_m11.fshing12.m_n()1.A. gloves2.A. sit3.A. big4.A. rabbitB. shortB. copyB. hungryB. lion5.A. writeB. blackC.socksC. wordC. longC. monkeyC. yellowD.shoesD. dr

38、awD. smallD. toyD. red四、选择。)1 . ItA. tos timehave lunch .)2. A. notB. forMike. Where ' s my pen?-Sorry, IB. don ' tC. atknow .C. can)3.-What' s the time ?A. All right)4.- Is that a TV ?A. Yes, it isnB. That ' s rightC. It ' s eightB. No, it is.C. Yes, it isB. No, it isn可以说:C. On

39、the chair)5.-Where; s my bag ?A. It ' s six o ' clock)6.你想问别人要些什么时,A. What would you like ? B. What do you do ?)7.当你找不到妈妈时,你会问 :A. Wher e' s my mother ?B. Who' s my mother ?)8.妈妈问你是否想吃冰淇淋,你想要时说:A . Sounds good .B. No, thank you.)9.如果你是售货员,你会对顾客说:A. What' s this ?B . Can I help yo

40、u ?)10. 你早晨在校园里遇到同学、老师时,可以说五、A. Good morning .用正确的形式填空。B. Good evening .1 There an animal. (be)3 My mother at home here. (be)5 Those are(lion) sweater.7 Sam(have) got a pet cat.2 Theresome milk.(be)4 I can _(jump) high.6 This is_(Sam)8 Whatyou going to do today?9 Can you piano?(swim)?10 I like(play)the六、选用方框中的词或词组填空。May, Where, Whose, Who, What time1.shoes are these?What, How,What' sThey' re Nancy ' s.2.are you? Fine, thank you .3.is this in English? Its an umbrella.4.is the book


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