



1、1.Which one do you prefer, on-line educationOnline education panders to peoplethrough online education ,we dons liking for flexibility and fun. First ,t have to travel long distances to havea class. Instead we could stay at home and devote the traveling time to study. Second,thanks to the internet,

2、there is a sea of courses covering different fields for us to choosefrom. Finally, online education gives us more flexibility. We can study at our own pace. Ifmeeting with something we dont understand, we could go over the information andlearn again.2.Which one do you prefer? live alone or with room

3、ates?I prefer living with roommates. I think living in a dormitory is a great experience in life. Firstly,by living under the same roof, we can learn to be considerate towards others, shareinterests and views and developunforgettable memory.3. What do you think are the characteristics of a good teac

4、her?I think a teacher should be responsible. Being a let his students make mistakes and ignorethem. On the one hand,teachers n eed to be patie nt to stude nts eve n toomuch. On the other hand, teachers should beresourceful soeducatioor traditionallifelong friendship. Furthermore, convenientowing to

5、the proximity facilities, which savesus a lot of time. quite safe, especially for thegirls.living in a dormitory is far moreto the teaching building and otherFinally , living in a dormitory isLiving in the dormitory will be angood teacher canntwhe n stude nts ask questi onsthat can give help to stud

6、e nts who n eed and eve n if they cannhelpstude nts by pers on.4. Every one has some goals, describe one of your goals。one of my goals is to travel around the world. Since i was a child, i have bee n very curious aboutthe outside world, so i want to get to know it by experie ncing it myself. And tra

7、velling is witnoutdoubt a good choice. But in fact, I need to study hard so I can enjoy tomorrow.5.Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth?I think it depe nds. Gen erally , people should be hon est and genuine. Only whe n we arefrank ,can we make real friends and be successful

8、in the end. However, sometimes whitelies are n ecessary. For example, doctors can choose not to tell the patie nts the truth in order to give them courageand hope to fight with disease.6. how do you usually spe nd your holidays? Whatsyour pla n forthe coming win ter holiday?First, I usually finish m

9、y tasks first. And I will do anything I like. Forexample, read ing some books I in terested, watch ing some tv programsor movies. But this win ter holiday I will cha nge my usual pla ns. I want totake a travel around my hometow nXiame n with my frien ds.7. is writing better than calling ? give your

10、reasons?I think writing is better than calling. Because writing in hand can expressour feeli ngs better. Especially sometime we cannsay someth ing by ourmouth pers on ally. Via letters, we can show our love and respect morewell.8.which do you prefer : sin gle-sex class or co-educati onal class?I thi

11、nk single- sex school may be more pure. Professorwell suit for girls.There will be so many differences between girls andboysinterests. In co -educational schools, boys are more likely to speak out their ideas,and the courses are designed much suitable for boy. If possible, I hope to read single-sexs

12、chool, so I more likely to be elegant and powerful women.9.which should be emphasized in education: knowledge or creativity ?Who do you admire most? why?Creativity is very important.Creativity is the key to a brighter future, sayeducation and business experts. Now schools and parents are eager to en

13、couragethisvital skill in children. they want children to dosomething ,such as class experiments,to build up their sense ofcreativity.10.who do you admire most? Why?I admire the singers and band the most. Because they have to go ontours around the world, trying to please all their fans even though t

14、heyve barely got anysleep or hasnt eaten meal yet. It takes a great amount of energy to sing and dancecontinuously. Some of them worked so hard that they ended up fainting, skipping theirconcerts, or staying in the hospital. Even so, they still continue to tour around, perform, andgoing on interview

15、s for the sake of their fans.11. Long-term contact and first impression, which do you thinkcan help you best to know a person? why?I think long-term contact can help me best to know a person.Becauses courses maywe cant know a person well from the first impression.everyone of us canbehave well as lon

16、g as we intend to.Through long-term contact,we can know everythingabout the person with which we are getting along.It is very important for us to know theperson around us through long-term contact12. What do you miss most in your home?13. Describe the most important object to you?As for me, My compu

17、ter is the most important object to me.I am majorin computering technology and science in the university.and I am interested in computer ,Atpresent I need computer to study ,I need computer to amuse and in the future I needcomputer to work with. So I can not live without my computer .14. Novel, maga

18、nize or poem, which one do you prefer?15. Which do you cherish more, your friend or your friendship with a good friend or yourromantic relationship?Obviously, a friend is easy to make, but a lover is kind of hard to seek forSince relationships between friends might be not that close compared to roma

19、nticrelationships,I will probablytake it serious andcherish thissweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship wont be tense and freezing because of this. As theChinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friendsout of y

20、our mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love , especially at the verybeginning , I think I will cherish it more than fiendship.16 What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job(even a part-time job)?I will first consider whether this company and the offered position isbeca

21、use big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities cant.17 whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, your parents or your friends?They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.They can give me better suggestion. Parents are

22、 people love us most and will never beunwilling or too busy to listen to me and give me a hand. However ,friends may be busy withstudy or cantfigure out my situation clearly. Whats more, always asking themfor help perhaps will make them become inpatient.18nature or nurture:which plays a more importa

23、nt role in apersons success, biological factors or environmental factors?high potential.I think high potentialis a quality that is vital for thecompanys future developmentand its personnels self improvement.Every one need a room to promote and realize ones self-value. AnotherfactorIId like to workan

24、d live in big citiesI do think the environmental factors are vital for oneso many things we have to learn on this earth. You probably have some nature talent but ifthe environment doestnt provide you the platform toshow and make the most use of it, it means nothing. Environment can have a very stron

25、gimpact on a person through out the life. Live with A level students, we will be influenced tolearn better. 1 percent talent and99 percent hard working. We can be easily affected.19 how do you get along with your roommates? What do you dowhen conflicts with your roommates come in the way? (interpers

26、onal relationships)Bring them homemade food. Having meals and going shopping togetherclean the dorm regularly.Ill firstly let myself calm down and figure outwhether itsmy fault or her fault. If itsmy fault ,I will break the freezingatmosphere and say sorry. If itsher fault, I will understand her.20

27、what are your hobbies ? what do you think of some students who spend far too muchmore time on their hobbies than on their schoolwork?21 a lot of young people like fast food. What is your attitude tothe phenomenon?I really dont agree to take fast food so frequently, because there are ways too much oil,meat and fewer vegetables in it. I m worried about its nutrition. Itsan unbalance way ofeating. I love McDonaldsand KFC aswell but I understand that they are fairly unhealthy. Sometime I do go tos success. There areeat there if


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