



1、高考重点词汇Oobject n.物,物体;宾语object tosth/doing sth 反对,不赞成1 .( thing )物体;实体;实物He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the horizon.他眯着眼睛,似乎是在打量地平线上的某一物体.a solid object 一个固体In the consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.在诊疗室, 孩子们周围摆满了熟悉的东西.2 . the object of sthfe

2、eling 的对象The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French.令她心头生恨的是 24 岁的模特罗斯 沸伦奇.The object of great interest at the Temple was a marble tower built in memory of Buddha.这座庙宇最引人注目的东西是为纪念佛陀而建的一座大理石塔.An object of ridicule 笑柄be the object of sb's affection 某人倾慕的对象Young Eileen was the object

3、 of his affection.年轻的艾琳是他倾慕的对象.3 .( purpose )目标;目的;宗旨He made it his object in life to find the island.他将找到那座岛屿视为自己的人生目标.the object of her visit 她来访的目的the object of doing sth 做某事的目的What'sthe object of doing that?object, objective, purpose这三个词均可表示 目标"目的".其区别在于:object常指基于个人决心的目标,常较抽象;obje

4、ctive常指具体的、 直接的或很快可以到达的目标,为正式用语;purpose为普通用词,既可指人们期望出现的结果,也可指为此进行的活动 过程.例如:He has a definite object in life.他对人生有明确的目标.My objective this summer is learning to swim. 我今年夏天的 目标是学会游泳.The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.目 的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨.Ject (=throw)扔、投eject 向外扔 e<

5、;ex(=out) +ject(=throw),向外扔出去vt.逐出,驱逐;喷射(液体等),吐出ejection n.逐出;排出After committing 5 fouls,a basketball player is ejected from the game. 篮球选手犯规五次就要被罚下赛场. adjective n.形容词 *ad(=add,near)inject in(=into)入,进入,里面,ject(=throw)扔,把东西扔进 把液体扔进身体里 v.注射(液体、药等);注入;投资inject penicillin into the blood-stream 往血液里注射青霉

6、素inject new life into the committee 给委员会注入新的活力objective adj.客观的 n.目的 *ob(=to,toward)objectively adv. 客观地object n.物体;目标;目的 v.反对;拒绝(投向反对者)objection n.反对;异议objective n.目标;实体 adj.实在的;客观的;目标的objectivity n.客观性project v.方案;设计;投影;突出n.方案;提案;事业(投掷到前方)? pro- = forward »reject v.拒绝;驳回;舍弃(投掷回来)? re- = back?

7、subject v.使服从;使蒙受;使罹患adj.附属的;受支配的;容易罹患.的n.国民;主词;主题;科目(投身于 .之下)?sub- = under»subjection n.隶属;附属;服从subjective adj.主观的;主格的n.主格oceann.海洋Octobern.十月ofprep表示所属、数量,其 中的offprep. ad.离开,脱离,走开 离开;电,自来水停 了,中断take off 起飞turn off 关掉give off发出光、热、气味等keep off让开,不接近get off下车badly off贫困,贫穷cut off切掉;切断;阻隔shake of

8、f抖掉;甩掉;逃脱;摆脱麻烦、烦恼等see sb. off为某人送行set off出发,起程;激起,引起put off推迟,拖延let off排放;放炮,开枪show off 炫耀better off情况较好push off推迟,离开lay off解雇;休息;停止工作eat off吃掉;腐蚀掉kick off踢落,开始go off离开消失;变差;开火far off远,在远处的offervt& n.提供,建议offer sb sth offer sth to sb 给某人提供officen.办公室officern.军官;公务员;官员; 警官oftenad.经常,常常oiln.油OKad.

9、口语好,对,不错old a.老的,旧 的elder/older这两个词均是01d的比拟级,在用法上有所区别.elder本身也是形容词.elder表示“前辈的、“年纪较长的,仅用于同一家庭成员的比拟;older那么不限于此.例如:My younger son is five and my elder son is nine. 我的/、儿子 5岁, 大儿子 9岁.Tom is two years older than I.汤姆比我年长两岁.elder在句中只用作定语,不作表语;older两者皆可.例如:My elder sister does her homework all by herself

10、.我的姐姐单独做作业.His elder son got married last week.他的长子是上星期结婚的.I think his mother is older.我认为他的母亲年龄大引起.elder只能用来指人;older既可修饰人,也可修饰物.例如:My elder brother joined the army when he was only fifteen. 我哥哥年仅 15 负就参了军.This dog is older than any other dogs here.这条狗在这里是最老的条.I have a sister older than myself.我有位比我

11、大的姐姐.It is said Mr Chen is over ten years older than Mrs Li.据说陈先生比李女士大 10 多岁.elderly是形容词,“较老的".older是名词意思可以是老人elder是指在亲戚间较年长的 elderly是形容词意思是年长的the oldthe elderly都指的是某一类人onprep.在上面;关于once n.&ad. conj.一次, 一度,从前;一旦习语1. once again once moreagain 又一次; 再次Once again British justice has appeared to

12、 falter.英国司法制度似乎再次显现出颓 势.She wanted to see him once more before she died她想在临死之前再见上他一面.2. once and for all彻底地;一劳永逸地They had to be defeatedonce and for all.必须彻底击败他们.3. once in a while 偶尔;间或用一般现在时Every once in a while we go to the cinema.我们偶尔会去看电影.4. once or twice 一两次;几次用现在完成时She had been to London onc

13、e or twice before.她以前去过伦敦一两次.5. once upon a time a.从前;很久以前用过去式Once upon a timethere were three princes.很久很久以前,有三位王子.b.用于谈论已不存在的状况,尤指过去的状况比现在的好想当年Once upon a time, I wanted to change the world.想当年,我曾想改变这个世界.all at once1 .忽然忽然,吵闹声停止了.all at once the noise stopped.2 .同时同时很多豆子准备好了.alot of beans are read

14、y all at once.at once立亥U,马上.n.一个,只一oneselfpron.自己,自身onlyad.仅仅,只,才open a.vt.开着的,开 口的开,翻开keep the door open 开着门 be open to X:L.开放的; break open 砸开;in the open 公开的; leave/remain sth open 未解决;open into 通往;通向open the door to 给 造成时机;He would like to sleep, with the window.答案为 wide open.请问open wid

15、ely为什么不行此处副词 widely修饰形容词 open,我感觉放在后面也可以. 请解释一下,谢谢.operateoperationV.n.做手术;操作 手术;操作operate sth操作 operate on sb给某人做手术1. functioning 操作,运用,运作指动作、过程或方式the operation of the company 公司的运转2 . machine 运行,运转(指状态)a guide to the operation of the machine 这台机器的操作指南be in operation ( function ) machine+ 在运行中Three

16、 ski lifts are currently in operation.目前有三辆滑雪缆车在运行.Until the rail links were in operation, passengers could only travel through the tunnel by coach.在铁路连线开通之前,乘客只能乘坐长途客车穿越隧道.3 . system, scheme 实行;实施There are many things about its operation that we still don't understand.对于它的实施,我们仍有许多不明白的地方.be in

17、operation( be in force )实行the free banking system thathas been in operationsince the early eighties从80年代初期便开始实行的自由银行制度come into operation rule, system, plan+ 开始实施The Financial Services Actcame into operationfour years ago.?金融效劳业法?于四年前开始实施.put sth into operation 将一 投入使用Cheaper energy-conservation tec

18、hniqueshave been put into operationin the developed world.更经济的节能技术已经在兴旺国家投入使用.bring sth into operation 将一 投入使用4 .( task )(尤指实质性的或机械性的)工作,任务,系列行动the most successful customs operation of the year本年度最成功的海关作业the risks at each stage of the operation这项行动每个阶段的风险be a major operation 是个大任务Removing the stains

19、was a major operation.去除这些污点是个大工程.5 .( company )公司;营业;经营;治理The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation. 这两个母公司现在合并为一家企业经营业务.6 .( surgery )手术 a major operation 一个大手术have an operation接受手术I have never had an operation.我从未做过手术.to have an operation on sth +part of body 做某方

20、面的手术I had an operation on my spine.我做过脊椎手术.perform an operation surgeon+ 做手术Dr Jones will perform the operation.这个手术将由琼斯医生来做.carry out an operation surgeon+ 做手术7 .作战;军事行动orconj.或,就是,否那么orangen.a.橘子,橙子,橘子汁 橙色的ordervtn.定购,订货;点菜 顺序otherpron.a.别人,别的东西别的,另外的ourpron我们的ourspron我们的Vourselvespron我们自己outad.外出

21、,在外;向外;熄outsiden.ad.prep外面在外面在外面Over prep ad.在 上方;越过;普及翻到,遍布;越过;结束get over克服;中恢复过来;复原;完成run over把-很快地过一遍;在一上驶过;过去;浏览preside over主持;担任主席;主管;治理do over重做;粉刷;重新装饰房子;一年之初over there在那边;在那里;在那儿;那时那地all over到处,普及;浑身;全部结束over and over 反复;再三go over复习,重温;仔细检查;转变;润色over and over again adv. 一再地;反复不断地over here ad

22、v.这里;在这边cover vt1 .( put cover on )遮盖; 盖住Cover jars without fastening them down.把罐子盖住,但不要把盖子拧紧.cover sth with sth 用某物遮盖某物She covered her face with her hands 她用手捂住了 脸.Coverthe casserolewitha tight-fitting lid.用大小适宜的盖子盖住砂锅.2 .( form layer over )盖满; 覆盖The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire

23、 sky.云层扩散开来,几乎盖满了整个天空.Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles.两片浮油总共覆盖了7平方英里的面积.cover sth with sth 将某物覆盖在某物上The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears, or plums.你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子.3 .( hide from view )遮挡;遮住His finger went up to touch the black

24、 patch which covered his left eye.他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩.4 .【政府】(insure against )承保;给 保险;包含Their insurer paid the 900 bi埠 even though the policy did not strictly cover it.虽然严格来讲保险单并不包含这一项,但他们的保险公司还是支付了那张900英镑的账单.These items are not covered by your medical insurance.这些工程不在你的医保范围之内.5 .政府 (insure ) +possession

25、s, goods, person 内保险; 给 投保You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft.你应该为自己和家人办理旅游保险以防被盗.6 .【金融】+costs (资产或收入)足以支付均0 will cover my expenses.50英镑足够支付我的开支了.Send it to the address given with 1.50 to co ver postage and administration.把它寄到指定的地点,附上1.5英镑支付邮资和治理费.7 . +di

26、stance 行走It covered the distance in 28 hours compared with the train's six days.它用28小时走完了火车要用6天的路程.8 .( apply to ) law+ 适用于The law covers four categories of experiments.这条法规适用于四类实验.Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.像其他商品一样,纯种狗买卖受?货物买卖法?的约束.9 .( deal with )涉及;讨论Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服焦虑.10 .【传媒】(report on )报道;采访The US news media will cover the trial closely.美国新闻媒体将对该审判进行追踪报道.11 .【音(record )翻录He must make a decent livin


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