



1、1-55BC Early settlementiii;i3000BC Iberiams come to the British Islesii-iiii750BC Celts began to come to setttle in the British Islesii!ii55BCEarly settleme ntIi;:iii55BC-410 Romen Ocupatio nIIiiii54BCJulius Caesar inv aded Brita in!:II:Ii43BC Roman Emperor Claudius sent Roman Legions to Britain and

2、II:!Iiconquered Englangiiiii;410AD Rome n Legi ons were withdraw from Brita iniii410871 An glo-Sax on Times:beg inning of Feudalismii:8th1066 Viki ngsII1ii11iiiiIiiiiSAXON RULERSII;:IIII;829 Egbert ruled En gla ndiI:;I!871 King Alfred fought agai nst the Dan ish11ii:IiI!IIIiiII!:II|iiiiiiIDANISH RUL

3、ERSIIIIIIII1016 Danish King Canute conquered England ,and became king ofiI1IEn gla ndiiiiiiiII2IISAXON RULERS310661:1:1:1:1i;11Harold became ki ng, and was killled at Hast in gs. The Battle of1:1Hastings .Duke of Normany ,William conquered England and wasiiicrowned on Christmas Day,as king WilliamI.

4、HOUSE OF PLANTAGENET1154Henrynbegan the House of AngouKINGS OF ENGLAND AND LORDS OF IRELAND1170i:IiiHenrynfour kni ghts to kill the Archbishop of Can terburyiThomas Becketi11198!1RichardI.joined the third crursade:!I12151:IKing Joh n sig ned the Magna Carta:12651Sim on de Mon tfort sum moned the fir

5、st parliame ntii1282iiEdwardIconquered wales:I1295i:IEdwardIsummoned“Model Parliament”i1296iiEdwardIinvaded Scotland13371453 The Hun dred Yearswar1348The Black Death struck En gla nd1381:Wat Tyler Uprisi ngHOUSE OF LANCASTER1399Henry IV bega n the House of Lan caster41455-1485 the wars of the RosesH

6、OUSE OF YORK1461EawardIVbega n the house of yorkHOUSE OF TUDOR148511Henry VD began the house of Tudor111150911Henry V came to the throne11151611Thomas More published Utopiai1534iHenryVfflpassed the“Act of Supremacy”KINGS(QUEENS) OF ENDLAND AND IRELAND15581ElizabethIwas crowned1i1587iiElizabethIorder

7、ed Mary Queen of Scots to sentenced to death:I1588i:IEn gla nd d efeated Spa in s Armadai116001IThe East In dia Compa ny was set upKINGS(QUEENS) OF ENGLAND SCOTLAND AND IRELANDHOUSE OF STAUART1603iIJamesIbegan the house of stuart11629i1Charles agreed to sign the Petition of Righti1642Ki ng Charles s

8、ent soldiers to arrest the Parliame nt leaders andthe First Civil War atarted1644 Cromwell defeated the Kings forces:III51649 CharlesIwas beheaded by Parliament in JanuarynMay aIIrepublica n gover nment was proclaimed by cromwellIIIIIICOMMONWEALTH-DECLARED 1649IIIII1653 Cromwell became Protector of

9、the com mon wealth of En gla ndIIII|1658 Cromwell died1IIIIIII:iIIiHOUSE OF STUARTIIII1660 CharlesnIanded at Dover,and the house of stuart was restoredIII11II1664 the Plague of Lon don;I1666 The Great Fire of Lon donIIiiIIi1679 The“Exclusion Bill”was passed and the Whig and The Tory parties!iIIiiwer

10、e formedII1688William of Orange Ianded on England on November 5.TheIIIIIIii“Glorious Revolution”took placeiiii1689The“Bilbf Rights was passed .The ConstitutionsMonarchyIjbegan in England .iij1690The Cabi net was formedIIIiii1694 The Bank in England was founded1701 the“Act of Settlement”was passed in

11、 Parliament6KINGS(QUEENS)OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELANDI:III!I1707 The Parliame nt of En gla nd and Scoltla nd were un itedIIl1|HOUSE OF HANOVERIIII1714 GeorgeIbegan The House of Hanover,the Cabinet System wasiii iiestablished.II*iIIIIIii!JiiIIiiIIKINGS(QUEENS)OF UNITED JINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN ANDIiI

12、RELANDIIII1819The“Machester Massacre in st.Peters FieldII11II1830a comb in atio n of liberals from both parties defeated the;ITories: passed the Reform Bill1832step toward uni versal suffragc Two system excute1833the Fancy ACT1834The“New Pool Law”was passed1836-1848the Chartist Moveme nt1846corn law

13、s-readi ng the price of bread Educati on1837Quee n Victoria came to throne1839The First n ati onal petiti on too place1840Irish potato fami ne1851The Crystal Palace Exhibiti on ope ned in Londontook place7I1853-1856England joined the Crimean War,the Crimean war is ai:Ibalance-of-powerwar during whic

14、h Florence Nightingaleiiicreatednurse as a professi on for woma n.:I1859 The In dia n Mut iny was put dow n Charles Darwin Publishedthe Origin of species”.II1867The second“reform Bill”was passedi:iI1868clan dst one of the Liberal Party become Prime Mini sterIIi1870Charles Parn ell orga ni zed the Ir

15、io n Natio nalists in the En glishI!IIParl into a well-discipli ned groupi1884The third parliamentary“weopmsBed”II1885Pm cla ndst one proposed a Home Rule Bill givi ng Irish their own:!IIParlII1893Kier Hordie set up the In depe ndent Labor Partyiii1900 The“Labour Representation Committee”established

16、HOUSE OF SAXE-COBURG1906 The“Labour Representation Committee as the Labour PatryHOUSE OF WINDSOR1914-1918 Brita in joi ned the First World War1916 Lody George orga ni zed a un ited cab inet1919 the Versailles Peace Tready and Wils onIPoints the League of nation.Britaindivided with Francewas official

17、ly recog nizeds proposal of8theII:IIcontrol over German-held territory in Aferica and the NearIIiEastII1924Ramsay Macp on ald led the first Labour Party gover nmentIIIIIIKINGS(QUEENS)OF UNITED KINGDOM OF GREATBRITAIN ANDIIINORTHERN IRELANDII*iIIIII1929NY stock Market crashed,begi nning the Great Dep

18、ressi onIiIIII1932Britai n en acted protective tariffs and ceased payme nt on warIidebts to USIIII1935Baldwin replaced MacDo nald as Prime Mi nister: :II1 1II1936George VI came to throne,social problems faded with the;Iemerge nee of NazismiiIIIi1937Baldwin resigened to be succeeded as rime Minister

19、by NeilleIIiiChamberla inIIII1939On September 3th Chamberlain broadcast to the nation thatIIIIIIiiBritain was in the Second World Wariiii1940wi nston churchil formed a coalitio n gover nmentIIIi1941the pearl Habor Event -us joined withBritain against JapaniiGerman troops weakened after failure in in

20、vading Russia-TheIII;Battle of Stalingrad1944 The Allied Forces Ian ded in Norma ndy9In the end of the Seconde World War,Germany and Japani iisubsequently surre nder.:IIn dia andPakista n gain in depe ndence from Britia in.NATO,the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ,was estiblished.IIAnd Brit in ha

21、d decli ned to atte nd the Couni cil of Europe. 1950i:iIThe Korea n War broke out.1I!I I1952 Princess Elizabeth was crouwned Queen ElizabethII .IIA four- day London“smog ” theaisetys death to threeIIIItimes its no rmal.II11II1955London passed its Clea n Air Act.;IWartime hero Winston Churchill in il

22、l health resig ned.iiIIIi1956The Suez Crisis broke out.IIIIii1957Treaty of Rome established the Europea n Econo rmic Commu ni ty.IIII1967 Brita in was forced to devalue the pound in an attempt to checkIIIIIIiiinflation and improve the trade deficit.iiii1973 Brita in became a full member of the Europea n Commu nity whichIIwas still called the Common Market.iiAnd joined the Europea n Un io n Brita in wit nessed the first oilIIshock.II1979 Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Min ister.II1981


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