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1、Unit 2 On Monday I ll go swimming.【教学目标】1、语言知识1 .谈论将来可能发生的事情和一周七天的计划。2 .全体学生能理解词汇Tuesday ,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have,next, week, holiday3 .全体学生能运用词汇have, next, week, holiday; 部分学生能运用词汇 Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday4 .全体学生能运用 On Monday I' ll go swimming.这类语句谈论一周七天的计划。5 .感知一般将来时语句的语音语

2、调。2、语言技能1 .全体学生能听懂:On Monday I ll go swimming.2 .全体学生能说:On Monday I ll go swimming.3 .全体学生能认读:have, next, week, holiday.4 .全体学生能拼写2-3 个自选词语。3、情感态度积极参加各种课堂学习活动。4、学习策略会制定英语学习计划。5、文化意识初步注意到中西方一周七天不同的表达方式及排列顺序。【学情分析】小学四年级的学生活泼好动,竞争意识强,喜欢表现自己,但四年级的学生英语基础较浅,只学过一年半的英语,语言综合运用能力差,年龄又小, 有意注意持续时间不长, 本课的教学内容是一周

3、七天的计划,对本课的学习有一定的困难。因此,设计形式多样的游戏活动来操练句子,可充分激发学生的学习兴趣,分散句子的难点,从而让学生轻松愉快地掌握重点句型。【重点难点】1、重点运用 will 谈论将来可能发生的事情2、难点英文星期的发音【教学过程】Step 1: Greetings.Step 2: Free talkT: Boys and girls look at this picture, who can talk about it?51 : Robots will do the housework.T: What about this one?52 :Robots will make ca

4、kes.T: Next one?S3:Robots will sing songs.T: The last one?54: Robots will help children learn.Step 3: Show the calendar, point and say :T: This is Sunday.55: Monday, Saturday.T: Yes, do you want to know the other days of a week?Ss: Yes.T: The chant will tell you.Step 4: Say a chant in Act1.a: Watch

5、the CD-ROM in Activity 1 and learn the chant.(1)T: Boys and girls, please watch the CD-ROM and learn it.T :In this chant, Sunday ,Monday,Anything else?Ss: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.(2)Teaching Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have.(Using thecards of the words).T: We called these seve

6、n days the days of a week. So what s the meof week?Ss周,星期.T: Now let s see these words, what can you find?Ss:首字母大写,每个词后面都是day,表示在周几要用on, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursdays有 s,并且 s发/z/的音。T: Also Sunday is the first day of a week.(3) Practice the days of the week (PPT展示).a : Find what s missing.T: Let rsead

7、 and remember the words 20 seconds and find what s missing in PPT.Ss: Monday, Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. b : Chant with CD-ROM .T: Let s chant with the CD-ROM , OK?Ss: Yes!Step 5:任务呈现Today we ll learn Shanshan s weekly plan, after it, we can also make a weekly plan for o

8、urselves.Step 6:活动 1Watch the CD ROM and try to answer a questionShow the first picture of the text and introduce the situation of the text.T: Now, please look at this picture. This girl is Shanshan. Next week is a holiday,( Teaching: next holiday ) Next week I ll go to Dalian and I ll go shopping.

9、We know Sunday is the first day of the week, let s watch and think: What will Shanshan do on Sunday?(watch the CD-ROM) .T: So what will Shanshan do on Sunday? Shanshan sayswho knows?S1: On Sunday I ll read my books.Step 7:活动 2Watch the CD ROM again and fill in the blanks withT: Now let losok at this

10、 picture, Shanshansays “ OMn onday, I lgl oswimming.Next one, On Tuesday, IllS1: On Tuesday, I ll play with my friends.T: Next one, On Wednesday, I ll S2: On Wednesday, I ll go to the park.T: Next one, on which day, I ll do my house work?53: On Thursday, I ll do my homework.T: Next one , on which da

11、y, I ll visit my grandma?54: On Friday, I ll visit my grandma.T: Next one .Will Shanshan sing on Saturday?55: No.T: So what will she do then? Shanshan say s ?55: On Saturday, I ll help my mother.T: The last one, will she read her books on Sunday?Ss: Yes.T: Who can talk about it? Shanshan say s?56: O

12、n Sunday I ll read my books.Step 8:活动3Check the answers in pairs.Step 9:活动4Read these sentences and pay attention to the gram1.on+ 星 期 几 Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday /Thursday/Friday /Saturday/Sunday.2.谈论一周七天的计划用will+ do , 如: On Monday I ll go swimming.Step 10:活动5Listen and repeat.T: Let s read the text

13、 after the-RCODM.Ss Read.T: Now please practice in pairs.Step 11:活动6Talk about these seven pictures.T: Please close your books and talk about these seven pictures in your groups.Ss discuss.Step 12:练习1. Act 3, point, ask and answer in pairs.a . T: Here are 7 pictures, let s say the phrases or words t

14、ogether.Ss: Play football, play basketball, swim, play table tennis, fly a kite, row aboat, ride a bike. Now please practice in pairs like this.(老师先找一个学生进行示范)Eg: A: What will you do on Sunday?B: I ll play football.b .Guessing gameT: First choose your luck day.S1:Sunday.On Sunday I ll go swimming.T:

15、Maybe.S2: On Sunday I ll play football.T: Maybe. Let's check the answers. Who is the winner? Great?论(0) 2.Chain GameT: My lucky day is Tuesday, today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. On Wednesday I ll go swimming. Who can be next? Eg: Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday. On Tuesday I ll

16、 play football.3.Practise(1) Fill in the blanks(2)Check the answers.4.Learn an English song:Monday, ThursdayT:We vedonesomuchwork.Areyoutired?Ss:Yes!T:Nowlet srelax.Andlearnasong.(1) Listentothesong.(2)Explainthemeaningofthe“ rule” .(3)Singandclap.Step 13: Summary and Homework1. Summary:T: What have you lear


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