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1、初中英语语法一一不定冠词和定冠词的用法不定冠词的用法出题点:(1)不定冠词a/an用法区别;(2)不定冠词a/an的用法;(3)不定冠词a/an的惯用表达 升定冠词a/an与one同源|,表示微弱的一的概念|,但并不弓S调数目|,只表示名词为不特定者|。不定冠词a/an的用法如下:不/£世词用法例词a以车ff#音素开头的单词前a oneeyed man a house元音中以j |, w 发音开始的名词前a uniforma yearan以元音发音开始的单数可数名词前an eggan apple以车有音字母开始的单词如果发音为元音因素时an houran honest boy1.泛指

2、某人或某物|,但不具体说明是何人或何物|。A leaf falls much more slowly than a stone.I saw a man in the darkness| but I couldn't make out who it was.2 .指代一类人或事物|。该用法并不表示具体的某一个人或事物的|,而是表示一类人或事物|, 一般不译为 "。|A doctor is a person who saves people's lives.A knife is a tool for cutting with.3 .表示数量中的一 |。意义上接近one|,

3、但数量概念比one弱|,此时常译为 乙"。|There is a table and four chairs in that dining room.There is going to be an English lecture this evening.4 .表示单位量词的 每一 ” |用于表示时间、速度、价格等含义的名词之前|,有“每一 的意思” |。Take three pills a day and you'll get better soon.The light blinks once a second.5 . 用于集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词前|。(1)

4、 用于集体名词前I was put into a large class last term.Mary and John are a happy couple.(2) 用于物质名词前物质名词|,如coffee|, food|, tea|, fruit| , rain|, snow|, wind 等在表示 “一种 ”、 “一场 ”、 “一杯 ”等意义时|,常加不定冠词|。An unexpected rain fell this morning in the small town.I'd prefer a coffee and a chicken sandwich,| Sir.(3)用于抽

5、象名词前Working with Jane is a great joy.As a writer|, she is a success; but as a teache,r| shes a failure.(4)用于专有名词前专有名词本身表示特指|,其前一般不用任何冠词|。但是表示具有某种特性的人或物、某一个不认识的人或者某一个不确定的时间时|,专有名词前需要加不定冠词|。A Mr.White wants to see you this afternoon.The story took place in a September in the 1980s.6. 用于有形容词、短语和从句修饰的不可

6、数名词前|。不可数名词如education |, history|, knowledge|, population 等|,在表述其某一部分或者某一方面的内容、概念时|,前面常加不定冠词|。China is an Asian country with a long history.A college education is becoming more and more popular among young people.7. 用于序数词前|,表示“又一 ; 再一 ” 。|第5页/共5页I want a second cup of coffee.Do you want a second cha

7、nce?8.用于同源宾语前在同源宾语中|,与动词同源的名词前要加不定冠词|Last night|, I dreamed a terrible dream.The little girl smiled a friendly smile.9.用于表示动词意义的名词前语动词构成固定短语|。有动词意义的名词在与动词have|, take|, make|, give等构成动词短语表示一种非延续性的动作时|,该名词前的不定冠词一般不能缺少|have a lookhave a walkgive a smile give a shout 10.用于固定搭配中|。have a restmake a choice

8、have a trymake a decisiona great deal of make a moveas a resultin a hurryfor a whileas a ruleall of a suddenafter a whilehave a good timemake a living.定冠词的用法出题点:(1)在序数词和形容词最高级的前面(2)表示世界上独一无二的事物(3)在表示演冽册懒燧的输前聊司超4)妲年僧词除咽瑟离指",|即指代上文出现过的和谈话双方都以知的人或事物|,是定冠词的主要功能|。在辅音音素前读e?川,在元音音素前读ei川,意为 这|,那|,这些|,那

9、些"。|1.用于特指的和说话双方都知道的人或事物|Do you know the woman standing at the gate of the schoo lIs this the book that you are looking for?Look at the blackboard Lily.2.用于指代上文提到的人或事物|。I bought a book yesterday. The book is very interesting.There is a man under the tree.The man is called Robert.3 .用于单数可数名词前|,表

10、示一类人或事物|。The wheel is perhaps the simplest invention of all.The shark is most dangerous animal in the sea.The beaver likes family life.4.用于表示独一无二的事物前|。天体宇宙the sunthe earththe moon自然the seathe equator方向the leftthe right江河|,海洋|, 山脉|,群岛the Changjiang Riverthe Himalayas坐标the east the westthe south the n

11、orth官职the Presidentthe LordThe sun was shining brightly as we sailed down.Man traveled to the moon scores of years ago.5 .用于序数词、表特指的比较级和形容词、副词最高级前|。He was the first to speak against slavery.He is the taller of the two children in his family.The greatest talkers are always the least doers.6 .用于表示姓氏的复

12、数名词前|,表示“.,家人”或 失妇俩” |The Greens are going to Mount Emei next month.We invited the Whites to our party.7 .用于形容词或分词前|,表示一类人或事物|。They offered the food|, flowers and gifts to the dead.The wounded have not been sent to the hospital in time.8 .用于表示演奏的西洋乐器的名词前|。The boy of no more than four complete piano

13、very beautifully.I played the guitar in the school band.9 .用于表示越.|,越.的结构中|。The more love we give|, the more love we'll receive.The harder you work|, the more progress you will make.10 .用于“动词 +人+介词 + the +人体部位 ”结构中 |。The woman hit the man in the face and the men struck her on the back.The father led his daughter by her hand and walked into the supermarket.11 . 用于表示具体的地点|,方位|,具体的时间和某天的一部分|。In every country the sun rises in the east.Let's go in the evening.12 . 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前|。I've nev


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