



1、2017全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS决赞高一年级组试题(总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟)听力部分(共三大题,计30分)L Sentences (句子听写)共5小题;每小题1分. i I 5分)Plc ns e listen m ihc follouiu fiveThrt t)rr ln悝m /他'6Fiff加 the blanks u ilh the exact words you hear. Eat h sentence will he re洲 twice.(诂昕 卜面 fl 个 句子,每个句子中均有几个缺失的单词.请根据你所听到的单词填空中每个句子读两 遍.)(答案写在

2、答题纸上):L 1he would arrive here on time*2. I Ie's hupii里 心 _ in the 1 laiijuliuu '加ridhtHL3. Theythat we have dk ihe ie*stumatLl.4. He should Irv our bst tochildren from.5. The man ovpt thcrri isof the Ed caslle nuw.11. Dfafogpes (对话理解)(块IQ小题;每小曲I分;计10分)( ) Pinnae li 'iten to /hr in fit e

3、ittini - b卜'拉、h fhuiie ( % 幻明ud h , 尸.3"卜门.ChtMts 咕/ best “tn rfu'h f ties tian 肉"*"沁g fo irhat 打由 hftr. Etch dinlogtif and quemg 儿请听下而打组小对话.每州时汽后心 个问题.根据你所听到 的对话内容.选出能回春所提问题的选项:每组对话和问题读两遍口乂答案涂在答题 纸上)BH.C.D.278, A. £10.B. £10.609, A. r|lir musicawful,C. The acting wa

4、s poor, H). A. On Wednesday« B. Chi Tbitrs*lny.C. £15.60.D. £25.60,B. The wlory tine wrdk.1). The seat wus un(bonih)rlabhC. F昂hi*.I). On S;dun 炉.I Hf.i tett (f> the faiftm in Itnir di dacite, ft U foiftm by fire 甲*。沁如.(JuutKe the"咔F 川卜fa etft hrurdin u* ahaf 卜雨j 力也打兀 7、仙群* “ 屋

5、,5"*r向twm.(请听下面较长对话及时话后的五个间圈.根据你所听到的时话内容,选择能回 咨所提问题的最fl迤项.对话和问题读两遍- M答案除在答题纸上)11. I lircaur In- rif+-(k 7Hadvirr hIhhjI wriglil |uss+It 仕 i'uhw ht > 5il a i Jtid k cuughnig n lot.( r rjirr h*'M lik - ntir mh i<-»- <nr quiltijig值.D. Betiiuse hr to pul un mhiii weighL12. A.

6、Italian fond, B. Chinese food. C. Fast food-D. Healthy IbotiJ13. * hrads b(Hjk>TB+ Cuuk* ChiiinM* RmxLC. Di 反吓 honirwcirk.14. t. Hall an hiuin B. n hmtnD; Plays computer 印in>e揖C. An hour und a tialL IX I wo Ihm”、Ik At ihr rn'l of the year.15. A. This HTrkt nrL 13. Next month. C* In three m

7、onth丽IILPtasages(短文理解)(共1。小题620题每小题1分-25题每小题2分,计15 分)( Pl ease Iin ten 小小时 /RA中加*力 fMmd hy fire fftiestitnis.the besth> t-fich qHcfitm u cortlbi to tt hal you ht(ir. The ”由1睡* fittdu i!l bv re fd. 抽加明 (清听下面的短文及短文后的五个问题,根据你所听到的短文内容.选择能回答所提 同翅的最佳选曲 班文刖可辿读两遍)(答案涂在答题纸上)16.10月A.B.17. A. Guing In hi曲 m

8、-Ikml,C. Visjiing Anna' hnuw,1X. A. Sixteen /"am oLLC. Eighteen yeans old.19. A. Stric L民 Creal.Ft. Holding u birthday party.D. Writing her di斌ry«H Spwnteen iJd.D.、im4eeii years M.C. Kind.D. Boi in*.I J. 1 fer according tv ichtxi jrju he"?0. A- Her Hmtr. R. Her fnrwL (Hl Hettse I

9、is let i to fhr follou-in p心 w/客 taui fill in the blanksBu> Tuurusinfi only one word /or each blank. Thf ullt be read twict. 请川,卜山的出文.fi!据 你所听到的内容填空,每空一词 短文读两遍口)(答案写在答晔上)This HHir will last :ihnin 2L hcxirts). Firstyuu can sec the Iowa's new 22. on Queen% Road. Then it the City Theater on you

10、r 二Lwhich is 1"J years old The city has an>'v. eiiiicrtatDiiieiiL center nou1 The bus won't go along High Streel into Market Place today because Mine jnusician are 24.aniHHdiK)r conccn there. So (he bus is going aUi曲Hy 25,way.笫试部分f共七大题,计120分)I. Knowledge and Usage (知识与用法)(Jt 20 小题$26

11、 35 题 W 小世i 0.5 * .36 45 题材 小罩1分,计15分) 小” i-inn/ilrtr thete tile rices utff ane m/rd ft t etu.'hbx ismf thew"0油加心疝小访the bmhE I请根据括号中所给的:或英目提不完成卜列旬子,每空一词.)(答案写在答即纸上)26. The jHive-mentionr<l dreisinn is (值得)furtlirr conidraUoii.27. red lighta(信号)for Hunger.25. A> j letirher for all thes

12、e yen- she'd ( JK得)the respecl and adtnirdtiou 川”! simlcnts.、l ()|tr n;uir“i ur;K jl<jt onl vihi* loo<l h'niKl+s ih j grille' hj uwfnl(也)."补 I know lie h riniuhed thf ork, bulf 毕竟),h4*L ih* hl I“%L31. Il iiuiv tnil PH gu t<i limn 1 It - iv i min id ihis lim甘 nlite yr;ir k(t

13、eldum h(if>pens).33. Tlw nt sejirrh unit is(Connertf(h In that university,>4 H<- Irtavplrd HnHiutl the u<krLI>r) aiKnlurc,35* W hal cy!i do f()r thrm (w pay me nt t)r reu ard dr all tile trip they've givenus?Bi J“ 小 1 / ornplcli' h('pth 'iture Av choosing the htt of ih

14、r Jfiir儿“,心 in the ;“1”八jsAm i”, c川d仅(谓从"框中所给的tt ,四个出近中选闺佳选项宪成下面 的知文)(答案涂在答题纸上) 1_A. which H. whn“l l,“ tn ih rar>. i! vml* diftK iih h ulkma perin :;" (kl(| |>rf-n lxnn v mm il Ihmi ii !. U*l,J hr h lix uuir tftfd 之用的) (H4)p|r i( rrii,| ahlr lo|Hik or uikilrr>tdii I a -iiuktn I u

15、ilu 37* B«?pnnin in I he 1700?* dir drdf neic taulit3s. latiguagt.39.A. isB. areC.D. wereB. H (1 anD. tklanguage ling thisA. shall ij.C. <wiD. « irtlldxha廿 dioulits and Mtns v th (dhers. However, ith L npiiagr ”ith “H Muind h was a ' >ign Lirina: r.40. H”料 did this 4幽 languji斯t,

16、workB. doC. makeD. feel41. i*rre latihl Io make certtnn nxBrnirntsthf*ir hinds, 宿cburl bodier, TIw+ep mo cdhmiIs42. sUkkI forB. provided 3二 pointed to1). uJ for4rA. useB. to usrC. u>ingD. usedtb ni、and Jtlras. Fof rxanipt a person euuld ti»t ihfir lurrfinger acrosstheir lips io "You are

17、n't ti lling Lht truth/Hie iIcliJ wereiiL” taught ht umc a ting1*r zilplialtetui't-d llirir fh唱m tu nukt theletters <4 the alphabet In thr> wayT they 刊t”H words, Smne deaf people cculd spell out43. wonkA, rmB. in C. at1), lora speed of 130 words per minute.44. Thr- sin language and the

18、 finger spelling aren't usrtlas"I hey nnep wftf., mansB. muchC. possiblyD. quitchother R. the olhf-r C. another 1). others45. Txhy, pt nph * Mi hrariii itiifuunneiU '扭伤 w I呼hl to undvrMatid wjilrhiiig lik ii |jp>, called li|»-n aflirig. and h y'r<' aNo tiiiighl how lo

19、 Rwiik.II. Ch)工£ 1完形填空)(共15小题出小题1分,计15分)IA > 川产小广 read the inprisifj uail (ill in the btank3 建讪 the rurrt-rl JitrffUi n orth “r phiuses out uj thv 7giren in the b心,uccordbig to the cotikXL ( 一阅读卜面的短文,井根据其 内容提示,从方框中所给的7个闾语中选出5个,并用其正确形式填空0 )(答窠写在答税纸 上)wide, ut the uge uf. locul, mrvivt. (ukr p

20、ltu c. hi< ludr. Irarldlr inti)"illituii ShiikEarr 醇* an Knglih plavu nu t 剧作家) and & tort He was Im»hi on April 26. 1564Jn SlratEbid-upon-Avon. His lather was a svicressfiil 4b,bn4inesi«Tnan and hkmolhpr iMis |Hf iLmghlrr of a landuivner. Shake百is 47+flthi r wrilcr in the Engl

21、ish language tind the V- *rl I - rrul playv nhl. Hr's i>!tr:il called Eua“J*z riHliiHRti purl* Hix pltiyh hyve br"i 4&every mujor living languapr.Ai'»und Its 13, 4y.49, he retired Lu Sirntiord. He I di<*ti on April 23. 1616. Few rectircls of ShiikesH:art*'s privale li

22、fe 50*. Hi- plnvs remain highK pfipular Lmlay.(B) Pl> read the/由窈化(? anti fi/l m e h Han" u ith one word in one of thefnllou ing ihrrt' mn s: Q ' inised on the context; 2 using the correct _4)ww of the given u orrh;3 base J on the given letters cf the陋”(请阅读下面的始文,用以下二种吆式中的一种填 空二根据上下文填

23、空:用所给单词的正确形式境空工根据单同所给的字母填空,每 空一词. )(答案写在答题纸上.)I'oday cvciy city has police officers, but in 1700 Lundun bad 51.polk etnrn al all. A frw )l11 52. fiuatH um+J to pitKed the city stret'l> at night but lht)wvrrirt paid ven much,Abuul 300 ran ago. London was 53. (start) |g grt bigger. The city

24、 wa> xevy dirts and many people were poor. Thru 54,(be) so rruuiy thieves who stole money ii】th匕 slreeLs 55, fiiot people >la>ed dt Ivjmr if ihev didn'l have kt go ouLIn 1750. Henry Fielding started hi pay n pjnup nf ptx>ple tn 30口 th? tliiexf*w. Tliy wkm called the “Ho铸 Street Run r

25、em* 56.they wctrkrd nearBuW Slrei'L.Fifly year* 57.(laie), (hrre were 120Boh Street Kunners. bu! London had gr(mn ver) bi#»and needed more policemen. In 】X29* Ihe 58. lune) L>twh PnlHe hirer hub starttl with 3,000 officpnii Mosl of them worked and patrolled (巡逻)59, foott but a few nxie h

26、nrsrs. I nbl 1920. all London police were men.Todiiy. London |m)1 ice irv quilr well 60. (pink women 7*rve d】he Rtrec and IotI he kw polict* officers who ride horses on their job, I he pay is cxen better than for th_ 3 hers.Illi Reading Comprehension (阅读理解1 f共20小题;6】-65小题何小糖1匕66 T0小 题每小题2分,计35分)Read

27、 由e JMow加ff pasjoff凡 Each passage h followed by several t/nrsrio/w* Ptete rsond / the questinni tier ord in g tn the iiisfntctinns 即*n ni the 产 nd of enck pa仃型 “田 i 正 卜 面的时 文.短篇短文后设有若干问题.请根据短文后的要求回答问题一 )XIT5小题答案涂在? 题纸1',66-SO小题答案写在棒题纸h )AHave you ewr bet*n in a hfirrirtulf* (胆 Ml】? If yoiTrr Im

28、you huvt*n't. HuirirBnrfl otp (httvllyIIif thrrr ''fngredif ttls 1理橐in a hurricane arr ureana, lining winds and heavy rail- Hurriranft winii« can blnw ns Fh用 嬲 290 kilomHern an hour. High wind岛 ran pull up E”、 ilf-itniy hniidinK,;irr mn/ anjinr1 pmpl/. I hn nr;in« c-hu de-stroY

29、 au .- i r;p in I hi Ji' |i;t| t|'hvrjin tithci n:oiH - fr>rIn luiflia in Agi;L trievVe eall*li! <"yrl"r】F忖. Pmp。who live unarid ;inf-ar4廿 Pacific (Iran口I ihtti i:yphiHi> h .jui妙 p妙用小' Uhw J iuiur rtit k r tunt1(绰号: to dncribe these terrible Em7MTliey call th*m Xijhf i

30、ll、屋' -rc>Although hurricjirifi ncrur in itiokI parlh uf ihe uurkl, t!iey nil start ater I hr utcari near th十Hurriejn galhrr and(inerp) Ihje the warm cxiean wui< r* Ilie hvui Hpid llu- worm oeca/i t atTfulA 流 1 i工h i< l( dif pow, r *>f tin- hirnc ti*n . HkiTicmMf Hiul 门升'r 门"

31、; b ;iif rl:i I Id苦力'r Lnt istronur bu! wcakrn oncu ihek"it”,r Ixiid.During the ofnciul hurricant; fteaAon* which iurlx from Jlirtr I lo Novcmbrr 30* ih*!*1a 咤 hit cowtai areas,及 A- 01K hurrkana 叩pm* h.由中 bdi ha、)向掂nd 'tanu virj«r Ik Mrtr仁小1匕、1 ir-iihH 代li” 、lU'h thf i-,l(Ih-j

32、.ltn -*1 7川|;1 carefull). CThry dLhm3huirignc irdu fin皿/(种类)dr|»ridin upm Inn mm/iuF一所 the v ir:nl- <ip D.liun h iirir mm r|“-巾,hd、>i* j < 'i.iih r- >二1 < m' ' jf th ,wdy4 Cult*薜。n 1 4nd 2 hurii(,ain'' hi”" dnj urjkrt, < .jirgurx 45 :iHu -' , rim |

33、. 口 ?Cdlcguj v 3 anr ht brlwrvit.Qhc*。门 5 61 65;;人加5猿 the hr si ufistve/ Jn/tn L R.仁山H "m J”,小仙、仃,二广.61 > How jnatiy mdiliuiis utr tit.-< c!ed lu create (生成)u hurricane?A,()ne+H. T*mC. Three,D. Ftiur,62 . Whilst M iht* dILmh唱 nni a imnir Ussed fur » hurricane?B. TvphcMm.【).U illr-wil

34、ly»B. r;±i lilt1l>. IXpar underwater vokajirws.ft Itrwk ami pkmtIh Inserts and ”中 InCydnn?.C. TiiqietIo.fi3. Where do all liiirriranA. Ijl the deep im philC* Al the two M>lrs of th*3 Earth 64. What tnight a tnekjjrolttgLsl study?I Ck,u#7 an l wBuis.C, R i kt animals.65. There are fnu

35、r senlences marked A, B. C and D in ihc last paragraph. Hleasr chmjse the diit v hich -houki nn I产 therr.66.W hen sre the Jiark, we >l<)wly dmp the cagt* into thr hi、sj»e< ial cage has 1 2 mtn steel liarsand ve& a lid (懿子)!Diri> gt-t int)dir( a|ir from ihe side of the boat. When

36、 the sharks are enough to the ctki. ili<' Hd i> firidllv clsrd, 67.Divers hreathrB&WhereSouih fri<,a is thr Cn at While Shark capital of lite vr(»rld. litHit 12 km froiT lhs 产联记village of GiitiJiaiu* on lhr Miutli coast ul ihe < iapt- of G”i川 I Hope, >nut1 nhindsIsland an

37、d Gey sr r air hum i” thniiirbk 3 prniins and srjk.Between ihr twrj i-kindn 1%,。) vaii-i known as Shark Iley. 70*Que slums 66 - 70: Clune jrom ihe 限 adv 佯 a/ul seitcturs. 4 -C tucompleie the pm 附,hmuv hvo choices uhich you duf/l nt rd.A+ The costsB. Thr cageC. Frequrntk a>kr(l (jiieshonsD. nd th

38、is 博hurr rtj'll ntrctl Uir- Great W kite Shaik.K, Then the cae is li urn-fj lo about one itielfr Jm-L the M)rtd( r nt thi1F. The nip lakes alxmi five hours-including birukf;i't <»r)the tK>ut.tj. Thr best time for cac (living with (rn al T luh >、bctvrr:ii May ami SeplendieF.thro

39、ugh a spn iul 山】m which curriesI'm Late For SchoolbRisha AhmedOh iw Tfu hlf fi>i711 e wl imi wi»k>- up hfp in ih仃 iirnmOh how could this happen?I'm “iTc I held i th< liglr, I « uuld hw jhoe (发臂1I wasIn up n! enBut n<ftv it s n(,ni 1J1IIf Fm not cm time my teacher will k

40、ill meOr rl钞 >he hill use ntr hr fishing as ItnitIn a total hustle /“门“/恒殍)I Ined tn pack my hagUh nou v here k nn math i>ook orie?And then I akit realized 1Had iMl pencil Ixn ihi ihr tdiwrijMom tried to st«»p tne hut Ib»n Ihjkv>JTu hear whalhd io 叫N ithoul breakfast I ran to

41、 bun Mopliilsl tile suit on in<, t ;Kt iis tii.jia a lirighlI SUxxl dierr waiting iur niy bu-Which always cunie at eightHui it didn't airir al allUh oh. was I too late?At Iasi I gave ii|>And runiF humr tu rest fur thr dayWhen ms 门厂4 fell vn iln t akrnhrAnd 1 rprtJi7d loriav is Sunday.Quest

42、ions 71-75:the /*、马皿4 tt thr pnem.7k hen did tlif wnh'i el up?72. W herr did llir uiilfi h .tvr lirr pencil Ikjx?74一 Did ihe wntr have break fa'-.t?74. How did the wriler nil 。即 io hool?75. What day was it l<wkn in ihr poem?lonR ago. a hug# snakrin the n+uim H肚 was calltxl Thugine. He had

43、 beaulifullycolored 5H加$ (蜻片)on hi& skin. Have you ever seen a rainlxiw in (he $ky? U>11, ihal's ITtuine, bending hi,back, with Hie bun shilling on his skin. On匕 day, h group of people made a camp (孑L 号)near the sea. Vt hen the inen wtnl lu calch fi>h iti the morning, they left lw“ you

44、ng hoys alone in the camp. Before they left, the men send to the boys, "Hr careful! Don't go into the forest, where wild dogs might eat you. And duiU go to the bearh* where rhiijEinc might cati h you." * hri the men had gone, the boys played for a while, but they soon grew bored. In th

45、e end, one of them said. * Lefs go and cool down in the sea. If wc coiTif bat k b<fort1 il geb Jurk* n。muc will know.* Tliv) walked don Lu iht waT aluiig a path through the buirAfter a while, ihey tame to an oj'tiinp in the trees, and saw I he most btaUiful scene: a golden beai'h un(i the

46、 huge blur c»ceaii. Thr) aloud liMjkiiig atidin arnazetnetit as thewaves crashed (撞 击)onto the sand. NLanInk, Thuine thw the hoys. He quickly 导脚am up and caught them, IX hen the men canie home, the boys were gune. They searched for them all nighl. a/wi in the nuiruin, llirv wmt tv llicr br出ch t

47、o continur their >rariSuddfrik. th虻I two black rocks in the middle d the s?a»Ihupne hud taken the hoys and turned them into tone. Hie men wrre 号曰d as they walked back Io their ramp.Today vh can see (hose rock舁 npar l)oubk Mand Point in XiKtralin.Qtieations 76-0: Complete the aumnuiry of the

48、passage with no morp than two words Jbr each b It ink according to the ptissae.:Ijorr long ago, ihre was a %.railed Thupine that hved deep in th? ocean. (Jne :day. swirnp pwplr l amped near 77., They Irft two boys alone in the camp wk n they JJ, themsrlves 78*. Thf" boys were earned not to go t

49、o 79, or the t)rach. But thev J:dt(in*t iistrn tn the at)vice urui walknl down o ihr m u. Thewere caught by Thuginc and*R(1Iwo blurk focIcr.IV. Translation (翻译)(共6小跄;8182 :%言小钝!分卜6飞h£小题2分.计10分,(A) Plmse fniri'itufe riir rlined mtt twrs in里产 inht 七力汕文中的划缰句子译成汉语.)(答案写在答题冢上)49川加否 I。ChtncM: l&#

50、171;g"nd* ten dxMTuvrretl b) Sbnmorig. Chinrxf F jlhrr qAgri(.ulturf*around 2,737 HC. 81. In tin I .mg rXnasty, tea brcamr n pin)uLir h ink. cni<nr< i in alli” Uu2' Chfi Jing (or The fiottk uj Trcik written hy Lu u in ihr l .mg expliiiijr inl uw irjg lctu t'M df illkLtJgcutouiF

51、9;, and |ypr> id lea in dridil, Tht” bn< 'k i' i-|ii>jdri fil thr siu Id Gfl fwntjgrafth (专著 J alwul le i. H2. nd thr- world's <illicit and liLfgr-H living irre <ui br GjuikI mi <Jhina diul i,u】nuiI 3,2(>l) rjf<(B| /Vcrivr irunaltur fhr /iflbnt iitf; sr/小叩/,* iult

52、i English I八 umii M” hints ftirrn in thr bnr*eJ请根据括号内所给的提示,将下列句子译成英语,)(答案写在答题纸上 83.你还记得四年前我们去过的那个小村庄叫h定诂从旬)84 .这部新电影聘干F周在中旭上映被动语态)85 .说实话.我我的觉得这本书很乏味(to * Ihet )86*你们一定都很既.看这位为名的什乐家( l>r familiar with)V. Error Correction (短文改错)(共I。处进谡:每处错误1分.计10分)Thvrr g/c 10 i runs nlhJ'lhrr in thr Julluu in

53、tf 小审,Therr;u nrr/<""FHY,fcm Hon/i fintl “门切/"ord,” F*tg f- Hrvct them fia 卜福r“t、, urd “"产 卜川"“,讣tm the lifter ttn ihr uttxu rr she et, Fur n 八“、3串taurk itsa t(h > nthui " A imtltvrite the/< -hi?,- Jt/f wm iiftnvcr->.ar)m itfiL tntys tt (nd 1小。坐 thr ?,”"

54、;/ Utilv tileu'on/ u ith '、"; for(i trrort wuni. untlrrlifit" if tmd n-riir the i urrvt i wonL I a «,、所叫山" ttf hou h» cotm t thv trntr 产”" uletl 6c/4?mF文中共有io处河谡 错误涉及跳词、多词与错词三种 请根据以卜要求修改文中出 现的错误并将答案写在答翘纸的答典线k缺词;在缺局处那一个漏字符号八井写出惬词;多i叽把余余的同用斜线(i例抻/油核同JMil用斜线八)划拉;借词

55、;在错词下划一横线,并写出改正后的词(答案写在柏堡K上)例如: h* 川 di) lilidl ill* i* nlfi ? ari" Jun lulle Kn*nlv. She hu- I w>rn in llu' t-di-fy niiH h vnih rvuiun whi-tl Uom( n h ul far h urps A the) IkhP novt. She Kv<h| tn azmdl villa的 京 Yorkhljin- and -hr i(k)L grrat pkgurv in walking on ihc mi)orR mIWc HFir

56、her lujinr.1.2. ihun 3, niin*I ni ven exciting that I a * utnppti;i<m ut in) srhind i*hLia' h'- the firstI'cnm wmii. i lie tH)i,a- railii)p Spelling B< r. The hil li'rci in m < |a» ha't' t”a lol ol diflivuh u(irrk ;“i,l nur”门也* * mr riuiBes and nnn-tj % on k M&#

57、39;C rottli I、*/ on a piee nf p叫ht. t 可kutnk nixlit, -o I Vfui?Ike k-ui-lifr riiid I <(mlil l)ue a CD 3nd a c uiiipiih r gumt. Imt 1 ilidn'l knni* whulHir h> rhcMf I djilrTt iritl rure :iLou1 llir prize. I likr the <-<nnrxtitioji jtstdL RrraiiT* of ni 急 川I p< diHnjunr< my ninlh

58、rr Rtnr |r1 出u rfirtHniaiy iis a Chrirlma、prrsi*iit.8796;VI. IQ Test (智力测试V居5小题的小题1分.计5分)4 gmr k fMNMg q涧nOm 1回答下列问题)(答案写在答即纸| )97. ( tuuH J ihi> pLvr upside down. look in p for the k)Hl ring.4 hut doeB I hr ph ra>r- upside dmui ' rnrjn in Chitu >t ?98. karh Ltler mi I his fir!Ait ion (

59、加注 ) proHnr: rrpreicnt代衣)llir >anub difdl ,数字) wherever it oec'iirs.Ih* digits an* 1, 2. 3, 4 anil 5.患 hat diit i> vepresrnted by -h In?AAE+gACBDL)'J夕.V hat M”rd in bra< kci>( oinpb-trs llw* fir“ f”rd and &Hrtx ihe second?tnuin (._ ) mark100, What kind of 而网 never bite?101. W

60、hich code matches the »hape given at th杷 end of the iin<?PD FBPWABAI)VIL WM哨(写作)(共2题;A题满分10分由履满分20分用30分)(答案写在答题 纸上)I A l iMk(U the (uij enif1 merit belott . Hehjf u nte ti romposdtw to dpsrnhe it.代产小f wnte no fewer than 70 words.(8) Ntmtulciys, people arc used to typing on a computer. Do you think hituf


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