



1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Written test part ( 共 95 分)V.单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从 A 、B、C、 D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. Liu Jing s mother is very kind and she often speaks _ a kind way.A. forB. byC. in D. of( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _ to friends and family.A. usuallyB. Mos

2、tlyC. HardlyD. recently( )23. I don t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let s ask for _A. oneB. anotherC. the otherD. others( )24. Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin. Really? I have _ heard about it.A. alreadyB. everC. neverD. yet( )25. I forgot to ta

3、ke the _ with me toPortugal, so I didn t take any photos.A. cameraB. alarmC. reportD. record( )26. Sally is interested in English. Her teacher encouraged her _ it well.A. learnB. learningC. to learnD. learned( )27. Linda, is that man your English teacher Mr. Huang? No, it can t be him. He _ B_e_iji_

4、ng for training.A. has gone to B. has been to C. was inD. goes to( )28. About _ of the students in that village go on a ropeway to cross theriver to school.A. two fifthB. two fifthsC. second fiveD. second fives( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost _ condition.A. poorB. perfectC. seriousD

5、. typical( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _ people couldn wtait to buyone.A. thousand B. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of()31. I got there early so that I _others ideas about the plan before themeeti ng bega n.A. in troduced B. protected C. collected()32. Whe n I left the hospital, the

6、 doctor said to me,all right in_days.”A. a couple of B. a kind of C. a piece of()33. What is the best time of day for us_ you?Oh, any time is OK.A. visitB. to visitC. visit ing()34. Health experts_that lots of people would have flu this wi nter becausethe weather is unu sual.A. discussed B. promised

7、C. fearedD.advised()35. I haven t been to the Bird s Nest. What about you?_ . I am pla nning to go there this weeke nd.A. Me too B. Me neitherC. So did ID. Neither didI弋.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以 填入空白处的最佳答案。When I was young, I liked climbing mountains with my father. W

8、hen we walkedtogether, my father and I 36 a lot. He always told me, “You should have goals(目 标)likeclimbi ng the moun tai n. 37 ”the mou ntai nclimbi ng, we did n t have eno ugh time to betogether because my father was very 38 . I really got a lot from mountain-climb ing.Once we climbed a very high

9、moun tai n. It was so 39 for me because I was only tenyears old. During the first few hours, I 40 the flowers, trees and the birds singing. But astime passed, I was very tired and felt a little sad. I wan ted to 41 climbi ng. In fact, I hatedit at that time. 42 my father said, “ You can always see a

10、 beautiful 43 at the top of themountain. When you are at the top, you can see all of the nice thin gs, just like in life.”D. con trolled“ Don t be worried. YouD. a bit ofD. visitedAt that time, I was too young to 44 his words. But I got new hope. Fin ally, I found 45 standing atthe top of the mounta

11、in. I could see the whole sky, and it wasasclear as crystal 水晶).()36. A. cheatedB. talkedC. hidD. reported()37. A. WithoutB. Aga instC. AcrossD. Through()38. A. ho nestB. strictC. outgo ingD. busy()39. A. challe ngingB. safeC. stupidD. no rmal()40. A. fearedB. protectedC. enjoyedD. worried()41. A. g

12、ive upB. give outC. cut upD. cut out()42. A. AndB. BecauseC. OrD. But()43. A. isla ndB. skyC. desertD. moon()44. A. sta ndB. forgetC. un dersta ndD. questi on()45. A. himselfB. myselfC. herselfD. itselfVD.情景交际(每小题1 分,共 5 分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, To ny. What are you busy with?B: Hi, Da

13、mi ng. (46)_A: Sounds interesting! I am very interested in spaceships.B: Do you know scie ntists have sent a spaceship to Mars 火星)?A: No. (47)_B: Yes, it has arrived there already.A: (48)_B: No, they haven t yet.A: Are there any astr on auts in the spaceship?B: No, there aren t.A: Why n ot? (49)_B:

14、Yes, but no one has bee n to Mars yet, because Mars is much farther tha n the moon.(50)_A: That s interesting!A. Has it arrived yet?B. Have you ever bee n to the moon?C. Astr on auts have already bee n to the moon.D. Have they discovered life on Mars?E. I ve jusad a book about spaceships.F. How long

15、 have they stayed in the spaceship?G. But scie ntists are work ing hard in order to send astr on auts to Mars one day.Vffl阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)ADin g-D ong!“ Jas on, can you an swer the door? ”“I m busy, Mom! ” Jas on shouted back. “ Could n t Mom see how importa nt this was?”he thought. He already s

16、pent three hours playing a computer game. He couldn stop now.“ Jas on, it s your friend Todd, ” his mother and Todd came in.“ Jas on, let s play soccer. David is already wait ing for us in Cen ter Square, soun dedexcited.“ No way, Todd. I m playing a game here. ”“ Jas on, you can play it later. Let

17、s go. ”Jas on gave his frie nd a dirty look, and his character in the game almost got killed while helooked away. He beganto move his fi ngers more quickly. “almost died because of you! ”Todd looked at Jas on s motheJas on mother looked back at him. They both looked at Jas on.Jas on was play ing so

18、hard that he did n t know whe n they left.An hour later, Jas on father came home. It was dinner time after his father washed up and satdow n. Jas on did n htear his n ame being called to the table. He didn t hear his father walk upbehind him and ask him to turn off the computer, either.Whe n the scr

19、ee n sudde nly went black and his fatherof him, Jas on fin ally heard.“ No more computer games for a mon th, ” Jas on s fathsaid to him seriously. “Youdon p lay soccer, you don come to dinner, and youdon do your chores. We ll make sure everything else gets done before you playaga in.Jas on no dded (

20、点头)slowly. He knew he should n atgue with his father. Thegame was fun, but he played too much and he let dow n 让.失望)his frie nds, hisfamily, and eve n himself.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()51. What did Todd ask Jason to do?A. To eat out.B. To play soccer.C. To visit David s house.D. To play a computer game.( )52.

21、Whe n Todd said “ Let s go ” , Jas on_.A. got angryB. got excitedC. couldn t decide what to doD. said no thi ng but looked at his mother()53.The underlined word “ loomed ” probably means “_ ”.A. movedB. washedC. coveredD. appeared()54.Who fin ally stopped Jas on from playi ng the computer game?A. Hi

22、s father.B. His mother.C. His friend.D. Himself.( )55.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Jas on had dinner with his pare nts.B. At last, Jas on realized his mistake.C. Jas on ope ned the door for his mother to come in.D. Jas on s father asked him to do chores for a mon th.fac

23、eloomegiin frontAllen: Welcome to “EasyTravel ” nAllen. Today our guest is Bob Smith. He visited YunnanProvince in southwestern China last mon th. Mr. Smith has bee n in China for two years. He writes forseveral newspapers and magazines in Beijing.Bob: Hello, every on e! I m Bob Smith. I m glad to j

24、oin Alle n in“ Easy TravelAlle n: Mr. Smith, could you please tell us about your trip to Yunnan? What do you think of it?Bob: Ah it s amazing, I think. I flew Yunnan and stayed there for a whole week.I visited Kunming, Dali and Lijia ng. How won derful!Alle n: Why did you choose Yunnan? There are ma

25、ny other beautiful places you canvisit in Chi na.Bob: Because some of my friends who had visited there told me it is a fantastic place to visit.Allen: I see. What impressed 给.留下深刻的好印象)you most during the trip?Bob: The clea n sky.Alle n: The sky?Bob: Yes. It s not like the sky in Beiji ng. In Beiji n

26、g the sky is gray .In Yunnan thesky is blue and clear. You can see thousa nds of bright stars at ni ght.Alle n: Which place do you like most?Bob: The Jade Drag on Snow Moun ta in in Lijia ng left a deep impressi on on me because it is thehighest place I have ever bee n to. And you can see, at the to

27、p of the mountain, the sno w-coveredpeaks!山 峰),forests .根据材料内容完成表格,每空词数不限。Bob Smith s trip to YunnanWhe n he went there(56)How he went thereBy pla neHow long the trip was(57)daysWhere he (58)Kunming, Dali and Lijia ngWhat impressed him most(59)Which place he likes most(60)_IX.词汇运用(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A)

28、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。61. I thi nk flyi ng is one of the_ (安全的)ways of travel.62. The school promised_快 速的)results in the lear ning of Ian guages.63. I found most of the characters in the play really_难以置信的).64. Some students lose marks_ 仅仅)because they don t read the questionproperly.65. We are happy

29、 that space research has_ 展) greatly.B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。66. The cat lay on the sofa, washi ng_ (it).67. My sister drives a_(Japan) car, but I don t like it.68. We had a_ (peace) after noon without the childre n.69. Dave always gets to school on time, so it was_(usual) that he was latetoday.70.

30、My gran dfather told us a story about three_ (fox) just now.X.完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。71. 我已经在博物馆看过两次机器人了。I_ the robot twice in the museum.72. 一方面这家旅馆环境不错,另一方面那里的价格很贵。On the one hand, the environment in this hotel is good; _, it isexpe nsive.73. 那家游泳馆全年都开放。That swimmi ng pool is ope

31、n_ .74. 在那家商店你可以看到不同种类的帽子。You can see_hats in that shop.75. 白天我从来不睡觉。I n ever sleep_.幻.综合填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整 每词限用一次。aga in, careful, try, feel, sell, meet, comfortable, reas on, save, pickOnce upon a time there was a poor man. His home was also very poo a small dir

32、ty house full ofspider webs (蜘蛛网).His neighbors never (76)_ to comeinto his house. The poor man thought that poverty (贫穷)was the (77)_forhis uni ucky life.One day, the poor man (78)_ a wise 充满智慧的)old man and told himabout his poverty. The old man (79)_sorry for him. He gave the poor man avase 花瓶)and

33、 said, “This will (80)_ you from poverty.”The poor man took the vase home and wan ted to (81)_it at first.“Itbeautiful but useless, he thought. But then he started looking at the vase (82)and cha nged hismind.“It nos right for such a beautiful thing to be empty (空的),”the poor man thought. So he (83)

34、_some wild flowers and put them into the vase. It becameeven more beautiful. “It s not good that such a beautiful thing stands next to a spider web,”the poorman thought (84)_ . So he started to clean his house. Heclea ned here and there and got all the spider webs out of his house. At last, his house wasn t pooranymore it bcame clean and (85)_. And the poor man wasn tpoor anymore either-he turned in to a hard-work ing man and he had no time tothink about poverty.刘.书面表达(15 分)假如你校来了几名加拿大的交换生,你建议他们周末去星海公园游玩。请你 根据下图提示用英语写一篇短文,告知他们去那儿的路线,并


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