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1、-1 -2013 高考英语二轮考点复习讲义:阅读理解-计划愿望和节假日活动话题探究凡事预则立,不预则愿预;指事先作好计划或准备;立:成就:陰殴环不论啟什 么事,事先有淮备,就能得到成功,不然就会失败.我们每个人都有自己的愿望,毎个人都 想找到适合自己的,因此作为高中,我们一定要有一个很好的计划,并且不断修改完善,坚 决执行下去随着生活的提高,人们开始对于传统的文化有了保护提高各国的传统节 日很多.因其传统,所以几乎每个节日的背后都埋藏着盍蕴丰富的历史故事,并散发着季节 和宗数的气息.因而在传统节日到来时,人们会道出讦多与节日育迸的传说、眈故,并在庆 典节日中寄托许多美好的愿望.或讦现在,我们该

2、换一种眼光看恃节日.在不迷失自己的生 活理念的前提下,对所有的节日说一声你好,钦迎f尔的到来!因你的到来而让拢们在惯性 的生活中稍稍解意一下亲情和友情.仅这一点,就应该对节日亡淙感谢!基于上述情捉,近 几年的高君和模拟试题在这些题村方面都有很大的体现.这类试题有如下的共同特点:1. 计划愿望和节假日活动的文章多以说明文为主。2. 计划类考查的题目多是以细节为主,因此题目难度不大。3. 从国家政策到百姓日常生活的未来科技的计划。4. 给日常的学习生活各个方面进行有计划的指导建议。5. 中国的节假日的来历、活动。6. 国外传统节日的介绍及各种活动。链接咼考链接 1(2012 福建)Holidays

3、 are really importa nt. Many of us will have childhood memories of summerholidays where we were taken away from home to experienee new environments and learn in differe nt ways.But holidays are expe nsive and, for those on low wages or liv ingon ben efits, they_are ofte n un obta in able.Eve n the c

4、heapest holidays require travel and other additi onalcosts that are difficult for many families to meet.For work ing pare nts, the long summer break can be a very difficult problem for childcare. Whenanannual leave allowanee amounts to only five weeks, there is a need to spread this across the year.

5、 Couplescan find themselves taking leave in turn in order to care for children who are on holiday. For some thismakes even an affordable family holiday difficult.The schools that I visit in Nott in gham are full of experie need staff committed to givi ng our childre n acari ng and in spiri ng lear n

6、ing environment. The nu mber of childre n receiv ing free school meals is quitelarge in Nott in gham and many schools have breakfast clubs to make sure that childre n get a healthy start tothe day. Most schools un dertake programs of group or in dividual educatio nal support. Schools also have animp

7、ortant role in sofeguaiding childrens welfare through the ongoing touch and support with their pupils.During the long summer holidays, much of this is missed.While teachers are holidaying in the UK, many of their pupils spend the whole six weeks on the streetwhere they live. The lack of free school

8、meals for six weeks canresult in pressure on a family budget and an in abilityto afford the in spiri ngexperiences that help children to continue their learning.-2 -In sett ing out its pla ns for a five-term year, Nott in gham City Council (委员会)is seeking to reduce thesummer holiday down lo four and

9、 a half weeks, with a more balaneed five terms of roughly eight weeks, eachfollowed by a two-week break. Webelieve this willgive real “ dow ntime for school staff and pupils alike but willbe short eno ughnot to cause a real break in lear ning.We ack no wledge that this cha nge may be difficult for s

10、ome school staff, particularlywhose ownchildrenare educated in other authorities. However, this mustbe weighed aga inst the ben efits for city childre n for whom we all have the greatest duty of care.71. The passage is probably writte n by_ .A. an experie need teacherB. a work ing pare ntC. an in sp

11、ired stude ntD. a city coun cil member72. The underlined word they in the second paragraph refers to _.A. en viro nments B. holidaysC. wagesD. ben efits73. It is suggested in the passage that the summer break be reduced to_.A. 2 weeksB. 4.5 weeksC. 5 weeksD. 6 weeks74. The pla ns for a shorter summe

12、r holiday will help students_A. obta in the cheapest holidays without additi onal costsB.get a cha nee to spe nd six weeks a term with teachers in schoolC. benefit more from the caring and inspiring learning environmentD. have more school days to receive free school meals75. It can be in ferred from

13、 the passage that_.A. work ing pare nts can enjoy a five-week break to care for their childre nB. the suggested plans for a five-term school year can hardly be carried outC.the long summer holiday gives teachers and stude nts real dow n timeD. some school staff will say“ No to t he pla ns for a shor

14、ter summer holiday-3 -1 若点减少假期问題-议论文类文章大意】假期棲我们放松并斗些地方去游玩,康我们释啟压九 但是对于_些低收 入家庭或臧济而过活的家庭来说造成很多的经济负担,本文提胃在不网学生学习的前 提下减少假期的时 f 可71.【答案】D【试題解析】推理利断题.根据倒数第二话的口气可知作者是 CityCmncil 的 Y 成员,D 顼正确【答案】B1 试題解析朋义精测題棍据上文提到的 holidays are expensive 珂知 che指的是 holidays 本句倉帝假期尉漳贵的.对于那些低收入或靠敦济来过活的家庭的心说”假期是获 得不到的.73.【答案】B

15、【试題解析】细节理解題.7J.【答案】C试題解析】 细节理解題 48 据倒数第二话Notringhatn 叮Council 凄员会) 技 seeking (o reducethe sumiuer holiday dovn lo four and 耳 hiilf w k 头可知答案.75. 1 答案】D【试題解析】推理刑斷題.棍据第二 话血 acknowkdsc that th? .iiange 巧:.be difficult for worn电 school staff, particularly whose own cUHdru are educated in otherauchoritie

16、s.可知答案角 D 项.对于蕨少假期 0(间学校的 T 梨肛是不支持的.【难度】难度大【长难句鱗析】Ue afknonkdge that (his chaing may be difficultJHsome school srafL pankuhrhwhose em u children are educated iu other authonttJW 承认这他变对于一些教职工尤其是对于家里的孩子在其他机关接殛育的家庭来说 是很难接受册,首先本句 41that 引导的是宾语从句*h 吨引导的定语从句,先行词为 school staff.链接 2 2010 全国二卷 Thousands of p

17、eople living in the Chinese capital will celebrate the start ofthe Chinese NewYear by heading for the ski resorts( 滑雪场).Never mind that Beijing s dry weatherseldom produces now. It is cold eno ugh in win ter for sno w-mak ing mach ines to make a covering for thehills north to the capital. And the ra

18、pid growth of a pleasure-seek ing middle class has formed the basis forthis New craze(热潮).Since Beijing s first ski resort was opened ten years ago, the sport has enjoyed an ast onishing increase. There are now more tha n a doze n resorts. Clothes markets in the city have added bright coloredski sui

19、ts to their win ter collect ions.Mr.Wei,a man ager of a n ewly-ope ned ski resort in Beiji ng, sees the growth of an in dustry that could soon leadChin ese to head for the ski resorts of Europe. In rece nt years ski resorts offering natural snow haveopened in China. But many are in faraway areas of

20、the country and can t really match the equipment andservices of some ski resorts in Europe.Beiji ng s skii ng craze is partly a result of the recent in crease in private cars. This has led to thegrowth of a leisure industry in the capital s suburbs, which untilthe late-1990s were unreachable to ordi

21、nary people. According to Mr. Wei, About 40% of the visitors to hisresort some in their own cars. The rest are bused in by schools, bus in esses or gover nment offices.-4 -The problem is making mon ey. Start ing ski resort requires quite a lot of mon ey:hiri ng land from the localgover nment,prepari

22、 ngthe hills, buying snowmach ines ,maki ng sure there are eno ugh water and electricity to run them, and buying ski equipme nt forhiri ng out to customers. The ski resort where Mr.Wei works cost n early $4m to set up. And, as so ofte nin China whe n some one comes up with a good idea, many others r

23、ush in and price wars break out.Beijing now offers some of the cheapest ski training classes in the world, though with most people rathernew to the sport, expect ing a few more doing the same job.50. What does this text mainly talk about?A. Convenience for skiers brought about by private carsB. Skii

24、ng as a new way of enjoying one s spare timeC. Things to be consider ed when starting a ski resortD. A sudde n in crease of ski training classes in Beijing51. Why are some Chin ese likely to go skii ng in Europe?A. To visit more ski areasB. To ski on natural snowC. For a large collect ion of ski sui

25、tsD. For better services and equipment52. The underlined words ” leisure industry ” in Paragraph 3 refer to_A. transport to ski resortsB. production of family carsC. bus in ess of providi ng spare time enjoyme ntsD. part-time work for people living in the suburbs53. What is the main problem in runni

26、ng a ski resort?A. Difficulty in hiring landB. Lack of bus in ess experie neeC. prices wars with other ski resorts.D. Shortage of water and electricity-5 -分析解读:本篇阅读理解属于一篇社会新闻的报道报道北京首都的庆祝新年的活动滑雪.介绍了 滑雪胜地的一些情况 X 这篇文章看愎新闻报道,且是与百姓生活息息明关.文宇简单,隅r有构词法,语篇略长.旦是不妨碍绝大多数着主对整篇文隼的完全淆楚地理解.尤其是试题 选项均可以在原文中找到直接句子即该题答

27、案.X、53小题,容易理解出错,50,答案为B考查主旨大意“注意选项的四个提示性的中isurerin medicine will be available for knee iurgeries : organstrengening and cancer fighting Nano-machines for nearly ?ver- medixl purpo朗】1 be ?n Jieworks as well.Arrificiji mtljgence is already better than human intelligence in r. jm_fields ar4匸soon besmar

28、ter than humansinnearly anydecision-makingtask. Butwi; lit bereal?p;pnctical forhiunans-6 -to use it? Just ask a question and get th亡best possible answer. Woi .2 -JOLImist a com;亠er to makevour deciiioni for you;run yoiir ovemment and control - our civL.zaiJon? You probabLv wouldnt.Unmanned aircraft

29、 is now used for pollutio口monitoring, as well as in fire fighting huiricanewatchm呂:etc. And we have all hard of their great successes in the ar on terr二Obvious.; thesk is note limit for nsw tfchnolog: grotuid is.1.Whiich(of the followi ngbestdescribes the relati on shipbetween the six paragraphs?A.B

30、./ / f / / C.D./ / f / /2. From Paragraph 3 we lear n that_ .A. self-drivi ng cars are available nowB. the public have now accepted self-driving carsC. huma ns have mastered the skills in making self-driv ing carsD. unmanned tran sport only in cludes self-driv ing cars3. Accord ing to the passage, N

31、ano-tech no logy may NOT be used in_.A. tran sportatio nB. medical mach inesC. medical treatme nt D. cell pho nes4. The aut hors attitude towards artificial intelligenee is_ .A. positive B. doubtful C. n egative D. critical5. We can con clude from the last paragraph that_ .A. new tech no logy wont b

32、e used in the sky in the futureB. new tech no logy will only be used on the groundC. the future of new tech no logy is not brightD. new tech no logy has bee n a great help to huma nsBHigh school stude nts are some of the busiest people in the world. To get the most from all you do, you must be in co

33、n trol of your time. Otherwise decisi onsthat effect how well you play the game, what positi on you play and whe n you getto play will be decided for you. Your success in high school depe nds on your use of time. Here are some importa nt things to remember.?Begin each term by filling in a master pla

34、n. First fill in things you mustdo (classes, work, practice, etc. that you can t change). Then find the most effective use for these times.?Set a regular time and place for study. This will save you time in the longrun. If you have a study hall in your school, use it!?Use daylight hours to study whe

35、 never possible. For most people for every ho ur of study done indaylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at ni ght.?Take breaks. Don t plan marathon study time. Have a short rest before you s tudy aga in.-7 -? By using flash cards or summary sheets, you can use odd

36、 times to study while you re waiting for class to start or for a friend to pick you up.?If possible, plan study time with a partner. Choose your partner wisely how ever. Make sure youstudy, not socialize.?Do the most difficult tasks for times when you are active. (Take math for example: when you ree

37、nergetic, it will become easier to solve; when you re tired, it will be impossible!)?Make a daily checklist ( 清单 ).Do the most important tasks first.1. Accord ing to the passage, your success in high school chiefly lies in_A.making full use of your time B. your hard workC. your brain powerD. how wel

38、l you play the game2. We should use daylight hours to study whe never possible because_.A. school study halls are ope n to stude nts only in the daytimeB. most people can spare more time to study in the daytimeC. it s more difficult to study effectively at nightD. we have more importa nt things to d

39、o tha n study at ni ght3. On how to use our time, we should follow the following suggestions EXCEPT_A. working out a complete plan for the whole termB. keep ing a good bala nee betwee n study and restC. putting the most important tasks firstD. trying to study alone in stead of work ing with others4.

40、 The word underlined “odd” in Paragraph 6 probably means “_A. stra nge B. irregular C. busy D. divided5. The passage is mainly writte n for_.A. stude nts B. teachers C. pare nts D. readersCThe New Year is a time for celebrati on for almost for every one of the world. In Brita in, people go to pubs a

41、nd ni ghtclubs to dance the old away, and to we lcome in the new one atmidni ght.In recent years, street parties have become more popular. Thousa nds of peopl e gather in squares,main streets or on the river banks to liste n to bands playi ng and to see fireworks displays.For people who stay at home

42、, most are attracted by the special, live New Year shows on TV. They are wait ing for the coun tdow n, along with the prese nters, f rom 10 to 1 as the lastsec ond of the old year away and the bells of the New Yea r are rung.Scotla nd, people visit their n eighbors and drink, dance on New Year s Eve

43、.If you re invited to a Scottish home that night, it s important to know what tobring with you: a lump of coal, some shortbread and some whisky.The coal shows warmth, so youre wishing the people you visit will have enoughheat in the coming year. The shortbread represe nts food, so youre hop ing that

44、 the people will have eno ugh to eat in the new year. Some Scots call whisky“ the w-8 -ater of life, so whe n you hand over your bottle to your hosts, it means you wan t them to have eno ugh todrink over the next 12 mon ths.And there s one more key task you still have to perform if you can. The firs

45、t pers on to kn ock on a n eighbor s door is supposed to be a tall, dark, and han dsome man who will bring good luck to the household. But what if thats not you?Well, don t ring the bell just yet. Wait a while and the right person is sureto turn up soon!1.What is the best title for this passage?A. S

46、eeing the old year off in Britain.B. Celebrations of a Scottish New Year.C. Visit ing Scottish homes on New YearD. Sending good luck in the New Year.2.Why do visitors take thi ngs to a Scottish New Year s Eve?A. To share good food and warmth.B. To help those poor families.C. To send best wishes to t

47、he families.D. To show rich ness and gen erosity.3. The phrase the right person in the lat sentence refer toA. the presenter口f自special TV showB. a dark and handsome mailC. a man with coal, shortbread and whiskyD. your neighbor4. People who stay at home til: inidnight on New Aear Eve mostlv_A enioy t

48、he live TV programsB. talk the presentersC learn to countdown numbersD- ring the bells for the New Year5.knov-from tht passage thatA. British people hate to think of the old year and旳sh to djiice itquicklyBr street cone errs have become mare popular on the XewEv亡C. British people let off fireworks i

49、n public places to cs eb rate Liis NewD一peopl亡stay at home doing口othing but書ait for tlie bell of th亡New Year to ring答案速递A 篇: 现代科技的发展日新月异, 并影响着我们生活的各个方面。 未来的科技究竟会怎样影响 我们的生活?在哪些方面影响我们的生活?科技的未来和前途又将如何?这就是本文的主要 内容。1AB文章结构题.通读全文后可UA看出,第一段引出话题,后文用5个段落分别陈述,故 本文是总分结构,答案沖A.2 C推理判断题根据第三段Indeei they are almost

50、 r?ady to b? released no1-1可知,无人驾 驶汽车很快就要生产出来了,由此可推测,人类已经掌握了制适无人驾驶汽车的技术3. N细节理解题.根据第四段內容可知,纳米技术可用于氢燃料交通、医疗器械和药物这 三方面.没有提到用于手机,故答案为 d4.作者态度题 根据倒数第二段V/oid you trust i computer to your deci- Joryou. ri-Ei vourgo eniinent and control your ciVLization0You probablv woulit可知, 作着对于人工 智能持蟲-9 -的态度.5 D-推理判断题.根

51、据最后一段内容可知,目前新技术已经被应甲干监测空气污染、防火、 监测飓凤再根据本段第二句话And we haw al: heard of their great surceases in the .; ar an tMT”可知,新技术为人奚提供了很大的帮助,故答案为咲 E篇;1. A由第一段Your success in high school depends c:i your usr jf timeRTSOI取 得学业上的成功取决于你是否育效地利用时间,故答案沟An2. C。由第三条建议中For most people for every hour of study done in dayl

52、ight hours,it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at ni ght可知,晚上学习的效率比较低,故答案为Co3. Do 由第一、四、七条建议可知 A、B C 三项表述正确,D 项与第二条建议 If possible, planstudy time with a part ner相违背。4. B。由下文的 while you re waiting for class to start or for a friend to pick youup 可知这些时间都是临时的、零散的时间,相对的。5. A本题比较简单

53、,属于送分的题目,由于本文开始就是面对高中生的学习生活作为引子话题,从而提出建议,因此应该是面向高中学生,因此答案为AoC 篇:1. B。文章主要讲述了英国人们庆祝新年的活动方式,其中拜亲访友也在其中,所以最 好的标题是B;而 A、C 和 D 只是其中的一部分,不能作为文章的标题。2. C。文章倒数第二段具体描述了大年除夕拜访亲朋好友时要带的东西的含义,每件都代表着拜访者美好的祝愿和祝福,The coal 祝愿来年的温暖,The shortbread 和 whisky 代表着饮食富足,因此选 Co3. B。根据文章叙述的事实,这儿的 the right person肯定是那个适合开门的人,也就

54、是上文说的 a tall, dark, handsome man who will bring good luck to the household。4. A。文章第三段主要讲述了呆在家里的人们的活动。呆到深夜当然是为一直在欣赏电视节 目,而倒计时计数和新年的钟声只是他们等待的东西,不可能一直在做。5. C。根据第二段的叙述可以看出,人们举行街道晚会庆祝新年的活动除了欣赏乐队演奏外,还可以欣赏烟花,由此推断:人们会在公共场合燃放烟花以示庆祝,所以选C。而 A、B 和 D的叙述本身就不正确,黄金表达 Imagine , one day, getting out of bed in Beijing and being at your office in Shanghai in only a coupleof hours , and then , af


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