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1、九年级英语作文辅导资料english writing一、例题精析书面表达(满分25分)题目:假设你叫王平,你了解到happy teens是一个专门通过开展丰富多彩的活动来解决青少年问题的组织。请用英语给happy teens的主席mr. holmes 写一封电子邮件,介绍同学李强加入他们的组织。信的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。 要点:1. 李强是九年级二班的尖子生。2. 正直、乐于助人,已帮助两名贫困儿童重返学校。3. 有时因父母要求太严格而感到闷闷不乐。4. 几天前来向我征求建议。5. 你鼓励他加入happy teens,这样就可以开心起来。 要求: 1.语句通顺,意思连贯。2.包含以上

2、所有要点。3.词数80左右。dear mr. holmes,i have a friend named li qiang._ i hope you will accept him to be a member of the club. yours, wang ping【题目分析】(一)审题可得1. 文体:写信的应用文2. 时态:一般现在时为主,还有现在完成时和一般过去时。3. 要点把握:1) 李强是九年级二班的尖子生。2) 正直、乐于助人,已帮助两名贫困儿童重返学校。3) 有时因父母要求太严格而感到闷闷不乐。4) 几天前来向我征求建议。5) 你鼓励他加入happy teens,这样就可以开心起

3、来。6) 我了解到happy teens是一个专门通过开展丰富多彩的活动来解决青少年问题的组织。7) 我想介绍同学李强加入你们的组织。 (二)要点组织1) 李强是九年级二班的尖子生。he is a top student of class two grade nine. 2) 正直、乐于助人,已帮助两名贫困儿童重返学校。he is an honest boy and he always helps others. / he is honest and helpful.he has helped two poor children to returned to school to study.

4、3) 有时因父母要求太严格而感到闷闷不乐。sometimes he is in a bad mood because his parents are too strict with him.4) 几天前来向我征求建议。he came to ask me for advice a few days ago.5) 你鼓励他加入happy teens,这样就可以开心起来。i encouraged him to join the happy teens. he can be happy again.6) 我了解到happy teens是一个专门通过开展丰富多彩的活动来解决青少年问题的组织。i lear

5、nt that happy teens is a special organization to solve the youth problems through all kinds of activities.i learnt that happy teens is a special organization which solves the youth problems through all kinds of activities.7) 我想介绍同学李强加入你们的组织。 i want to introduce him to join our organization.(三)分析题目,写

6、好开头和结尾,恰当增加连接句子和连接词,使文章一气呵成。dear mr. holmes, i have a friend named li qiang. he is a top student of class two grade nine. and all of us love him very much. why? because he is an honest boy and he always helps others. as we all know, he has helped two poor children to returned to school to study. how

7、ever, sometimes he is in a bad mood because his parents are too strict with him. we all are unhappy. and he is very worried. so, he came to ask me for advice a few days ago. these days, i learnt that happy teens is a special organization which solves the youth problems through all kinds of activitie

8、s. so i encouraged him to join the happy teens. as result, i introduce him to join the organization in order that he can be happy again. i hope you will accept him to be a member of the club. yours, wang ping二、中考考点要求1. 根据中文提示,写一篇70-100字左右的英文表达。(尽量不要超过150个单词)2. 内容完整,用词准确,句子通顺、连贯、单词拼写和标点符号正确,书写工整。三、作文

9、七注意(一)从整体着眼,提纲挈领扣题意1.审清文体 2. 选准人称 3. 用好时态 4. 突出要点(二)避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。几种句型可交替使用,以避免重复和呆板。(三)多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。多使用陈述句、一般疑问句、祈使句,感叹句.适当使用复合句和强调句。另外,要根据文章内容需要少量套用一些英语格言警句,谚语等以加强文章的感染力.(四)注意语法、句法知识的灵活运用。1)语态、时态要准确无误。2)主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。3)注意人称代词的用法。4)注意冠词用法。例如: he is an honest student.中的an不能

10、写成a。5)注意拼写、标点符号和大小写。e.g:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant, etc.(五)谋篇布局写好篇章结构【抓两头促中间】(六)检查修改文章: 认真检查,改正错误。中考作文评卷是根据要点、语言准确性、上下文的 连贯性来给分,根据错误多少来扣分。因此,中考时花几分钟时间用来检查错误显得尤为重要。检查错误应从以下几个方面入手:1)格式是否有错。2)拼写有无错误。3)语言是否用错。4)是否遗漏要点5)时态、语态错误。6)标点和大小写错误。7)人称是否用错。(七)写好草稿(如果时间允许的话), 然后再抄到卷面上。书面表

11、达要特别注意书写工整,卷面整洁。书写是否工整,卷面是否整洁与得分高低直接有关。四、谋篇布局写好篇章结构【抓两头促中间】(一)作文万能结构示意图middle 正文ending 结尾concluding sentence 结论句-对全文的总结和概括。【结尾画龙点睛,首尾呼应】supporting sentences 支持句-用例子、实事或数据围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。【注意使用连接词】topic sentence 主题句-说出文中的要点、核心问题【写好开头,好的开始是成功的一半】beginning开头(二)开头、结尾和正文三大板块的训练【写好开头,好的开始是成功的一半】good beginning

12、is half done.1. 仔细审题,提炼和归纳主题句2. 开头万能句型:1) .plays an important part in the.2) as we all know, . becomes more and more.3) as everybody knows, .is one of the most.in . 4) many people say that. but i dont think so.5) i will never forget the .3.造主题句训练make a topic sentence.1)smokingas we all know, smoking

13、 is a bad habit.many students say smoking is fun, but i dont think so. as everybody knows, smoking is bad for our health. 2)the spring festivali will never forget the spring festival.the spring festival plays an important part in our life. many people say that christmas is more popular than the spri

14、ng festival. but i dont think so. 3)learning englishas we all know, english becomes more and more popular/ important.many people say its difficult to learn english. but i dont think so. 4)to be a volunteer for the 16th asian games as we all know, the 16th asian games is coming soon. i want to be a v

15、olunteer for it.a volunteer plays an important part in the 16th asian games. 5)a school tripi will never forget the school trip last week.【写好结尾画龙点睛,首尾呼应】1. 与开头呼应,再次重申自己的观点, 注意避免重复句式。2. 结尾经典词组、句型: at last/ finally . 最后 in a word, . 总而言之 in short, . 简言之 we hope that··· 我们希望 lets try our

16、 best to . i believe if we can., . will be . what a .! / how.!3.根据主题概括训练make a concluding sentence1)keeping healthylets try our best to keep healthy. in short, its important to have good habits and keep healthy.2)helping othersi believe if we can help others, the world will be more and more beautifu

17、l.3)to be a green consumer(绿色消费者)lets try our best to be a green consumer. in one word, its necessary for us to protect the environment.4)beijing how beautiful beijing is! why not come to beijing and enjoy yourself?开头、结尾的实战训练书面表达在日常生活中你主动帮助你的父母做家务活吗?请你根据提示用英语写一篇80字左右的短文,描述你平时所做家务以及你对家务的看法。提示:1.扔垃圾 2

18、. 扫地 3. 帮助妈妈做饭 4.洗衣服 5. 为花浇水 6. 饭后洗碗要求:语句通畅,语法正确。不得逐句翻译。满分作文 (25分)as we all know, its important to help parents do housework during our daily life. i often help them do housework. i throw the rubbish away and clean the floor in the morning. i help my mother cook lunch. after supper, i always wash di

19、shes. i think it can make my parents feel more enjoyable after work. i always wash clothes for my family. besides, watering the flowers is also my duty. i like them very much and take good care of them. in a word, the more housework i do, the happier my parents will be.(即总括又阐明看法) 【正文:语言简洁,层次分明】1.长句短

20、句交叉使用最好。2.基础一般的同学要尽量使用简单句,文章算不上完美,但很实用,基础好的同学要恰当写些从句提高档次。3.把握要点,层次清晰。4.注意句子与句子、段与段之间过渡自然,行文连贯,注意适当使用连词,例如:and ,so ,or, but, become正文:巧用连接词,赋予语言灵气需要熟记的连接词有:1、按事情发展的先后或时间顺序 1)firstly, secondly, thirdly 2)first, then/next, after that/ next, finally3) soon, suddenly, at that moment , as soon as, from no

21、w on, at the same time, not.until, before, after, when , while, during2、表示并列not only. but also, both. and, either .or, neither.nor,on (the) one handon the other hand3、表示举例或补充 1)for example 2)besides / whats more/ whats worse4、表示转折 however, but,although, instead of5、表示原因 thanks to, because of,because

22、6、表示结果 as result (of) , so ,so.that, such.that, 7、表目的 in order to, so that8、表比较 the same as, than, of all .正文巧用连接词和从句的实战训练example:生活中充满了爱,有父母的爱,有兄弟姐妹的爱,有朋友的爱,有老师的爱.请以“love”为话题,简要描述一件发生在你身边的事。要求:1、语言规范,书写工整。2、80个词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)3、文中不要出现真实的人名,校名和地名 love means giving. love means paying attention to ot

23、hers. love means giving warmth to the one you love. love also means understanding.基础一般的同学的写法:love means giving. love means paying attention to others. love means giving warmth to the one you love. love also means understanding. one day, i played football with my classmates on the playground. i fell

24、down and hurt my legs badly. my classmates took me to the hospital. during my stay in bed, they came to help me with my lessons. they said, “ we are good friends, we should help each other.” i was deeply moved. i couldnt say a word. thanks to my classmates. i will do my best to give my love to other

25、s.基础好的同学的写法:范文love means giving. love means paying attention to others. love means giving warmth to the one you love. love also means understanding. there is a lot of love around us. one day, when i was playing football with my classmates on the playground, i fell down and hurt my legs badly. my cla

26、ssmates took me to the hospital at once. during my stay in bed, they came to help me with my lessons. they said, “as we are good friends, we should help each other.” i was too moved to say a word. thanks to my classmates. i will do my best to give my love to others.正文:巧用连接词,赋予语言灵气(上文句子对比)which sente

27、nce is better?1. i played football on the playground. i fell down and hurt my legs. ( good)when i was playing football on the playground, i fell down and hurt my legs. (better)句式富于变化which sentence is better?1.we are good friends. we should help each other. (good)we are good friends and we should hel

28、p each other. (better) as we are good friends , we should help each other.(best)句式富于变化1.i was deeply moved and i couldnt say a word. (good ) i was too moved to say a word. (better)五、作文步骤1. 审题分析题目:找出作文的文体、时态、人称和文章的要点。2. 根据要点的意思用英语进行最贴切的表达。注意每一个句子的主语尽量多样化,也就是说句子类型要多样化(能力的范围内尽量简单句和复合句交替使用),但文章的人称、时态应基本

29、保持一致。另外,如果你有些要点不会直接表达,则注意转变成你会表达的英文去表达,但不要改变文章原本的意思更不能因为不会表达就放弃表达或者用错误的表达。3. 多运用过渡词,连句成文,使全篇结构紧凑。每个点都要写全,并要有适当发挥,并按要点来分段,注意段落的结构,段落不可乱分,要有过渡。4. 写好开头和结尾。5. 复查纠错。检查错误应从以下几个方面入手:1)格式是否有错。2)拼写有无错误。3)语言是否用错。4)是否遗漏要点。5) 时态、语态错误。6) 标点和大小写错误。7)人称是否用错。6. 注意书写,卷面做到无任何一处涂改。要求:打好草稿,并在草稿上改正。附:卷子的卷面很重要,要求有时间,都要草稿

30、,特别是看图写句子。六、附:8个话题作文1.关于学习英语的话题: “how to learn english well?” 2.卫生健康饮食: 3. “初三学生要不要参加体育锻炼”。 4.环境问题 5.关于“人口问题 population ”6.关于中学生使用手机的优缺点,谈谈你的看法7.介绍自己的兴趣业余爱好。8.春节习俗与计划,如何过2010年的春节。一. 环保 1. its our duty to protect our environment。 2. it is ve

31、ry important to take care of our environment 3. we should not throw litter onto the ground 4. we should not spit in a public place/  cut down the trees 5. 

32、we should plant more flowers and trees。 6. we must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin 7. if everyone makes contributions to protecting the environment, 

33、;the world will become much more beautiful.二、 旅游 1. last sunday(saturday,) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) 2. i got up very early (late). after breakfast i went to wi

34、th my friends by bike, bus, 3. we enjoyed ourselves. 4. we forgot the time. we didnt come back until 5 oclock。 5. we all felt very tired, but we were happy. 6.&

35、#160;i thought i would never forget this trip. 7. last summer, my parents and i went to beijing for our holidays。 8. we visited a lot of places of interest. 9. 

36、we had a good time there. 10. we bought a lot of things. the clothes here are good and cheap. 三、 比赛 1. last sunday, class one had a football match with cla

37、ss two. 2. all of us went to watch it. 3. the match was very exciting. 4. in fact, i have never seen such an exciting match before。 5. the score was 5-3. o

38、ur team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes. 6. class one won this match. class two lost. 7. class one played well. they deserved to win。 8. their pe teac

39、her was very pleased with their performance. 四、 健康 1. it is very important to keep healthy. 2. how can we keep healthy? 3. we cant go to sleep too late. we cant

40、 get up too late。 4. we should eat the food healthily. 5. we should do more exercise. 6. last tuesday i got a cold and had a pain in my head。 7. i did

41、nt feel like eating anything.8. i decided to see the doctor. 9. in the doctors office, the doctor looks over me carefully. 10. he said :"nothing serious." and h

42、e told me to take a rest and drink more water. 11. a nurse gave me an injection. it was a little painful. 12. the doctor asked me to take the medicine 

43、;three times a day. 13. a few days later, i felt better. from then on i believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world.五、 学科 1. my f

44、avorite subject is english。 2. more than three quarters of the information on the internet is in english.3. it is used by travelers and business people all over the&

45、#160;world. 4. china has joined the wto and the olympic games will be held in china. english becomes more and more useful.5. so english is very important and i 

46、like english very much。 6. we have a lot of fun in the english class.7. our english teacher often makes us happy in the english class. 8. i hope i can go a

47、broad one day, and then i can speak to foreigners in english。 9. i like english and try my best to learn it. 六、 节日 1. in china the most important holiday is

48、0;the spring festival. 2. it comes in january or february. 3. on the spring festival eve people have a big dinner. they have a lot of nice food to eat. 4. durin

49、g the spring festival people have a lot of interesting things to do. 5. people visit their relatives and friends.。 6. they greet each other with a hug and say, "happy new year“. 7. as china is a big country, people in different places celebrate  this holiday


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