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1、人教版高中英语必修二完成句子专项练习完成句子是高中英语考试中的必考题型,做好这类题型的专项训练很重要。下面本人为大家分享的是人教版高中英语必修二完成句子专项练习的详细内容,希望对你有帮助 !Unit 1 完成句子专项练习1. The Great Wall is one of the wofthe world.2. When the police arrived, he had destroyed the eof his guilt.3. Have you seen the latest dfor thenew library?4. Her parents died in the acciden

2、t, but shes.5. I got a very friendly rwhen Iarrived there.6. There s some dwhether John willcome on time.7. My mother gave me this pen as a birthday glast week.8. Ms. Jean is able to make her classes lively and interesting. What a gteacher she is.9. The Art Museum was broken into and a lot oftwere s

3、tolen.10. The thief went into the reception rooms, trying to steal the precious(珍贵的 ) vase init.11. We ll hup some milk for thecoffee.12. He went into his office and lup acigarette.13. She rat home to look after thechildren when her husband went out to work.14. The CRevolution happened in Chinain th

4、e 1960s.15. The fin your room looks new atthe first sight.16. The fstyle attracted a largenumber of people.17. I don t want to go; b, I m tootired.18. He is in a poor sof health.19. They are pretty r. Only about ahundred were made.20. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet remains a mto many foreigners.2

5、1. I gave him some apples (作为 . 的报答 ) his help.22. He ( 移开 ) his trousers and Ifound the wound.23. The two countries were then ( 交战 ). People lived a hard life.24. A team of 350 experts( 专家 ) were sent to the desert( 沙漠 ), the buriedancient city( 寻找埋在地下的古城 ).25. Your suggestion will be carefully ( 考

6、虑 ).26. In order to ( 证明 ) her point, sheshowed them the latest sales figures.27. The headmaster ( 器重 ) me because of my good performance.28. Recently I ve found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I don t know whether it should ( 属于 ) me.29. The old man saw some Germans ( 拆开 ) the Amber Room and moving i

7、t away.30. The police have received the letter and they are ( 调查 ) it.Unit 2 完成句子专项练习1. The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold min the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.2. Afrom all over the world will cometo attend the Games every four years.3. Mr. King has rMike as captain ofthe team.4. Tom will have an i

8、with the boss ofthe company he wants to work in.5. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h.6. Many cwill compete in a race tobe held next month.7. She was ainto the party.8. They often do some pexercise afterschool.9. It s fof you to make so manymistakes.10. You can find some aruins in thevillag

9、e.11. The two countries are closely rasthe lips and teeth.12. The football match will be held in the Peking Worker s S.13. The people without tickets are not ato enter the stadium.14. The newspaper has lots of a,which help us to find a good job.15. He is an hperson. You canbelieve in him.16. The fam

10、ily has many rinCanada.17. The girl won the first pin thecompetition.18. It is an hfor me to be invited toyour birthday party.19. We gave Alice and Tom a dish made ofsas a wedding present.20. He is tired of being treated like as.21. The ( 有魔力的 ) tools are popularwith young children.22. He never list

11、ens to anything , expect when it ( 有关系 )himself23. We ( 曾经 )work more than tenhours a day.24. We achieved victories ( 一个接一个地).25. I went to see my grandfather ( 每两周 ).26. He decided to travel by car ( 而不是 ) by train.27. If you make a ( 诺言 ), you shouldtry to keep it.28. ( 举办 ) the Olympic is a richp

12、rize for a country.29. All countries can take part if they reachthe standard to ( 参加 ) the game.30. At last he succeeded in ( 解决出 ) this problem.Unit 3 完成句子专项练习1. In cwith most educated people, heprefers classical music to jazz.2. He is quite clever a boy though he lookss-minded.3. In the past 20 ye

13、ars, my hometown hastchanged.4. Computers are often used to deal with information and communicate with each other around theworld by the I.5. In the early 1960 s, computers wereconnected by a n, so that people could shareinformation and talk to each other.6. Could you tell me the advantages and dof

14、being famous?7. He is so clever that he is considered to have high i.8. The new type of mobile phone is expensive, , it s worth buying it.9. I think we can work together to caneven better system.10. A computer can solve many mproblems.11. She didn t like the plan, but pI see nothing wrong with it.12

15、. The 21st century is the century of information t.13. The bof their first child was ajoyous occasion( 高兴的事 ).14. There are so many different tofbread that I didn t know which to buy.15. Stone is often used as a buildingm.16. The invention of computer was atrevolution.17. There are many ways of cin

16、themodern world, such as telephone, fax, and so on.18. His report dwith the fact.19. Some students have a more mapproach to learning.20. I m trying to chow much paintwe need.21. They were ( 监视 )by threepolicemen.22. ( 在某种程度上 ), I likethis book very much.23. She has ( 徘徊 ) up and down theroad, not knowing what to do and where to go.24. As time ( 流逝 ), my memoryseems to get worse.25. How are you going to ( 处理 )the water pollution of the area?26. You have to ( 做出决定 )whether to accept the job or not.27. To be a goo


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