1、毕业生客服实习报告范文推荐毕业生客服实习报告范文推荐每个大学生在毕业之前都是外出实习一段时间,通过实习,我们将课堂上学到的理论知识运用到工作实践当中,使我们对社会工作和自己所学的专业更加的了解,在实习中我们都是动手实践,这就培养了我们的动手能力,在工作中会遇到很多问题,我们就要学会如何的解决这些问题,培养我们的工作素质,增加我们各自的工作经验,为以后的工作打下坚实的基础。这次实习是我们学习了两年的电子商务专业后,进行的一次全面性的实践练习,是把所学的专业知识运用于社会实践当中,让我们学会工作,找到自己的不足。在学校的安排下,我到 * 市* 有限公司的客服部,进行工作实习,客服对于大家来说都不会
2、陌生,现在科技的发达,很多人都是足不出户,但是还是要买些东西,看看商品,所以现在很多人都是运用网购,有的公司会要客服,就是有的顾客想对这个产品更加的了解,或者是我们的销售任务,还有就是已经购买的顾客对产品的反馈,售后等服务。毕业生客服实习报告由提供 !第一天来到公司上班,在领导的安排下,我跟着一位前辈工作实习,刚开始我没有什么工作任务,而是对公司的产品进行了解。经过我的努力和前辈的讲解我对公司的产品已经很了解了,然后交给我一些电话号码,让我给这上面的人进行推销,经过两天的实习和了解,这工作还是很简单的,我看到其他的同事都做得很好,每个人都销售出去了一些产品。第1页共16页而我怀着兴奋的心情给这
4、不尽人意的事情,或者麻烦,但是我们要冷静,不要着急和发脾气不然共组只会越做越乱。在工作中,我积累了很多的工作经验,这让自己对以后的工作有着一定的信心,毕竟现在不管是哪里招工,后面都会加上一句 有工作经验者优先 ,所以在以后的工作中我会不断的努力,尽力做得更好。毕业生客服实习报告由提供 !附送:毕业生家长中英文发言稿毕业生家长中英文发言稿毕业生家长中英文发言稿(一) 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、各位家长亲爱的同学们:第2页共16页大家下午好! Dear leaders, teahers and parents, Dearstudents, Ladies and gentlemen, Good af
5、ternoon!我是中德合作会展经济与管理专业本科毕业生陆焱彬的父亲陆明。作为一名家长代表,能够出席今天的毕业典礼,跟大家一起分享心中的喜悦,我感到很荣幸,很激动,很自豪! I m Lu Ming. Mson, Lu Yanbin, is a graduate student of IEMS program.As are presentative of the parents, I feel greatl honored and proud to take part inthegrand graduation eremon and to be standing here to share ou
6、r happiness! 在这庄严与喜庆的时刻,请允许我代表所有的家长,向辛勤育人、无私奉献的中德双方学校领导和老师们致以最崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢,感谢你们对孩子的辛勤培育和无私奉献,感谢你们帮助孩子们起航新的人生征程; At this solemn and festive moment, I d like to, on behalf of all the parents here, express m highest respets, honors and heart-felt thanks to all the hard-orking and selfless leaders and te
7、ahers both in German and Chinese universities. Thank ou for our ultivation and guidane for our hildren during the past four ears ith hih thean start a ne life journe no.同时也向所有即将毕业的同学们表示最热烈的祝贺和由衷的祝福,祝贺你们历经四年寒窗苦读,终于学业有成。 In the meantime,I m also illing to express m sinere ongratulations and best ishes
8、 to all the students. You have suessfull finished our stud here ith our hardork.Congratulations again!还记得四年前,儿子收到录取通知书时我们全家人的那份喜悦与激动。不仅是因为儿子即将入读这座沪上名校,第3页共16页更是因为我也曾在上海对外贸易学院攻读国际工商管理硕士课程,贸大也是我的母校。 I still remember the happiest and most exiting moment hen m son reeived the letter of admission four ea
9、rs ago, not onl beause m son ould stud here, one of the most famous universities in Shanghai, but also beause I had studied international MBA program here too. SUIBE is also malma mater.作为时刻关注学校发展的万千家长之一,作为贸大的校友之一,我们欣喜地看到,学校以及IEMS项目几年来不断汇聚各类优质资源,在师资队伍、课程设置、培养模式等多方面开拓创新,专业课为中德双方老师全英语授课,这也让同学们开拓眼界,具有国
10、际化视野,为同学们的成长进步创造了良好的学习条件和成长环境。Asone of the parents onerning the development of the universit,e are reall glad that the universit and IEMS program areonstantl onverging resoures of goodqualit. With theexploration and innovation in suh aspets as teahingstaff,urriulum settings and ultivating mode, the
11、universithas provided favorable studing onditions and grothenvironment here the hildren have spent four ears therestuding happil and diligentl. Speialized ourses are taught inEnglish b both German and Chinese teahers, hih have equippedthe students ith international horizons.眨眼间,同学们愉快而勤奋的四年已经过去,一个个从稚
12、嫩走向成熟,从懵懂变得睿智。我相信,在上海对外经贸大学四年的学习生活将永久铭刻在同学们的心中。我相信,这四年的学习历程会促使着他们去奋斗、去拼搏,用卓第4页共16页越成就回报老师、报答母校。We are glad to see our hildrenhave gron up, from immature to mature, from ingenuous toise.Their stud and life in this universit ill be arved in theirhearts,hih ma bee a driving fore for them to strive and
13、toend eavor. The ill reard the teahers and the universit iththeir outstanding ahievements.亲爱的同学们,我作为一个父亲,一个校友,一个学长,我想代表所有家长对你们说:今天的毕业典礼,意味着四年大学生活的结束,更意味着你们人生新阶段的开始,走出一个有围墙的大学,步入一个没有围墙的社会大学。 Dear lassmates,here, as a father, an alumnus, a senior,on behalf of all the parents, I ant to tell ou that the
14、graduation eremon toda not onl means the end of our life inuniversit, but also means the start of our ne life stage. Youhave gone out of the universit ith enlosure and ou havestepped into a soial universit ithout an enlosure.在生活工作前行的道路中,不只是鲜花和掌声,也充满着曲折与艰辛,有成功的喜悦,也有失败的痛苦。希望你们在今后的生活工作学习中,能够像过去四年一样,彼此扶
15、持、共促进步,也依然能常葆求学心态,以他人为师、以社会为师,在不断的学习中升华自己,用知识和才华开创新的生活,实现自己的人生价值。 You should kno learl that in our life forard, there are not onl floers and applauses,butalso hardships and setbaks. You ma enjo the pleasure of suess, and ou ma also experiene the pain of failure. I hope ou ould help eah other and pro
16、mote our steps, as ou had been doing in第5页共16页the past four ears. I also hope ou ould keep learninglearning from others and learning from the soiet.Im sure ouill improve ourselves and make a ne life ith knoledge and ourtalents to realize our life value.最后,我代表所有的家长,祝愿上海对外经贸大学桃李芬芳,蒸蒸日上;祝愿中德合作会展经济与管理专业
17、人才辈出,越办越好;祝愿各位老师身体健康,工作顺利;祝愿同学们扬帆起航,前程似锦!谢谢大家! Finall,please allo me to give m best ishes to Shanghai Universit of International Business and Eonomis. Wish IEMS program be a radle of brilliant talents. Wish all the teahers good health and ish everthing go ell ith our ork. Wish all the students ever
18、suess and a brighter future!Thankou! Thank ou all!毕业生家长中英文发言稿(二) 尊敬的各位老师、敬爱的各位家长,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好! Good afternoon, dear teahers, leaders,parents and m lovel lassmates.我是来自会展1202 班的李海薇,今天我非常荣幸能作为会展经济与管理专业201X级全体毕业生的代表在这个具有特殊意义的典礼上发言。I m Li Haieifrom IEMS lassToda, its absolutel a great honor for me todel
19、iver thisspeeh on suh a meaningful eremon here, as the representativeof all our IEMS 201X graduates.首先,请允许我代表全体毕业生对长期以来关心与帮助我们成长的领导、老师表示最诚挚的感谢与敬意,正是有的教诲与指导,才有了我们这四年精彩的学习生活。同时,我想代表全体毕业生对每一位家长表示感恩,无论您今天是否在第6页共16页场,正是有了你们做我们坚实的后盾,才有了我们这四年无忧无虑的校园生活。 Firstof all, please allo me, on behalf of all our grad
20、uates, to express the sinerestgratitude and respet to ever professor, teaher and fault leader ho alaspa lose attention to our development as ell as give us helping hands henevere need. Beause of our ultivation and instrution, e got our onderful ollegelife in these four ears. At the same time, I ant
21、to sho gratitude to all ofour parents hether ou are present toda or not, also on behalf of allgraduates. Onl ith our most solid support, e ould experiene our four-earfortable ampus life here in SUIBE.时光匆匆,转眼四载。Hotime flies! It s no the forth summer that e spent together. 201X年 9 月 1 日的骄阳,在记忆中格外清晰。四年
22、前的那一天或许是许多同学一生中最后一次成为新生的日子。来自五湖四海的我们带着各自对过去的留念和对未来的憧憬来到向往已久的大学,初见面时的生涩,军训汇操时的团结,班级活动时的热络,大一的我们就这样默默地在时间的催化下走近彼此。见证着母校由上海对外贸易学院更名为上海对外经贸大学,进入大二的我们褪去了些许稚嫩,开始为自己的未来寻找合适的路,而面对着越来越多来自学业与社会的双重压力,我们的素质与能力也在无形中不断提升。第三年的我们愈发地紧张与忙碌起来,而眼神中却满是坚定,不再迷茫,走在追求未来的路上,我们初尝人生的酸甜苦辣,哪怕遇到挫折,我们也能积极面对。201X年 9 月,目睹着新一届大一新生报道,
23、我们终于成为校园里最老的学长学姐,这一年的时间我总觉得是过得最快的,似乎前一秒大家第7页共16页都还在为理想的学校或职位做着最后的冲刺,这一秒就真的要踏出这个熟悉的校园,挥手说再见了。曾经想象中漫长却精彩的四年大学生活,就在弹指一挥间全部变成了回忆。On Sept. 1st, 201X, thebright sunshine on that da is still in mind,lear and deep.That speial da ma be the last time for man of m lassmates tobee freshmen in their hole lifetim
24、e. From all around China,eah of us ame to the universit that e have made efforts toenter for over 10 ears, ith everones on earn for the pastand longing for the future. From theunfamiliarit of the firstmet, the unit of militar training, to thefriendliness of lassativities, e, as freshmen, beame loser
25、 and loser toeah otherunder the atalsis of time, even ithout our notie. Witnessedour Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade being renamedShanghai Universit ofInternational Business and Eonomis,e entered the seond ear here ith lessnaivet, and started toseek the proper a out for the future. In the meanti
26、me, faingthe heavier and heavier double pressure from XXdemi orkandsoiet, our personal qualities and abilities ere improvingimpereptibl. In the third ear, although e ere busier and busier, there as determinationinstead of onfusion in our ees. Moving forard on the a of hasing dreams,e inevitabl taste
27、d the bitterness and happiness of life. Whatever setbaks emet, e tried to struggle and fae them positivel. In Sept. 201X, ith the orientation of the neest freshmen, e finall beame the第8页共16页senior here onampus. I alas feel that it is the fastest ear that I have ever experiened.It seems that the firs
28、t seond all of us ere still fighting for dream shoolsor jobs, the next seond e are here almost read to step out of the ampus,aving hands to sa goodbe. The one imagined long but olorful universitlife has almost hanged into memor at this ver moment.如今行走在校园里,或许你会想再去吃一顿食堂的小炒,或许你会想起那些年还枝繁叶茂的六百万,又或许你会沿着那熟
29、悉的晨跑线路再走上一遭。但我能确定的是,在座同学不会忘记我们永远的教学楼D408,不会忘记外教课上自己做的一次比一次好的演讲,当然也不会忘记图书馆里认真写毕业论文的自己和答辩侯场时的紧张。因为这些是专属于我们 201X 级 IEMSer 的共同回忆。 Toda,hen alking on ampus, mabe ou ant to have a meal in shool anteen again,perhaps ou an still remember the flourishing look of the trees in frontof the Information Building,
30、 or it is probable that ou ant torun for the last time along the routine of morning jogging.But, hat I an onfirm is that all of our graduates here annever forget our fixed lassroom SD408, an never forget the soman presentations e have done on our German Professors lasses and the better and better pe
31、rformane of ourselves, and,of ourse, an never forget the time e spent riting bahelor thesis in the librar as ell as the memorable feeling of extremel nervous hen aiting for the oral defense. Beause e are all named IEMSer 201X, and all of these are our exlusive第9页共16页memories. 从接触会展这个专业开始,就好像被打开了一扇门,
32、里面有一个五彩缤纷的世界。在经验丰富的中德双方专业老师的引领下,我们开始探索,开始遨游,甚至开始实践。还记得我们在外教课上开始尝试着运用肢体语言的技巧,作为实践课去新国际博览中心给展会挑刺,去领略世博展览中心作为一个场馆的现代与专业。甚至我们当中的一些人,在老师的指导下策划组织过校园美妆展和我们盛大的毕业晚会,发挥专业所长来让我们的大学生活更加出彩。同时,作为一名 IEMSer, 除了专业外,另一个不得不提的就是我们会展与旅游学院了。我相信,作为会旅学院的一份子,大家一定都感受过学院大家庭的温暖,无论是来自院领导与辅导员的关心,学长学姐的指导,还是院学生会的帮助。 From the ver s
33、tart that e got in touh ofthis Event major, it just like a door toan amazing orld as opened, and in this orld, it has ountless possibilities.Under the guidane of our experiened professional teahers from both China and German, e started to explore, to roam and even to put the knoledge into pratie.Sti
34、ll remember e tried to use bod language naturall hile muniating on our German professors lasses, e tried to pik holes on the exhibition heldin SNIEC, and e learnt the modernit and professionalismof Expo Center as avenue from our on experiene. Furthermore, some of us got the hane to get involved in o
35、rganizing and holding the Campus Beaut Sho or our Graduation Gala Dinner under the instrution of our teahers. It allos us to take the advantage of our professional ideas to enrih our ollege life.第10页共16页At the sametime, as an IEMSer, besides the major, our Eventand Tourism Fault also mustbe mentione
36、d here. I believe that,as a student in our fault, eah of our graduates should haveexperiened the arm of this big famil, hatever its the aringfrom the leaders or our instrutor, the guidane from eldershoolmates,or the help from the faults Student Union.回顾四年,我们在蜕变,在成长,在或许布有荆棘的路上一点点地成为了现在最好的自己。而此刻,我们站在要
37、分别的路口,毕业的欣喜却似乎掩饰不了离别时的留恋与不舍。我想在座毕业生大概和我一样,不舍 IEMSer 这个名字,不舍总是尊尊教诲的老师,不舍朝夕相处的同学朋友,不舍这个无比熟悉的大学校园。然而,时间却从不会因为离别的愁意渐浓而停下来等等我们,大学生活结束了,新的挑战又会开始。我们能做的,只有把所有的离愁别绪化为最最美好的祝愿。祝我们 201X级全体毕业生前程似锦!祝我们敬爱的老师事事顺心!祝我们亲爱的会旅学院和上贸大越来越好! Looking bak on these four ears, e ere alas hanging and maturing, and e finall beame
38、 the best ourselves step b step on this thorn road. But at this moment,e are standing at the rossing to sa goodbe, the jo of graduation seems annot over our sadness and unillingness to leave. I think graduates here aremostl feeling the same likeme, unilling to abandon the title of IEMSer, unilling t
39、o be apart from dear teahers and friends, and unilling to leave this ver familiarampus. Hoever, time never slos its pae and aits for us due to our sadness.Our ollege life has alread第11页共16页finished, hile the ne hallenge ill start soon.The onl thing e an do no is to turn our sorro of parting into all
40、 the bestishes. Wish all our 201X graduates an have a bright future! Ma our dearteahers ill get everthing goes ell in our areer and life! Hope our Eventand Tourism Fault and SUIBE andevelop better and better!最后,我希望我们201X级会展经济与管理专业全体毕业生日后无论走到哪里都不要忘记我们的十年之约!常联系! Last but not least, I expet that all of
41、 our IEMSer201X, herever ou go and hatever ou do in the future, ontforget our 10-ear appointment!谢谢大家! Happ graduation to all IEMSers 201X! And thankou, all of ou!最近,我常常思考一个问题:假如我可以重来一次大学生活,又会选择怎样的生活方式去度过,又会努力地去追求些什么?或是又会舍弃些什么呢?我想,也许我会 ,但是时光早已不可挽回。同学们,你们的答案呢?不知道你们是否还会做出同样的选择,也许你们也会有遗憾有后悔,只愿你们今后的每一个选
42、择都遵从你们的内心,都不愧你们的付出,都能让青春无悔。 在以后的人生道路中,我们会带着理想与信心上路,去迎接新的机遇与挑战。当取得成绩时,我们会自豪地向母校报告;当身处困境时,我们会去寻找内心深处竢实扬华的交大精神,去不断探索,不断前进。我们交大学子怀抱的是 有志者,事竟成 的澎湃激情和 直挂云帆济沧海 的豪情壮志!无论身在何处,我们都会为自己是交大人而骄傲!亲爱的同学们,在我们扬帆启程之际,让我们衷心地第12页共16页祝愿全体老师硕果累累,桃李芬芳,祝愿我们母院越来越好,也祝愿母校的明天更加灿烂辉煌!谢谢大家!在讲之前,我想让大家和我一起来做一个小游戏。请大家伸出双手,我说一句话,你心里也说
43、一句话并根据这句话的意思做出相应的动作。鼓掌你让我鼓掌我想鼓掌我要鼓掌。很好,这个游戏跟我们今天要讲的内容有点关系,大家等会可以结合游戏做一个讨论。下面进入我要讲的主题。一、 我为班级的孩子做了什么(一) 班级管理1、根据学生年段特点确立自我、自主、自觉 三自 班级管理目标六年级的孩子生理发育趋于成熟,心理上最明显的变化是自我独立意识不断增强。所以这一时期的孩子心理和行为上都容易变得叛逆。作为老师和父母如果没有意识到孩子的这些生理和心理特点,就很容易导致师生关系、亲子关系的不和谐。而我所制定的 三自 管理目标,就是最大程度上发挥学生的自主意识,让学生在学习和生活上逐渐意识到自我的重要性、能够自
44、主管理自己的学习和言行,最终实现自觉成长的目的。在班级管理中,我充分发挥每一个学生的特长,为他们分配适合自己的班级管理事务,充分调动他们的自主性,让他们意识到他们所做的一切都是在为自己的成长 加油 , 而老师作为他们的服务者,就是在一步一步地引导他们朝健康的道路不断迈进。2、随时随刻处理学生以及家长委托的事务;(1) 每天像警察一样盯着学生,生怕出一点安全事故;第13页共16页(2)每天都要找一些调皮的、犯错的、不做作业的、同学之间闹别扭的学生进行教育;(3)每天早上第一时间要进教室,每天中午要管午读,每天放学还要陪学生自习半个小时;(4)一旦接到家长电话,说某某没有回家,连吃饭都来不及,马上发信息、打电话、上报学校 ( 5 ) 每周评选优秀学生,每月组织出板报、建设班级整体环境以及评选学校的榜样之星;3、想尽一切办法要让学生健康成长、快乐学习;(1) 举行班级活动(庆祝双节活动、辩论赛、读书交流会、班级文艺汇演、教育影片欣赏、书法绘画比赛等等);(2)组织学生参加学校的各种活动(体育节、艺术节、英语节等等)(3)组织学生谈心,结合自己经历,鼓励学生扬长避短,树立学习目标。 很多人都以为教师这份工作很幸福甚至很清闲,除了双休还有寒暑假。但是如果真正从事并且了解到这一行业的性质,你就会发现其实做教师特别是做班主任必须全身心投入工作
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