



1、unitltopiclsectionb教学设计(仁爱湘教版初三上)The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2a.本课重点活动是 1a, 1b 和 2a。I . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and expressions:social, learn from ,shut, dig, granny, describe, in detail, education, develop, development2. Learn the present perfect tense and usefu

2、l sentences:Have you ever fed the disabled children? Yes, I have./No, I haven ' t.Has Ann ever ? Yes, she has./No, she hasn't.Though I had no time to travel, Is that so?3. Learn about the differences between the Chinese teenagers' lives in the past and at present. n . Teaching aids 教具录音机

3、/幻灯片/残疾儿童的照片/小黑板/?三毛流浪记 讲口 ?家有儿女?影片片断 出.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时刻:8分钟)1 .(通过师生咨询答复习现在完成时。)T: Hi, Class. Let 's play the game '' Quick Response".T: Where have you been, S 1?51: I have been to Hong Kong, and I have bought many things. . . .T: Where has S 2

4、 gone?S3: He/She has gone to Mr. Lee's office.2.(教师出示一张吉姆的旅行照片,介绍他的假期经历,导入并教授生词。)T: Do you want to know where Jim has been during his summer holiday?Ss:Yes.T: It ;s a photo of him. Let me describe it for you.(板书)describeT: He has been to Beijing with his parents, grannyand little sister.(板书)gran

5、nyT: His little sister went there for further education. Her dream is to study abroad. I hope herdream will come true. I think some of you want to study abroad. Am I right?(板书)educationSs:Yes, you 're right.T: So you must study hard. With the development of our country, most of you will have a c

6、hance to study abroad.(板书,学生跟读熟悉单词,快速经历。)development, developJim also did some social activities.(学习 social, 引入 disabled children ;s home。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 出现(时刻:10分钟)1.(老师拿出一张残疾儿童之家的图片,导入现在完成时的一样疑咨询句。)T: What's this?Ss:It's a disabled children's home.(明白得单词disabled,板书并领读)disabled

7、T: Have you ever been there?Ss:Yes, we have./No, we haven't.(引导学生去回答)T: Maria has been to a disabled children 's home. Do you want to know what Maria has done there?Ss:Certainly.T: OK. Let's listen to the tape and answer the following question. What did she do to help them?(听1a录音回答以下咨询题,

8、老师核对答案。)T: Did Maria have anytime to travel?Ss:No, she didn't. But she still felt happy.T: Yes. Though she has no time to travel, she learned a lot from her holiday experiences.(老师讲明though引导让步状语从句,不与but连用,然后连续询咨询。)T: Sally, what did you do to spend your leisure time during the holiday?(板书leisure

9、, learnfrom并要求明白得)leisureSally: I watched many films.T: Oh. Do you want to watch films now, boys and girls?Ss:Great.(用多媒体播放?三毛流浪记?和?家有儿女?影片片断,对比影片所反映的生活。播放2a录音前,把班级分为 A和B两大组,分不记录过去和现在生活,完成 2b。)FoodClothesEducationIn the pastNowadaysT: Today we all have a happy life, but in the past, people's liv

10、es were very hard. Listen to thetape, and answer the following questions. ( 2a录音,并回答以下咨询题。用幻灯片出示咨询题,让学生读咨询题,并放录音。1. Did kangkang's granny have a hard life in the past?2. How did most children spend their childhood in the past?(板书,明白得 childhood)childhood2 .(学生打开课本,再听 2a,跟读并找出疑难点。)3 .(鼓舞学生讲出疑难点和含有

11、现在完成时态的句子,引导学生讲明疑难点,并板书要点, 明白得生词 support, rapidly ,把握短语in detail o )have/live a hard life Is that so?in detailcan't/couldn't afford sth.Our country has developed rapidly. give support to sb./give sb. supportStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时刻:12分钟)1 .(分角色朗读2a,选择四组进行竞赛,激发学生朗读爱好。2 .(听录音2c填空。提高学生听力技

12、能,进一步了解过去与现在的生活变化。T: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(播放录音2c两遍,并核对答案。假设有不明白之处,再放一遍。3 .(学生两人一组,谈论过去的小孩和现在的小孩不同的生活。)T: Work in pairs to talk about children 's different lives in the past and nowadays.For example:S:In the past, many families were big and poor.S2:Yes. The parents couldn

13、9;t afford their children 's education.S:The children had no chance to go to school.S2:Some of the children had to be child laborers.Si:I feel sorry forthem. We are so happy nowadays.S2:Nowadays, our country has developed rapidly. Most children can get a good education.T: Just now, you compared

14、Chinese teenagers 'lives in the past with those nowadays. You can write an article about it after class.Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时刻:10分钟)1.(出示残疾儿童的图片,指令学生运用现在完成时,(1) Have you ever told stories to the kids?(2) Have you ever fed the disabled children?(3)I have cleaned their rooms.2.(引导学生总结现在完成时的句子,结构

15、为:针对图片进行咨询答练习。 Yes, I have. No, I haven't.have/has+动词的过去分词。然后板书几组过去分词的构成,同时告诉学生动词的不规那么变化可参考书后附表,完成1b过去分词的填空部分。)clean cleanedshut shutdig dug do did (板书并把握生词shut和dig) shut, dig3.(用现在完成时的一样疑咨询句操练1b,完成1b。要注意第三人称单数的练习。例如: )A: Chat on line.B: Have you chatted on line/Has he chatted on line?C: Yes, I

16、have./No, he hasn't.Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时刻:5分钟)1 .(让学生在课后调查自己的父母亲或爷爷奶奶童年时的生活,写一份调查报告。)T: We know a lot about the differences between teenagers' lives in the past and nowadays. What are your opinions? Do you care about your parents ' childhood? Do you care about your grandparents'

17、 lives in their childhood? If so, you can ask your parents or your grandparents some questions. Make a simple survey report at last.(调查能够是关于娱乐、运动、学习、 饮食、住房、穿着、健康、工作等方面的。)(板书生词teenager和nowadays,并要求明白得) teenager, nowadays2 . Homework: According to your survey, please write an article about teenagers n

18、owadays.(此综合探究活动既完成了课本2a部分,又综合了学生对本课内容的明白得,让学生感受到世界变得越来越美好,表达了教学目标中对学生的情感教育。)(为杰出完成此项作业也可鼓舞学生利用多种方式获得信息。)T: It's possible to read the text of Section B to finish your article and your parents can also help you. What else can you do to get information?Ss:We can search the Internet.T: Excellent! Have a break!Ss:T


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