1、Unite 19 BeautyLanguage Awareness 3北师大版北师大版Unit 18The DiamondDid you hear of Sherlock Holmes?Did you hear of Sherlock Holmes?Free TalksHe was a brave detective, full of wisdom, created bySir Arthur Conan Doyle in his stories.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (阿瑟阿瑟柯南柯南道尔道尔)Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detecti
2、ve created by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan. As a London-basedconsulting detective , Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning (精明的逻辑推理), his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science (法医学) to solve difficult cases.Holmes, who first appeared in publication in 1
3、887, was featured in four novels and 56 short stories. The character grew in popularity with the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine, in 1891; further series of short stories and two novels published in serial form appeared between then and 1927. Thestories cover a period from aroun
4、d 1880 up to 1914.All but four stories are narrated by Holmess friend Dr. John H. Watson; two are narrated by Holmes himself , and two others are written in the third person. In two stories , Holmes tells Watson the main story from his memories, while Watson becomes the narrator of the frame story.
5、1Read the first part of a Sherlock Holmes story. What do you think happens next?criminal who has stolen the diamond.The hats owneris likely to be a2Translate the expressions in blue in the text into Chinese.the second morninganother mysterious crimethe other thug第二天上午又一起神秘犯罪案另一凶手单数单数 复数复数 the taxith
6、e taxisthe paperthe papersthe applethe apples名词前面常常带有the、a或an。这些词被称为限定词。它们标示着名词所指意义的种属。限定词the叫做定冠词,用在单数和复数名词之前。限定词a(当后面的名词以元音开头时为an)是不定冠词,用于单数名词。 a taxi 一辆出租车 a paper 一份报纸 an apple一个苹果 Grammar- Determiners冠词the和a/an是最常见的限定词,但还有很多其他的限定词。很多限定词表示数量: all examples 所有的例子 both parents 父母双方 many people 很多人
7、each person 每个人 every night 每夜 several computers 几台电脑 few excuses 很少的借口 enough water 足够的水 no escape 没有逃脱 也许最常见的表示数量的方法就是运用数词。下面我们来看一看作为限定词的数词。 any taxi任何出租车 that question 那个问题 those apples 那些苹果 this paper 这份报纸 some apple 一些苹果 whatever taxi 不管什么出租车 whichever taxi不管哪辆出租车数词和限定词数词和限定词数词出现在名词前面时是限定词。基数词位
8、于此处表示数量。 one book 一本书two books 两本书twenty books 二十本书 同样位置上,序数词表示次序。first impressions 第一印象second chance 第二次机会third prize 第三名 序数下面还包括一种子类型,即一组与数字并不直接相关的词语(就像 first 对应one,second对应two那样)。它们被称为一般序列词,包括last(最后), latter(后面的), next(下一个), previous(之前的), 和subsequent(随后的)。这些词也用作限定词。next week 下周last orders 最后命令p
9、revious engagement 先前的约定subsequent developments 随后的发展 我们知道,当数词不出现在名词前面时,数词是名词的子类。和名词一样,它们也可以带限定词。the two of us 我们两个 the first of many 许多中的第一个 它们前面甚至可以带数词,用作限定词。 five twos are ten 二五一十 在这个例子中,twos是复数名词,前面的five是限定词。 代词与限定词代词与限定词 限定词和代词常有许多重叠之处。很多词既可以是限定词又可以是代词。 代词代词 限定词限定词 This is a very boring book.T
10、his book is very boring.Thats an excellent film.That film is excellent.人称代词(I(我)、you(你)、he(他)等等)不能作限定词。物主代词同样也不行(mine(我的),yours(你的)、his/hers(他/她的)、ours(我们的)、以及theirs(他们/她们的)。不过,这些代词都有相应的限定词形式。 物主代词限定词The white car is mine.My car is white.Yours is the blue coat.Your coat is blue.The car in the garage
11、 is his / hers. His / her car is in the garage.Davids house is big, but ours is bigger.Our house is bigger than Davids.Theirs is the house on the left.Their house is on the left.Match the determiners (1-3) with the situations (a - c).31 the second2 another3 the othera) there is a choice of only two
12、people or thingsb) it doesnt matter how many people or things there arec) the things or people are clearly ordered4Answer these questions.1 Why does the text say the sofa but a chair in the description of Holmess room? (line 2)2 Could we use a instead of the in this context? How would the meaning ch
13、ange?3 The text first mentions a man (line 8) and a good (line 9) and later the man (line 9) and the goose (line 10). Explain why.There was only one sofa but more than one chair.If we said “a” sofa, it means there is more than one sofa.“The” is used the second time because we know which goose and which man are being referred to.5Cross out the examples in the table which are incorrect. Use the examples in the text to help you.Singular countable nounsUncountable nounsPlural nounsaa hata dusta mensomesome hatsome dustsome menanyany hatany dustany cluesnono h
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