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1、2021/8/60Chapter 5B2B E-Commerce2021/8/61Learning ObjectiveslDescribe the B2B field.lDescribe the major types of B2B models.lDiscuss the characteristics of the sell-side marketplace, including auctions.lDescribe the sell-side models.lDescribe the characteristics of the buy-side marketplace and e-pro

2、curement.lExplain how reverse auctions work in B2B.2021/8/62Learning ObjectiveslDescribe B2B aggregation and group purchasing models.lDescribe other procurement methods.lDefine exchanges and describe their major types.lDescribe B2B portals.lDescribe third-party exchanges.lDescribe partner relationsh

3、ip management (PRM).2021/8/63Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClBASIC B2B CONCEPTSlbusiness-to-business e-commerce (B2B EC)Transactions between businesses conducted electronically over the Internet, extranets, intranets, or private networks; also known as eB2B (electronic B2B) or just B

4、2B.2021/8/64Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EC2021/8/65Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClTHE BASIC TYPES OF B2B TRANSACTIONS AND ACTIVITIESlSell-side lBuy-sidelExchangeslSupply chain improvements and collaborative commerce2021/8/66Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B

5、2B EC2021/8/67Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClTHE BASIC TYPES OF B2B E-MARKETPLACES AND SERVICESlOne-to-Many and Many-to-One: Private E-Marketplaceslcompany-centric ECE-commerce that focuses on a single companys buying needs (many-to-one, or buy-side) or selling needs (one-to-many, o

6、r sell-side).lprivate e-marketplacesMarkets in which the individual sell-side or buy-side company has complete control over participation in the selling or buying transaction.2021/8/68Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClMany-to-Many: Exchangeslexchanges (trading communities or trading ex

7、changes)Many-to-many e-marketplaces, usually owned and run by a third party or a consortium, in which many buyers and many sellers meet electronically to trade with each other.lpublic e-marketplacesThird-party exchanges open to all interested parties (sellers and buyers).lSupply Chain Improvers and

8、Collaborative Commerce2021/8/69Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClB2B CHARACTERISTICSlParties to the Transaction: Sellers, Buyers, and Intermediarieslonline intermediaryAn online third party that brokers a transaction online between a buyer and a seller; may be virtual or click-and-mort

9、ar.2021/8/610Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClTypes of Transactionslspot buyingThe purchase of goods and services as they are needed, usually at prevailing market prices.lstrategic (systematic) sourcingPurchases involving long-term contracts that usually are based on private negotiati

10、ons between sellers and buyers.2021/8/611Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClTypes of Materials Tradedldirect materialsMaterials used in the production of a product (e.g., steel in a car or paper in a book).lindirect materialsMaterials used to support production (e.g., office supplies or

11、 light bulbs).lMRO (maintenance, repair, and operation)Indirect materials used in activities that support production.2021/8/612Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClDirection of Tradelvertical marketplacesMarkets that deal with one industry or industry segment (e.g., steel, chemicals).lhor

12、izontal marketplacesMarkets that concentrate on a service, material, or a product that is used in all types of industries (e.g., office supplies, PCs).2021/8/613Concepts, Characteristics, and Models of B2B EClSUPPLY CHAIN RELATIONSHIPS IN B2BlVIRTUAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES IN B2BlTHE BENEFITS OF B2B2021

13、/8/614One-to-Many: Sell-side E-MarketplaceslSELL-SIDE MODELS AND ACTIVITIESlsell-side e-marketplaceA Web-based marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-catalogs or auctions, frequently over an extranet.lB2B SellerslCustomer Service2021/8/615One-to-Many: Sell-side E-Marke

14、tplaces2021/8/616One-to-Many: Sell-side E-MarketplaceslDIRECT SALES FROM CATALOGSlConfiguration and CustomizationlBenefits and Limitations of Direct Sales from CatalogslDIRECT SALES: THE EXAMPLE OF CISCO SYSTEMS2021/8/617Selling Via Intermediaries and DistributorslManufacturers frequently use interm

15、ediaries to distribute their products to a large number of buyers. lThe intermediaries (known as distributors) usually buy products from many vendors and aggregate them into one catalog from which they sell.2021/8/618Selling Via AuctionslUSING AUCTIONS ON THE SELL SIDElRevenue generationlCost saving

16、slIncreased “stickiness”lMember acquisition and retention2021/8/619Selling Via AuctionslAUCTIONING FROM THE COMPANYS OWN SITElUSING INTERMEDIARIES IN AUCTIONSlEXAMPLES OF B2B FORWARD AUCTION2021/8/620One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-Procurementlbuy-side e-marketplaceA corporate-based acq

17、uisition site that uses reverse auctions, negotiations, group purchasing, or any other e-procurement method.2021/8/621One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-ProcurementlPROCUREMENT METHODSle-sourcingle-tendering le-reverse auctioningle-informing lWeb-based ERP (electronic resource planning) le

18、-MRO (maintenance, repair, and operating)2021/8/622One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-ProcurementlINEFFICIENCIES IN TRADITIONAL PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENTlProcurement managementThe planning, organizing, and coordinating of all the activities relating to purchasing goods and services needed to

19、accomplish the organizations mission.lmaverick buyingUnplanned purchases of items needed quickly, often at higher prices, not pre-negotiated.2021/8/623One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-ProcurementlTHE GOALS AND BENEFITS OF E-PROCUREMENTle-procurementThe electronic acquisition of goods and

20、 services for organizations.2021/8/624One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-Procurement2021/8/625One-from-Many: Buy-Side E-Marketplaces and E-Procurement2021/8/626Buy-Side E-Marketplaces: Reverse Auctionslrequest for quote (RFQ)The “invitation” to participate in a tendering (bidding) system.l

21、CONDUCTING REVERSE AUCTIONSlE-Tendering by GovernmentslGROUP REVERSE AUCTIONS2021/8/627Buy-Side E-Marketplaces: Reverse Auctions2021/8/628Other E-Procurement Methodslinternal procurement marketplaceThe aggregated catalogs of all approved suppliers combined into a single internal electronic catalog.l

22、Benefits of Internal Marketplacesldesktop purchasingDirect purchasing from internal marketplaces without the approval of supervisors and without the intervention of a procurement department.2021/8/629Other E-Procurement MethodslBUYING AT E-AUCTIONSlgroup purchasingThe aggregation of orders from seve

23、ral buyers into volume purchases so that better prices can be negotiated.lInternal AggregationlExternal Aggregation2021/8/630Other E-Procurement Methods2021/8/631Other E-Procurement MethodslBUYING FROM E-DISTRIBUTORSlPURCHASING DIRECT GOODSlELECTRONIC BARTERINGlbartering exchangeAn intermediary that

24、 links parties in a barter; a company submits its surplus to the exchange and receives points of credit, which can be used to buy the items that the company needs from other exchange participants.2021/8/632B2B Electronic Exchanges: Definitions and Concepts2021/8/633B2B Electronic Exchanges: Definiti

25、ons and Conceptsldynamic pricingA rapid movement of prices over time and possibly across customers, as a result of supply and demand matching.lFUNCTIONS OF EXCHANGESlMatching buyers and sellerslFacilitating transactionslMaintaining exchange policies and infrastructure2021/8/634B2B Electronic Exchang

26、es: Definitions and Concepts2021/8/635B2B Electronic Exchanges: Definitions and ConceptslRevenue Models of ExchangeslTransaction feeslFee for servicelMembership feeslAdvertising feeslOther revenue sourceslB2B portalsInformation portals for businesses.lvortalsB2B portals that focus on a single indust

27、ry or industry segment; “vertical portals”.2021/8/636B2B Portals, Directories, and Trading ExchangeslTHIRD-PARTY AND DIRECTORIES EXCHANGESlconsortium trading exchange (CTE)An exchange formed and operated by a group of major companies in an industry to provide industry-wide transaction services.2021/

28、8/637Partner and Supplier Relationship Managementlpartner relationship management (PRM)Business strategy that focuses on providing comprehensive quality service to business partners.lE-COMMUNITIES AND PRM2021/8/638Managerial IssueslCan we justify the cost of B2B applications? lWhich vendor(s) should we select?lWhich B2B model(s) should we use?lWhat are the ethical issues in B2B?lWill there be massive disintermediation?lHow can trust


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