



1、英文会议流程图 (VIP)CONFERENCE DETAILED FLOW CHARTROLL CALL 点名点名, 该阶段要求确定共多少国家参会, 参会国家的简单多数和三分 之二多数是多少。The Rapporteur: Honorable delegates, now we are going to have the roll call. Those countries called please raise your placard and answer PRESENT.问完之后,依照字母顺序宣读国家名。 (见国家名单)The Rapporteur: The people' s

2、Republic of China.Delegate of PRC: Present.The Rapporteur: The People' s Republic of China is present.所有国家宣读完毕之后, 统计到会国家数量, 并计算简单多数及三分 之二多数。The Rapporteur: 50 countries present in all. The simple majority is 26 and the two-thirds majority is 34.FORMAL D EBATE ·正式辩论阶段The Chair: Now we are co

3、ming into the formal debate. Firstly we will open the speakers ' list.OPEN THE SPEAKERS 'LIST 确定发言名单正式辩论阶段,首先确定发言名单(即发言的顺序) 。The Chair: All delegates who want to speak please raise your placard. The Chair: China, United States, Brazil, Peru. 确定发言名单时,主席随机点选国家,会议助理记录点选顺序。SPEAK 发言正式开始发言, 每国代表发言

4、时间两分钟 (可能有代表在后期动议更 改) ,在三十秒时,主席叩响桌面提醒代表。The Chair: The country called please come to the platform and states your position. Each delegate has two minutes to state. The Chair will remind the delegate when there is 30 seconds left. China.The delegate of PRC: Honorable Chair, my fellow delegates, %&

5、;*$% 会议助理注意计时,时间到:The Chair: Sorry to interrupt but your time expired.YIELD TIME 让渡如果发言国有剩余时间,起用让渡程序处理剩余时间。The Chair: The delegate of China, you have 40 seconds left. Now you can yield the time to the questions, comments, the chair or another delegate.此时有四种情况:1)让渡给他国The delegate of PRC: China yields

6、 time to Brazil.The Chair: Now Brazil has 40 seconds to speak.Brazil: Thanks China and thanks the chair. Brazil believes that 2)让渡给问题The delegate of PRC: China yield time to questions.The Chair: China yielded its time to question. 40 seconds for 2 questions.Those countries have inquiries please rais

7、e your placard. United States. The delegate of US: US didn' t understand 3)让渡给评论The delegate of PRC: China yield time to comments.The Chair: China yielded its time to comments. 40 seconds for one comment. Those countries want to have a comment, please raise your placard. Japan.Japan: Thanks the

8、chair. Japan thinks that it is quite obvious in this topic that etc.4)让渡给主席M OTIONS OR 问题或动议POINTSThe delegate of PRC: China yield time to the Chair. The Chair: China yielded its time to the Chair. 注意:所有让渡不得二次让渡 进入问题或动议程序 问题或动议阶段,代表依照规则提出问题或动议。The Chair: Now the speech of China ended. Any motion or

9、point? Japan. 此时共 6 种情况。1)组织性问题 代表认为主席在会议流程上有失误时提出。follow the rightThe delegate of Japan: Point of order. The Chair didn' torder on the speakers'c .l ist et此时,如果属实,主席承认错误,并进行更正。如果有特殊原因,主 席应当解释。The Chair: Thanks to Japan. Now we are going back to correct the order. ORThe Chair: Thanks to Japa

10、n but the delegate of UK has personal privilege. UK will be added in after the delegate comes back.2)咨询性问题 代表对于会议程序不明白时,可以咨询主席。 etc.The delegate of Japan: Point of inquiry. Japan wants to make sure how many votes we need to pass a point of personal privilegeThe Chair: Thanks to Japan and we need no

11、vote for a point of personal privilege etc. Any other motion or poti?n3)个人特权问题 代表有特殊要求或个人身体不适时,可以提出以求得帮助或解决。The delegate of Japan: Japan feels thirsty, should we have some drinks.etc.The Chair: Thanks to Japan but drinks and food are self-serviced outside the conference room. Any other motion or poi

12、nt etc.4)动议更改发言时间(简单多数通过)The delegate of Japan: Japan has a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds, since most delegates don' th ave so many points to say etc.The Chair: Motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds. The voteis needed for this motion. Those countries in favor

13、to shorten time please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: There are only 12 countries in favor. 26 are needed for simple majority. So this motion failed.注意: 动议必须经过投票才能判断通过与否, 点票工作由会议助理负 责。5)动议暂时中断辩论,进入非正式辩论程序(简单多数) <1>有主持核心磋商The delegate of PRC: China has a motion for a 10-minute moderated cauc

14、us for the problem of the influences of human activities in global warming. Each delegate has 30 seconds' speaking time.The Chair: Motion for a 10-minute moderated caucus for the problem of the causes of global warming. The vote is needed for this motion. Those countries in favor to this motion

15、please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: 45 countries in favor and 26 are needed for simple majority. So this motion passed. 20 countries can speak in this moderated caucus. Each delegate has 30 seconds to state. Those countries want to speak please raise your placard. China. 本次发言每次点选一个国家上台发言,没有提示,时

16、间到直接停止。 时间到时:The Chair: Sorry to interrupt but your time expired. Those countries want to speak please raise your placard. Next country to state is UK. <2>自由磋商The delegate of PRC: China has a motion for a 20-minute un-moderated caucus.The Chair: Motion for a 20-minute un-moderated caucus. The

17、vote is needed for this motion. Those countries in favor to this motion please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: 39 countries in favor and 26 are needed for simple majority.So this motion passed. Here goes the un-moderated caucus for 20 minutes.本次磋商无须组织, 20 分钟后所有代表回到会场即可。 6)动议休会,结束一个阶段的会议(简单多数) 该动议通

18、常由主席建议,以保证代表们能够准时午餐/ 晚餐。时间临近午餐 /晚餐时:The Chair: Now it' s time for lunch. The Chair recommends for havingmotion for suspending the meeting. We will continue this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Any motion or point? US.The delegate of US: United States has a motion for suspending the meeting due to it '

19、; s time for lunch.The Chair: Motion for suspending the meeting. Those countries in favorto the motion please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: 50 in favor and 26 are needed for simple majority. This motion passed. Now our meeting adjourned. All delegates please come back to the meeting room at 2:00

20、 p.m. Thank you.I NFORMAL DEBATE 非正式辩论非正式辩论是穿插在正式辩论中进行的, 通常是在一名代表发言完毕 后由动议提出的。包括有主持核心磋商和自由磋商两种程序, 细节见 上表。REPEAT 重复发言到问题或动议的整个流程,直到发言名单结束。VOTE 投票投票,是针对已经提交的决议草案的表决。决议草案(Draft Resolution)是代表在会议过程中抽出时间撰写的,并在撰写完成后 得到其他国家附议后提交主席团。主席团根据提交顺序编号( Draft Resolution 1.1,1.2),e并tc.下发至代表讨论。讨论时:The Chair: Now we h

21、ave Draft Resolution 1.1 delivered by China. The chair recommends for having a motion for discussing the Draft Resolution 1.1. Any motion or point? China.The delegate of PRC: China has a motion for a 10-minute moderated caucus for Draft Resolution 1.1. China will explain the resolution and other del

22、egates are going to have inquiries on it.The Chair: Motion for discussing the Draft Resolution 1.1. A 10-minute moderated caucus and each delegate has 1 minute to state. The vote is needed for this motion. Those countries in favor to this motion please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: 50 countries

23、in favor and 26 are needed for simple majority.So this motion passed. Here goes the discussion. Now China is going toexplain the Draft Resolution 1.1. 决议草案的解释与答辩是在发言名单中穿插进行的, 在发言名单结束 之后,通常是直接进入对已有的决议草案的邮票阶段。 就算只有一份 决议草案,也需要投票。投票顺序依照主席的编号顺序。The Chair: Now the speakers li'st closed. We are going t

24、o vote for theDraft Resolutions. There are 3 Draft Resolutions and we are going tovote 1.1 first. The copies of 1.1 were sent to delegates. Now the countrieswill called follow the letters or'de r. Those countries called please raiseyour placard and answer FAVOR, VETO or ABSTAIN. People 'Repu

25、blic of China.The delegate of PRC: Favor/veto/abstain (or Yes/No/Abstain).The Chair: China is in favor/against/abstained.VOTEThe Chair: There are 29 countries in favor, 13 against and 8 abstained. 34 needed for two-third majority so the Draft Resolution 1.1 failed. Here votes the Draft Resolution 1.

26、2. The copies of 1.2 were sent to delegates.Now the countries will called follow the letters or'de r. Those countries called please raise your placard and answer FAVOR, VETO orABSTAIN. People 's Republic of China. 注意,如果通过了一个决议草案, 剩余的决议草案自动作废。 如果没 有任何决议草案通过, 不会进行重新投票,表示会议在本议题上没有 达成共识,没有结果。WOR

27、KING PAPER 工作文件工作文件是与会代表在会议中, 根据会议进程草拟的总结性文件, 作 用在于总结会议前一阶段的磋商和合作成果。 提交的工作文件直接印 发代表即可,不需要通过或者讨论。 如果有内容详尽的工作文件, 可 以建议代表促成一份决议草案。OTHER SITUATIONS·特殊动议:结束辩论(三分之二多数) 该动议由代表提出,表示无论发言名单上有多少国家剩余, 都即刻结 束辩论,进入投票阶段。该动议需要三分之二多数通过, 并要求赞成 与反对的双方各选两名代表阐述支持与反对的理由,时间1 分钟。The delegate of US: United States has a

28、 motion for closing the debate. The Chair: Motion for closing the debate. Those countries in favor to the motion please raise your placard. China, United States.These two countries are going to state the reason they in favor to close the debate. The delegate of China. You have one minute to state. (

29、China speaking) The Chair: Thanks to China. The delegate of United States.( US speaking)The Chair: Thanks to United States. Those countries against the motion please raise your placard. Brazil. UK.These two countries are going to state the objection of the motion. The delegate of Brazil.(Brazil speaking)The Chair: Thanks to Brazil. The delegate of United Kingdom.(UK speaking)The Chair: Thanks to United Kingdom. Now we are going to vote. Those countries in favor to the motion please raise your placard.VOTEThe Chair: 32 countries in favor but 34 are needed for this motion. So this motion


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