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1、 Book Two Unit one Cultural relics writingLearning aims学习目标:学习目标:1.To learn the structure of the argumentative.2.To learn some expressions of giving reasons.3. To learn some link words that make the paragraph coherent.编辑pptRead the letter from a German newspaper, in which the writer gives his opinio

2、n about what should be done with a cultural relic that has been found. Read it carefully and see if you agree with him.Agree or not?Reasons?编辑pptDear Editor,Dear Editor, Im a student at a high school in Berlin. Im a student at a high school in Berlin. I I think highly ofthink highly of those who are

3、 those who are searching forsearching for the Amber Room. I dont agree that they the Amber Room. I dont agree that they should return the treasure to Russia if they should return the treasure to Russia if they find it; find it; nor do I think nor do I think they should give it to anythey should give

4、 it to anygovernment. The search has cost them a lot government. The search has cost them a lot of time and money. So I think that those who of time and money. So I think that those who find the Amber Room should decide what to find the Amber Room should decide what to do withdo with it. it. Yours Y

5、ours Johann Weber Johann Weber编辑ppt 最近,某报社正在就最近,某报社正在就“发现的文物该不该上交发现的文物该不该上交”进行征稿,请你根据刚才本进行征稿,请你根据刚才本班的辩论情况写一篇报道,班的辩论情况写一篇报道,客观地介绍辩论情况客观地介绍辩论情况.writingHow to write a report on your debate Paragraph1: State the question. Paragraph2 : Give the ideas that agree with the question and the reasons. Paragra

6、ph3 : Give the ideas that disagree with the question and the reasons. Paragraph4: Give your opinion and the result of the class vote.编辑pptDear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them. Opinions are

7、divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of keeping them. Firstly, they believe that all cultural relics are valuable for finding out about the past. Besides, it is dishonest to take things that do not belong to you. What is more, every cultural relic belongs to the country

8、and not to any one person. Study and analyze the possible version过渡句过渡句观点一观点一论据一论据一论据二论据二论据三论据三提出问题提出问题编辑ppt On the other hand,40% think that if you find cultural relics, you can keep them. For one thing , time and money had been spent looking for them so the finders deserved them. For another, ther

9、e is no doubt that nobody would look for lost relics if they could not keep them. In my opinion, we should return the cultural relics to the country.We had a class vote. Those who disagreed with the question won. The debate changed the minds of some people who had originally supported Johann Webers

10、ideas. yours,Li hua观点二观点二论据一论据一论据二论据二个人观点个人观点辩论结果辩论结果文章结构文章结构正反正反观点观点对比对比类的类的文章文章提出问题提出问题不同观点对比不同观点对比说明自己观点说明自己观点归纳归纳段落结构段落结构主题句主题句(观点)(观点)论据一论据一论据二论据二论据三论据三归纳归纳结论结论 The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. (paragraph 1) Students react to thi

11、s problem in different ways. Some are in favor of staying at home. They say its both convenient and comfortable. Whats more, they can set aside money for other purposes. (paragraph 2)分析此篇文章的结构及段落结构分析此篇文章的结构及段落结构 However, others prefer to go out traveling . They think they will have the chance of get

12、ting to know the outside world, which can enrich their knowledge and broaden their views. (paragraph 3)In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home. Actually I have more reasons for it. When staying at home, I get to do what I like,such as reading books, watching TV,and helping my parents

13、with the housework. In a word, to stay at home is better than to travel. (paragraph 4)文章结构文章结构正反正反观点观点对比对比类的类的文章文章提出问题提出问题不同观点对比不同观点对比说明自己观点说明自己观点paragraph 1Paragraph 2&3paragraph 4段落结构段落结构主题句主题句(观点)(观点)第第_ 句句论据一:第论据一:第_句句论据二论据二第第_句句论据三论据三第第_句句结论结论 第第_句句paragraph2234段落结构段落结构主题句主题句(观点)(观点)第第_ 句句论

14、据一:第论据一:第_句句论据二论据二第第_句句论据三论据三第第_句句结论结论 第第_句句paragraph356段落结构段落结构主题句主题句(观点)(观点)第第_ 句句论据一:第论据一:第_句句论据二论据二第第_句句论据三论据三第第_句句结论结论 第第_句句paragraph47910Underline the link words in the passage1.whats more2.however3. in a wordTip: link words are used to make the passage more coherent.(连贯的,有条理连贯的,有条理的的)编辑ppt1.(

15、因为因为)_ his help, I finished the work at last.Thanks toAs a result ofOwing to Due to 因为因为Because of /with编辑ppt2.More roads will have to be built with more cars, _(所以)(所以)well have less field to grow rice. thereforeSo as a result/consequence thus 结果结果编辑ppt3.The rent is reasonable, _, the location is p

16、erfect. 房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。whats moremoreover/furthermorein addition besides 另外另外(递进)递进)编辑ppt4. The young man didnt enjoy his old job. _(相反相反 ) he finds the new job very interesting. On the contrary,However,转折转折But/yet/while编辑ppt5. _(总之总之), we should make good use of computer.In generalIn

17、 a word/all in all总结总结In short/briefGenerally speaking编辑ppt6._( (我认为我认为) ) , students had better not buy a cellphone.we should spend time and money on other more important things.As far as Im concernedIn my opinion/its my opinion that个人个人观点观点I think/believesome useful expressions介绍讨论的主题介绍讨论的主题(开头句开头

18、句): 我们举行了一场讨论,讨论内容是我们举行了一场讨论,讨论内容是 We had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood 我们已经作了一个调查,调查内容是学生如何选择高考我们已经作了一个调查,调查内容是学生如何选择高考志愿志愿 Weve had a survey on how to choose their courses, majors and universities. 我写信是要告诉你我们的一场讨论,讨论内容是我写信是要告诉你我们的一场讨论,讨论内容是 We

19、have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.过渡句过渡句 Opinions are divided on this issue. Opinions are mainly divided into two groups. Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter. Different people, however, think q

20、uite differently on this matter. 在这个问题上大家意见有分歧。在这个问题上大家意见有分歧。主要有两种不同意见。主要有两种不同意见。然而,在这件事上不同的人有不同的看法。然而,在这件事上不同的人有不同的看法。介绍正方观点:介绍正方观点: Sixty percent of the students are for the idea. Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to Some people think that According to them, all of us should. Some b

21、elieve that介绍反方观点介绍反方观点 However, of the students think On the other hand, of the students think However, others have different opinions. But of the students think Others argue that In their opinion,总结句总结句(未达成一致未达成一致) In short, no agreement has been reached yet. So far, no agreement has been reached.

22、 In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet. 本人观点:本人观点:As far as I am concerned, .In my opinion, .; Its my opinion thatsome useful link wordspractise writingthe Yuanmingyuan Park , 编辑pptThere is no doubt that it will be difficult to rebuild the fancy park.毫无疑问重建圆明园将花费大量的钱。毫无疑问重建圆明园

23、将花费大量的钱。毫无疑问重建圆明园将需要很多艺术家的帮助。毫无疑问重建圆明园将需要很多艺术家的帮助。假设你班最近就圆明园是否重建开展了一场讨论,假设你班最近就圆明园是否重建开展了一场讨论,同学们观点有分歧,各自理由主要如下表所示,请同学们观点有分歧,各自理由主要如下表所示,请根据表格提供的讨论情况写一篇英文报道。根据表格提供的讨论情况写一篇英文报道。赞同赞同反对反对1 1可欣赏该园辉煌景象可欣赏该园辉煌景象 1 1保留原样更为合理保留原样更为合理2 2体现中华文明体现中华文明2 2警示人们不忘过去警示人们不忘过去3 3旅游新景点旅游新景点3 3其他建筑同样反映中华文化(如故宫、其他建筑同样反映

24、中华文化(如故宫、颐和园等),重建并非必须颐和园等),重建并非必须4 4破坏该地生态环境破坏该地生态环境注意:注意:1词数:词数:150左右左右 2标题、开头已经写好,不计入词数。标题、开头已经写好,不计入词数。 3. 要阐述个人观点。要阐述个人观点。参考词汇:故宫参考词汇:故宫the Palace Museum; 颐和园颐和园the Summer Palace 体现体现reflect 中华文明中华文明the Chinese civilization辉煌辉煌splendid合理合理reasonable警示警示remind sb. (not )to do sthShould Yuanmingyu

25、an Be Rebuilt?写前准备写前准备体裁体裁时态时态 人称人称议论文议论文 审题审题 一般现在时一般现在时第三人称,第一人称第三人称,第一人称词汇激活词汇激活 1.欣赏_ 2. 体现中华文明_3. 保留原样_4.合理_5. 破坏_6.生态环境_enjoy, appreciate reflect Chinese civilizationkeep it as it isreasonabledestroyeco-environment Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt? Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burn

26、t and fell into ruins in 1860.Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not._ Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt? Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt and fell into ruins in 1860.Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not. Supp


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