



1、为什么每个人都应该读库克的出柜文章?2014-11-01北美留学生日报苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)今天在彭博商业周刊上的专栏文章里公开表示自己 是同志。其实他的性取向早就是公开的秘密,早在2011年初美国杂志 Out就把他评为全美最有权势的50名同志之一,今天只是正式向外界声明而已。不管是不是同志,不管你如何看待同志议题,他的这篇文章其实都很值得每一个人看一看, 里面的很多观念,在美国已经是大众普遍接受的主流观点,但在国内还是非常稀缺的声音。 关心同志议题,并不仅仅是关心这个群体本身,而是关注我们所有人共同的命运。因为我们的社会还充斥着各种各样的歧视,歧视就像是潜伏在我们生活中无

2、处不在的幽灵,一不留神,我们都可能成为被主流群体排斥的少数群体和弱势群体。你不是同性恋者,但你可能是在公司里遭受职场歧视的女性,你可能是在大城市里被歧视的外地人,你可能是被强权欺凌房子面临强拆而底层百姓, 你可能因为不标准的口音而在公交车上被人翻了白眼,你可能仅仅因为是个左撇子而遭受嘲笑。因为我们同气连枝,都是期望在这块土地上不遭受任何不公正对待、平等而有尊严地生活的普通人。所以我特别喜欢库克文章里的这段话:身为一名同性恋者让我能够更深地理解成为人群中的少数意味着什么,同时也给我提供了一扇窗口来了解其他少数群体每天都要面临的困难。这让我更加能够感同身受, 也丰富了我的人生。以下翻译大部分出自新

3、浪科技,翻译并不完美,有很多错漏, 我做了一些细微调整,同时补充了新浪遗漏的部分。但是因为时间关系,我没法全文校对,如果你有能力,建议你直接阅读英文。Throughout my professional life, l?ve tried to maintain a basic level of privacy. I come from humble roots, and I don?t seek to draw attention to myself. Apple is already one of the most closely watched companies in the world

4、, and I like keeping the focus on our products and the in credible things our customers achieve with them.在我的职业生涯中,我一直努力维持最基本的隐私。我来自草根阶层,我不想引起对我自身 的关注。苹果业已是全球最受关注的企业之一,我希望人们关注于我们的产品,以及我们的“ Life客户利用我们的产品所实现的杰出成就上。At the same time, I believe deeply in the words of Dr. Mart in Luther King, who said: pe

5、rsiste nt and urge nt questi on is, ,What are you doing for others? ” I ofte n challe nge myself with that questi on, and I?ve come to realize that my desire for pers onal privacy has bee n holdi ng me back from doing someth ing more importa nt. That?s what has led me to today.与此同时,我深信马丁?路德?金的一句话:一个

6、人一辈子要回答的最经常、最急迫的问题是:,你在为他人做些什么? ”我经常向我自己提出这个问题,而我已经意识到,我希望保留个人隐私的愿望一直在阻碍我做更重要的事。所以,才有今日之事。For years, I?ve bee n ope n with many people about my sexual orie ntati on. Ple nty of colleagues at Apple know I?m gay, and it doesn?t seem to make a differenee in the way they treat me. Of course, I?ve had th

7、e good fortune to work at a compa ny that loves creativity and inno vati on and knows it can only flourish whe n you embrace people?s differe nces. Not every one is so lucky.多年来,我一直对很多人公开我的性取向。苹果的很多同事都知道我是同性恋,这似乎并没有让他们对我另眼相待。 当然,我非常有幸在这家公司工作, 他们喜欢创造力和创新, 他们 知道,只有接纳人们的多样性,公司才能蒸蒸日上。并非每个人都像我这样幸运。While

8、I have n ever denied my sexuality, I have n?t publicly ack no wledged it either, un til now. So let me be clear: I?m proud to be gay, and I con sider being gay among the greatest gifts God has give n me.虽然我从未否认我的性取向,但截至目前,我也没有公开承认过。所以,我想在此阐明:我 很自豪我是同性恋,我认为身为同性恋是上帝赐予我的最好礼物。Being gay has given me a de

9、eper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a wi ndow into the challe nges that people in other mino rity groups deal with every day.It?s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It?s bee n tough and un comfortable at times, but it has give n me the con fid

10、e nee to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It?s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you?re the CEO of Apple.同性恋身份让我更加深刻地体会到,作为一位少数派究竟意味着什么。它给我提供了一个视角,让我能够深入洞察其他少数派每天都在应对怎样的挑战。它让我更加善解人意,并由此经历了一段更加丰富的人生。它有时让我感到不舒适,心神不宁,但它给予我信心,让我有勇

11、气张扬个性,走自己的路,超越逆境和偏执。它还赋予我一身犹如铜墙铁壁般的犀牛皮一一当你是苹果公司 CEO的时候,这层皮囊随时都能派上用场。The world has cha nged so much since I was a kid. America is movi ng toward marriage equality, and the public figures who have bravely come out have helped cha nge percepti ons and made our culture more tolera nt. Still, there are l

12、aws on the books in a majority of states that allow employers to fire people based solely on their sexual orie ntatio n. There are many places where Ian dlords can evict tenants for being gay, or where we can be barred from visit ing sick partners and shari ng in their legacies. Coun tless people, p

13、articularly kids, face fear and abuse every day because of their sexual orie ntati on.沧海桑田。这个世界已不复我孩提时代的模样。美国正在迈向婚姻平等,勇敢出柜的公众人物已经改变了世人的观念,促使我们的文化变得更加宽容。不过,美国大多数州的法律依然允许雇主仅仅基于员工的性取向而将其解雇。在许多地方,房东依然可以因租户是同性恋而将其驱逐出门。还有一些地方禁止我们探访生病的伴侣或分享他们的遗产。无数同性恋者, 尤其是孩子,每天生活在恐惧和被虐待的屈辱之中。I don?t consider myself an act

14、ivist, but I realize how much I?ve benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if heari ng that the CEO of Apple is gay can help some one struggli ng to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or in spire people to in sist ontheir equality, then it?s worth the

15、 trade -off with my own privacy.我不认为自己是一位活动家,但我意识到自己受惠于其他人的牺牲。因此,如果听说苹果公司CEO是一名同性恋者,可以帮助一些人更加坦然地接受自己的同性恋身份,或者给一些 饱受孤独之苦的同性恋者带来一丝慰藉,或者能激励人们坚持他们的平等观念,那么我牺牲一点个人隐私还是非常值得的。l?ll admit that this was n?t an easy choice. Privacy remai ns importa nt to me, and l?d like to hold on to a small amount o f it. I?v

16、e made Apple my life?s work, and I will continue to spend virtually all of my waking time focused on being the best CEO I can be. That?s what our employees deserve and our customers, developers, shareholders, and supplier partners deserve it, too. Part of social progress is un dersta nding that a pe

17、rs on is not defi ned only by on e?s sexuality, race, or gen der. I?m an engin eer, an un cle, a n ature lover, a fitn ess nut, a son of the South, a sports fan atic, and many other thin gs. I hope that people will respect my desire to focus on the things I?m best suited for and the work that brings

18、 me joy.我要承认,这并非一个轻松的选择。隐私对我仍然重要,而且我希望还能保有一点点隐私。 我已经将苹果公司作为自己毕生的工作,而且仍会将清醒的每一分钟,都专注地致力于成为最卓越的CEO。这是我们的员工应得的一一我们的客户、程序员、股东和供应商合作伙伴同样如此。社会进步的部分意义在于认识到不能仅凭一个人的性取向、族裔或性别来对其作出评判。我是个工程师,是别人的叔叔,是大自然爱好者,是健身狂人,是一个南方家庭养 育的儿子,是体育运动迷,此外还有众多其他身份。我希望大家能尊重我的愿望,我会集中精力于自己最擅长的领域,继续专注带给我快乐的工作。The compa ny I am so fort

19、un ate to lead has long advocated for huma n rights and equality for all. We?ve taken a strong stand in support of a workplace equality bill before Congress, just as we stood for marriage equality in our home state of Califor nia. And we spoke up in Arizona whe n that state?s legislature passed a di

20、scrim in atory bill targeti ng the gay com muni ty. We?ll continue to fight for our values, and I believe that any CEO of this in credible compa ny, regardless of race, gen der, or sexual orie ntati on, would do the same. And I will pers on ally con ti nue to advocate for equality for all people un

21、til my toes point up.我是如此幸运,领导了一家长久以来倡导人权和人人平等的公司。我们曾在国会坚定地支持职场平等法案,也曾在公司所在的加州支持婚姻平等。此外,当亚利桑那州立法机关通过了一项针对同性恋族群的歧视法案时,我们曾站起来抗议。我们将继续为自己的价值观而奋斗,我也相信,在这家公司,换成任何人当CEO,不管他们的族裔、性别或性取向如何,都会做同样的事情。我个人将继续为所有人的平等而大声疾呼,直至生命最后一刻。Whe n I arrive in my office each mornin g, I?m greeted by framed photos of Dr. Ki n

22、g and Robert F. Kenn edy. I don?t prete nd that writi ng this puts me in their league. All it does is allow me to look at those pictures and know that I?m doing my part, however small, to help others. We pave the sun lit path toward justice together, brick by brick. This is my brick.我每天早上进入办公室时,都会看到

23、马丁?路德?金和罗伯特?肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy)的相框。我写这篇文章并不是要虚张声势,把自己与他们并列,而是为了让我在看到这些照片时, 知道自己正在倾尽所能帮助他人,无论我的贡献是多么微不足道。我们正一砖一瓦地铺设一条通向正义的阳光之路。这就是我添上的一块砖。Comi ng Outs identityFor lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people, coming out is a process of understanding, accepting, and valuing one ' s sexual orientation/identity. Coming out includes both exploring one and sharing that identity with others. It also involves coping with societal responses and attitudes toward LGBT people. LGBT individuals are forced to come to terms with what it means to be different in a society that t


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