1、Proteus7.5 SP3安装图解全过程| / C: Fr oteusT. 5 sp3X名称liprattM 7 5权化补丁戋的文裆T*f|Grasingtan Worth Yorks.戋的电脑LKK Proteus T. 5 SP3. esea3-s软盘伙:)圍 Read. Me. txtvn4.本地毬疊©j! setup proteus 75, exe3 J Eocwrents and Setti3Frogrwn FilesjWjF: ojHi二开始安装|(J C: Fr atensT. 5 sp3X名称解压缩:菽的立档贡的电脑3,5软盘z"本地磁盘CCJ+ _Jan
2、d Setti+:二|FilesB OQproteus 7,5 占p3祝化补丁 n±l| Gr assington North Yorks. G1LXK Proteus 7.5 SF3. e«e 圍 R«*d txt Jlselup proteus 75. e;t亡FrotausT. 5 sp3击开始安装如果机子上装过 proteus,就应该不会有下面的安装Key过程Open gd Read Licence Key File (s)?l Xl查找范围Q):| ProteusT. 5 sp3我杲近的文档桌面我的文档我的电脑网上邻居1 proteus 7.5 sp3汉
3、化补丁Gresington North Yorkshirelxk文件名):文件类型(1):Proteus Professional 一 InstallShield lizardChoose Destination LocationSelect folder where setup will install files.Setup will install Proteus Professional in the following folder.T o in stall to this folder, click Next T o in stall to a differ© nt fo
4、lder, click Browse and select another folder.选择安装路径< BackNext >CancelProteus Professional 一 InstallShield Viz&rdChoose Destination LocationSelect folder where setup will install files.Setup will install Proteus Professional in the following folder.T o in stall to this fold 臥 click Next T o
5、 install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.Browse.Destination FolderZAProteusInstallShield< BackNext >Cancel安装完毕,打开软件Adjuinistrs. torTmIernetTiit电FhEt Esplvc6WinKAK2所有程序(I)曳子邮件Outlook Expr-eiMicrosoft2003Windows CatalogQ WiiklowK Update设定程序访问和默认值,二Micr0so£t Off
6、ice命窖提示符KaFroteus 7 ProfessionalWinKAh番茄花园S tyl eXP主题 陆件管理工具启动搜狗拼音输入谨 迅雷游戏一Internet ExplorerOutlook ExpressWindows Mdia PlayerWindows Nlcvie Nak«r 远程协肋在销CL)不出意外,会弹出这么个对话框:ISIS FTofassi Duali由 ISIS T Frcftssi nUQaaBProttus VSIfl Model KelpVirtual USBARES 7 FrofssionalAEES HelpEasyMDL Language Re
7、ferencaGer bit for TTiniowEISIS HelpLi c«nc« Flanager MFIAB Vi ewer Help ProSPICE HelpProteus VSM SDKR电ad NleUpdate ManagerCannot find a valid licence keyi for ISIS Professional on this computer.The Licence Manager reported "Bad Product Key"Please ensure that you have installed y
8、our licence keys a$ per the installation insbuclians.You can run LICENCE.EXE to view the current installed kes.四找到刚才解压缩的目录:地址迦C:Proteus7.5 sp3文件夹X名称I£jproteus 7.5 sp3汶化补亍 ®桌面因Q我的文档日&我的电脑田县35软盘:)日本地磁盘(C:)+;Documents and Setti.EProgram Files!< i二j ProteusE LD Proteus7. 5 sp3Q proteus
9、7.5 sp3芒Sf Grassington North Yorkshire, lxk 钵LXK Proteus 7.5 SP3. exe 自 Read Me. txhtsetup proteus 75. exe双击这个XJE琦?漾 Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro UpdateWelcome to the 髓錨礴?潔 Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro Update program. This program will install 髓醐礴?漾 Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro Update nn unur rnmnufftrDestination folder:|C:Pr
10、ogram FilesLabcenter Electronic$Proteus 7 F 卫ovv$e.|G Backup the files that will be modifiedAuthor:Labcenter ElecUonics Ltd找到女装路径E -mail:infolabce nte. co. ukDesc叩tion:项腹綁箜梏桀磬腹磬腓鲫礴?潔痼转 觐 琨黜 镇矇琪屮堀腸?蔓2.0.0Close I Update哄 IS琦?漾 Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro UpdateWelcome to the 髓崛礴?潔Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro Update pi
11、ogram.This program will install 髓翩礴?漾 Proteus 7.5 SP3 Pro Update nn unur rnmnurDestination folder:Browse.P Backup the files that will be modifiedInfoAuthor:E-mail:Description:UpdateLabcenter Electronics Ltdinfolabcenter. co. uk项濮钮箜皓桀磬騰磬腓錨礴?潔 觐 琨黜 锤矇琪T9關尿?蔓堆釉20再打开试试Acbnl门jstr吕 tarTMtern«tTiittfu
12、et Expl曳子邮件Outlook Expr«3l> Windows Catalog* Windows Update设定程序访问和默认值.二Microsoft Offi c& Proteus T FrofessioftaltfinWirj wirrakf)番茄花园StyliXF主题 H附件命命提示符alii crosoft£003舌理工具启动撰狗拼音输入法迅雷 游戏一Internet ExplorerW| Outlook Express ttiniows Medi a Player所有程序辺):辽 Windows Nlflvit注销CL)关再次不出意外,就应该是看到这个了MFIAB Vitwer Helpisi5 ISIS ? frcf&ssioiiil7j Prottus VSM Model Kslp Q Virtual USEBRI5AKES 7 Professi onal妙 ARES Help电涉 EasyHDL L®n馭jl包g底 Reference ff1? Serb
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