



1、最新外研版三年级英语下册module 5测试卷及答案班级姓名 成绩满分:100分 时间:60分钟一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1. on at2. dad mum3. play phone4. Monday Saturday 5. who work听录音,给下列句子排序。(10分)( )Does Sam play basketball on Saturdays?( )Do you go to work on Mondays?()I go to school on Mondays.( )She goes swimming on Saturdays.( )My mum doesn

2、9; t go to work on Saturdays. 听录音,选答句。(10分)()1. A. Nof I don' t. B. No, he isn' t. C. Yesf she is.()2. A. Yesf she is. B. Yes, she does. C. Nof he isn' t.)3. A. It' s Tom.)4. A. Yesf she does.B. Yes# he is.B. No, he doesn'C. Nof he doesn' t.t. C. Yes, he does.)5. A. Yesf I do

3、. B. Nof he doesn' t. C. Yesf she does.四、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是否相符。(10分))4.笔试部分(60分)五、选出与所给单词属于同一类的一项。(5分)C. on()1. goes A. doesB. to()2. play A. at B. go C. friend()3. Monday A. to B. Saturday C. work()4. on A. withB. dadC. shopping()5. home A. onlyB. playC. school六、判断下列单词与图片是否(F)相符。(5分)七、选择正确答案。(

4、10分)()1. I to work on Tuesdays.A. goB. goesC. going()2. The tiger meat.A. like B. likes C. likes to()3. Tom doesn' t to school on Sundays.A. go B. goes C. going()4. My dad table tennis on Mondays.A. play B. to play C. plays()5. 一 Amy at home?一Yes, she is.A. Is B. Does C. Do八、问答对对碰。(10分)()1. Do y

5、ou like football?A. Nof he isn' t.()2.Is Sam at home?B Yes,he does.()3.Who's that?C. Yes,I do.()4.Doesyour mothergo to work?D.It'sTom.()5.DoesTom play football?E.No,shedoesn't.九、给下列图片选择正确的句子。(10分)A. He goes to work on Mondays. B. They' re at home.C. The cat likes fish. D. They go

6、es to school on Mondays.E.She goes shopping on Saturdays.十、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)1. Amy is at home.(变为一般疑问句) at home?2. I like football.(变为一般疑问句)1 ike football?3. They go to school on Saturdays.(变为否定句) They to school on Saturdays.4. The dog likes meat.(变为否定句) The dog meat.5. My mum goes shopping on Sundays

7、.(变为一般疑问句) mum shopping on Sundays.十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误。(10分)My name is Linda. I in eight years old. I go to school on Mondays. My father doesn' t go to work on Saturdays. He plays football on Saturdays.My mother and I go shopping on Saturdays. My little(小的)sister watchesTV(看电视)athome on Sciturdays.(

8、 )1. Linda is ten years old.( )2.Lindagoestoschoolon Mondays.( )3.Linda'sfathergoesto work on Saturdays.( )4.Linda'smothergoesshopping on Saturdays.( )5.Linda'slittlesister goes to school on Saturdays.Module 5模块测试听力部分一、听力材料1. on 2. dad 3. phone 4. Monday5. work答案:Lon 2. dad 3. phone4. Mo

9、nday 5. work二、听力材料1.I go to school on Mondays.2 .My mum doesn' t go to work on Saturdays.3 .Does Sam play basketball on Saturdays?4 . Do you go to work on Mondays?5 .She goes swimming on Saturdays.答案:3 4 15 2三、听力材料1. Is she at home?2. Does she go shopping?3. Who' s that?4. Does he play footb

10、all?5. Do you play table tennis? 答案:LC 2.B 3. A 4.B 5. A 四、听力材料LShe' s only two years old.2. It? s Monday.3They' re at home.4. He plays football on Saturdays.5. She is on the phone with her friend.答案:LF 2.F 3.F 4.T 5. T笔试部分、 、 、 、 、 、 五六七八九十l.A l.F l.A l.C l.E2.B2.T2.B2. A2.C3.B3.F3. A3.D4.

11、A5. A4.T4.C4.E4 . D5 .C5.F5. A5.B5. B1. Is Amy 2. Do you 3. don'go4 doesn' t like 5. Does your; goH、 l.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. F附:小学英语学些什么和怎么学很多家长们在自己的孩子开始了小学阶段的学习之后,发现自家孩子的英语 能力并没有自己想象的那么出色。小学英语学些什么?这个问题出现在大部分家 长们的脑子里。家长们很好奇小学英语学些什么,也很好奇小学英语应该怎么去 学。那么下面介绍下小学英语学些什么以及小学英语的学习方法。1 .小学英语学些什么?首先小学英语学些什么

12、?小学除了教会了孩子fl一些基本单词之外,也在语 法方面进行了较为浅层的教育,比如简单句、疑问句、否定句、进行时、过去式、 一般时、形容词、名词变化等,这些英语知识都是在小学阶段会接触到的,只不 过是进行一个浅层的教育,深入的教育将在初中后,是为了给孩子初高中的英语 语法学习打下基础。所以在小学的英语教学中主要是进行一些简单的英语教学, 主要为了培养孩子对学习英语的兴趣,在这个阶段家长不应给孩子太多的压力, 以致于让孩子产生厌学的情绪,使以后的教育能够更为顺利的开展。2 .趣味学习其次家长在这个阶段也要给孩子进行一些趣味学习,让孩子对学习英语更加 感兴趣。比如玩英语游戏或者日常的情景演练。表演是学习语言的有效途径,孩 子在小时候就有很强的表现欲望,家长要抓住孩子在这一阶段的特点,给孩子提 供更多的表演机会,也可以一起跟孩子进行日常的情景对话,比如餐厅点菜、问 路、询价等等,也可以让孩子在家中学习时,适时的让孩子学唱一些英语歌曲, 这样既可以调动孩子的学习英语的


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