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1、外研(三起)六年级Module 3知识汇总本模块学习目的:能够描写一个景点或者城市的特点和地理位置。一、词汇thousand (一千)kilometre (千米,公里)map (地图)something (某事物,某种东西)million (百万)right (正确的)countiy (国家)二、习惯搭配more than3in the east在东部a picture of一张.的图片in the west在西邰look atm the south在南部三、常用表达1. That,s really big!那真大!2. It's here它在这里。3. That,s right四、重

2、点句型1.询问某物长度的句型:-How long is 其他?-lfs+数字+其他.eg: 1 - How long is the Great Wall?-Il s more than tuentx thousand kilometres.2. - How long is the river?-It s about lhirl metres.2.描述某地在哪的句型:地名+ is in the 方位词+ of +其他 eg: I Beijing is in the north of China.2. New York is in the east of the US一、词汇Dancing (跳舞

3、,舞蹈)Chimdoun (唐人街,中国城) sometimes (有时)shop (商店)tlicn (既然是这样,那么) ah (啊)strong (坚固的)专有名词:the Changjiang River (长江)the Huangshan Mountain (黄山)the West Lake(西湖)the Great Wall (长城)二、习惯搭配send an email to.给发送电子邮件lots of许多go to Clnnatown去唐人街Cliinesc JancinuJ中国舞蹈三、知识点<< tell sb about sth (告诉某人关于某事)四、重点句

4、型rhei e be句型(be动词选择采用就近一致原则)eg. There is a cat and lots of big apples on the tree.1'here are manv birds and a kite in the skv.“ <一、词汇1. collect 收集2. stamp 邮票3. hobbx业余爱好4. doll玩具娃娃5. bicycle自行车二、习惯搭配collect stamps收集邮票have cot J有flv kites放风筝collect dolls收集玩具娃娃ride mx hicxcle 骑自行车lots of很多三、惯用表

5、达1. That's right!没错!2. Great!太好了 !3. XMiat about you? 你呢?四、重点句型1 .主语 + is my hobby.eg Collecting stamps is ni hobby.2 .主语(不是第三人称单数)have got +其他eg They have got tanious people on them3 . Whnt ,s your hobby9 主语 is my hobbeg -What's yoiir hobby?-Flying kites is my hobby.一、词汇I. Thanksgiving (Tha

6、nksgiving Day)感恩节2 . flag旗;国旗3 .小(使)(旗帜)飘扬4 . special特殊的,特别的5. meal 餐6 sound听起来7. tbotball (美式)橄8. race比赛,竞赛9. lantern 灯笼10. hang悬挂,吊二、习惯搭配1. Flag Day (美国)国旗制定纪念日2. moon cake 月饼3. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节4. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节5. the Lantern festival 元宵节6. sing songs 唱歌7. a special meal 一

7、顿特别的饭8. do dragon dances 舞龙9. hang lanterns 中叔丁笼10. on TV在电视上11. fly the flag 升(国)旗12. nn iavouritc testival我最喜欢的节目13. go to see the dragon boat race 去看龙舟比赛14. a big lamilx dinner 顿丰盛的家庭晚餐三、惯用表达1. That's lovcl.那太好了。2. That's sounds nice.那听起来很好。3. That,s great! 那太棒了 !四、重点句型1 .节日名称 + is my fav

8、ountc testival.eg: Thanksgiving is my favourite testival2 .形容词性物主代词名词所有格十由。而归AstivM is一节日名称eg:( hii liivourite lestixal is the Spring Festival外研(三起)六年级Module 9知识汇总-词汇1 address 地址2. French 法语3 age年龄4 stoi故事糖果二、习惯搭配1. pen triend 笔友2. be from 来自3. speak English 说英语4. write emails写电子邮件5. write to.给写信6.

9、play games 玩游戏7. collect stamps收集邮票8. pla chess下国际象俱9. ride my bicycle 骑自行车三、惯用表达当然。谢谢你。1 Pleased to meet ou!很高兴见到你!2 . Of course.3 Thank von4 Please be my pen friend!请成为我的笔友!四、重点句型I Can you +动词原形(+其他)?eg And cun ou be in Chinese pen triend译文:你能成为我的中国笔友吗?-Can you go swimming with me?-X)K Let's g

10、o译文:你能和我一起去游泳吗?让我们走吧。2.1 can动词原形(十其他).eg: I can speak English 译文 我会说英语。I can speak French.译文:我会说法语。一、单词1. world 世界3. ditlicult 困难的5. folk餐叉:叉7. Japanese 日本的二、习惯搭配1. live in 住在3. be from 来自5. |)cn tilends 笔友7. in the UK在英国2. often经常4. knife餐刀;刀子6. chopsticks (常复)筷子2. write to.给写信4. in the park在公园里6.

11、a knife and folk 一副7Z叉X. next year 明年9. a Chinese kite 一只中国风筝三、惯用表达1. Ifs diflkult tor me 译文:那对我来说很难©2. Please w rite to me and we can be pen friends.译文:请给我写信,我们可以成为笔友.四、重点句型1. 主语+ have has got +某物(+其他).eg: You'c got a letter from New York, but it s not from Darning.译文:你收到一封来自纽约的信,但信不是大明寄来的

12、.Darning has got a Chinese dragon kite and c often tl it in the park.译文:大明有一只中国龙凤筝,我们经常在公园里放风筝。2. Have ou got + 某物(+ 其他)?eg: Have you got a book about Ihc US?译文:你有关于美国的书吗?一、单词1. believe 相信2. snake 蛇3. DVD数字化视频光盘,光盘4. together 一起,共同 5. hick 幸运的6. bamboo 竹子7. its 它的8. body 身体9. flute 笛子10. get变得,变成”.f

13、rightened恐惧的,害怕的二、习惯搭配1. come out of 从中出来2. look at .看3. get frightened 害怕4. in x inter 在冬天5. plax with.和玩耍6. a iantastic present 一份极好的礼物三、惯用表达1. I don't IkIicvc it!我简直不敢相信!2. Thank you again.再次谢谢您。3. You're welcome.不用谢4. Wow!哇!5. Oh no!哦,不!四、重点句型1 .主语(复数)十love十某物eg: Pandas love bamboo. 译文:熊

14、猫喜欢竹子.Tigers love meat译文:老虎喜欢肉.2. Do +主语(可数名词复数)+ like +某物?eg: Do snakes love music”译文:蛇喜欢音乐吗?3. What a an (+形容词)+可数名词单数(+主语+动词)! eg: What an interesting DVD!译文:多么有趣的DVD光盘啊!What an intereslinu slor it i !译文:多么有趣的故事啊!一、单词Lstop (使)停止2. dean打扫;(使)清洁3. camera照相机4. show 把给(5. never 从不二、习惯搭配l.long ago很久以前

15、2. I d love to翔艮乐意3. pla w itli dolls4. read bocks 读书5. read stories 读故事6. cican one s room 打扫某人的房间7. take photos 拍照8. go swimming 去游泳9. rite stories 写故事10. clean the blackboard 擦黑板11. pla Riotball 踢足球12. play computer games 玩电脑游戏13. b、bus乘公共汽车14. not really不全是,事实上没有三、惯用表达1. Yes. I d love to.是的,我很乐意

16、。2. Yes. of course是的,当然.3. Not ct often.不经常四、重点句型1. Do x ou often +动词原形(卜其他)?eg: I)o ou often play with dolls,译文:你经常玩玩具娃娃吗?Do you otkn play twtball after class?译文:彳乔课后经常踢足球吗?2.1 often +动词原形(+其他).eg: I ollen go swimming.译文我经常去游泳。1 oiten go sliopping with m> ianuh译文:我经常和我的家人去购物。外研(三起)六年级上册Module 9知

17、识汇总一、词汇around在四周,到处all around到处,遍及 member state成员国 inside向室内,向里面should应该二、句子1. Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?你们想要参观纽 约的联合国大厦吗?2. There are flags from all around the world 这里有来自世界各国的国 旗。3. How many member states are there in the UN?联合国有多少个成员 国?4. There are 193.有 193 个。5. Do ou want

18、 to go inside?你想要进去吗?6.1 want to take a photo 我想拍一张照片。1.1 want to go to Shanghai.我想要去上海。8. Shanghai is very big and ven beautiful.上海很大也很漂亮。9. There are lots of mountains and lakes in Gulin.桂林有许多山和湖泊.三、句型结构1. Do you want to »动词原形""你想要做吗?eg:Do you want to drink some water?点水吗?Yes J do.

19、No. I don i是的,我想。不,我不想o2. How many T可数名词且数卜arc there用于询问物品的数量。(There is are +)基数词(one. tbrtv. one hundred 等)eg : How many computers are there in your company9 你公司有多少 台电脑?fhere are twenty ? lXent.(有)20 台3.1 want to f动词原形。表示“我想要做某事。” eg : I want to play a game.我想玩游戏。I want to buy a present ibr m mother.我想给妈妈买一个礼物。一、词汇line (等候的)长队,队列stand in line排队 close 关门,关闭 librarian图书馆管理员rule规定,规章qui


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