1、Compa ny: 公司名称:Date:日期:Locati on: 地址:Supplier No.:供应商代码:-Project:项目:Process un der review: 评审的生产过程:Parts overview:零件概述Part No.零件号Drawi ng in dex 图纸编号A part A-零件Desig nati on 描述-Participa nt:参与者:Supplier:供应商:ZFSS:ZFSS :Evaluati on:评估:No.: 序号Re: 评估项目Red红色Yello w黄色Gree n绿色Comme nt:备注1Process con diti o
2、ns过程状态2Sub-supplier/Parts二级供应商/零件3Product test 产品检测(The topic with the lowest rating affects the total result)(评审等级最低的项目会影响总的评估结果)Total result: 最终结论:Comme nt: 备注:Rejecti on, new series of processes required (red)拒绝,需重新进行过程评审(红色)Release with con diti ons (yellow)条件接受(黄色)Release (gree n)接受(绿色)Sign atu
3、res:签字:ZFSS auditor ' s nameDept.ZFSS审核员的名字:部门:Phone:ZFSS auditor ' s signatureZFSS审核员的签字:Supplier ' s name 供应商的名字:Phone:Supplier ' s signature 供应商的签字:Distributi on list:分发人员清单:Compa ny:公司:Date:日期:1. Process Con diti ons过程状态1.1 If the flow chart, FMEA, con trol pla n updated and issu
4、ed intern ally?过程流程图,FMEA和控制计划是否更新并发布?Comme nt:备注:1.2 Is the layout available? All processes and control points defined or not?是否制定了平面布局图?是否明确了所要求的过程和检测点?Comme nt:备注:1.3 Are all equipme nts available for sample product ion?是否具备工装样件生产所需要的设备?Comme nt:备注:1.4 Does producti on occur un der fini shed fixt
5、ure and tools?生产是否在工装条件下进行?-Fixture and tools , transport container, test equipment, employees-生产工装,运送料架,检测设备,人员配置 Comme nt:备注:1.5 Are all work stati ons, test statio ns in stalled appropriately?是否所有的生产工位,检测工位都被合理的设置?? Lighti ng灯光/光线。? Order, clea nli ness, work safety整齐,清洁,安全。? Appropriate supply o
6、f material also con sideri ng possible con tam inan ts, han dli ng parts, ergono mics, risk of con fusi on合理的材料供应,并考虑到可能发生的污染,零件搬运方式,人体工程学,混料的风险? Material cards with in dex of cha nges available物料卡上有相关状态信息。? Is separat ing of parts that are suspected en sured是否那些怀疑件被隔离?? Ide ntificati on of master g
7、ages, refere nee parts, limit samples标准量具的确认,是否有参考零件,极限样品?Comme nt:备注:1.6 Are all work station set up according to QR 83? OKnotOKN/AOKnotOKN/AOKnotOKN/A OK not N/AOKOK not N/AOKOK not N/AOK是否所有的工作站位依据 QR83设置?Does this in corporate the follow ing items:是否包含如下项目:? Available quality con trol cards, wor
8、ki ng in struct ions是否有质量控制卡,操作指导 .? Operati ng equipme nt available是否有可用的操作设备?? Available and appropriate test equipme nt是否有可用的适当的检测设备?? Available and appropriate tra nsport equipme nt是否有可用的合适的搬运设备?? Appropriate supply of materials with in dex related accompa nying docume nts 是否有适当的材料供应和相关的随附文件?Com
9、me nt:备注:1.7 Are all releva nt characteristics defi ned and the appropriate processassura nces available?Are tests on the product and process for all required characteristics exte nsively defi ned and the in tervals adequate?是否所有定义的相关特性被识别并在生产过程中加以适当的控制?是否所有的要求特性在产品及其生产过程中执行检测?并设置足够的检测频率。? In the OT
10、S stage control pla n?是否包含在OTS的控制计划中?? In the test in struct ions是否包含在检测说明中?Comme nt:备注:1.8 Were all specified tests performed and docume nted accord ing to specificati ons?是否所有指定的检测都按照规执行并记录归档?Comme nt:备注:1.9 Does a con siste nt separati on of adjustme nt parts take place? 调试零件是否被隔离?Comme nt:备注:OK
11、notOKN/AOK notOKN/AOK notOKN/A1.10 Is the release of machines/fixture/tools regulated?匚 匚设备/工装/检具的认可是否有章可寻?? Who is resp on sible for the release? (adjuster, operator, product ionman ager -qualified pers onn el!)谁负责这些设备/工装/检具的认可和使用?(调节人员,操作人员,生产经理-需有资格的人员)n.a.Comme nt:备注:1.11 Is perso nn el qualific
12、ation en sured (QR 83)?是否确认各岗位人员具有相关的资格 (QR83)? Training on the new process, product, tech no logies such as SPC, etc. 对于新的过程,产品,技能(比如:SPC等),是否有相关培训。.Comme nt:备注:1.12 Is suitable packaging available both internally and to the customer?在部搬运或运送至客户的过程中,是否有适当的包装方式?? Is packagi ng coord in ated with ZFSS
13、?是否与ZFSS协商包装方式?? Protect ion aga inst con tam in ati on, also duri ng tran sport.包装是否能保护零件不受污染,即使在运输的过程中。Comme nt:备注:1.13 Are the clea nli ness requireme nts accord ing to ZFN 5008 fulfilled (for parts and tran sport contain ers)?清洁度要否根据ZFN5008执行(零件和存放零件的容器)?Comme nt:备注:Evaluati on of process requir
14、eme nts: 过程评估的要求:OKnotN/AOKOKnotN/AOKOKnotN/AOKEvaluati on gree n: 评估结果为绿色Evaluati on yellow:评估结果为黄色:Evaluati on red:评估结果为红色:Requirements completely fulfilled, no deviations 完全符合要求,没有偏离的情况。Requirements only partly fulfilled, no critical deviations 部分符合要求,没有严重的偏离情况。Requirements only partly fulfilled,
15、 critical deviations 部分符合要求,存在严重的偏离情况。Conditions (for yellow or red): 状况(针对黄色和红色):Comme nt:备注:2.3 Audit performed to sub-supplier?对二级分供方是否进行过评审?OKnotOK.N/AOKnotOK.N/AOKnotN/AOK.redyellowgree n1Released withCompa ny:公司:Date:日期:2. Sub-Suppliers/Parts二级供应商/零件2.1 Is the sub-supplier and material list av
16、ailable?分供方及材料清单是否已部发布?2.2 The release of sub-supplier and purchased parts, and the test report.二级供应商及其所提供的原材料/外购件是否已经经过认可,或能提供相应的检测报告??At mini mal, the follow ing purchased parts must be tested:至少,如下的采购件需要被检测:-all parts not released or released with conditions.-没有被认可或条件认可的所有零件。-For comp onents with
17、 few parts: All parts released.-对于构成零件很少的总成:所有零件通过认可。-For complex assemblies: Ran dom sample of parts released, all critical parts must be recorded.-对于复杂的组装总成:零件的随机抽样需通过,所有的关键零件的检测记录必须保留。Any other parts in SOP provided?是否有其他批量供货零件?Any in itial assessme nt for new supplier?是否对新供应商定点评审?Comme nt:备注:Sub
18、-suppliers/parts:二级供应商/零件Evaluati on gree n:Released (all items must be evaluated with“ OK')评估结果为绿色:接受(所有的条款评估结果必须为“通过”)Evaluati on yellow:Released with con diti ons(all items must be at least evaluated withcon diti ons ')评估结果为黄色:条件接受(所有的条款评估结果至少是“条件接受”)Evaluati on red:Not released评估结果为红色:不接
19、受Con diti ons(for yellow or red):状况(针对评估结果为黄色或红色)Comme nt:备注:Compa ny:公司:Date:日期:3. Product test产品检测3.1 Is the equipme nt available to do the test defi ned in the draw ing? docume ntati on是否具备产品图纸规定特性的检测设备?? Lab. resources, qualified or not?实验室资源,具备资质?Comme nt:备注:3.2 If the supplier could finished the sample test and submit test report accord ing to ZFSS requ
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