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1、(推荐)unit11teachingreadingunit 11 teaching reading孙光耀孙光耀目录目录the nature of reading how do we read? what do we read? strategies involved in reading comprehension the role of vocabulary in reading principles and models for teaching reading 目录目录pre-reading activities while- reading activitiespost-reading

2、 activitiesconclusion reading is an active process. it constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking and asking oneself questions. reading is the ability to understand the written words and respond to them in proper ways. reading means getting meaning out of a given context.how do we read?1. re

3、ading has only one purposes, i.e. to get information. 2. reading is a silent activity. reading aloud does not help much with comprehension. 3. reading with a purpose is more effective than reading without a purpose. 4. when we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word

4、and sentence to sentence. 5. reading is an individual activity. 6. we need to know all the words in order to understand a text 7. we read everything with the same speed. 8. when reading in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to understand. 9. it is helpful to use a dictiona

5、ry and note down the meaning of all the new words while reading. 10. the lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension. 11. possessing a large amount of vocabulary is the key for reading comprehension. 12. reading can best be improved by being engaged in reading and reading

6、 more. reading aloud and silent readingreading aloud silent reading mannerutter every syllable in every wordno utterances at allspeedmuch slower ten lines at one glancepurposeshare information with others; appreciation of good piece of writing. getting or extracting information;for pleasureskills in

7、volvedgood pronunciation and intonationskimming, scanning,predictingform of activitycollective activityindividual activitywhat do effective readers do ? have a clear purpose in reading. read silently. read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word. concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest,

8、and skip the insignificant parts. use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks. perceive the information in the target language rather than mental translate. guess the meaning of new works from the context, or ignore them. have and use background information to help understand the

9、 text.what do we read?using authentic materials for students to develop communicative competence in reading, classroom and homework reading activities must resemble real-life reading tasks that involve meaningful communication. the reading material must be authentic: it must be the kind of material

10、that students will need and want to be able to read when traveling, studying abroad, or using the language in other contexts outside the classroom. newspaper and magazines, novels and short stories, letters, telegrams, specialized articles, street maps, recipes, menus, signs, notices, information le

11、aflets, dictionaries, advertisements, teaching materials, labels on packets and containers, etc. strategies involved in reading comprehension there are two broad levels in the act of reading: i) a recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed pages through the eyes; ii) a cognitive

12、task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the readers own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey. in order to achieve these two levels of reading, the reader needs to develop the following reading strategies: sp

13、ecifying a purpose for reading planning what to do/what steps to take previewing the text predicting the contents of the text checking predictions skimming the text for the main idea scanning the text for specific information distinguishing main ideas from supporting details posing questions about t

14、he text finding answers to posed questions connecting text to background knowledge summarizing information making inferences connecting one part of the text to another paying attention to text structure rereading guessing the meaning of a new word from context using discourse markers to see relation

15、ships checking comprehension identifying difficulties taking steps to repair faulty comprehension critiquing the author critiquing the text judging how well objectives were met reflecting on what has been learned from the textthe role of vocabulary in reading we assume that a large majority of stude

16、nts believe that vocabulary is the main obstacle in learning to read and this has already been pointed out by grabe (1988:63) the lack of such vocabulary may be the greatest single impediment of fluent reading. as teachers of english, we need to be aware of the difficulties in developing reading ski

17、lls with our students and try to work out effective strategies to help them overcome the obstacles so that good reading habits and effective reading strategies are developed properly to enable them to become proficient readers in a foreign language . efficient reading begins with a lightening-like a

18、utomatic recognition of words .this initial process of accurate ,rapid and automatic recognition of vocabulary frees ones mind to use other resources, such as reasoning abilities, world knowledge, knowledge about the topic, etc. to construct meaning. read a great deal keep a vocabulary notebook use

19、a dictionary write a simple book report for a class recordprinciples and models for teaching readingprinciples for teaching reading: the selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students. tasks should be clearly given in advance. preferably, tasks should motivate students. tasks

20、 should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the students understanding of trivial details. tasks should help develop students reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension. the teacher should help students not merely to cope

21、with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability in general so that they are able to apply the strategies or skills learned in class to tackle other texts they encounter outside class or in the future. the teacher should provide enough guidance and assist

22、ance at the beginning to help students read and develop reading strategies but gradually withdraw his/her guidance as the students progress so that they eventually become independent readers.bottom-up model introduce new vocabulary and structures go over the text sentence by sentence paragraph by pa

23、ragraph followed by questions and answers to check comprehension read aloud the text top-down model background knowledge plays a more important role interactive model automatic recognition of words and phrases, understanding sentence structures, building a discourse structure, etc. he integrate this

24、 decoding process with what he already knows about the topicpwp三阶段英语阅读教学模式 三阶段英语阅读教学模式是我国中小学英三阶段英语阅读教学模式是我国中小学英语阅读教学中普遍被采用的教学模式,主语阅读教学中普遍被采用的教学模式,主要属于要属于“自上而下自上而下”或交互作用的阅读教或交互作用的阅读教学模式,具体属于哪种阅读教学模式主要学模式,具体属于哪种阅读教学模式主要根据阅读文本体裁和教师的教学活动设计根据阅读文本体裁和教师的教学活动设计而定。三阶段即读前(而定。三阶段即读前(pre-reading)pre-reading)、读、

25、读中(中(while-reading)while-reading)、读后(、读后(post-post-reading)reading)三个阶段。三个阶段。cp180cp180pre-reading activities pooling existing knowledge about the topic predicting the contents of the text skimming or scanning the text for certain purposes learning key words and structures aimsto facilitate while-re

26、ading activitiespre-reading activities123predictingskimming and scanningsetting the scenepredicting is an important reading skill, which can make reading more intriguing and purposeful .therefore, it is likely to result in better comprehension compared with the situation where the learner starts rea

27、ding with a blank mind.three ways of prediction predicting based on the title good titles always contain the most important information of a written text. p186 task 7“ a nation of pet-lovers”it is about how people love pets in britian; save the jungle,save the worldthe text is about the decreasing f

28、orests in south america .three ways of prediction predicting based on vocabulary the teacher also asks students to write down the words that they think will appear in the text, according to the topic suggested by the title.directions: ask no less than 5 questions based on the title of the text. also

29、 write some possible words you expect to appear in the text. pre-questions1.2. .3. .4. .5. . possible words mentioned predicting based on the t/f questions the teacher gives students some true or false statements. students predict if these statements are true or false. then they read the text to che

30、ck if they have made the right predictions.setting the scene getting the students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text. setting the scene by relating what students already know to what they want to know. using visual aids to setting the scene, s

31、uch as real objects, pictures, videos episodes and multi-media materials,etc.skimming reading quickly to get the gist,i.e. the main idea of the text. ask general questions which allow students to focus on one or two things. provide 3-4 statements and one of them represents the main idea, ask student

32、s to read the text and decide which statement is the correct one. provide subtitles for different parts of a text and asks students to put them in the right place.scanning read to locate specific information. the key point is that the readers has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrele

33、vant parts when reading. besides,we can also ask students to scan for vocabulary which usually have certain semantic connections with the theme. though teachers pre-teaching,students will facilitate the reading tasks that follow.scanning whats more, students can also scan for certain structures,for

34、example, tense forms,discourse connectors,or particular sentence structures,which can serve as the basis for grammar study. should pay attention to following things: set a time limit; give clear instruction for the task wait until 70% of the students finishscanning make clear how you are going to ge

35、t feedback make sure that answers to the scanning questions are scattered throughout the text rather than clustered at one place. another activitieslisteningchoosing some text-related listening materials for the students to listen to (such as a song, a poem, a short story or a passage and so on) can

36、 show students orientation which the topic of the reading material will be in . for example, when teaching merry christmas, the teacher can first play some well-known christmas songs (jingle bells, silent night etc.) for the students. when these familiar melodies are played, they will easily remind

37、students of christmas days. thus, it is very easy for the students to involve themselves in their actual reading. summary on pre-reading activities: the teacher doesnt have to use all these activities on every text. but the use of one or two of such tasks should stimulate your students interest and

38、make their reading more directed and easier. such tasks may help them to move from learning to read to reading to learn. different texts offer opportunities for different kinds of exploitation. yet a reading passage in tranditional reading comprehension textbook has generally been exploited by means

39、 of mutiple choice quesstions,t/f questions, open questions, parahrasing and translation.while-reading activitieswhile-reading activities in this section we will look at some different ways of exploiting texts focusing on the process of understanding rather than the results of reading. information p

40、resented in plain text form dose not facilitate information retention. when information in text form is transferred to another form, it can be more effectively processed and retained. the way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device transition devicecomplicatedi

41、nput(si) transitiondevice(td)output(td)its function in teaching reading can be illustrated in the following diagram:most of the transition devices make use of visual aids so that information in text form is visualized. research has shown visualization can help second language learners to comprehend

42、meaning while reading (tomlinson, 1998).pictures chronological sequencetree diagrams cyclic diagrams notes(taking notes while reading) tablespie chartsmaps flowchartsdrawings bar chartssubtitles(provide subtitles) below are some transition devices that are often used in teaching:example1 p194 it is

43、very important that students fill out the table while they are reading rather than after they finish reading. a follow-up output activity can be conducted based on the results of the while-reading activity. for example, the teacher can ask student to compare. purposes of transition device: 1.focus a

44、ttention on the main meaning of the text. 2.be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basic for out put. 3.allow the students to perform tasks while they are reading. 4.highlight the main structural organization of a text /part of a text, and show how the structure relates to me

45、aning. 5.involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks. 6.precede one step at a time(easier tasks before more complicated one.) 7.when a td is completed, use it as a basis for further oral and/or written language practice.reading comprehension questionone of the most frequently used meth

46、ods in teaching reading is asking students to answer comprehension questions. nuttal suggests that we can classify questions according to the kind of information that they require students to get from the texts, or the kind of thinking the we wish students to engage in. she lists five types: questio

47、ns of literal comprehension. these are questions whose answer are directly and explicitly expressed in the text. questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation. these questions require ss to put literal information together in a new way or reinterpret it. questions for inferences. they requi

48、re ss to consider what is implied but not explicitly stated. questions for evaluation or appreciation. such as making judgment about what the writer is trying to do and whether the writer is biased or dishonest. questions for personal response. the answers to these questions depend most on the reade

49、rs reaction to the content of the text.understanding references: all natural language, spoken or written , uses referential words such as pronouns to refer to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. some students have difficulty in following clearly the references in the text.

50、so the teacher should find ways to help ss find the meaning of the references in the context.making inferences making inferences, which means reading between the lines, is an important reading skill. it requires the readers to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the aut

51、hor. making inferences is actually the process of relating the given information to what we have known about the world. sometimes, inferences can be made only after we have read the whole text and reinterpreted the text. for instance p201summary on while-reading activities now, we have looked at a n

52、umber of while reading tasks. of course, you cannot use all of them at one time or with one text. you need to choose from them the ones that best suit your students as well as the materials that you are using. post-reading activities in this area, teachers have to be most inventive or imaginative .t

53、hey have to design tasks which are relevant to the text being studied and appropriate to the students level. the tasks can fulfil several functions, whether they are used in an extensive or an intensive reading context. at the post-reading stage, teachers often rely upon reading aloud, asking compre

54、hension questions or asking students to paraphrase sentences of a text. sometimes sentences by sentence translation is conducted. we consider these activities inadequate to fulfil the functions of post-reading tasks. post-reading tasks should provide the students with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel. in addition, post-reading tasks should enable students to produce language based on what they learned. discussionrole playgap-filling retellingwr


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