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1、2. north 北方4. south南)南方6. trip旅行,旅游8. straight 径直地10. along沿着,顺着12. king 国王14. dangerous 危险的16. forest 森林18? laugh笑,大笑20. neck 脖子22. north-east 东北方24. cross穿过,横过课时编号:教学课题Unit 4 Finding your way (复习案)教学 目标: 1. Remember the language points2.Use the language points correctly?教学H点:Remember the language

2、point嗷学难点: Use the language points correctly.教学用具:PPT教师活动设计意图一.重点单词I. follow跟随;仿效3. west西)西方5. east东,东方7. everybody每人)人人9. bamboo 竹II. road路)道路13. remember记得,记住15. sound 声音 ?17. funny好笑的,滑稽的1 9. quilc相当,非常21. leaf (树,菜)叶23.25? across穿过,横过26. outside (在)外面27. above在. 的上面28. sign指示牌29. bench 长椅30. tre

3、asure 宝藏3 1 ? corner拐角,街角;角落32. bank银行二.重点词组1. have to不得不)必须2. go up上去3. go on向前走;继续4. be north / south / west / east o临. 的北 / 南 / 西 / 东边5. three kilometres away 三干咪远6. go straight on笔直走)径直走7. all day long 整天地8. lie down 躺下9. walk along 沿着.走。10. turn left / right 向左 / 右转11. ? prepare. for.为. 准备12. a

4、bove the drinks在饮料上方13. on the left / right 在左 / 右边1 4. no problem 没问题15. have 8 birthday party 开生日聚会16. traffic lights 红绿灯17. plenty of大量,足够18. look forward to doing sth.期待做某事三.重点句型及点拨1. I think we have to go up again.我认为我们不得不再上去了。have to意为"不;得不”)强调客观。must和have to的区别是:must表示说话人的主观思想,have to表示客

5、观需要。有时两者可以替换。女山My bike is broken, so I have to walk to school.我自行车坏了,因此我不得不步行上学You must finish the homework today.今天你必须完成家庭作业。2. Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School.阳光动物园在阳光中学的北血。“be+向词+of表示方向,意为“(某地)在另一地的”方向“,不是部分与整体的关系;如果两地是部分与整体的关系,则ffl4ibe in 4-the 4-方向词+of+? ?。如:Shanghai is in the e

6、ast of China上海在中国的东部。3. It's north of the school, about three kilometres away.它在学校北边)大约三千米远。three kilometres away意为"三千米远",是一种表示"计量”的表达法,即"数词 +单位词(米、千米、 千克) +形容词”。女0: fourmetres tall (四米高);ten metres wide (十米宽)等。需要注意的是,在 表计量时"远”用 away,而不用 far;人的"高”用 tall,而不用 high。如:Y

7、ao Ming is about 2. 2 6 metres tall.姚明大约 2. 2 6米高。4. Go straight on, and you'll find the Panda House一直向前走)你们就会看见熊猫馆。“祈使句+and / or +一般将来口寸“表示由前面的情况而产生的结果,and通常后接好的结果)or 通常后接不好的结果。如:Hurry up and we511 catch the early bus.快点,我们就能赶上早班车。Hurry up, or we'll miss the early bus.快点)否则我们将错过早班车。5. Walk

8、along the road. To the north of the Panda House, yoidl find the lions.沿着这条路走。到了熊猫馆北面,你将看见狮子。A be to the north of B. =A be north of B. A在B以北)两者不接壤)不从属。若两地接壤)且不从属)则用介词 on。如:Beijing is on the north of Tianjin.北京在天津的北而。6. Remember that theyre dangerous.己住它们彳艮危险remember后可接句子、动词不定式或动名词作宾语o remember to do

9、sth意为“记住去做某事",动作还没发生;remember doing sth意为 “记得做过某事”) 动作已发生过了。如:Remember to close all the windows when you leave the classroom当你离开教室时记住把所有的窗户关上。I can remember turning off the lights.我记得 把灯关了。7. Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing鸟儿歌唱着)发出悦耳的声音。此处sound是名词,指悦耳动听的声音;它还可做连系动词,意为“听起来如:Your idea

10、sounds great你的主意听起来太棒了8. They j ump around and make people laugh它们上蹿下跳)惹得人们大笑。此处around是副词,意为“到处,在附近,大约”;还可做介词,意为“在. 周围,环绕”。如:There are many trees around my housed 我家周围有许多树。(2) make在这里与let一样,是使役性动词,后接动词原形或形容词作宾语补足语。女口:The great news made her happ涯个好消息使她彳艮高兴。9. There are also birds, aren't there这里

11、也有鸟儿,不是吗?此句是反意疑问句,其基本构成是:陈述句+简短的附加提问?所遵循的基本原则是“前肯后否,前否后肯”。如:The girl isn't a student, is she?!B女孩不是学生)是吗?We can swim, can't we微们会游泳)不是吗?10. What can you see across it你能看至1J它(桥)对面有什么?这里across是介词,意为"在. 对面;穿过,横过")它的动词形式是cross(=walk / go across如:You can't walk across the street now

12、o 你现在不能过马路。11. ? The food is above the drinks食物在饮料上面。above意为"在.上面"。它与on, over的区别是:(1) on表示在一物体上,强调两物相接触,仅表示“处于之上”,是静态。(2) over也表示在一物体上,但强调覆盖这一物体,表示“越过”某一高 ?度,具有动态意。(3)指数量时,我们一般用over(=more than)表示“超过”,但如果指上下垂直的度量以及海拔高度时,要用aboveo(4) above表示位置高于某人或某物。但不一-定是正上方,反义词是below。如:The temperature 1S t

13、hree degrees above zer温度在三度。imdei?强调垂直的下方12. The drinks are below the food饮料在食物下面。below可作介词,意为“在下面",不一定是垂直的下方,而below也可作副词,意为“在下面: 修饰名词时要放在名词后followin界形容词,也有“在下 面”的意思,但following修饰名词时要前置。如:Her skirt came below her knees 她的裙长过膝。Let's read the story below. =Let's read the following story.咱们

14、读读下面的故事。14. The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left.宝藏在左边第三棵树前的地下面。in front of意为“在某物外部的前血”,in the front of才旨"在某物内部的前面"。如:The teacher is having the lesson in the front of the classroom师正在教室前上课。There is a bus in front of the classroom.教室前有一辆汽车。1 4. How do I ge

15、t there?去那儿的路怎么走呢?这是问路的一种表达。还有如下同义表达:(1) Which is the way to. ?(2) Where is the. ?(3) Is there a. near here?(4) Could you tell me the way to. ?(5) Could you tell me how to get to. ?15. Which way should I go at the traffic lights?在交通灯处我应走哪条路?traffic意为咬通",是各种车辆的总称,是不可数名词。traffic lights意为"交通灯

16、雹16. My parents will prepare plenty of food anddri nks for us.我父母将为我们准备足够的食物和饮料。prepare. for.意为“为某人准备某物",相当于 get. ready forc女n:We must prepare for / get ready for the coming exam狼们必须为即将至来的考试作准备。四.语法点拨1. 方位介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at,between, in front of / in the front of, above,below bes

17、ide, inside, outside 等。四个“过,的介词区别:“cros表示横过,即从物体表面通过,从物体的一边到另一边的移动,与on有关,为二维;through表示穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关,为三维;past意为从物体 的旁边经过,或通过某个 界限;ovei?指从物体的悬空上方移过。如:(1) Can you swim across the river?尔能游过那条河吗?(2) The road runs through the forest这条路穿过这座森林。(3) Go across the bridge, you'll find a cinema.走过这座桥)你就会看见一个电


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