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1、前言教学案例设计一书是在仔细研究Project English学生用书、教师用书、英语课程标准的基础上编写的。以学生,教师和教学的实际为出发点,解读教学目标,创设教学情境,提供教学素材,节省老师备课时间,易于操作。其活动设计注重交际,符合学生认知规律。案例的课堂资源丰富多彩,形式多样,可以满足不同地区的实际需要。 整体特色本书严格按照Project English学生用书的流程编写,一课一例。每节课设计为45分钟,可根据实际适当调整。我们以行之有效的五指教学方案为编写模式。其中台词用英语;场景、活动说明、补充材料、文化意识、注意事项等放在括号内用汉语表达。五指教学方案分为五步,标注时间建议。S

2、tep 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:分钟)导入本课新词句。可以用课本上的图片、教具、chant、歌曲、游戏、直观表演等复习导入本课新词句,既活跃课堂气氛,引起学生兴趣,又体现建构主义理论,学生的经验是学习的重要基础。激活学生先前的知识和经验,为进一步探究找好最近发展区打基础,引出本课新词句。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:分钟)呈现对话或短文等本section重点活动的情景。找出关键词句,目标语言,为交际积累材料。理顺思路,为下一步在用中学打基础。下面步骤中的交际不只是死记硬背,而是灵活运用,在用中学。Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(

3、时间:分钟)语音、语调练习。看第二步中找出的关键词,不看课本,模仿原文对话。所有学生分组互相检查。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:分钟)呈现书上其他活动,在不同情景中练习目标语言,展开任务型活动。在用中巩固和学会使用目标语言。Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:分钟)让学生用本课所学词句展开活动,锻炼学生语言综合运用能力和探究能力,体现学了就用的原则。有活动产品。对学生提出的要求非常具体。编写特点本书各单元列出了教学目标。各案例以section为编写单位。每个section包含如下内容:首先指出了各section的重点活动,即本课呈现的重点内容。然后是

4、一、教学目标:用英语分类呈现本section教学目标。二、教具:考虑不同地区实际情况,可以有多种选择。三、五指教学方案另外, 我们在编写的过程中,为了操作方便,统一了格式,现说明如下:SStudent, SsStudentsT TeacherS1Student 1S2Student 2 最后,我们诚挚地感谢长期以来大力支持我们的广大师生们。本书是设计者和撰稿人的精心奉献,意在给您提供一份建议。希望能够抛砖引玉,激发您的灵感。但是由于水平有限,加之时间仓促,疏漏与错误也是在所难免的。我们期待着您的关心,也期待着您的批评和指正。北京市仁爱教育研究所2005年12月 Unit 5教学目标语言知识类别

5、内 容课次要求语音/ / / / /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ / / /n/ /词汇wake,early, first,day, term,must, still, by,on foot, the same to, usually, always,Ms., boat,ship,sea,train,by plane/air/airplane1A掌握weekday,around,bird,catch,walk,never,sometimes,ride,park, game, late, weekend1Bguest,life,almost,bicycle,break, finish,s

6、pare,basketball,football,read,story,clean, dance,piano,library, once,twice, week, listen,music, write,supermarket1Cpleasure,volleyball,while1Dplayground,lab,room,gym,classroom,building,pool,thing, card,motorcycle,road, physics2Amost, better, minute, shelf, great, dear, borrow, course, keep, return,

7、post, newspaper, purse, money,anything,else, nothing, meal, umbrella2Bplan, next to, near, upstairs, news, attention, between, movie, show, hall, program, gone, wind, activity, stamp, world2Ctraffic, child, exercise,Japanese,the Great wall, wonderful2DWednesday,end, period,Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Fr

8、iday,history, art, math, noon, geography, P.E, meeting, how many, lesson, subject, draw, learn3Aquestion,Australia,easy,interesting,difficult,boring3Banswer, joke,funny,interest,everyday,science,useful,hard,wish3Cwash, restaurant3Dsubway1A理 解worm1Breporter,Net Bar, roller skating1Cmeasure1Ddining ha

9、ll,dormitory2Abookstore,workbook,project, certainly, lost and found2Bposter, collection2Cpartner, happily2Dtimetable, biology, politics, outdoor3Aeditor, column, writer3Cnovel3D语言知识类别内 容语法1. 一般现在时(Simple present)2. 频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always,once,twice3. 现在

10、进行时(Present continuous)Im looking for a book.Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am./No, Im not.Is he/she.? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.What are you doing now? Im playing computer games.What is he/she doing? He/She is.功能和话题1. 论交通方式(Talking about means of transport)How do you usually go to school

11、? I usually go to school by bike.2. 采访(Interviews)Our guest today is Michael from Class 2, Grade 1.3. 谈论日常生活(Talking about routines)4. 学校建筑(School buildings)swimming pool, playground, library, dormitory, lab, canteen, gym5. 谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests, likes and dislikes)I like the swimming pool

12、best. Why do you like English? Because its interesting and easy.6. 借物(Borrowing things)How long can I keep it? Two weeks.7. 新闻(News)、海报(Poster)Attention, please! Here is the news.8. 谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Talking about school activities, subjects and timetable)9. 谈论学校生活(Talking about school life)Topic 1Secti

13、on AThe main activities are 1 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1 and 3a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1)Talk about means of transport:on foot, by bus, by car, by bike, by plane/air/airplane, by train, by subway, by boat/ship/sea(2)Learn adverbs of frequency:usually, always2. Learn the simple present tense:How do

14、you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bike.3.Talk about how to go to school:Do you often come to school by bike?Yes, I do.How do you usually come to school?I usually come to school by subway.I always come to school by bus.Teaching aids 教具关于交通工具的玩具/教学图片/简笔画/课件(任老师挑选).Fivefinger Teaching

15、Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.(师生互动复习旧问候语。)T: Good morning, class.Ss:Good morning, Miss.Mr. .T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. Im very glad to see you again.Ss:Me, too.(找一学生协助呈现新问候语“新年好”的答语。)T: Happy New Year! 新年好!S: The same to you! 新年好!(板书如下:) Happy New Year! 新年好!The same to yo

16、u! 新年好!(全班分两大组,先按左右分组,然后男女分组互相用上面的对话打招呼。)T: Boys and girls. Happy New Year!Ss:The same to you!Group A: Happy New Year!Group B: The Same to you!Boys:Happy New Year, girls!Girls:The same to you!(重新分两大组。)Group A: Happy New Year!Group B: The same to you!2.(复习上学期的时间表达法,导入本课重点:交通工具的使用。)T: What time is it?

17、 Whats the time?Oh, its seven oclock. Its time to go to school.I usually go to school by bikebussubway.(板书所有的交通工具的名词,把玩具拿出来或把教学图片挂在黑板上,或用简笔画画出几种交通工具来。)by bus by caron footby bikeby boatby plane/air/airplane其它的:by trainsubwayundergroundshipI usually go to school by bikebuscar.(从而引出本课重点句型,并板书在黑板上。)A:H

18、ow do you usually go to school?B:I usually go to school on foot.(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1. (教师指导两人一组表演,复习原来对话,从而引出对话1。)A: What time do you wake up?B: I wake up at six.A: How do you usually go to school?B: By bike.T: Do you know what time Kangkang gets up? Lets learn 1.2.(设置并板书听力任务,

19、让学生带着任务听录音。)Whats the time?Is it time to get up?Who wakes Kangkang up?How does Kangkang go to school today?(听录音,回答问题。)T:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.wake up650get upearlyfirst dayby bike(将关键词写在黑板上,呈现出1。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1.(老师放录音1,示范让学生跟读,用铅笔标重读与语调。)T:Follow the tape a

20、nd draw “up and down” with your pencil like this.2.(老师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。)T:Rub them clean and read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence.Go!3.(人机对话,即学生和录音机对话。)T: You are mother, listen to Kangkang and make a dialog with him.4.(看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,学生两人一组表演,不能看书,只能看关键词对话。)T: Wo

21、rk in pairs. Close your book, look at the blackboard and act the dialog out. Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)1.(用图片或多媒体课件教交通工具,学生学习2。)(方案a。)T: Look at the pictures. Say the phrases. (老师指导学生说。)S: on foot/by bus/by car/by bike/by plane.T: What time is it? Its six oclock. Its time to wake up.(然后两人一组练习下表方

22、框内容和巩固新句型:一人做使用交通工具的动作,另一人猜并看黑板造句。然后交换角色。这样做可以鼓励学生进行合作学习,人人课堂机会均等,提高课堂效率。完成2。)人 名by bikeby busby planeon footKangkangMariaMichaelJaneA:Today is the first day of the new term.B:Kangkang usually goes to school by bike.A:Today is.B:Maria. (方案b。)(利用多媒体课件,让学生听声音,猜交通工具。)T: Listen to the sounds, please gue

23、ss.Ss: .T: OK! Look at the pictures in 2, read and match.2.(让学生完成3a。)T: Jane meets Kangkang and Sally. Listen and answer, how do Kangkang and Sally come to school?(让学生回答问题并看关键词分角色对话。板书如下。)Kangkangby bike Sallyby subway Janeby bus3.(让学生听,做4。)T: Listen to the tape and match.4.(两人一组表演对话。)T: Work in pai

24、rs. Talk about how to go to school with your partner. Step 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1.(老师再次引用多媒体课件,这次只放flash动画,让学生自己展开想像的翅膀,任意造句子,要用上交通工具的名词。)T: Lets look at the pictures. Are you interested in these lovely pictures? Yes, I know you do. Please make some sentences as you like, and dont forget to u

25、se these means of transport. Are you ready? Go!2.(做5。首先,让学生分四人组做一个调查报告How do you usually go to school?完成5。然后全班集体调查,让几人问How many friends come to school on foot?.每人问一种交通工具,每个学生按人数从多到少列成表格,最后随便抽向大家汇报。)T: Please report your answer to your classmates.S1: In our class, fifteen students go to school by bik

26、e.S2: In our class, twenty students go to school by bus.S3: .3.(弹性课堂,让学生互相猜测对方上学所使用的交通工具。)T: Lets guess. How does your partner go to school? Write it down and then report your answer to your classmates. Who wants to say first?S1: Li Ming usually goes to school by bike. I am right.S2: I am wrong. Liu

27、 Li usually goes to school by bike. I guess she goes to school on foot.4. Homework:(1)(到社会上做调查,看有多少人使用何种交通工具,从多到少一一列表出来。)(2) Write a passage: My Morning (不少于5个句子。)(3) Preview Section B. Write down adverbs of frequency.Section BThe main activities are 1,2 and 3a.本课重点活动是1,2和3a。.Teaching aims and deman

28、ds教学目标1. Learn how to use adverbs of frequency:never, sometimes2. Learn the simple present tense:I always get up at around six oclock.I often go to school by bike. 3. Talk about frequency:(1)How does Maria go home?She sometimes goes home by subway.(2)I seldom walk to school.I never go to school on f

29、oot. Teaching aids 教具录音机/挂图/单词卡片调查表. Fivefinger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. Words competition.(1)A require answer.(必答题。)T: Boys and girls. Lets have words competition as usual. First require answer. Each student two words. Ill give you Chinese meaning, please say them in Engli

30、sh. Row 1, begin!boat, ship, sea, train, plane, air, usually, always, first, term, early, wake, on foot, by plane, the same to, by subway(2)A quick response.(抢答题。)T:Good! Go on our quick response. If you know, you can stand up quickly. OK? Begin!sometimes, never, seldom, weekday, around, bird, catch

31、, walk, ride, park(3)T:Well done, please read them together.2.(利用头脑风暴法,在1分钟内,每组每位同学依次说出一种乘坐的交通工具,看哪组同学说的最多,就获胜。)T: Now I ll give you one minute. Each of you says one kind of transportation. The group that has the most will win.3.(利用链条式发问即每竖排同学一个问,一个回答,接着转身问后面的同学,给每组2分钟,看哪组在规定的时间说的最多,就获胜,问题是:How do y

32、ou usually go to school?)Example:S1: How do you usually go to school?S2: I usually go to school by bike. How do you usually go to school?S3: I usually go to school by bus. How do you usually go to school?S4: .4.(老师根据第3个环节的实际情况,导出1部分的语言功能目标,为下一步过渡做铺垫。)T: Yeah. Now I know some of you go to school by b

33、ike, some of you go to school by bus. But you know I always get up at around six oclock. I often go to school on foot. But sometimes I go to school by bike. I never go to school by bus. Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)(设置听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音,可以降低难度。)T: Listen to the tape of 1 and find out some key words

34、.(再听一遍,找出关键词,为下一步的巩固做铺垫。)around, weekday, bird, catch, worm, seldom, walk, never(板书并英汉对照。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) 1.(1)(老师放录音1,示范让学生跟读,用铅笔标重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape and draw “up or down” with your pencil like this.(2)(老师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调,这样做可以使学生集中注意力,效率更高。)T: Rub them c

35、lean and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go!(3)(人机对话,即学生和录音机对话。这样能提高学生兴趣。)T: You are Michael. Listen to Kangkang and make a dialog with Kangkang.(4)(看第二步,呈现黑板上的关键词,学生两人一问一答,只看黑板上关键词对话。)T: Work in pairs, close your book. Look at the blackboard and act the dialog out.(5)(利用

36、关键词进行造句。)Example:Seldom: I seldom go to school on foot.2.(呈现2的图片,要求学生根据图片的意思,给每个频度副词造句。)T: Look at the table, please make sentences by using these adverbs of frequency.Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1.(呈现3a的图片,通过师生互动,进一步让学生了解和巩固语言知识。)(1)T: Look at the first picture. What does Maria do?S: Maria goes h

37、ome by subway.(通过谈论第2、3、4幅图,可以得到以下几个句子。)Example:Li Xiang goes to school by bike.We go to the park on foot.They go to the zoo by bus.(2)(听录音,要求学生写句子。)T: Listen to the tape and write down on the notebook.Example:Maria sometimes goes home by subway.Li Xiang often goes to school by bike.We usually go to

38、 the park on foot.They always go to the zoo by bus.(3)(核对答案。)T: Now lets check the answers together.(4)(根据以上句子,进行回答。)T: Then please ask and answer. You can do it like this:A: How does Maria go home?B: Maria sometimes goes home by subway. Are you clear? Begin!(5)(呈现句子的同义替换,加深对乘坐交通工具方法的灵活运用。)T: Look a

39、t this sentence again. Maria sometimes goes home by subway.We also say: Maria sometimes takes the subway home.Li Xiang often goes to school by bike.We usually go to the park on foot.They always go to the zoo by bus.But what about. Ask students to do exercises and check the answers.Keys to answers:Li

40、 Xiang often rides a bike to school.We usually walk to the park.They always take the bus to the zoo.(6)(总结归纳乘坐交通工具的用法。)Example:by bike:ride a bikeby plane:fly to.by bus:take a buson foot:walk to.by car: take a carby subway:take the subwayStep 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. Finish 4.T:Make a survey o

41、f your partners and fill in the chart. Then report it to your class.get upwalk to schoolwatch TV inthe eveningdo yourhomeworkplay computergameshelp yourparentsalwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomneverA: Do you often watch TV in the evening?B: No,I dont. I sometimes watch TV. Sometimes I read books.2.(呈

42、现调查表,根据表格内容,写一段话,然后汇报。)go shoppingwatch TVwalk after supperget up earlyIGrandmaGrandpaFatherMotherT: Look at the table, please make a survey. You can fill in the blanks with the adverbs of frequency. For example: seldom, always, sometimes, often.3.(弹性课堂,要求学生背一句谚语。板书。)Proverb.Where there is will, the

43、re is a way.4. Lets chant 5.T: At last lets relax. Lets chant together.(在轻松活泼融洽的气氛中结束这节课。)You go to work by bike.He walks to school with Mike.She comes here by plane.They go there by train.We are busy on weekdays.Lets be early as always.5. Homework:(1)(让学生写一篇有关自己的小短文,用上Section A和 Section B中学过的重点句型。五

44、句话左右。有兴趣,学生们可以课外收集中外古谚语,名人名言。培养他们的自主学习能力和自我构建能力。)(2)(让学生收集有关中美学生学习生活的资料,看他们之间有什么不同,预习1a on page 5。)SectionCThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3.本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。.Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.(1)Learn adverbs of frequency:once, twice(2)Learn other useful words and expressions:guest, life, almost, bicy

45、cle, break, finish, spare, basketball, football,read, story, clean, dance, piano, library, week, listen, music, write, supermarket2.(1)Learn the simple present tense:I usually play computer games.He usually reads story books.Do you often read books in the library?(2)How often do you go to the librar

46、y?Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Seldom.3. Talk about the school activities:play computer games, read story books, clean the house, play soccer, go dancing, play basketball, play the piano, sing songs.Teaching aids教具话筒/图片/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间

47、:10分钟)1.(复习Section B 5 Lets chant,活跃课堂气氛。)T: The whole class, lets chant again.(全班同学边唱边用双手打节拍。)2.(复习上节课的交通工具。)T:How do you usually go to school?S1:I usually go to school on foot.T: How do you usually go to school?S2:I usually go to school by bike.T:.3.(学生在小组里进行链式对话,继续复习交通工具。)S1: How do you often go

48、to school?S2: I often go to school on foot. What about you?S3: I often go to school by bike. How do you usually go to school?S4: .4. (教师引导学生复习频度副词seldom, often, always,从而引出本节课的新词组how often和另几个频度副词once, twice.)T: I always go to library after school.Mr. Zhang doesnt go to library every day, he goes th

49、ere once a week.(板书划线部分,学习新词once,用同样的方法讲解twice。)T:How often do you go to library?(学习how often)S:.(板书划线部分,重点讲解how often的用法。)T: Now, lets use them to make dialogs.(指着黑板上的新词。)5.(邀请一位同学扮演贵宾,老师扮演采访者进行采访,尽可能帮助学生。)T:Now, I am an interviewer. Good morning, everyone! Our guest today is Kangkang from Class 5,

50、 Grade 1. Hello, Kangkang!Kangkang:Hello.T: We want to know something about your school life. How do you usually get to school?Kangkang:I usually walk to school. But sometimes I go to school by bike.T:Where do you have lunch?Kangkang:I usually have lunch at school.T:Do you sometimes eat out in schoo

51、l days?Kangkang:No, I dont.T:Do you have a short break after lunch?Kangkang:Yes, I do./No, I dont.T:What time do the classes finish in the afternoon?Kangkang:At about half past four.T:What do you often do in your spare time?Kangkang:I often play basketball.(老师板书新单词、短语。)interviewer, guest, school lif

52、e, eat out, have a short sleep, finish, in your spare time,basketball6.(让学生扮演采访者,向Kangkang提问题。)T: Now, the other students. Do you have any other questions? You can ask Kangkang.S1: What time do you usually get to school?Kangkang: I usually get to school at about seven oclock.S2: What time do the cla

53、sses begin in the morning?Kangkang: At about twenty to eight.S3: How many lessons do you have every day?Kangkang: I have 7 lessons every day.S4: .7.(采访结束。)T: OK. The interview is over. Thank you, Kangkang. Now, do you want to know about the school life of American students? Listen to the tape carefu

54、lly.Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)(设置并板书听力任务。)T: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.How do American students usually get to school?Where do they eat lunch?Do they have a short break after lunch?What time do the classes finish in the afternoon?What do they often do in their spare time?(听录音,回答问题。)walk or take a yellow school bus.eat out.have a short break.finishclasses.in their spare time(将关键词写在黑板上,呈现1a,向学生讲解中、美学生学校生活的异同。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1.(老


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