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1、看图作文开头:一般过去时(常以天气开头)It was a sunny/rainy/cloudy day!What a bad weather! It was raining heavily.It was fine weatehr, wasntit?One day结尾:一般现在时表扬好人好事,从中学到什么?What a good/ kind/ good/clever/ smart/ brave/ warm-hearted boy/girl!Tom is ,we should lear n from him.From the story, we kno w/lear n that 正文:认真审题看

2、图,看人物的动作表情,搞清事情的来龙去脉。般过去时 为主,兼有 过去进行时 和过去将来时。为人物编上名字,利于描述。用23句话描述每一幅图片(找短语,连词组句)人物的话语最好以间接引语出现合理运用连词 :first, the n, n ext, fin ally, at last / and, so, because, although, as aresult, but, however, alsoIt was a sunny day. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang brought their daughter Lily to the park.Whe n they p assed t

3、he grassla nd, they saw a boy p lay ing with his pet dog happ ily.Lily also liked dogs, so she wan ted to kee p a dog as her p et, too. But people were not allowed to kee p p ets in their ap artme nt and her parents did n was so sad and she cried loudly. Then, her father got a good idea. He bought a

4、 toy dog in the toy shop and sent Lily as a gift. Whe n Lily opened the gift, she was excitedto see her“ pet dog ” . The family were all happy at last.ST*iUfSOIThis day, the stude nts got the paper after the mid-term exam. Tom did well in theexam. He got the full mark. And he showed his paper to Mik

5、e pro udly. At the sametime, Mike was very sad because he did n't pass the exam and he even cried.However, Mike didn ' t give up andecided to catch up with others. He askedhis teacher for hel p. After class, while Mike was study ing hard ,Tom left school early.Whe n Tom was watchi ng TV at h

6、ome, Mike was study ing for the n ext test. At last,Mike got full mark in the en d-of-year exam but Tom failed. It was Tom who cried thistime.小J5I7八Li 1抵pgr V *What a bad weather! It was raining hard all the time!A boy was on his way to school whe n he met an old man walki ng alone without umbrellas

7、 in the rain. The boy wan ted to help the old man and ran up to him quickly.He borrowed the old man ' s stick and tied it with his own umbrella. So he could share the umbrella with the old man. They walked together and were both quite happy.I thi nk we should lear n from the boy. Because hel pin

8、g others can make us happy.人民医院*It was a sunny day during last summer vacation. Ming practiced speakingEn glish the whole morning. In the after noon, he went to take piano less ons. The n his father took him to the art school to learn painting. Ming didn ' t have a rest until the eve ning. Unfortun ately, he was so stressed out that he felt terrible. His parents sent him to hos pital. And the doctor said Ming had a bad fever and should lie dow n and rest.Now parents always try to fit as much as po ssible in to their childre nlives.However, childre n should n eed time to relax themselves


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