



1、Unit4 What can you smell and taste?First p eriod一、主要新授内容(new contents)New words: bli nd, hamburgerP hrases: cannotP attern: What ca nsmell?Close/ Have 一、学习目标(Objectives)掌握两个单词的语音、语义和拼写 能正确使用祈使句。能理解have在句中表达的意思能用can句型表达某人的能力,借用blind这个单词培养学生乐于助人,帮助 残疾人的思想。二、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation

2、section )Activity 1(daily talk)1、教学辅助(Aids)2、活动过程(P rocess)Ste psCon te ntsMethodsPurposeAsk and an swer What can you do with your ?T : What can you do with your ?Pup ils in troduce themselves.学生通过介绍自 己引入本课内 容。Activity 2 (Revisi on the words)1、教学辅助(Aids)2 .活动过程(P rocess)Ste psCon te ntsMethodsPurpos

3、e1Ask and an swer Can you ?T: Can you see( touch, feel, smell, taster)?What can you see?.How does it feel?复习有关感官的 单词,通过问答 帮助学生复习掌 握句型。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section ) Activity 1(In troductio n of the new words)1、教学辅助(Aids)图片,实物2、活动过程(P rocess)StepsContentsMethodsPurp osebli nd cannot1. T: C

4、lose your eyes, childre n. Can you see?(No)Game: Draw a happy face on the blackboard.(Close the eyes)2. ( Show pictures)Look, this is Ben sriend, he cannot see. He s blind. Pup ils follow.cannotbli ndT: Can you see? Are bli nd?2. Ask and an swerT: What ca n David do?What can t David do?通过简短的游戏 体验、借助

5、人物 图片及简单的语 句使学生理解单 词blind的含义。you通过问答加深对 盲人的了解。fruit sho p cake shop flower sho p hamburger McDo nalds学生通过闻这个 动作引入单词, 同时也根据学生 的生活常识引入s地点。1. T: Close you eyes. Smell it. What is it?Read the word: hamburger T: Where can you buy it?Read the word: McDo nald2. Smell the cakes, fruit, flower.T: What can yo

6、u smell? Where can you buy them?Activity 2 ( P attern lear ning)1、教学辅助(Aids)实物,2、活动过程(P rocess)Ste psCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1What can you smell ? I can smell .T: What can you smell? Ps an swer.P ractice in p airs.利用实物进行问 答,通过反复操 练帮助学生掌握 句型,而学生又 不会觉得枯燥乏 味。2.T:Whatcan smell?S:He/She cansmell 1. T: S1

7、, what ca n you smell?S1: I ca n smellT: What can S1 smell?S2: He/She can smell 2. Show some picturesP air work通过问答的方式 让学生掌握第三 人称单数的问答 句利用图片进行机 械操练,加深对 句型的熟练Activity 3 (Ben s frien)1、教学辅助(Aids)实物,多媒体2、活动过程(P rocess)Ste psCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Ben s frie ndListe n to the tape.Ask and answer: What

8、can David. smell?Read after the tape.熟悉课文内容, 利用问答进行听 力操练。2Describethepi cturesaboutDavidThis is David. He cannot see. He is blind.He can. Hecan. But he can t He can smell oranges I in a fruit sho p.通过对图片的描 述操练第三人称 单数的表达方式3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section ) Activity 1( Game)1、教学辅助(Aids)实物2、活动过程(P

9、 rocess)Ste psCon te ntsMethodsPurpose1Guess ing gamePlay a game: Who has the best no se?S1: Close your eyes. What can you smell?S2: I can smell a(T) S2: Yes. Have some(F) S2: Sorry, it isn分小组利用实物 进行闻一闻的游 戏,学生很感兴 趣。在同学猜对后使 -用祈使句请同学 :品尝Activity 2( describing food)1、教学辅助(Aids) 实物2、活动过程(Process)Ste psCo


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