



1、必修三Unit 7The sea .完形填空Two weeks ago,my son came home from nursery school with a splinter( 刺 )in his palm.It was so _1_ that I wasn't sure if it was really there.“ It's there ,” my wife said.She'd _2_ to pull it out before I'd come home but didn't _3_ and hurthim terribly.My son h

2、ad shouted and cried and _4_ had poured down his face.When I looked at it ,I saw a small area of swelling around a tiny black dot.“ Let's _5_ until tomorrow to let the swelling go down ,” I said.So we did.The next morning ,however, _6_ it was somewhat reduced ,the area was still swollen.So we be

3、gan discussing the _7_ topull it out , or it would get worse.“ No !” my son exclaimed.We looked at one another _8_ For a while , we didn't know what todo.We tried _9_ with him.He wouldn't give in.Then we _10_ him a special treat:a lollipop( 棒棒糖 )Timidly( 胆怯地 ), he _11_ his palm to me.I squee

4、zed his palm around the splinter and my sonshouted in pain and ran away.Then more minutes of attempting to _12_ him to give me his hand did no good.So against his _13_, as gently as I could, I pinned his palm and pulled the splinter out.“ We got it !” I exclaimed. “ We got it !” He stopped crying. A

5、(n) _14_ appeared at the corners ofhis mouth.He was _15_ that the splinter was gone.We _16_ by giving him not one but three lollipops. The _17_ of pulling the splinter out got me thinking.This was one of my son's earliest introductions to the _18_ that sometimes pain is actually necessary.I _19_

6、 my son that when pain is necessary wemust face it _20_ For example , we have to go through the pain of shots in order to get rid of flu.【语篇解读】作者从给儿子拔刺的经历认识到,有时候痛苦是在所难免的,如果必须面对痛苦,就要勇敢地面对.1 A.obvious B small C strange D serious答案B 根据句中 I wasn't sure if it was really there可推断,刺很小 .2 A. seemed B af

7、forded C continued D tried答案D 根据句中 hurt him terribly可推断,作者的妻子尝试拔过刺.3 A.dareB insistC succeedD promise答案C 根据下文可知,妻子尝试拔刺,可惜没有成功.4 A.tearsB dirtC blood D wind答案A 根据句中My son had shouted and cried 可推断,儿子疼得眼泪都流下来了.· 1·5 A.sit B wait Csleep D keep答案B 根据下文中 So we did.The next morning. 可知,他们要等到第二天再

8、拔刺.6 A.sinceB if Cuntil D though答案D 此处表示让步关系,用 though.7 A.result Bneed C time D cost答案B 根据句中 or it would get worse可知,他们认为有必要把刺拔出来.8 A.carefully B hardly C helplesslyD painfully答案C 根据后句中 we didn't know what to do 可知,他们很无助 .9 A.reasoningB sharingC stayingD walking答案A 根据后句 He wouldn't give in 可

9、知,他们在跟儿子讲道理 .10 A.sent B cancelled Cpromised D lent答案C 根据后文可知,他们承诺给儿子一个棒棒糖.11A.reduced B pushed C devoted D handed答案D 根据后句中 I squeezed his palm 可知,儿子把手掌给作者了.12 A.order B persuade C help D allow答案B 根据前句中 ran away 可知,作者需要再次说服儿子把手掌给她.13 A.willB interestC expectation D imagination答案A 根据前句中 did no good 可

10、知,说服无效,作者只好不顾儿子的意愿.14 A.change B emotion C smile D problem答案C 根据前句 He stopped crying 可推断,儿子开始笑了.15 A.afraid B sure C sorry D happy答案D 根据句中 the splinter was gone 可推断,儿子很高兴.16 A.celebratedB playedC preparedD examined答案A 根据句中giving him not one but three lollipops可知,全家人庆祝了一下.17 A.operationB processC per

11、formanceD method· 2·答案B 根据后句中This was one of my son's earliest introductions 可推断,这里指拔刺的过程 .18 A.belief B ideaCreligionD fact答案D 句中提到的sometimes pain is actually necessary 是一个事实 .19 A.warn B teachC ensure D comfort答案B 根据 that 后面的内容可知,这是作者在教育儿子.20 A.suddenly B formally Cbravely D quickly答

12、案C 根据句中 must 可推断,作者教育儿子要勇敢面对. .阅读理解体裁题材词数难度建议用时记叙文动物保护3847 分钟The summer of 2011 has been a great year for sea turtles( 海龟 )along the coast of Northand SouthCarolina.The Department ofNatural Resources have reported 3, 889 nests have been spotted inSouthCarolina alone, with thousands more in North Car

13、olina.My sister in law isa Loggerhead( 红海龟 )fan and spends manyhours patrollingtheturtlenests.Many nights , she andher fellow turtle patrol volunteers spend timelocating and protecting thenests.Her greatest joy is watching the baby turtles hatch and move safely to the sea.On their journey, thebabies

14、 meet many barriers in their path ,such as hungry crabs and birds or holes dug in the sand.Lights from beach houses also disturb the baby Loggerheads' trip to the sea.It is a known fact that the turtle babies are attracted to light and sometimes go the wrong way , away from the shore.My sister i

15、n law will actually stand in the shallow water , with a flashlight , to help the baby Loggerheads go in the right direction.The adult female will move from the ocean about 3 to 6 times per season and deposit her eggs in thesand.She picks a spot,usually near the dunes(沙丘 )and digs a hole with her hin

16、d feet.Then she deposits 100to 125 golf ball sized eggs in the sand.Finally she travels back to the ocean, as her job is done.If you everare walking on the beach and see large tire tracks coming from the surf , you might be viewing Loggerhead tracks!Besides helping the turtle hatchings , the turtle

17、patrols protect the nests with ropes and signs to warnpeople to leave the nests alone.There is a fine for disturbing sea turtles or their nests.The Loggerhead is protected under the US Federal Endangered Species Act.The nesting season usually ends in mid August , but due to an increase in turtle act

18、ivity , the season may last until early October.Experts don't know why there have been more nests this year,but volunteers think it has to do with their dedication to the sea turtles.When my sister in law talks about the turtle babies , a special light shines in her eyes.She gets a warm feeling

19、protecting the Loggerhead babies.All the time spent is worth the happy results.【语篇解读】作者妻子的妹妹是一位保护海龟的志愿者,这些志愿者为刚出生的小海龟指引去大海的方向,并负责保护海龟栖息地.1 What does the author's sister in law stand in the shallow water for?· 3·A To watch how the baby Loggerheads hatch.B To watch the baby Loggerheads m

20、ove on the beach.C To help the baby Loggerheads move towards the sea.D To stop crabs and birds from hurting the baby Loggerheads.答案C细节理解题 .根据第二段My sister in law will actually stand in the shallow water,witha flashlight , to help the baby Loggerheads go in the right direction可知,答案为C.2 According to th

21、e author , the adult female turtle _ A hides her eggs in her nest along the seasideB puts her eggs in a sand hole far away from the seaC lays her eggs on the sand dunes near the seaD buries her eggs in the sand near the sand dunes答案D 细节理解题 .根据第三段She picks a spot,usually near the dunes and digs a hol

22、e with herhind feet.Then she deposits 100 to 125 golf ball sized eggs in the sand 可知,答案为D.3 What do we know from the passage?A The footprints of Loggerheads are hard to find.B An adult female turtle lays 100 to 125 eggs at a time.C People who disturb turtles will be fined.D The nesting season usuall

23、y lasts till early October.答案C 细节理解题 .根据第四段There is a fine for disturbing sea turtles or their nests 可知,答案为 C.4 How does the author's sister in law feel about protecting the Loggerhead babies?A Proud.B Ordinary.C Dull.D Sad.答案A 推理判断题 .根据末段 . a special lightshines in her eyes.She gets a warm feel

24、ingprotecting the Loggerhead babies 可推断,答案为A. .书面表达假如你是李华,2015 年春节你的加拿大朋友David 在中国过新年,体验中国文化.他在微博上说给他印象最深的除了中国丰富的民俗文化,就是餐桌上的浪费现象.请你用英语写一封回复邮件,内容包括:1对 David 表示问候;2你对餐桌上浪费现象的认识;3关于拒绝舌尖上的浪费,你自己的具体行动.注意: 1.词数 100 左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.Dear David ,· 4·_Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear_David ,How have you been recently ? I'm glad to know that you spent the Spring Festival in China, and


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