1、tiSRR365.COM为您提供初中英语教学资源WWWfTMJi COM星沙英语网www.RR365comtiSRR365.COM为您提供初中英语教学资源WWWfTMJi COMThe Third PeriodI. Teach ing Aims and Dema nds1. Kno wledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularytouristy, spotlight" Singapore, beautiful, heavy, private, downtown, get around. Pack, light(2) Target Lan guageWhere wou
2、ld you like to go, Kathy?I ' d like to visit Kunmig.2. Ability Objects(1) Train stude nts' readi ng skill.(2) Train stude nts' skill of com muni cati on.3. Moral ObjectShare your experienee on travelling in a city with your classmates and tell them what they should bring if they decide t
3、o visit it.n. Teach ing Key Points1. Guide stude nts to read the passage in Activity 3a.2. The new vocabulary川.Teachi ng Difficult PointHelp stude nts to talk to their part ners about the cities they know.IV. Teach ing Methods1. Teachi ng by illu min ati on.2. Teachi ng by ask ing questi ons.V. Teac
4、h ing Aids1. A projector2. A video tape on sin gapore or some photos, some photos of Dalia nW. Teach ing ProceduresStep I Revisiondike1. Revise the target Ian guage they lear ned last class by ask ing Where would you like to go on vacation ? Get several children to answer I ' to because 2. Check
5、 the homework by ask ing some childre n to read the conv ersati ons they wrote to the class.Step n 3aThis activity provides readi ng practice using the target Ian guage.At first in troduce the key vocabulary words. Show the key vocabulary words on the scree n by a projector.touristy adj 游客很多的;游客常去的;
6、适合游览的 spotlight n .公共注意中心Singapore n .新加坡 botanical adj .植物的;植物学的 heavy adJ .大量的;多的 private adj .私人的;私有的 down tow n n .(城镇的)商业区;中心区 get around观光;到处走动 pack v.把打包;把装箱light adj .轻的Teach stude nts to read the vocabulary several times un til they can read them out easily and correctly.Read the passage qu
7、ickly and try to an swer the questio ns on the blackboard.Write these questi ons on the blackboard:1. What do esn' t Singapore have?2. What does Sin gapore have?3. Is Sin gapore also a won derful place for shopp ing?4. What don ' t you plan on doing in singapore? why?5. What is easiest to do
8、 in Sin gapore?6. What is suggested to bring if you decide to go there? Why?A few minutes later(maybe two or three minutes), ask different students to an swer the questio ns.Play the video tape of Sin gapore for stude nts or show them some pictures.Next, read the in structi ons to stude nts.Say, Wha
9、t things do you like about visitingSingapore and what things don ' t youlike? Read the passage aga in. Circle the thi ngs you like about visit ing Sin gapore and underline the things you don' t like.Get them to finish the activity on their own.Check the an swers.Possible an swers may in clud
10、eCircled:there are many things to doit has a very large zoo, a beautiful botanical garden and lots of museums. It is also a wonderful place to go shopp ing.Underlined: Singapore is a small city It doesn' thave any beaches or mountains Don ' t plan on driving in Singapore traffic is heavy mos
11、t private cars are not allowed in dow ntow nSin gapore. Sin gapore is very hot all year round.星沙英语网www.RR365comRR365.COM为您提供初中英语教学资源WWWfTMJi COMStep 川 3bThis activity provides readi ng, liste ning and speak ing practice using the target Ian guage.Read the instructions to students. Make sure that the
12、y know what to do. Ask two students to read the sample conversation on the left in Activity 3b, Sa: Where would you like to go, Kathy?Sb: I ' d like to visit Kunming.Sa: Isn ' t it supposed to be very hot?Sb: Yes, it is. But it so beautOlul, and it has lots of interesting museums.Note to cor
13、rect any pronun ciati on errors to make sure the stude nts are provid ing a good model for the rest of the class.Ask another pair to model a conversation with the first group of words on the right, the words in the first line. Listen to them carefully with the whole class to see if they can put the
14、words in the proper places. Then let the whole class practice in pairs. Each pair should make up four conversations with the information on the right. Walk around the classroom as the students are working. Listen to some pairs and see if they have met any problems. Offer some help as n eeded. After
15、all the stude nts have fini shed practic ing, ask some more pairs to share their conv ersati ons with their classmates.Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing and speaking practice using the target Ian guage.Read the in structi ons to the childre n.Make sure that they un dersta nd it.S
16、ay, First think of a city you know, every on e. I think of Dalia n. What about you?Ask several ones to tell the names of the cities they' ve thought of.Then say, Please write down the name of the city you' ve thought of on the lineabove city n ame in the chart.After that, show some photos of
17、 Dalia n to the stude nts around the room. Then continue say ing, Dalia n is a very beautiful city with won derful beaches. It has very long coast. It also has quite a few big and nice parks. Some are n ear the sea and some are no t. I like the big museum of differe nt kinds of sea ani mals, too. Wh
18、at abo ut you? What do you like about the cities you' ve written in yourbook?Ask two or three to say someth ing about their cities.Then say, Now please fill in the left box with the things you like about the city.I ' ll write mine on the blackboard, you can use i t as a sample. Write the sam
19、ple on the blackboard, and students write out theirs. Walk around the classroom and direct them to write.After all of them have finished, go on with the third step.Now talk to your partner about the things you don' t like.Afte r they finish talking, go on saying something I don' t like about
20、 Dalian to theiFor example, The things in Dalia n are too expe nsive.They are for the rich. And there are too many cars running on the streets. Itvery hard for people to cross a street.Can you say something you don ' t like about your cities?Ask some to say something on that to the class. Then t
21、ell them to fill in the boxfor things you don' t like. Let them talk to their partners about it.Sample an swerDalia nThings you like1. won derful beaches2. l ong coast3. big and nice parks4. big museum of differe nt kinds of sea ani malsThings you don ' t like1. thi ngs are too expe nsive2.
22、too many cars running in the streetsStep 距 SummaryIn this class, we ' ve learned something about Singapore, and we' ve talked aboisome other places all over the world.We ve done a lot of liste ning, speak in g, read ing and writ ing practice using the target la nguage.Step VD Homework1. Write a short passage on the city
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