



1、.九年级定语从句教学法定语从句是九年级语法教学中的难点,如何把复杂的语法转化为浅显的知识,让学生一学就会,下面结合教学实践,谈一谈自己的具体教法。     一、明确概念     定语从句是修饰某一名词或代词的从句、被修饰的名词或代词叫做定语从句的先行词。我用a big table, a young boy, hard wall等短语中的big ,young, hard分别作为名词table, boy, wall的定语,阐述定语是用来修饰或限制名词或代词的,将其去掉后短语同样完整,加上它却能增加表达效果,使之大增色彩

2、。同样,将定语从句去掉,主句依然完整。当学生明白定语从句相当于形容词做定语后,即可进行如下练习: 将下题的两个简单句合并成一个复合句,并使句意保持不变:Mary likes the music. The music is quiet and gentle.首先,我让学生找出两个简单句中相同的词或短语,它就是先行词。显然,本句的先行词就是the music.其次,找出主句Mary likes the music.第三,加上中心词the music的定语,该句就合并成Mary likes the music that/which is quiet and gentle.最后,教会学生检验正误。当我

3、们把从句that/which is quiet and gentle.删去后,句子即为Mary likes the music.正好与主句完全一致,从而可知该句Mary likes the music that/which is quiet and gentle.是正确的。     二、顺水推舟     学生此刻会想:“当我们找到先行词后,怎么选择定语从句的连词?”我抓住学生的迫切需要,做出如下归纳:     1、当先行词是人时,连词用who(做从句的主语)、whom(做从句

4、的宾语);也可用that(做从句的主语或宾语);例如:1She is the woman who/that teaches us English.做从句的主语2This is the boy whom/that we talked to just now.做从句的宾语,可以省略         2、当先行词是物时,连词用that 或which(均可做从句的主语或宾语);例如:1Its a book that/which introduces China in detail.做从句的主语2This is t

5、he dog that/which we wanted to find yesterday.做从句的宾语,可以省略      3、当先行词表示所属关系时,不管他是人还是物,连词都用whose做从句的定语;例如:1This is the house whose windows face to south.做从句的定语,先行词是物2He is the boy whose mother is a bus driver.做从句的定语,先行词是人     4、当先行词表示时间时,连词用when做从句的时间状语;表示

6、地点时,连词用where做从句的地点状语;表示原因时,连词用why做从句的原因状语;表示比较时,连词用as做从句的比较状语例如:1I will never forget the day when we first met in a park.做从句的时间状语2My favorite city is Beijing where I can visit the Great Wall.做从句的地点状语3This is the reason why you should leave.做从句的原因状语     三、乘胜追击   

7、60; 讲到此处,学生最急于想知道的就是怎样区别连词that,which,who的用法,于是,我就介绍它们的用法区别如下:     1、只用that的情况:    1Is there anything that I can do for you?当先行词是不定代词或被不定代词all,much,everything,none,other,the other等修饰时,连词只能用that    2The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest.当先

8、行词被only,very,just,last,one of ,no,little,few,any等词修饰时连词只能用that   3He was the first person that passed the exam.(当先行词被序数词first,second等修饰时连词只能用that)    4This is the best way that can solve the problem.当先行词被最高级修饰时连词只能用that    5The film star and her film that

9、 you have just talked about is really well-known. 当先行词既有人又有物时连词只能用that    (6)He brought two cats yesterday. Now I can see the two that are playing in the garden.当先行词是基数词时连词只能用that)    7He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

10、0;当前一个连词用which,后一个连词只能用that,避免重复 8There is a book on the desk that belongs to Frank.There be句型中先行词指物时连词只能用that     2、只用which的情况:    (1)This is the house of which the windows face south.当先行词指物时,which能与介词连用而that不能    (2)Tom came back, which made us hap

11、py.(which引导非限定性定语从句指事/物而that不能)    (3)Whats that which was put in the car?当先行词是that/those时连词只能用which    4Let me show you the novel that I borrow from the library which was newly open to us.当前一个连词用that,后一个连词只能用which,避免重复     3、只能用who的情况:    (1)Anyone who does that must be mad.当先行词是指人的不定代词时,连词只能用who    (2)There is a young man who wants to see you.(There be句型中先行词指人,连词只能用who)    (3)I met a friend of mine in the park yesterday who had got three gold medals in the Oiympic Games.当先


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