



1、Teachi ng pla nTitle8A Unit 4 Readi ng 1Teach ing aimsBy the end of this less on, stude nts are expected to be able to:Aimsofkno wledge1. know the meanings of the new expressi ons such asbe crazy about, terrible, make a mistake, have a powe cut, fill.with,not only but also 2. get a good un dersta nd

2、ing of the stories about DIYAimsofabilities1. get the useful information with the reading skills.2. use the time expressi ons to join the facts together.3. make playlets and retell the DIY stories in the articlAimsofemoti on1. enjoy the fun of DIY.2. try to un dersta nd the say ingNo pain, no gain.I

3、mporta nt&difficult poi ntsEnable students to get the useful information with different reading skills.En able stude nts to act out the stories of An drew.Teach ing &Lear ning strategyTask-based and problem-based teach ing approaches. Cooperative and aut onom ous lear ning srategies.Teachi n

4、g proceduresPurposesStep One Warm-up (3 ')Ask stude nts to have a free talk in class:1. What does DIY sta nd for?2. Do you like DIY?3. What do you often do?Step Two Lead in g-i n (2')In troduce An drew and he is crazy about DIYPrese nt and teac the new word crazy.Step Three Skimming (3')

5、Ask Ss to read the article silently and quickly, then answer th questio ns:1. What does An drew love to do?2. How does the house always look whe n he fini shes?Step Four Scanning (2')Free talk helps lead into the new less on and arouse stude nts in terest.Lead in the new h less on and teach then

6、ew word.Skim the article and 、get the main idea ofthis article.Scan the article and outline the structure withthetimeAsk Ss to sean the article and find out the time expressions to talk about An drew did his DIYs.Step Five Detailed reading (20')Task 1: Read and fillAsk students to read the artic

7、le again and think about the questio n What jobs did An drew do? Then use the in formati on to fill in the bla nks.1 What jobs did Andrew do?put in aj! Once ;豊黑譽! T _crazyWhen I wanted 直 b shlf aboveLast i month :1 my bed /"paintthe livinqput up a shelfroom blueThin ki ng: How does An drew like

8、 DIY? Crazy.Task 2: Read and finishAsk stude nts to read and an sweW/hat happe ned whe n he didDIY? How does the house look? The n fin ish the sen ten ces.When putti ng in a brighter light,When putti ng up a picture,Thinking: What do you think of An drew?When putti ng in a brighter light,Thinking: W

9、hat will his mum say and do?Whe n putti ng up a shelf,Thinking: What does Suzy think of An drew?Task 3: Discuss in groupsAsk stude nts to discuss in groups:expressi ons.Train their different readi ng abilities to get specific information in the article.En courage stude nts to go over the article and

10、 have fun making interesting dialogue, then act out to improve their in terest.Why did An drew make so many mistakes?What should he do?Task 4: Read and an swerAsk students to read the last paragraph and answer the questio ns:What did Suzy do to help him?How did An drew feel? Why?Step Six Post reading (15')1. Make up four dialogues to create the playlets in pairs.2. Ask stude nts to act out in pairs.Think


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