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1、UnitUnit 9 9 DreamsDreams andand AmbitionsAmbitionsPartPart A AListeningListening StrategyStrategyDrawingDrawing InferencesInferencesThe ability to draw correct inferences from what we have heard is an important skill in listening comprehension because sometimesa speaker does not state directly what

2、 he / she intends to say but implies it instead. A speaker s attitude towards whas h he discusses,in particular, often has to be inferred from the hints he / she has dropped. So we must learn to synthesize all these hints so as to geta complete picture about what is being discussed. In addition, we

3、can rely on the speaker s choice words to help us: the use of words ofpositive, negative or neutral meaning can indicate a positive, negative or neutral attitude respectively.Listen to the following story and do the multiple-choice exercise below.1. We can learn from the passage that Jane.a. wanted

4、to travel because she led an uncomfortable lifeb. used to live a comfortable life but it wasn t the lme of her dreac. didn t want to change her lifestyle until she reached 35d. all of sudden, wanted to see the world, though she lived quite a good life2. We can infer from the passage that Jane.a. lik

5、ed Africa more than Europe and Indiab. had never had any boyfriends before she met Johnc. fancied an adventurous life as a teenagerd. realized that London was the best place to live in the world3. The speaker s attitude towards Jandecision to pursue her dream is.a. criticalb.neutral c. negative d. p

6、ositiveScript:Two years ago, Jane had a well- paid job, and an active social life. But it wasn t the life she had dreamed of as a teenager. At 35,she thought life was passing her by and she decided to change things. She had always wanted to travel round the world, so she gave up herjob and set off t

7、o follow her dream.The journey took her through Europe and Africa. And it was in Tanzania that she met John, an American who taught in a school there.John was like no other man that she had ever met, and she fell madly in love with him. After two romantic weeks together, Jane continuedher journey to

8、 India, but then she decided to fly back to Africa.Six weeks later, Jane and John were married. Now they live in London. Jane was very happy that she made that decision to follow herdream. But for that she wouldn have met so many wonderful people, or seen so many interesting places. Most of all, she

9、 wouldneman t have met thof her dreams.PartPart B BPre-listeningPre-listening TaskTaskQuestionsQuestions forfor DiscussionDiscussionYou are going to talk about your dreams and the realization of them. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner.1. What did you dream of becoming w

10、hen you were a little child?2. What is your big dream at present? What do you want most in life?3. How great are the chances that you can realize this dream?4. What are you going to do to make this dream come true?5. What do you think is the most important factor in realizing one s dreams?6. Are opp

11、ortunities important to the realization of one s dream?Demo:5. What do you think is the most im portant factor in realizing one s dreams?I think among many factors, the most important one is determination. Y ou have to be able to follow your dreams regardless of any obstacles.If you have a sound eno

12、ugh reason why you are doing something, you will be more determined in accomplishing it. Great determination canhelp you face tough situations with courage and perseverance. It makes you move along the path youve chosen no matter what stands in yourway. No dreams can ever be realized without determi

13、nation.AdditionalAdditional QuestionQuestion forfor DiscussionDiscussionWhat does the expression “the American Dream mean?Demo:We often hear about the American Dream. We know that Americans value the ability to start with a dream and then realize that dream throughone guessntheforme lican Dreamwould

14、 mean different things to different people. However, in most cases, the dream would be associated with success in one sfe or career.It can be the better quality of life or a notable achievement. The efforts towards that end may include an education to improve oneself orhard work to earn money . In a

15、 wo rd, the American Dream is a person s laopieve a good life in America.LanguageLanguage FocusFocusHere are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions.When I was young, I wished to become a world-famous scientist / great novelist / poet / astronaut /

16、movie star / pop singer At present, I wish to find a job I dreamed of / I m really interested in / related to my major /offering a handsome salary.I wish I can take / acquire / obtain / receive a master/ PhD. s degreeWhat I want most in life is someone that really cares for me / a house of my own /

17、a good jobI want to devote my life to changing my home town into a prosperous one / taking care of orphans and homeless children / setting upmy own business.I never doubt / have little hope that my dream will come true some day.My chances of becoming a are very good / quite slim.Im afraid I don t st

18、and much chance of becoming a Perseverance is most important if you want to make your dreams come true.Where theres a will, there s a way.The hardest thing is to keep pursuing ones dream in spite of difficulties.In pursuing a dream, one must keep a balance between one s strong wish for the dream toc

19、ome true and the realities of one s abilitiesancescircumI think it is wise to be realistic / not to aim at something that is beyond you.Talent and a bit of luck are all you need to realize your dreams.Talent alone is not enough; you must be quick to seize the opportunities available to you.Opportuni

20、ties favor a prepared mind.ListeningListening TasksTasksLarryLarry ss DreamDreamWordWord BankBankdashv.to destroy使破灭practicallyad.almost差小多niln.zero零basica.of a primary level起码的,最根本的generousa.willing to give more than one expected慷慨的tipn.a small amount of money given for a service provided小费,赏钱fasci

21、natea.to attract the strong attention and interest of sb.吸弓1,迷住abrupta.sudden and unexpected突然的,出其小总的would-bea.wanting to do a particular thing想要做 的scribblev.to write in a hurry潦草地书写keep body and soul togetherto have just enough money, food, etc., to liveon勉强维持生活Script:Larry had always wanted to bec

22、ome a movie star. His hopes for success were dashed again and again, however. Hollywood just did not seeminterested. But Larry refused to admit that his chances of getting into movies were practically nil. Someday, he told himself, his big opportunitywould come.To keep body and soul together, Larry

23、found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood s big restaurants. The pay was basic but sincethe guests were quite generous with their tips, he managed to make a living.One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard t

24、hatthe man was making a new picture.Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out and ran over to the director.Excuse me, sir, but I think it s only fair to tell you that its now or never if you want me in your new picture. A lot of big comp

25、aniesare after me. Fascinated by Larrys abrupt statement, the director stopped. Yes? Which companies? Well,“ replied the would-be star, theres thetelephone company, the gas company, and the electric company, to mention only a few.The director laughed, then scribbled something on a card and handed it

26、 to the young man. Come and see me tomorrow.Larry got a small part in the director s next film. He was on his way!LanguageLanguage andand CultureCulture NotesNotes1. HollywoodHollywoodcenter of American film industry located in the northwest part of Los Angeles, California2. HollywoodHollywood justj

27、ust diddid notnot seemseem erested.Directors at Hollywood did not want him to act in their movies.3. hehe foundfound a a jobjob parkingparking carscars forfor oneone ofof HollywoodHollywood bigbig restaurantsrestaurantsLarry found a job as a valet (车管员)at a big restaurant in Hollywood,

28、 parking cars for its customers. Expensive restaurants usuallyprovide valet parking service for their customers. Valets like Larry park customers cars for them when they arrive and bring their carsto them when they leave. Customers are supposed to give tips for the service.4. itsits nownow oror neve

29、rneveran emphatic way of saying that something must be done immediately because if you miss the chance, it will never come again5. A A lotlot ofof bigbig companiescompanies areare afterafter me.me.This sentence can be understood in two ways: 1) A lot of important film companies are interested in me;

30、 2) A lot of utility companies(referring to gas, electricity, telephone companies etc.) are pressing me to pay their bills. Here Larry cleverly exploited the ambiguityin the sentence to impress the film director. T he director was amused by Larry s sense of humor when he realized the real meaning of

31、the sentence.6. thethe would-bewould-be starstarreferring to Larry. We can use would-be “to describe someone who wants to do a particular thing, especially to take up certain career,e.g., a would-be writer, a would-be singer, etc.ExerciseExercise 1 1Listen to the passage and choose the right answers

32、 to the questions you hear.1. What does the story mainly tell us?a. How Larry found a job in a restaurant in Hollywood.b. How Larry managed to make a living in Hollywood.c. How Larry started his caree门n Hollywood.d. How Larry met an important film director in Hollywood.2. Which of the following stat

33、ements about Larry can be inferred?a. Larry was an idealistic dreamer.b. Larry had a fine sense of humor.c. Larry was going to be a great movie star.d. Larry was broke when he met the film director.3. Why was the film director interested in Larry?a. He was amused by Larrys unusual way of recommendin

34、g himself.b. He thought Larry would make a good actor.c. He was sorry for Larry.d. He didn t want Larry to be employed by other companies.ExerciseExercise 2 2Listen again and write down answers to the following questions.1. What helped Larry to carry on with life when his dream was dashed again and

35、again?His belief that one day he would become a movie star.2. What job did Larry find in order to support himself?Parking cars for one of Hollywoods big re staurants.3. Was Larry well-paid and how did he manage to make a living?No, his pay was only basic. But he got generous tips from guests driving

36、 into the restaurant.4. What happened one day that changed Larrys life?Larry parked the car of a famous film director and was able to introduce himself to the man.5. Larry said: A lot of big companies are after me. What can be the two meanings of this statement?a. Many big film companies are interes

37、ted in me.b. Many big companies are pressing me to pay their bills.SpeakingSpeaking TasksTasksCommunicativeCommunicative Function:Function: ExpressingExpressing CertaintyCertainty andand PossibilityPossibilityAskingAsking AboutAbout CertaintyCertaintyResponse:Response: ExpressingExpressing Certainty

38、CertaintyAre you sure you want to give up your job and go travelingaround the world?I m sure of it.Yes, I am.Are you fully aware of the risk you are taking?I can assure you I understand it perfectly.Are you certain you will have no regrets?I ve no doubt about that.Do you think your decision is reall

39、y a good one?I veo doubt it is the best decision I ve ever made.AskingAsking AboutAbout CertaintyCertaintyResponse:Response: ExpressingExpressing UncertaintyUncertaintyAre you going to continue studying for a master s degreein business after graduation?I mnot sure / certain whether I ltontinue study

40、ing ornot.Are you planning to go abroad for furthering your studies?I m uncertain / unsure of that.I haven t made up my mind.AskingAsking AboutAbout PossibilityPossibilityResponse:Response: ExpressingExpressing PossibilityPossibilityDo you think most of us can fulfill our dreams if we nevergive up?I

41、 think so.It is possible for most of us to fulfill our dreams if wenever give up.It is possible that most of us will fulfill our dreams ifwe persevere in doing what we decide to do.AdditionalAdditional VocabularyVocabularyto dream of becoming a(n) explorer / astronaut / entrepreneur / philanthropist

42、 / fashion model / filmmaker / world-famous composer / pianist/ rock star / Olympic award-winnerto travel around the worldto visit the famous cities in the worldto climb up Mount Qomolangmato explore the North Pole (Arctic Pole) / South Pole (Antarctic Pole)to go abroad and see the worldto further m

43、y studies abroadto pursue postgraduate programsto win first prize in an English speech contestto excel in athletics / compete in the Olympicsto design buildings strong enough to withstand powerful earthquakesto invent a cure for cancer / life-threatening diseasesto buy a cozy apartment / brand-new c

44、arto marry my true loveto run a company of my ownto open a store on the webListen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner.ConversationConversation 1 1A:I like the story we ve just heard very much.B:So do I. Its very entertaining.A:I wonder

45、 if Larry would really become a famous movie star.B:It is quite possible. He was so clever.A:But being clever alone doesnt make you a good actor.B:I suppose so. But at least he had realized his dream of acting in a Hollywood movie.A: Thats true. By the way, whats your dream?B: I dont know. I m not s

46、o ambitious as Larry, I think.A:So what do you want most in life, then?B:A decent job, an apartment of my own and a family that I really love.A:I guess most people would like to have those.B:What more can you wish for?A: Well, Ivealways wanted to be a singer.B: Have you? No wonder, you sing so well.

47、AskingAsking AboutAbout PossibilityPossibilityDo you think we can visit the moon as tourists in thenear future?Our dreams may be fulfilled if we always have faith in whatwe want to achieve.Perhaps / Possibly / Maybe we will fulfill our dreams ifwe never lose hope.Response:Response: ExpressingExpress

48、ing ImpossibilityImpossibilityI dont think so. It is impossible that we could make thetrip soon.I doubt it. It is impossible for us to do that so soon.ConversationConversation 2 2A: Hi, Xiao Fang. How have you been?B: Oh, hello, Xiao Li. I ve been pretty busy these days.A: Are you preparing to go to

49、 the Northwest this summer as a volunteer?B: Yes.A:Do you think your application will be approved?B:Absolutely sure.A:So you can now realize your dream of teaching kids there.B:I have no doubt about that.ConversationConversation 3 3A: Hi, Ling Pin. How s your cousin doing?B: Hes tired. He has just t

50、aken the Civil Service Test 公务员考试.A:No wonder I haven t seen him for ages. Why did he want to take such a test?B:The civil service has recently become a popular career choice.A:Do you think he can get his dream job?B:Im not certain of that. The competitionis very, very tough, you know.A: Anyway, dre

51、am brings hope. It is good for him to have a dream.B: I think so, too.ExerciseExerciseNow make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations whereappropriate.1. Ask your partner about his / her plan to pursue postgraduate stud

52、ies. Try to use the language that expresses certainty and possibilityin your conversation.2. Ask your partner about his / her dreams. You can use some expressions from the Additional Vocabulary above and other expressions you ve learned in this unit.PartPart C CTestTest YourYour ListeningListeningA

53、A PassagePassageListen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions.1. When did Zaslow start writing stories?a. In 1988.b. In his childhood.c. At Carnegie Mellon University.d. At the Chicago Sun-Times.2. How old was Zaslow when his column became popular with readers in Chicago?a. 33.

54、b. 31.c. 28.d. 41.3. What is the major benefit Zaslow has got from his years in the advice business?a. He has realized his dream of becoming a writer.b. He has greater faith in his fellow men.c. He earns a good salary.d. He has made many friends.4. What can be inferred from the passage?a. People pla

55、ying the roles of cartoon figures at Disney World had a hard life.b. Zaslow did not like his job at the Wall Street Journal .c. Jeffrey Zaslow was a better advice columnist than Ann Landers.d. To be an advice c olumnist has always been Zaslow s dream.Script:Jeffrey Zaslow, the advice columnist for t

56、he Chicago Sun-Times, grew up in suburbanPhiladelphia. His biggest ambition in life was to be a writer.I never wanted to be anything els(he says. I wasten or eleven when I saw Gone with the Wind and I wrote my own Civil War story.After earning a degree in creative writing at Carnegie Mellon Universi

57、ty, he got a job at a newspaper in Orlando, Florida. He made hismark with his article on the rough working conditions endured by the people inside the Mickey and Minnie costumes at Walt Disney World. Laterhe became a staff writer for the Wall Street Journal .In 1988, when the famous advice columnist

58、, Ann Landers, quit her job at the Chicago Sun-Times, the paper launched a nationwide contestto find her replacement. Jeffrey Zaslow applied. Among the 12,000 contestants, women outnumbered men nine to one, and most of them had seena lot more of life than Zaslow, who was 28 and not married. When he

59、reached the semifinals, his editors at the Journal ran a headline :Why He ll Never Make It. But Jeffrey didmake it in the finals.Today, thirteen years later, his column,“ All That Zazz, is read by thousands of readers inthe Chicago area. His years in the advice business left him with a deep apprecia

60、tion for people and their problems. He is also greatly movedby the generosity, sincerity and good nature of his readers. Wonderful people, he says, “ do outnumber terrible people in this world.I have much more faith in my fellow me n than I had before. And I ve read plenty of letters to back that up


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