



1、QUALITY SY STEM PROCEDURE 质量体系程序Number文件编号:PD-C5-02Department 咅部门:AQP工程咅ESubject文件名称:Customer Satisfaction Measuri ng Procedure顾客满意度调查程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date生效日期:2021-1-1Page 1 of 4 作成:Change变更记History 巳录Revision 版 本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change 修改原因1.0 Purpose 目的The purp

2、ose of this procedure is to en sure that customer satisfacti on is measured systematically and certa in acti ons are take n for future improveme nt.本程序保证针对客户满意度有系统地进行监测,并采取举措积极改良2.0 Scope 范围All customers in put and percepti on on the compa ny, product and service provided. 本程序覆盖所有对公司、产品以及效劳有所需求的客户.3

3、.0 Defin itio ns 定义None/ 无4.0 Respo nsibility and authority责任与权限4.1 AQP dept.工程部:1) is respon sible to draw up, send and collect of Customer Satisfacti on Survey. 负责客户满意度调查表的编制,发出,接收和统计.4.2 Quality dept.质量部:1) is resp on sible to statistic and inform related resp on sible departme nt to an alyze and

4、 take acti ons tocorrect and improve those un satisfactory aspects.客户不满意问题的整理,并通知相关责任部门去分析并采取举措纠正提升客户满意度.2) follow-up and verify the effective ness of actio ns.负责对举措的跟踪和验证.4.3 Related respo nsible Dept. in questio nn aires.客户满意度调查表中的相关责任部门QUALITY SY STEM PROCEDURE 质量体系程序Number文件编号:PD-C5-02Department

5、 咅部门:AQP工程咅ESubject文件名称:Customer Satisfaction Measuri ng Procedure顾客满意度调查程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date生效日期:2021-1-1Page 2 of 4Questi onn airesIn quiry reponseOn time deliveryCapacity support FlexibilityCustomerserviceQuality complai ntQuality improveme ntTech ni cal customer serviceResp on sible d

6、ept.AQPLogisticAQPAQPQualityQualityAQP5.0 Procedure 程序5.1 Customer Satisfaction Ma nageme nt顾客满意度治理In formatio n and data related to customer satisfacti on are acquired from quality performa nee data and fromcustomer feedback and compla in ts, to in clude one or more of the followi ng:有关顾客满意的信息和数据来自

7、于质量绩效数据和顾客抱怨和反应,包括下面一项或更多项:a) Delivered part quality performa nee交付产品的质量绩效b) Delivery schedule performa nee交付及时性绩效c) Customer compla ints and feedback顾客抱怨和反应d) Customer disruptio ns and field retur ns 顾客的中断和返回e) Customer satisfacti on surveys顾客满意调查f) Customer notificatio ns顾客通告g) Awards and recog ni

8、ti ons from customers, associati ons and con sumer groups 顾客,团体和消费群体的表彰和成认h) Bus in ess reports业务报告i) Lost bus in ess 失去的业务Results of in itial process studies and statistical data from process mon itori ng are compiled and evaluated mon thly by the Quality Departme nt. Con clusi ons are compared to

9、those from precedi ng periods, to ide ntify tren ds.来自于过程监控的初期过程水平研究结果和统计数据由质量部门每月编辑和评价,比拟以前的那些结论然后识别趋势.5.2 External Survey on Customer Satisfactio n(Applied for all customers)顾客满意度的外部调查(适用于所有客户)5.2.1 Ways of Survey on Customer Satisfacti on顾客满意度的调查方式(1) Keep in touch with customers and call on the

10、customers regularly保持与顾客沟通,定时拜访顾客(2) Receiv ing complai nts and confirm customers' opinions after the process ing of complai nts接收投诉并确认投诉处理后顾客的意见(3) Questi onn aire问卷调查5.2.2 Questio nn aire in Customer Satisfaction Survey顾客满意度的问卷调查方式5.2.2.1 Customer satisfacti on Survey can be sent by:客户满意度问卷通过以

11、下途径发放:a) If possible, every year AQP should arrange visits to customers and fill Customer Satisfacti on Survey with customers together. All results/feedbacks must be recorded.可行时,每年工程部都应该组织客户拜访并同客户一起填写客户满意度问卷.所有结果及反应 信息记录在案.QUALITY SY STEM PROCEDURE 质量体系程序Number文件编号:PD-C5-02Department 咅部门:AQP工程咅ESub

12、ject文件名称:Customer Satisfaction Measuri ng Procedure顾客满意度调查程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date生效日期:2021-1-1Page 3 of 4b) If we cannot commu ni cate with customer on site, AQP prepares the customer survey/questionnaire and sends it to customer , target once a year. And confirm the reply date with the cust

13、omer.无法现场与客户进行沟通调查时,工程部准备客户调查表每年发放给客户,一年一次.并与客户联系确认回复日期.522.2 More than 100% of the on service customers should be in quired.所调查年份内有交易的100 %以上的顾客应该被调查到. Quality dept. collects the survey/questionnaire and counts the score. Quantified 10 pointssystem is used in the survey.质量部收集与整理调查表,进行分数统计.调查

14、采用量化10分制5.2.2.4 Related resp on sible dept. find out correcti on and further improveme nt by the exam in ati on and an alysis of customer survey/questi onn aire, if the score is lower tha n the average level. For corrective acti on, please refer to Corrective and Preventive Procedure .如果单项分数低于平均水平,责

15、任单位通过对客户问卷的调查和分析,查找需要纠正和改善的 地方.参照纠正和预防举措程序的要求采取纠正预防举措.5.3客户满意情况也可通过如下方面进行内部监控:5.3.1 Delivered part quality performa nee交付产品的质量绩效In formati on about the qua ntity of noncon form ing compou nds delivered to customer is acquired from mon thly performa nee reports from customers.Quality dept. is due to

16、follow up the yield rate ofcompou nd before and after delivery, and report it every mon th.有关交付不合格产品给顾客的信息来自于顾客每月的绩效报告里,或者产品交付前后的合格率情况由 质量部们跟踪统计,并每月汇报.5.3.2 Customer disruptio ns and field retur ns顾客中断和外部退货In formati on about customer disrupti ons and field retur ns is acquired from mon thly custome

17、r performa nee reports.QA dept. will record the in formatio n such as customer complai nts in compla int logs. 有关顾客中断和退货的信息从每月的顾客绩效报告里获得,质量部负责接收并统计此方面的信息.5.3.3 Delivery schedule performa nee交付及时性绩效The on-time delivery performa nee of customer ordered compou nds should be evaluated by Sales &Mark

18、eting dept. The result will be reported to management quarterly. 对客户订购产品的按期交付情况由市场 &销售部进行统计评估,并每季度汇总后向治理层报告.5.3.4 Customer notificati ons顾客通告Customer notifications reported monthly by Quality, with a total number of and a description of the un derly ing causes and their eon seque nces. Quality dept s


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