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1、兰凤利兰凤利 上海中医药大学上海中医药大学|中医学承继、发扬了中医学承继、发扬了的的阴阳思想,中医古典文献中的阴阳思想,中医古典文献中的“阴阳主要是指哲学意义上的阴阳主要是指哲学意义上的“阴阳,而在详细的言语环境阴阳,而在详细的言语环境中,又有详细的医学所指,如中,又有详细的医学所指,如指男女、性生活、阴经阳经、指男女、性生活、阴经阳经、阴邪阳邪、阴气阳气等等。而阴邪阳邪、阴气阳气等等。而其含义确实定是高度依赖于语其含义确实定是高度依赖于语境的。境的。|21 “阴阳哲学概念的英译阴阳哲学概念的英译|“阴阳的翻译:阴阳的翻译:|Yin and Yang the male and female e

2、lements in nature; |Yang, the element of light; Yin, the element of darkness;|Yin and Yang, the negative and positive principles in nature;|The element of light; the element of darkness;|Yang, the lucid element of life; Yin, the turbid element of darkness;|Yang, the male element; Yin, the female ele

3、ment;|Yin and Yang the two elements in nature;|Yang, the lucid element; Yin, the turbid element;|Yin and Yang the two opposing principles;|Yang (the male principle of light and life); Yin (the female principle of darkness and death);| Veith:97-253,1949|yin, the female principle in Chinese PHILOSOPHY

4、 which is inactive, dark, negative, etc. and which combines with YANG (= the male principle) to form the whole world;“yang, the male principle in Chinese PHILOSOPHY which is active, light, POSITIVE, etc. and which combines with YIN (= the female principle) to form the whole world.| Longman Dictionar

5、y of Contemporary English:1789,1787|Yin and Yang (in Chinese philosophy and religion) two principles, one negative, dark and feminine (Yin), and one positive, bright, and masculine (Yang), whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things. | Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictiona

6、ry of the English Language:1656 |“阴阳者,天地之道也,万物之纲纪,变化之父母,生杀之本始,神明之府也。|Yin and yang, they are |the Way of heaven and earth, |the fundamental principles governing the myriad beings, |father and mother to all changes and transformations, |the basis and beginning of generating and killing, |the palace of

7、 spirit brilliance. Unschuld|在详细的言语环境中, 如以“阴阳指代详细概念,如男女、性生活、阴阳经脉、阴血和阳气、等,翻译时就应予以点明。 |1.丈夫八岁,肾气实,发长齿更;二八,肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故能有子。 |英译:In the male, at the age of 8 the boys kidney qi is abundant, his hair grows and his baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. At the age of 16 the tian gui or sex-stimu

8、lating essence matures, he begins to secrete semen; if at this point the male and female unite in harmony, a child may be conceived. |2.冲任之脉既起于胞内,阴阳过度,那么伤胞络,故风邪乘虚而入于胞,损冲、任之经,伤太阳、少阴之血,致令胞络之间,秽液与血相兼,连带而下。 |英译:The conception and thoroughfare vessels both originate from the uterus. Excessive sexual acti

9、vities harms uterine collaterals, and then pathogenic wind invades the uterus, impairing the two vessels, damaging blood of Taiyang and Shaoyin, causing turbidity and blood in the uterine collaterals, together with vaginal discharge flowing down out of the body |3.百病之始生也,皆生于风雨寒暑、阴阳喜怒、饮食居处、大惊卒恐。 |英译:

10、Various diseases are caused by exposure to wind, rain, cold or summer-heat, or excess sex, or a lack of harmonious emotions, or improper diet, or a lack of regularity in lifestyle, or great fear or sudden fright . |4. 粗工治之,亟刺阴阳,身体解散,粗工治之,亟刺阴阳,身体解散,四支转筋,死日有期。四支转筋,死日有期。 )|英译:英译:A careless doctor treat

11、s it by pricking the yin and yang meridians time and again, thus causing the patient getting emaciated, having crumps in the limbs and coming closer to the death day. |阐明:针灸经穴称号的国际规范化阐明:针灸经穴称号的国际规范化方案中方案中WHO,“经脉的规范经脉的规范化译语是化译语是 meridian (a two-dimensional grid)。鉴于。鉴于“经脉能经脉能运转气血,是三维的管道,运转气血,是三维的管道,ch

12、annel (a three-dimensional tube) 亦成为亦成为“经脉的流行对应译语。经脉的流行对应译语。 |5.夫阴与阳,皆有俞会,阳注于阴,阴满之外,阴阳匀平,以充其形,九候假设一,命曰平人。夫邪之生也,或生于阴,或生于阳,其生于阳者,得之风雨寒暑;其生于阴者,得之饮食居处、阴阳喜怒。( ) |“夫阴与阳之“阴阳指阴经和阳经 |“阴阳匀平之“阴阳为笼统意义上的阴阳 |“阴阳喜怒之“阴阳“指男女,性生活,详细到语境,意为“性生活过度 |英译:The yin and yang meridians possess acupuncture points, where transpor

13、tation and convergence of qi and blood occur. Blood and qi of the yang meridians will transport to the yin meridians. Blood and qi then fill the yin meridians and flow to other parts of the body. Then yin and yang are balanced, the body becomes robust, the nine indicators of the bodys pulses will al

14、so be concert. This occurs in a normal, healthy person. The pathogens may attack the body. There are internal damages caused by yin pathogens and external contractions caused by yang pathogens. The external contractions caused by yang pathogens may result from exposure to rain, wind, cold, or summer

15、 heat; while the internal damages caused by yin pathogens may arise from improper diet, a lack of regularity in lifestyle, excessive sexual activities, or a lack of harmonious emotions. |6.蘖木, 味苦,寒。主治五脏、肠胃中结热;黄疸;肠痔;止泄痢;女子漏下赤白;阴阳伤;蚀疮。(|伤,通“壮 。|:“望卿走, 自投井死,昭信出之,椓杙其阴中。|唐顾况:“囝生南方,闽吏得之乃绝其阳。|:“壮,伤也。|:“带甲婴

16、马害歌於行伍,使人身伤。|于新吾新证:“伤,就读作壮。|阴阳伤,男女生殖器性欲旺盛,即男女性欲旺盛。 |英译: Phellodendri Cortex (Huang Bo), bitter in flavor and cold in property. Indications: accumulated heat in the five zang organs as well as in the stomach and intestines; jaundice; perianal abscess; arresting diarrhea and dysentery; spotting with r

17、ed or light-colored discharge in women; hypersexuality; sores resistant to healing. |7.伤寒之脉,阴阳俱盛而紧涩;热病之脉,阴阳俱浮,浮之而滑,沉之散涩。 ( )|英译:The pulse of cold damage: both cun and chi pulses are strong, tense, and choppy. The pulse of febrile disease: both cun and chi pulses are floating; the pulses are slippery

18、 when felt slightly, and scattered and choppy when felt heavily. |8.阴阳相搏,名曰动。阳动那么汗出,阴动那么发热。( ) |英译:When yin qi and yang qi wrestle with each other, the pulse is throbbing. When the cun pulse is throbbing, sweating results; when the chi pulse is throbbing, fever ensues. |五脏为阴、六腑为阳五脏为阴、六腑为阳| “五脏五脏 the (five) yin organs| the f


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